
Ukraine is a lesson for the world to see how obnoxious and aggressive the Americans are

 Ukraine is giving the world a lesson in how easy to start a war, how easy to be misled and used by the Americans to start a war. And how easy the lives and economy of the whole country could be destroyed within days when the people could be living happily in peace instead.

A young boy President thinking too smart for himself, that he is a genius of sort, to mess around with big power politics, thinking that he could decide what is good for his country, he is in charge, in control, without having to care a hoot about the interests of big powers, has now landed in hot soup. His actions have made Ukraine a threat to Russia, allowing Americans to control and be at the border of Russia. How could this boy ever think that he could get away with it by becoming an accomplice of the Americans to threaten Russia and Russian interests?

But that is not the end. He suddenly found out that he is not in control. He is just a puppet on a string. The main player is the Americans. He has to do what the Americans say or else he would be drown out, kick aside. And what the Americans want it war on Russia's border.

He has played with fire, with the lives and future of his country. When the boy President willingly chose to become a tool/weapon of the Americans to threaten Russia, he would have to pay a price for it.

The moral of the story, when one is just a small country, do not act too smart thinking that one is so clever, can mess around with big powers and can have his cake and eat it. A small country is allowed to flirt around only when the big powers allowed it to do so, or it happens to be singing the same tune. Once it goes out of line, not in the interests of the big powers, he would be thrown under the bus.

Who is going to rescue this boy President? Who is going to prevent the loss of lives of Ukrainians? Not the Americans. They would send a token of soldiers to support from behind. Maybe send more weapons. But the Americans would not fight and die to defend Ukraine and the Ukrainians.

The Ukrainians die, it is their business. Ukraine got bombed out of existence, it is their business. Europeans got dragged into the war and die, it is their business.

Why on earth would people living peacefully be stupidly pushed themselves into a devastating war, or allowed themselves to be set up to go to war? Can you imagine how many Ukrainians, Russians and Europeans are going to die all for nothing but a foolish boy President thinking too highly of himself.

Know your place, stay away from big power politics.  Do not risk your country and the lives of your people to play with the devils.

If you can live in peace, why go to war? War is very fun, very exciting? Can be heroes. Yes, dead heroes.

How many Ukrainians and Europeans and Russians are going to die because of this war when there is no need to? And the boy President has no way to stop this war. The Americans have taken over the game and deciding how it should be played. So pathetic for Zelensky now. What can he do? Absolutely nothing. Ukraine is now a pawn in the chess board of the Americans.

Zelensky has led Ukraine into a war.  And many people will die for what he had done to start this war.


The Neutral Eyes said...

Singapore MFA says the Russian military operations in Ukraine is "unprovoked". This is grossly inaccurate and a big lie.

The boy President of Ukraine has been provoking Russia continuously, to the extent that it is threatening Russia's national security and long-term survival over the past few years. What unprovoked!

Singapore MFA is highly bias. It failed to condemn the US on many occasions - killing innocent civilians by the millions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, etc.

Singapore MFA now looks like a puppet being pulled by strings held by the US.

Anonymous said...

Singapore still never learn from past experiences. Stupidity has no cure.

Anonymous said...

Hope Let the ground ALL over open up every where this time.

Anonymous said...

The Singapore A-level selected elite boys are always thinking too highly of themselves.

Keep provoking and poking at China and Russia.

One day, they will have to pay for their folly.

Anonymous said...

The Americans presurising every lackey to speak up against Russia. See the lackeys obediently opening their shit mouth to attack Russia. You can count them by what they said.

Anonymous said...

By interfering in Myanmar's internal affairs, Singapore has lost its standing and credibility in international affairs.

Anonymous said...

By condemning Russia without condemning the US, UK and NATO, Singapore has become an attack dog, tied to a rope held by the hands of the evil USA.

Anonymous said...

Asean is now controlled by the Americans through a few of its lackeys and think it is its responsibility to poke at the internal affairs of Asean members.

Who is leading Asean in this direction, to behave like an American instrument to create mischief in Asean and to divide and destabilise Asean?

Anonymous said...

K,this one we call Putin strain.

Anonymous said...

At first, Singapore said it is concerned about the situation in Ukraine.

Then, after the CIA called the MFA to express unhappiness with Singapore’s statement, cowardly, on the very next day, Singapore changed its statement to condemn Russia. What a balls-carrying imbecile!

Unable to stand on its own conviction. Easily succumbed under pressure from the CIA or the US State Dept.

What international laws to uphold?

Anonymous said...

Sin likes its' Leedership, shall be placed at its' proper place very soon.
It is apparent that the Conceited Aristocrat is like invisible to most Asean Leaders.
The Archilles Heel of the Tiny Barren Rock is a natural phenomena beyond control of anybody. It is akin to the lnescaple Natural Process of 生老病死. In the Case of Sin, the Process is greatly speeded-up by hot-housing and as such, the End arrives much earlier.
The Fast ripenning and maturity is cause by greed.

Anonymous said...

Greed, arrogance and pride are the three combination that brings down any powerful person or party.

Singapore leeders are full of greed, arrogance and pride.

Anonymous said...

By flooding the island with foreigners and raising the population beyond what it can cope, the combination is a sure formula for immediate self destruction.

Anonymous said...

In preparation for the current war to pluck the pro-US regime in Ukraine, Putin has patiently built Russia into an economic fortress over the past eight years that can withstand expected Western and (some foolish) Asian sanctions.

Russia's debt-to GDP ratio is currently a mere 18% (compared to the US' 133%, as the Americans can print money due to its hegemonic global dollar-based financial architecture); and has accumulated the world's fourth largest foreign-exchange reserves with help from rising oil prices.

Putin has also tactically secured Chinese President Xi's support for Russia's economy at the Beijing Olympics before he embarked on his Ukraine mission.

Anonymous said...

Not surprising at all. Many people expected this to play out exactly as what is happening.

Russian parliament had 2 months ago passed a Bill to recognise Donetsk & Luhansk, which Putin initially just sit on it until 3 days ago when he & the separatists were ready to go.

Upon signing the Bill, the announcement of written calls for help from both Donetsk & Luhansk were initiated, together with opening rounds of military action.

By this Sunday, Putin will announce a new govt of Ukraine. Basically securing a huge buffer between the West & Russia. Together with Belarus, it will be the reformation of the traditional Slavic Eastern-Orthodox Christian Empire.

The only region left to secure is the Baltic region: Lithuania, Latvia, & Estonia, which can form a north-western flank of attack towards St Petersburg.

Finland is a low probability as it will be very difficult for the West to launch a solid attack from Finland.

If Putin conquers the Baltics or installs pro-Russia govts there, he will have restored the original Russian Empire as of the early-19th century. From Poland to the Pacific, from the North Sea to Central Asia.

What this means is that War Stocks will do very well for a long time!

Anonymous said...

Singapore has been provoking Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Russia and China for a very long time.

One fine day, those countries are going to ask for pay-back time.

Anonymous said...

The Ukrainian army has no chance to resist. Its outnumbered 10:1. Plus the attack is launched on three sides - North, East and South. And from land, air, sea and cyberspace - all very well rehearsed and coordinated.

Putin is making sure that the capture of the Ukrainian capital over within a few days, disarm the Ukrainian military within a few weeks and the total assimilation of Ukraine within a few months.

Anonymous said...

India summoning Singapore's envoy is a provocation to Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

India is intimidating Singapore because Temasek and GIC have dumped $billions of investments into the shit hole.

Plus DBS has also dumped $billions into the bottomless pit, unable to retrieve yet has to pay and pay bribes after bribes to the dirty high court players.

The imbeciles think that they are smart to invest in India. But got played out wholesale.

Bookworms Singapore leaders can never beat the streetwise Indians.

Bookworms protected by the government's incubators are no talents. The real talents are those in the streets curving out a niche for themselves without government protection.

Anonymous said...

When one owes the bank a few thousand dollars, he would be at the bank's mercy.
When one owes the bank millions of dollars, the bank would be at his mercy.

When one invest some money in India, India would be very nice to him.
When the fucker invests billions in India, he would be at the mercy of the Indians.

And the fuckers cannot find a way out, so closed the eyes, keep dumping more good money after bad money into India and praying that it would still be there. After all it is other peopel's money. And they would not be around to answer for the crime in the long term.

Anonymous said...

Zelenskiy had to follow the USA's dictate as he is the stooge put in charge of Ukraine in a coup engineered by the USA and Europeans, that ousted the democratically elected former leader. The USA and the West thinks that by placing a puppet leader there, they could manoeuvre Ukraine into joining NATO. Russia would tolerate nothing of that.

Now they talk as if Russia will collapse tomorrow with sanctions. Cuba survived 60 odd years of embargo and is still standing. North Korea had been sanctioned for just as long, but the North Koreans are still alive and Kim is firing missiles into the sea every other day. Does North Korea look like a country on the verge of collapse? Russia had already been sanctioned after taking control of Crimea and have done none the worse with their economy.

When all these sanctions fail to work and Russia is embolden to forage further into the USSR former satellite states, what else can the USA and the West do? Maybe they will sanction the sun from shining in Russia, the wind from blowing across Russia and the tide from rising and falling around Russia. The sanctions game is going to be exhausted, defanged and rendered ineffective very soon.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

All the American lackeys are chattering like mindless monkeys. The UN included, demanding Russia to withdraw.

Did the UN demand the Americans for withdrawing from Iraq after it was confirmed that the WMD was a lie? And the Americans are still in Iraq, and also in Syria. And was in Afghanistan.

Russia attacked Ukraine for no reason? American attacked Iraq with a good reason, a fabricated lie is good reason, acceptable reason?

Anonymous said...

Heartbreaking scenes as Ukrainians flee to become refugees in wake of Russian invasion. Mothership.

How come no such drenching comments when the rogue Americans invaded Iraq, Syria etc etc and turning millions of Arabs and Muslims into refugees?

Anonymous said...

One sycophant in Washington was on TV saying that the Russian invasion was a cruel act of war.

This is so hypocritical that I wonder whether he knows the real meaning of cruelty that the USA war mongering activities caused over the decades, killing, mauling and initiating human sufferings upon millions all around the world. Vietnam is still suffering the effects of Agent Orange and unexploded bombs and mines are still causing casualties.

The 'Washington Gang' as one analyst puts it are always around whichever Party takes the White House, and will be around to spread the same lies, fabricate the same hubris and fool the same voters at home forever and ever.

This reminds me of a political parody aptly illustrated by the story of The Dying Farmer and his son, (probably already put up here earlier by others), but nevertheless worth repeating.

"A farmer asked his son before he died. Pigs complain about poor food. Cows complain about heavy work and chickens complain about dirty nest. What should you do? The son said 'change to good food, buy more cows, clean up the chicken coop'. The Farmer shook his head and said 'No, don't do anything. Let them vote. Let them choose you or your wife to take care of them and let them think they are the boss'.

This is exactly the same way the USA two party system works. The Deep State is the farmer. The son and his wife are the two Parties, Democrats and Republicans. The USA voters are the animals. They are the boss, right? They have democracy to choose the leaders they like! Ignorance is bliss.

Anonymous said...

US' Robbery of Afghan Assets

After the US released a plan to unfreeze money from Afghanistan's central bank but use it for the US' needs, the international community was outraged. Many are demanding that the US return the life-saving money to Afghans unconditionally.

President Joe Biden signed an executive order unfreezing $7 billion in Afghan funds held in the US to distribute the money as the US sees fit. Half of the assets will be used to compensate victims of the September 11 attacks while the other half will be used to set up a trust fund "for the benefit of the Afghan people." The move has not only triggered strong indignation in Afghanistan, but also caused an uproar in the international community.

The US is the culprit who had created chaos in Afghanistan. 30,000 civilians were killed during the Afghan war and approximately 11 million became refugees. Instead of offering a helping hand, the US is stealing money from Afghans.

Seven billion dollars means nothing to the US, which probably can be used to build three B-2 bombers. Yet for the people in Afghanistan, the money is urgently needed. It is live-saving. More than half of the Afghan population is facing starvation and millions of children have died from malnutrition and have no access to medical care. The country's education and social services are on the verge of collapse.

The US has no right to arbitrarily deal with other countries' overseas assets, whether by "freezing" the assets or carving them up. Such actions lack legal basis and are extremely unethical.

This is a disgusting behavior from the world's most powerful country, publicly robbing the assets of the world's most impoverished country

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

When a minister is paid a few thousand dollars a month, he would be at the government's mercy.

When a minister is paid a few million dollars a year, the government and people are at his mercy.

This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Anonymous said...

Wan Ting Koh·Senior Reporter
Fri, 25 February 2022, 11:18 am·5-min read
Australian man admits throwing glass bottle that killed elderly Singapore man. (PHOTO: Getty)

SINGAPORE — An intoxicated Australian man who was upset at terrorist attacks against his compatriots in other countries, and wanted to startle a group of Malays having a barbecue in his condominium, hurled a glass wine bottle at a table in the area.

The bottle fell down two floors and struck an elderly Malay man on his head, killing him. The bottle then ricocheted onto the man’s wife’s shoulder before landing on the floor unbroken.

In a hearing at the State Courts on Friday (25 February), the court heard that Andrew Gosling, 49, then fled to his unit. He denied any knowledge of the incident to investigators who came to his doorstep at Spottiswoode 18 condominium....

Gosling admitted to one count of causing death through a rash act, and one count of causing grievous hurt through a rash act. He entered Singapore on 15 July 2019 to find employment but was unemployed at the time of the offences. Yahoo News

Anonymous said...

Hope a lot of losers here had the balls to buy DBS, Keppel, Sembcorp, CICT, Ascendas, MIT, MLT, AA Reit, Parkway Life reit, Netlink Trust yesterday.

This is how rich get richer, and how poor but with right attitude get rich.

I managed to buy the iShares Russia ETF on LSE for $75 yesterday, and just sold today about 30 min ago for $100. 33% gains or about $16+K extra pocket money for me.

Bought lots of sinkie stocks yesterday afternoon, and lots of yankie stocks last night. Most to hold long long term.

Anonymous said...

Why no charge him for lying to the investigators?

Overlooked or closed two eyes?

Anonymous said...

Just like you, I also like to kpkb about my wealth.

I also bought a lot of shares and intend to hold loong loong time.

I have bought some Indexes and Cryptocurrency, all intend to hold loong loong time.

This is how the rich gets richer and the poor also can get rich.

No bluffing.

Anonymous said...

Same like here 99% no balls. That's why not rich. That's why PAPies still in-charge. That's why can only kpkb here.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine Lesson for Singapore

When small countries are caught between major powers, they should try to avoid completely being inclined to one side and helping this side challenge the other. This is very dangerous.

In the modern world, wars between major powers tend to be impossible, as they are unable to withstand wars between themselves.

When a great power punishes the pawns of another major power, it is a very difficult decision for the latter to fulfill its promise to join the battle to defend its smaller ally.

As a result, weak and small countries must maintain their strategic independence at least to a certain extent at all times. They cannot turn themselves into a mortal enemy of another great power that must be eliminated in order to please one great power.

Anonymous said...

Now the Brits and Europeans are saying they would not send troops to Ukraine, fearing that will ignite the whole of Europe into a major war.

Those are just lame excuses coming after all the tough talk before the Russians launch their invasion. Now why don't they just tell the truth that they are throwing Ukraine under the bus? Even Zelenskiy has now said that he does not expect outside help. Why does he say that?

This is a lesson for Taiwan as well. When the shit hits the fan, those who profess help will run with tails between their legs, like in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

How apt that they choose the name NATO. No action talk only.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine Lesson for Taiwan

The U.S. cannot withstand a war with China, and won't sacrifice American lives for Taiwanese lives.

Taiwan island is a low hanging fruit for Beijing to pluck, anytime !

Anonymous said...

As long as big countries can continue to support opposition entities and NGOs in any country with financial support and instigation to create unrest against the legitimate Government, no country is safe.

LKY knew this decades ago. That is why there are laws against foreign support for political parties. It really is interference in a country's internal affairs. Those that made the rules and do not tolerate foreign interference themselves must also walk the talk.

Anonymous said...

Donetsk & Luhansk lesson for Taiwan

If wanna declare independence, find a superpower willing to fire nuclear missiles & send a few million troops to kill.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine lesson For Singapore

When Malaysia and/or Indonesia invades Singapore, no Americans will sacrifice their lives for the tiny piece of rock.

Lee Hsien Loong better wake up! Stop punching above your light feather weight. And stop antagonising China, for goodness sake!

Anonymous said...

For a start, Singapore should:

1. dissociate herself from US aggressive activities and

2. stop publishing Anti-China articles in the Straits Times and CNA.

Anonymous said...

LHL should get rid of those who have been advising him wrongly. Those people probably have their own agendas bur cleverly hidden.

Anonymous said...

Remember the fall of Singapore in 1942, so-called British stronghold nicknamed the "Gibraltar of the East" - the Brits ran away leaving Singapore to the Japs who slaughter the Chinese and ruled the island state with collaboration from some Indians.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ accentuate the positive

Putin has "sanction-proofed" Russia. They have YUGE reserves (of Yuan, Euro & gold...probably Bitcoin too) and low debt, and have "great customers" like India and China they are contracted to sell their coal, oil, gas and steel to.

As usual, emotion and fear-led humans who play in markets panicked and sold, but some of us went shopping instead. Also, many jumped on the options bandwagon selling calls, which they had to cover---i.e. buy the stock, which adds to upward pressure in price. Good lah! 🤑

The Ukrainians are no push-over. They've fought Russians before. To me this is more like a "civil war". Ukraine historically was a potent part of the USSR. The shared history is rich with alliances and fights...as one would expect in every dysfunctional family. Most families are dysfunctional in some way or other...so no surprises there!

What hasn't been mentioned enough is the cyberwar going on. Lots of new malware being deployed by both sides. They will definitely "leak" and infect IT in other countries. And black hat hackers will not miss the opportunity to modify such malware for their own criminal enterprises. They are in business, so they make it "easy" for their "customers" Note: please don't do stuff like this! Picture for info purposes only!

So expect IT disruptions and new strains of malware to mess up your unsecured online lives. If you're not following, or haven't implemented BASIC cyber security protocols, you're just asking for trouble, and deserved to be hacked!

Anonymous said...

Sook Ching was a mass killing that occurred from 18 February to 4 March 1942 in Singapore after it fell to the Japanese. It was a systematic purge and massacre of perceived "hostile elements" in Singapore, with the Singaporean Chinese particularly targeted by the Japanese military during the occupation.

The Punggol Beach was one of the three main sites in Singapore where the Sook Ching Massacre took place. On 28 February 1942, some 400 Chinese Civilians, victims of the Sook Ching purge, were killed by the Japanese on this northeastern shore.

The killngs were done on a large-scale basis, as the Japanese sent many men who were suspected of being anti-Japanese to be shot dead and exterminated. The victims who perished were hastily discarded into the sea or left abandoned on the foreshore.

The remains of some victims were discovered by beachgoers and fishermen. in March 1977, a skull was brought to light when a man dug a hole in the sand around the area. In December 1997, a beachgoer found a gold tooth belonging to a victim's skull near the shore.

Anonymous said...

The Brits are a joke. Their two mighty bathtubs, the 'Repulse' and 'Prince of Wales' did not even saw battle and were sunk shortly after leaving Singapore. And they think the Chinese will shiver at the sight of their aircraft carrier, aka the bathtub 'Queen Elizabeth? One hypersonic missile will end it's reign and they can sing God Save the Queen.

And British Intelligence was so good they did not even know which direction the Japs were coming, with their miserable guns on Sentosa pointing Southwards while the Japs attacked from the North via Malaya.

All in all, I think British Intelligence are good only for make believe in the movies, like James Bond. And of course for helping the USA spy on other world leaders.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

A (Russian? No proof!) cyberwar tool used on Ukraine.

If security researchers have disassembled the code, you can bet hackers have done so as well...and added "modifications".

Anonymous said...

One comment on TV from a pro USA academic that I fail to understand about sanctioning Russia and cutting them from SWIFT. By mentioning in the next breath that countries depending on Russian oil and gas will not be able to pay Russia for their gas and oil without SWIFT is like admitting that such action is shooting their own foot.

They obviously think and assume that Russia will continue to pump oil and gas to Europe for free which is a no brainer. They obviously pretend to forget that Russia is selling oil and gas to China in ever greater volume than they can imagine, with a second pipeline already constructed. Russia has all the leeway to manage their supplies.

In fact, such action of cutting off Russia from SWIFT will create even greater problems for the WEST and instead benefit Russia more, with gas and oil prices even having to go much higher.

Anonymous said...

The USA and the West have been pushing China to state their official stand. You know what is their agenda. Why must China make a stand and why not ask India as well? The intention is to drag China in and is an attempt to pry apart the now close alliance between Russia and China. Anything China says against the invasion is not going to help that relationship with Russia.

China and India are standing by Russia, but not stating their official support because they know the USA wants to twist such response in devious ways to suit their evil, vile and malicious agenda. No way would these two countries, that have good relations with Russia sacrifice their relationship to respond to a malicious, vile and treacherous country like the USA.

The smaller countries, ie the doggies have to spout support for USA and the White gang's agenda, otherwise they fear the veiled threat of 'you are either with us or against us'. Support in their context is driven by coercion, not at all as they seem.

And they claimed Russia has no global support for their actions. No support whatever from China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and you can be sure many others in Asia and Africa under threat of regime changes orchestrated by the USA and the West eg Myanmar. The fake and fabricated narratives on MSM does not fit the reality.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This is not a war. It is one sided. The Russians just moved in to take over. There is no resistance. Very likely many of the generals and soldiers are pro Russians or did not want to fight.

The Russians are rolling into Kiev without any resistance.

Zelensky is going to flee very soon or be arrested.

Anonymous said...

We strongly support the Russians! We support Putin to create a new multi-polar world order and retrench American hegemonism !!!!

Anonymous said...


The Japs came down thru Thailand. Without the Thai's help, it would have been difficult for the Japs to beach assault Malaya (definitely S'pore).

The brits fault was poor military intelligence & inflexibility. Up till almost the end, the brit general Percival still believed the attack from Thailand was just a diversion & that the main jap attack will be nearer Singapore. The brits didn't rush reinforcements from JB & S'pore up north, and by the time Percival realised what was happening, he had lost most of Malaysia & the ability to manoeuvre his remaining forces.

S'pore island ended up as death trap with no food, no water, and dwindling ammo.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Comrade Putin. The Devious lnstigator cum Shit-stirer and its' Allies are exposed. They created problem to those that believe in them and then throw their suporters under the bus and even tank.
The Shit-stirer haa only one motive to get non-allied countries into trouble is their ambitions to control those stupid country and civilization who are incapable of independence to survive, especially country with rogue regime.
With China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba and some other Countries such as Cambodia showing that when citizenry is well taken care of, their countries will be stable, peaceful and happy to live in and powerful.
The World shall be better when the Russia Ukraine War is over. And when the COVID Pandemic is over, it shall be even 'betterer.


Anonymous said...

We fully support Russia taking back Ukraine.

Anyone who condemns Russia for the military operations in Ukraine needs to get his head examined.

Singapore FM needs to self-check his own faulty imbecile brain. Every time calling the wrong shot.

Singapore FM does not represent all the Singaporeans. He only represents his ministry and the aristocrats.

Anonymous said...

The cleverly corrupted PAP will see its downfall very soon. The longer in lingers on to power, the more corrupted it becomes. Using the Paleemen to cover and support its corrupted behaviour and activities.

Anonymous said...


Errr you mean buy puts don't you?? They'd be forced to cover with the U-turn jump in stocks. Effectively a short squeeze.

In such situations doesn't make sense to sell calls -- the premiums will be much smaller than usual.

The right move is to sell puts. Or buy the stocks directly.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10.06

That is why the USA and the West wants to keep countries in Africa, South Asia, Middle East and South America poor and conducive for them to conduct clandestine operations to destablise Governments using it's citizen's poverty issues.

And that is why China's BRI and infrastructure developments in those countries to help them progress and give it's people a better living environment is causing real unease for the USA and the Whites. Decades of mistreatment of the people in those countries they colonised and their theft of resources have left these countries all ;mired in poverty until today. Thankfully, China's lifting of hundreds of millions out of poverty have not gone unnoticed by the world.

As an example, Pakistan's PM Imran Khan is one who harboured deep admiration of China's efforts in lifting up to 800 million of it's population out of poverty and wants very much to follow the footsteps of China. He said that this is the duty of Governments anywhere to look after their own people they rule first, rather than starting wars, promoting conflicts, destabilising regimes, that have little benefit for it's own citizens.

And, as you said it, Cambodia is another country that knows what a satisfied citizenry can do for a country. I am sure there are others.

Anonymous said...

No, no, the most important duty of a country is to provide jobs for foreigners. If foreigners are happy, get good jobs, the country would benefit.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:38Pm.
Thank You for the Concurrence.
Think that it is just commonsense that country runs by rogue individual and regime shall mire in chaos and trouble.
As such, the Rogue Ruler and or Regime have to depend on protection from alien to hold-on to power to enrich themselves. In doing so, the Rogue gets the Country into infighting within the Society. Eventually, the Country gets ruin and may even goes the Way of the Dinosaur.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1034

SPX Put/Call Ratio
1.57 for Feb 24 2022
57% more puts than calls What does that mean? I don't know!

Depending on the situation, IMO, selling (covered) calls is generally good, cos you get income, and even if the underlying goes up a bit (you want it to go down), you can still be "a bit bullish"...even if you get called, you could still end up a bit in front...you already makan the premium. If it goes up a lot, you miss out on the upside.

Selling puts would be good if you think this thing is going up. Depends on what the time decay is too. If the market falls, and the put you sold hasn't expired, it could be costly.

Personally, I don't write or buy options. Too confusing, too many variables, and in volatile markets...too CROWDED!

I only short thru inverse 2x or 3x ETFs, and only if the case is compelling. My significant other...she likes bull put spreads, iron condors etc etc. Her appetite for risk is more "garang" than mine.

Anonymous said...

Only the imbeciles create jobs for foreigners and neglect their own citizens.

PAP has been doing that since GCT took over from LKY in 1990.

Under LHL it's worse. He is the one who signed CECA in 2005. From then onwards, all his ministers keep belittling Singaporeans and talk about the need for foreign talents endlessly.

Anonymous said...

'PAP has been doing that since GCT took over from LKY since 1990'.
Sinkies keep voting for the PAP, which means the Sinkies were in support of the Alien-centric Regime.

Whose fault ?

Anonymous said...

"Along with Taiwan and Japan, Singapore has backed US plans for export controls to further isolate and penalise Russia , according to a Foreign Policy article that cited US sources. The three Asian countries are major producers of advanced technology goods including semiconductors and computer chips that Russia – along with the rest of the world – relies upon." - [ AFR ]

Anonymous said...

Russia has never harmed Singapore . .

Anonymous said...

PAP makes use of the country to enrich its elites, cadres and cronies and exploited and manipulated the people for its own benefits, instead of for the people and country.

It does not treat Singapore as a country hut treats it as a Multi-National Corporation, so that it can benefit tremendously, forever.

Anonymous said...


I prefer looking at the total CBOE put/call ratio than just for SPX. It was slightly elevated on 24 Feb but still within the "normal" zone. Unlike on 21 Jan when everyone was freaking out over Fed turning ultra hawk.

Yeah I only do relatively conservative selling of covered calls & naked puts of stocks I like (of course with ready cash in case I get put the stuff).

Collars, strangles, condors etc are too complicated for me!

Did quite a bit of buying the week of 24-26 Jan as well as on 24 Feb. 100 grand each. 2022 should be volatile with plenty of buying opportunities down the road, so need to pace myself!

Dingleberry said...

Ukraine did not start this war. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking stupid.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks that the one who invades is the one who starts the war is too fucking simple minded, fucking lack of knowledge and does not have an iota of analytical ability.

Anonymous said...

Russia has never harmed Singapore. Even LKY knows that and he also knows who he has to watch out carefully for intending to interfere in Singapore's internal affairs. Not the Russians in his eyes.

But be careful. The USA is going to harm Singapore very soon, as they are instigating unrest in ASEAN. It has already started the ball rolling in Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Malaysia. That will affect Singapore as well.

Indonesia is smart. Being a ruler of a Muslim country, Widodo knows who had been killing Muslims in the Middle East and destablising regimes all around the world. Obviously it is not the Russians, so why antagonise them like what Singapore intends to do?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 227 / War Stocks Guy

Since I started getting back into markets, it's been a very humbling experience. I'm still learning, and making mistakes, although a lot less than how I used to be years ago.

I find options damn confusing. But I'll persevere. If one was a GOOD volatility trader now, one would be CLEANING UP...although vol is starting to fall off. But can't say...the world is volatile, so market volatility is going to swing like mad.

Anonymous said...

By so doing, Singapore will be seen as a stooge of the US, behaving like a dog that has gone through obedience training under an American handler.

For taking sides, Singapore can no longer be part of the Zone of Peace and Neutrality.

Singapore has now lost its moral and ethical standing in ASEAN.

It will have immediate repercussions and long-term consequences. Just watch.

B.Seng said...

Wah. This boy president quite fierce. Can carry gun, wear green vest, and face the Russian. I can bet $100 that Putin too scared to meet him at the border if there is nego, and he will send someone else.

CCK said...

Uncle Virgo, actually it is Putin who bo chi. He open cards already even before the big war starts. No one is frightened. They are only shocked that someone can be so stupid to say that to 3 nuclear powers.
Russia already lost the war