
Lies, lies and more white lies from the evil Americans

 Commentary: After years of demonising China, the US has to start an honest dialogue...  

HONG KONG: Americans don’t agree on much of anything nowadays. Yet they are largely united in their belief that China represents an existential challenge to their country and the international order it has long led.

This combination of internal division and external demonisation has made the Sino-American rivalry increasingly inescapable – and potentially catastrophic.

America’s internal divisions have been fueled in recent years by social media, which, by populating users’ feeds with tailored content, creates “echo chambers” that reinforce, rather than challenge, their beliefs and values.

When alternative ideas do make it into the echo chamber, they are often distorted or smeared. And when someone within the chamber calls into question shared beliefs, they risk being instantly ostracised or, in contemporary parlance, “canceled". CNA

The above is quoted from an article by Andrew Sheng and Xiao Geng in the CNA. To the little men in evil America, used to run roughshod over countries around the world as the number one hegemon, demonising China is normal and absolutely nothing wrong even when all they spewed were lies, lies and more white lies. They could not see how evil they have become, how obnoxious and how immoral and gangster like they are as a people in this modern world, still living and behaving like primitive apes, talking about wars, threatening countries with wars and telling lies after lies. They still think they are in control of the mass media and could set the agenda and control the minds of their readers.

The world has changed so much but the primitive cowboys still live in their long forgotten era of violence and rules of the mobs and gangsters. The rest of the world would not listen to their lies and stupidity to look stupid by believing what the evil Americans are saying. The rest of the world will not join them to fight an imaginary demon they created out of China when China is out all over the world to help the former colonies of the western empires to rebuild themselves, to strengthen their economies, to build infrastructures like roads and ports and industrial parks to better the lives of their people after centuries of being oppressed, robbed and looted by the white people. After stealing everything from these colonies, the whites left them poor and ignorant and to fend for themselves. Only when China step in to help these ex colonies to rebuild their countries and economies and to regain pride in themselves as respectable people, not subjects of white men's empires that we are now seeing a resurgence of new and economically strong states in Africa, Asia and even in the Pacific Ocean.

But the evil empires still would not admit their crimes against the colonised people and out to demonise China using silly concepts like debt traps. The ex colonies of the white empires were in debt for centuries, their resources taken away from them by their white masters without paying a dime for it, and while the whites got richer, the ex colonies got poorer and poorer and sunk deeper in debt, unable to rebuild their countries and economies. The white men stole their wealth, lent it back to them at high interest rates to keep the colonies and ex colonies forever in debt.

Only China is willing to lend a helping hand, with financial aids and technology to help these countries to stand on their feet, to be respectable people and nations of the world, after being robbed and abandoned by the evil white men. But the white continues to spread lies about China and how good the white men were as if the people of their ex colonies were idiots and could not tell the difference between the truth and white men's lies.

The rest of the world are no longer ignorant and daft and would not be suckers anymore. They know what is good for their countries and who are their enemies. No amount of white lies can make them stupid again to become white men's slaves anymore. The rest of the world have stood up to find their own ways to prosperity for their people, with the help of China and Chinese money and technology, and not be be condemned to be poor for the rest of their lives under the rule and control of the evil white men.

In the meantime the whites, especially the Americans, would continue to spew hate against China and the Chinese people around the world using CCP as a stupid excuse that they are not hating Chinese. The most dangerous people and threat to world peace are the white people. They want to continue to dominate and control and rule the world as the top dog. The people of the world must obey or be crushed like Iraq, Veneauela, North Korea, Cuba, Iran and many countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The white men are so vicious and evil but walking around like angels with a halo on their heads, acting like the white gods. The whites are the troublemakers of the world, creating troubles everywhere, inciting the coloured people to fight among themselves to preserve their white dominance over the coloured people. Now they even exploited the white Slavic people in Ukraine to be their cannon fodder, to die fighting for the American Empire till the last man.

The Americans have made coloured people daft or ignorant, but this is nothing compare to what they are making of the unthinking and stupid Ukrainians.


  1. Using Xinjiang to destabilize China

    In 2021, Sheila Carey, consul at the US Consulate General in Guangzhou, and her colleague Andrew Chira told guests at a reception that the US government hoped its businessmen would "understand" that using the Xinjiang issue to hype up so-called forced labor, genocide, and human rights abuses is a "tug of war" with China, and an "effective tool" to achieve the ultimate goal of getting China "completely under control."

    Commenting on the remarks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian at Monday's press briefing urged the US to give a sound explanation. Zhao brought up a video clip of Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired US Army Colonel and former chief of staff to US Secretary of State Colin Powell, giving a speech in August 2018.

    Wilkerson said in the video that if the CIA wanted to destabilize China, that would be the best way to do it - to form unrest, and join with the Uygurs in putting pressure on China internally rather than from outside.

    Wilkerson's remarks echoed comments from former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo in a lecture in April 2019. The CIA "lied, cheated, stole," he said, and "had entire training courses" devoted to such tactics.

    Similarly, Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator, admitted in 2015 that they never care about people or any ethnic minority in Xinjiang. They only want to use them to foment unrest.

    - GT

  2. The Urukiane War had taught the UAssA and its hamburg Allies a lesson.

    Previously, they used to gang up and bullied those weaker nations and just walked over them with the. Dominant, Sleeping and Useless MYOB China just simply stood by and watched.

    At least the Russians had some what got involved in some rescues of the some of the nation's that the Americunts and its allies attacked.

    Now it shown that the big bullies of NATO and the UAssA and the Brits are actually Paper Skunks when Russia now attacked Ukraine.

    They the no balls the West would NOT dare to join in the fight as they are just hot air.

    So now China had to become more aggressive like Russia and joined hands to handle all these bullies.

    These dumb Pacific Nations which China wanted to extend their hands in helping them with economic progress and security for them are just too dumb not to accept.

    If they were to join hands with China, then they would be under the protection of China.
    If the UAssA and its hyenas dared to devour them then China would be there to warn them that if you touch them then you also touch me.

    So they will think five times before they dare to bully the weaker and smaller nations.

    Aiya, the Whites have NOT know of our old Chinese Triads of old of 24,08,369 and 999 etc.

    Chinese Triads protect those on their protection rackets and if another gang caused troubles they be hit by gang fights. That's be the insurance and surety of those small nations under Russia and China's protection.

    Small and weak nations don't think that they be left alone if they do NOT want to be under the Russian and Chinese umbrellas.

    The wolves UASSA and her hyenas will.devour them MOT.

    So that's why now China is getting more assertive and had its fighters chased away the many intrusions near them.

    Even.that stupid boy Canadian small.cow don't know tiger wants to show its tail to China and kena chased out called Father and Mother.

    Russia,China,Iran and North Korea should join an alliance and now called the West of UAssA,No Action Talk Only, the Brits and the Convicts Aussies the EVIL Axis.

    Cannot talk peace with all these scoundrels.

    These bullies are nothing but HotAir and Paper Skunks.

  3. https://youtu.be/-2MUP__Omt0



    Here are some links of China warnings to the West.



  4. The More Lies they made, the Better.
    the World is in turmoil.
    The US, Europe and Australia shall be mired
    with natural disaster,
    mal-feasance and mal-administration
    that results in social unrest strife and upheavel.
    There shall be much suffering and damage for humanity.
    There shall be no escape from retribution aka result of deed.


  5. One got to be mindful of the Consequence of ones' deed. The Aftermath
    can and will affect the Succeeding Generations and ruined the Good Name of the Ancestry.

  6. When they start believing in their own blatant lies and when the truth hits them, they do not know how to handle it. They have to basically swallow their own lies and hope others do not use it to shame them with their own lies. Sorry, they are immune to shame after all.

    Oil and gas embargo on Iran, Venezuela and now Russia, and lying about how this is going to collapse those countries and start a people's revolution in those countries, did not happen. And those lies are instead creating turmoil in Europe and USA itself. European unity? They can bullshit all they want, like Ukraine winning the war.

    Why are they suddenly begging Middle Eastern countries for more oil? European leaders, including Boris Johnson, went to the Middle East earlier to ask them for help, but all went home empty handed. Now Biden himself is going there to probably use coercion and blackmail to force the Middle Eastern oil producers to pump more oil or else. That is the USA's modus operandi.

    Further, why are they shamelessly pleading with Iran and Venezuela, the very countries they sanctioned and refused to allow them to engage in oil exports, trying to be nice to them now by indicating to agree to lift some sanctions in exchange for them to produce more oil to help Europe and themselves? It all boils down to desperation. Winter is approaching and if they cannot source for more oil and gas, goodness knows what will happen in Europe and North America. Then they will start to put the blame on Russia. Blaming everybody else but themselves is their favourite operation procedure.

  7. China's lack of substantial oil reserves is pushing it to rely on renewable energy sources like Hydro Electric Power generation and wind energy. China is building the largest dam ever (called Moxing Dam or something like that), which is even bigger than the Three Gorges Dam, and which is said to generate three times the electricity output from the Three Gorges Dam. According to sources, that is enough electricity to supply half of China's energy requirements.

    Needless to say, China's dam building is raising lots of negative comments by the MSM of the West. Everything China does is not to the liking of the USA and the West. Using too much fossil fuel makes China the topmost target of pollution. Using too much renewables like Hydro Electric affects the natural environment upstream and downstream. Installing too many power generation windmills are killing the birds. They can invent loads of bullshit and all will be unloaded on to China.

  8. India looking to further increase Russian oil imports, with state owned refineries keen to receive yet more supplies. Presumably in part to sell onto the Europeans who must know it is Russian oil given it is in the public domain.

    West exists solely on kabuki theatre politics.

    Both Russia and India are going to Huat. Only loser here is the EU who are going to get tok for playing stupid games.


  9. China will have the last laugh at the end of the day. Other than nuclear, hydropower, wind power and solar power, China has the largest reserve of coal, oil and gas. The whole of South China Sea and East China Sea is an endless supply of oil and gas.

    China has yet to mine drill them but will do it at a later time. China also has artificial moon that would save a lot of energy.

    Oops, cannot let out all the secrets of China.

    1. RB not artificial moon. It's artificial sun lar

  10. There's another source of fuel in S China seabed...ice methane which the Chinese had developed a method of mining:


  11. It is all a farce that the Europeans are getting oil and gas from elsewhere. It is all Russian oil mixed with others and sold as non Russian oil. So much Russian oil has gone dark, but it is no mystery. It may be difficult to do that, but when big money can be made, people will do it no matter how difficult. And the sanctions worked beautifully, for Putin. He can afford to keep the war in Ukraine in perpetuity because the stupid Europeans are funding his mission.

    But it is expensive Russian oil sold to the stupid Europeans, who knowingly have been ripped off and paying through their noses. Let us see how long they can continue to pay much higher prices for their energy needs. As I say, winter is coming and it is going to be a different winter for them.

  12. Schokz: Putin has made NATO even more united.
    What's a joke!
    Will to continue dialogue with Putin? Means surrender.
    NATO-No Balls to fight Russia.
    Only can bully weaker and small nations.
    Marcon; Must not humiliate Russia. We made insane mistakes.
    Now the World especially China knew we are Paper Skunks.

  13. At long last Zelensky himself has admitted Ukraine is on the losing side. Would he do that if there is still a sliver of hope. Nah. It must be quite bad for Ukraine because all along they have been claiming victory here and there and how brave their fighters are. To admit such a situation based on reality must really be dire.

    All along we have been hearing USA and NATO providing special weapons that are 'game changers'. Well from victory to basically admitting defeat is already a game changer. Nothing more needs to be boasted about changing the game.

    1. Hi Anon 6.45

      This comedian think been paid billions and also safe sanctuary when he has to abscond by the Americunts and the daft NATO who are also too stupid to be plucked by the Asses and had Urukians die in vain.
      How to fight Russia with one hand and leg bonded?
      The Urukians want to shit then looked for holes to train to handle military operations.
      Also without much military arsenals of firepowers and air forces and amateurish militas, how to fight Russia professional soldiers with air, ground and superior arsenals.
      Only to be slaughtered.

      That's why when you simply have an insane or narcissist leader with own self interests like most crazy Americunts, the Euros, the Japs, the South Koreans and also thatnTsai Woman of Taiwan etc you are dead.

      Even demonized cruel and insane communists leaders like Kim, Xi and Putin are more sane than them.

  14. Ooops, thanks for the correction. Artificial sun.

    China's clean energy are from water, sun and wind. Not from fossil fuel.


  15. Oil shall be essential to the World at Large until it is replaced
    by alternative sources.
    To stop buying oil and cause its price to spike, is not just foolish, it is suicidal. If not, it is making countrymen to suffer in agony.
    Citizenry who supports its' Ruler to act tough deserves to suffer, period.

  16. They could no longer invent lies to cover up lies that Ukraine is winning the war. If that is so, why then do they have to beg Russia, the loser, to allow Ukraine to allow the export of their grains? The winner can do what it likes, isn't it? Like seizing oilfields in Iraq. Only the loser needs to beg.

    Now, do not believe the hubris that Russia is now causing food shortages around the world. That narrative had been put forward discreetly, ages ago, by some evil minded and mad White savages, using that argument of food shortages as a reason to cull world population by half. They planned it, executed it with COVID19 and failed.

    They almost culled the entire Chinese population with COVID19, but failed and are very distressed about it. Now still cannot live with the reality that China managed to control the outbreak. Yet they are still attacking China over the zero COVID policy. Why is controlling the outbreak a wrong move?

    Actually, we do not have to be told about who wins in Ukraine. The destruction of the country is already a big loss and needed massive funds to rebuild and Russia is not going to do the rebuilding. And why are they talking about such destruction when the USA already did all that in Iraq, Vietnam, Libya, Syria and Yemen with carpet bombing in most cases? Destruction is a consequence of war and is what the USA always brush aside as collateral damage. So, why are the MSM highlighting the destruction in Ukraine?

    By the way, just ask Nancy Pelosi and she will tell you it is a beautiful sight to behold in Ukraine. Hong Kong just pale in comparison. Pelosi will unequivocally agree.

  17. Watch the media war against India unfolding on MSM. Every speck of dirt will be dug up to demonise India for not towing their line on Ukraine and buying even more Russian oil and gas on the cheap. India is retorting against the USA accusations over many issues. That is not going down well with the Evil Empire.

    Does that surprise us in any way? Now they need to set aside another US$300 million a year for the demolition of India. And they will add fuel to fire over the Muslim issue now erupting all over the world. Poor India!. Now they know how China felt, over the last couple of years, under persistent attack by the White Curse, in Hong Kong and Xinjiang.

    China and India need to settle their differences and unite. The next world war will be the Anglo Saxon White Curse against coloured people. That has been predicted by many people decades ago.

  18. The Indians were colonised and ruled by the whites for a few hundred years, massacred, looted, impoverished, discriminated, kicked around by the British rajs, but the Indians still love the British more than the Chinese.

    All because the British gave them a map with Chinese lands stolen and written as part of the British Empire and India arrogantly insisted that the stolen Chinese lands belong to India, Indian lands. And all China did was to want to have these stolen lands returned to China. China was even willing to compromise and allowed India to keep some of the stolen land to have a lasting peace at the border. But arrogant and swell headed Indians would not budge, wanted every inch of the stolen land for themselves, not negotiable.

    How to deal with such arrogant and swell headed Indians? How to have peace with the Indians that think they are already a super power, more powerful than China?

    1. Hi Anon.
      Not to worry. M.O.T. when the Urukiane fiasco is settled.
      The Americunts will turn their attention to India soon to stir shits on them.
      They were slighted by India's opportunistic advanctage on the crisis of not siding them and also purchasing cheap oil from Russia.
      The Americunts are spoiled brats who are very revengful and India will have a taste of their wraths soon.
      Then, they will realise that China is friend indeed.

    2. That's why there is a Chinese saying "It's better to antagonise a gentleman than a scoundrel"
      Meaning that's if you antagonise the UASSA, the scoundrel then hell before you.Whereas if u antagonise China, a gentleman they may not retaliate.
      So Sinkieland is smart always antagonise the gentleman but scared of the scoundrel.

  19. That's right. Even the islands of Diaoyu and Senpaku to be disputed by China, Japan and South Korea.

    They are laughing and giggling to themselves the shits that they crafted

  20. Let the black mamba take on the rattlesnake. The Indian have their weapon, the snake charmers flute. Wonder whether they can also control the rattlesnake with it's rattler's tale. Interesting days ahead.

  21. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/cambodia-china-deny-naval-base-reports-australia-voices-concern-2732231

    They can have SQUATS and thousands over bases, China cannnot meh ?
    Who the fark are they?

  22. The USA had built more than 84,000 dams themselves and strangely nothing has been said about the environmental issues that they caused.

    When China build dams, every one is a potential disaster of one kind or another. China wants to get away from fossil fuel and is building more renewable energy generation facilities, like Hydro, Wind and Solar power. And they have all been targeted. What the USA and the West wanted is essentially for China to stop progressing and not overtake them.

    After dumping their manufacturing jobs onto China, together with the number one pollution position from fossil fuel usage, they accused China of doing the most damage to the environment. Now that China is migrating to using more renewable energy generation, it is accused of causing environmental damage. They generate narratives that dams destroy the ecosystem, windmills kill birds, solar panels caused pollution of another kind. What the fark do they want China to do?

    China is not Japan or Germany, both of which are subservient to the USA's demands and held back forcibly from moving ahead. The USA told them to stay behind them and the USA will give them protection. Like gangsters! No, mafia, pirates and gangsters.
