
Why Is Russia So Worried About Ukraine Joining NATO?

The aggressive and expansionist intention, designs and actions of the Hegemonic Unlawful States of America (USA) is to use NATO as the tool to expand its Hegemony in the World.

Over the last few years, more and more countries that were part of the USSR have been coerced, enticed and trapped into joining NATO.

Out of the 16 countries that serve as a buffer zone between Europe and Russia, 14 of them has already been swallowed by NATO. Not only that, many of those 14 countries have become US and Western military bases.

Such aggressive expansionist actions have caused a geopolitical imbalance and worries Russia no ends.

By absorbing the 14 ex-USSR countries into NATO, the overall strength of the NATO forces and economic might have increased exponentially, putting Putin's defence plan for Russia in an extremely precarious situation.

With the latest US intention and move to make Ukraine join NATO, it leaves no more buffer zone for Russia to react if the US-NATO Forces were to invade Russia at any time.

At present, only Belarus and Ukraine have not become part of NATO YET.

Poland, the neighbouring country closest to Belarus has been very busy, under the instigation and active support of USA and NATO, been constantly causing troubles for Belarus (previously known as Belarussia) in order to coerce it into joining NATO.

At the same time, the US has been instigating, intimidating and brain-washing the present Pro-US Ukrainian leader to become part of NATO.

The intention of the US is to leave Russia with no buffer zone to protect herself from any US-NATO SURPRISE INVASION!

This strategic geopolitucal move by the US will allow the US-NATO forces to attack and invade Russia at short notice, taking Russia by SURPRISE!


Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden said on Friday (Feb 18) that Russia President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine, and that he continues to spread false information to try to build a pretext for a military strike that could happen in days.

"As of this moment I am convinced that he has made the decision (to invade)," Biden told reporters in Washington. "We have reason to believe that," he added, citing US intelligence assessments. Reuters

The warmongering Americans keep spreading lies about Russia invading Ukraine. The truth is that the Americans have decided to start a war in Ukraine to destroy Ukraine and Europe and blame it on Russia.

The Reuters comment above should read with Biden and Putin switched places and it would be the truth that is going to happen.

The Ukrainians and Europeans would be war collaterals in war planned by the Americans.

Anonymous said...

Everything Blinken alleged the Russians would do in the UN is exactly what the Americans are going to do. A false flag incident to start a war is standard American playbook.

They said 20 Feb, tomorrow. Watch out for it. They knew the timing and the place and how it would be executed.

Anonymous said...

The same question must be asked: Why is he USA so worried about Cuba hosting USSR missiles in the 60s, that almost lead to war between USA and USSR?

The sword always cut both ways. If Ukraine joins NATO, you can be sure Russia will find ways to station missiles either in Venezuela or Cuba. It goes without saying. As they say, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

And this is why China cannot allow Taiwan to be under the USA control, because Taiwan is the Cuba to the Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Russia did not announce it's mass withdrawal of troops from it's border with Ukraine. They only announced the winding up of their military exercise, and some troops and tanks were just returning to their usual base camp. Putin would be foolish to withdraw his troops en masse at this critical stage, when the USA has even set a date for war.

The USA and the West took this opportunity to blow this up to capitalise on the narrative that Russia is faking a withdrawal, which was not on the cards in the first place. They now spin it to accuse the Russians of faking withdrawal and were instead adding fuel to fire, by claiming that the Russians were in fact moving more troops to the border.

Now there is the spin that British Intelligence are now being brought into action, maybe providing service to add to the already spoilt pot of hot soup in Europe. British fake intelligence provided all the fabricated information about Saddam Hussein's WMD and chemical weapons that led to the Iraq War. The British Intelligence is now seen as a joke, just like it's PM and the Royal Family. They are the laughing stock of the whole world.

The UK is out of EU and has no plausible reason to interfere so much in European affairs. Why are they still doing evil, sowing evil and instigating evil? The UK itself is a long fallen empire, reduced to an Island and a half and yet acting like the de facto side kick of the USA. Dogs are dogs hoping to rise up again on the coat-tails of the USA. Shameless!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> This strategic geopolitucal move by the US will allow the US-NATO forces to attack and invade Russia at short notice, taking Russia by SURPRISE! <<

Please lah. Do you think it is easy as 1-2-3 to "surprise" Putin with an attack? What, with Joe "The Brain Fart" Biden as Commander-In-Chief of US Forces, and clowns like Boris in the UK and all the other morons of the EU---can you imagine them thinking like military geniuses? Oh...don't forget the ex-standup comedian president of Ukraine...wow, a regular Von Clausewitz he is (not)!

All Putin has to do is turn off the gas and the oil, and the EU will shut down from lack of energy. UK might be OK, but even their own North Sea oil and gas is not delivering like it was. Norway can supply fossil fuels, but they will charge PREMIUM, cos they like money!

NATO won't even have electricity to charge the batteries on their drones, let alone fly their planes.

Anonymous said...

They USA wanted Germany to derail starting NORD Stream 2 completely, a project initiated by the Germans in the first place. The USA obviously is not in to help Europe, but there to sabotage and poison the EU's relationship with Russia. Not that the EU and Russia have a deep love for each other, but economically are interdependent on one another. And that does not sit in well with the USA. It wants to divide and control and wants to force the EU to buy expensive US gas and oil. Right now the EU depends on Russia for 40% of it's gas and 25% of it's oil.

Zelensky, by the way, is going under the bus whichever way the situation ends in Ukraine. Not being allowed and supported in his efforts to join NATO is his Waterloo. The fact that he is singing a different tune from the official USA version of hyping up a Russian Invasion, and instead countering it, must have been a hard pill to swallow for the USA. He is more or less saying the USA is fabricating lies, which can never go answered as far as Satan is concerned.

Anonymous said...

Biden is now talking cock. He says Russia has no reason to invade Ukraine. Has Russia invaded Ukraine yet? It is the USA egging Russia to invade, even announcing Russia's invasion date for Russia. Russia not invading Ukraine is not playing into the USA hands. Putin knows what is on Biden's mind.

As the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson correctly said: ;A message to the misinformation media Bloomberg, The New York Times, the Sun etc, please announce our invasion schedule for next year. I want to plan my vacation'. What a joke!

Russia will step in if Ukraine attacks the two breakaway republics. This is their red line. A USA false flag is on the cards as they need war urgently. They have been instigating it since August, 2021.

Anonymous said...

The EU knows the consequence of a war with Russia. They are the ones going to take the shit on their faces, not the USA. Their economy relies heavily on Russian oil and gas. The USA will benefit in such a situation. They have been trying to barge in on the energy business with the EU for a long time.

That is why they have been trying to stop NORD Stream 2 earlier while it was under construction with sanctions, and now is trying to force Germany to abandon it altogether. The Germans are caught between a rock and a hard place. They do not want war.

Anonymous said...

Wah lan, eh. Invade Russia? Belarus join NATO? Sorry, but this is one dumb article. Uncle RB, you need to be more discerning about reprinting such comments.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You are dyslexic or worse. You need to read over again and again to get the facts right when you are having such a condition. Or you can't read.

Anonymous said...

If Putin turns off the gas, the USA and EU can use 'fart' to drive their drones, tanks and armoured vehicles. Farting, or telling lies and fabricating news, is their forte, so they should not waste all that and pollute the air instead.

Anonymous said...

Lying by the USA is so natural, it is just like breathing to them.

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