
Who is the first communist?

 The West especially the Americans, have been badmouthing Communism as if it is a plague. The Communist ideology is far from it.  It is about building an utopia, peace and equality for all happy human beans.

Historically, Communism is associated with violence, uprising, rebellion, wars and destruction as the poorer population rebelled against the control, oppression and exploitation of the rich capitalists and landlords. The process is painful with many upheavals and deaths. After the early phase it would be a phase of rebuilding and reconstruction under very difficult conditions as the poor would have to start from scratch like in China. And there would also be the imperialist and capitalist forces to contend with.

In brief, Communism is about equality and sharing of wealth, pooling of capital, no private ownership of land and resources.  Everything is own by the state. People live together and share everyone for the common good. If the country is rich, everyone would share the riches and vice versa.  Communism had be smeared and demonised as a bad thing by the West, poor people, poverty, unhappy struggle for existence.

Sometime in year 0, one man stood up to defend the poor, gathered a lot of poor followers to live like the communists, in communes, sharing of food and whatever they had. They were mostly poor peasants, the rejects of society, the outcast. They wondered around, homeless, with no property to call their own, living from hand to mouth, sharing their food with their brothers and sisters.

This man was Jesus. Jesus was the first communist. His followers were the pioneer communists. They lived in communes sharing everything, food etc etc. No private property.  Subsequently the churches were built in his name. The organisation structure of the churches were like the communist party, with central committees, cadres and cell groups, and confession of sins.

Karl Marx, a Jew, must have his inspiration from the lives of Jesus and his fellow communists. His ideology inspired a lot of the poor peasants to believe that they could build themselves a better society and could live happily in a peaceful utopia. This utopia is very similar to the utopia called Heaven, where all men are brothers, are equal, except some are more equal than others.

In practice, the ideal communist utopia is a difficult construct on earth. Many communist states are actually in a long process towards the ultimate utopia. This phase of a long march towards their dreamland is what socialism is all about, trying to build a fairer, just and more equal society for all, and hopefully ending in a communist utopia like heaven.

Now why would people believing in Jesus, the first communist, going to church that organised itself and practised like a communist organisation, no democratic election, be so against Communism? It is like someone drinking wine but condemning wine, unable to notice that wine is the wine they are drinking and enjoying. Jesus and the churches are the living images of Communism in another name, heaven is utopia in another name.

The churches, especially the Catholic Church, has all the structures and organisations that you can find in a communist state. Cadres/comrades, the primates/central committee members, the cardinals, bishops, pope, have their equivalents in the communist leadership hierarchy, the secretaries, assistant secretaries, the chairman, all rose within the ranks of a select few party members, trained in the same doctrine. The churches survived on the charity of its members, commonwealth, sharing of wealth. The church is the biggest communist organisation.

What is Democracy, what is Communism?


  1. PAP is modeled after the Catholic Church. Even the selection of PM is similar to selection of Pope --- behind closed doors & first among equals concept.

    Like the Catholic Church, PAP also knows wealth comes from property ownership. That's why over 80+% of Singapore is State Land. Including all the HDB estates.


  2. @ RB

    Every family is a communist organisation.

    "To each according to their need, from each according to their ability"

    e.g.: the 2 yr old girl requires the ability of adults in oder to survive and grow. No one can expect her to "compete in the market".

    Communism tends to fail as a political system because people want to own stuff, especially themselves

    This is why China and Russia had to "adjust" their versions of communism to allow ownership and more degrees of individual autonomy.

    Even the "communism" of Jesus has been "adjusted"...to the point where we now have MEGA churches which tell people that "being rich is a blessing from God". The Vatican, for e.g. is one of the richest Sovereign States...and has maintained that for 2000 years whilst nations and empires have risen and collapsed.

    No human "dogma"---political or religious---is ever pure when it is implemented in the real world, which is populated by quirky, emotion-driven human beings.

    Humans will continue to tinker and tweak ideas (like communism) so that they "work". If China & Russia were "pure" communist, there won't be billionaires who own VAST tranches of private property, enviable by even the most "capitalistic" (free) First World Standards.


  3. Jewish Kibbutz or Commune

    A kibbutz (Hebrew: קִבּוּץ / קיבוץ‎, lit. "gathering, clustering"; plural: kibbutzim קִבּוּצִים‎ / קיבוצים‎) is an intentional community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture.

    The first kibbutz, established in 1909, was Degania.

    Today, farming has been partly supplanted by other economic branches, including industrial plants and high-tech enterprises.

    Kibbutzim began as utopian communities, a combination of socialism and Zionism.

    In recent decades, some kibbutzim have been privatized and changes have been made in the communal lifestyle. A member of a kibbutz is called a kibbutznik (Hebrew: קִבּוּצְנִיק / קיבוצניק‎; plural kibbutznikim or kibbutzniks).

    Kibbutz Kfar Masaryk

    Kibbutznikiyot (female Kibbutz members), were trained at Mishmar HaEmek during the 1948 Palestine war.

    In 2010, there were 270 kibbutzim in Israel with population of 126,000.[4] Their factories and farms account for 9% of Israel's industrial output, worth US$8 billion, and 40% of its agricultural output, worth over $1.7 billion.

    Some kibbutzim had also developed substantial high-tech and military industries. For example, in 2010, Kibbutz Sasa, containing some 200 members, generated $850 million in annual revenue from its military-plastics industry.

    Currently the kibbutzim are organised in the secular Kibbutz Movement with some 230 kibbutzim, the Religious Kibbutz Movement with 16 kibbutzim and the much smaller religious Poalei Agudat Yisrael with two kibbutzim, all part of the wider communal settlement movement.

  4. Rb I think u are stretching to the extreme in your article lar

  5. @ RB

    >> I was trying to find out why the Americans and white hate Communism <<

    It's actually an artifact from the long-gone Cold War. It is embedded in the culture---the "Us vs Them" culture. Add to that American Exceptionalism which has an even deeper, longer history.

    It takes a long time to change, to purge, the "sticky" ideas from the culture. They are "sticky" because they are based on FEAR.

    Human nature lah.

  6. In utopia aka heaven, all men are equal except some are more equal than others.

    The rabbi would be driving Rolls Royce, the rest could be Merze or BMW, some Toyotas, some Hyundai or Kia.

  7. Virgo, this type of discussion is very common in the campuses.

  8. By the way, all the communist countries are far from reaching the state of utopia. They are socialist in nature and work in progress. The final state of Communism is the ideal state of utopia, everyone happy and rich.

  9. Now it is even worse. Why? Because communism has proven it can work as well as democracy. That is not supposed to be. They now have no more hairs to split about the ills of communism. On the other hand they obviously and clearly do not want to admit the ills of democracy.

    And that is why the USA is targeting China and Russia, no longer on communism ideology, but on human rights, hype up threats, creation of China Phobia among allies like Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, even ASEAN nations and India. Likewise the USA has also created Russia Phobia among EU countries.

    But it seems they failed to create Russia or China Phobias among the Central Asian countries, many of which are now aligning with China and Russia. Even the Middle Eastern Arab states are not associating as closely as before with the USA agenda on China and Russia.

    Communism cannot be that bad with China lifting hundreds of millions of it's own people out of poverty, helping Central Asia with the BRI to enable them to progress. Added to that are the infrastructure developments carried out in Africa, South Asia, South America and other outlying poor countries. Just ask those countries is this good or bad.

    Of course China also benefits with more trade, but is a win win situation, unlike the war mongering stance that is a win win situation only for the one instigating and not for those who are hosting the war in their own backyard.

  10. @ RB

    Selling the idea of a "utopia" is a great marketing ploy, especially if you want to control a lot of people.

    Everyone needs to "believe" in something to take the edge off the uncertainty and sheer horror of existence. People need "certainty" for the future because the present generates a lot of negative feelings and angst.

    "Tomorrow is always better. Tomorrow we will have perfection". Utopia. Religions and politics are powerful and enduring because they promise "the future will be so much better" And scared human beings, governed by their amygdalas latch onto thesefuture based narratives. Right or left-wing, communist or capitalist, religious or new age...they all take the human mind into the future and present PERFECTION.

    When the minds are in these future-based states, they neglect all THE OBJECTIVE FACTS....because the conscious human brain can only focus one thing at a time.

    The facts are:

    1. Humans are messy
    2. Humans in large groups like nation-states are very messy
    3. Add uncertainty to an already messy state of human affairs 🎲 🎲
    4. Entropy is always happening, so states of DISORDER tend to grow...existence, the universe...is VERY MESSY!

    Should anyone believe in "utopia"? Of course, they should. The world is a much more interesting and entertaining place because the human minds revels in make belief

    It is thru make-belief that we get our creativity to invent things and make art, literature, film, music, food, philosophy...ideas, good and bad.

    So relax lay brother. Enjoy the show. Many humans lose their lives 💀 for our "entertainment". Appreciate their sacrifice! 🤣

    👀Utopia? 👀 Already here lah bro 🍻 🎭

    1. Matilar as an Australian intelligent officer, are u allowed to live and operate in SG?

  11. The Reality is, there will never be any good system if the Leadership is rogue.
    Conversely, any system can be good if the Leadership strives for the Collective Good of the Society.
    Humankind like all other species, is by nature territorial.
    As resources are not uniform and as available, infighting is natural for control and ownership. And it is also innate for beings to be in power and control for propagation.
    The Nature of Being runs along the Law of the Jungle, that is the Fittest Rules.
    Lucky for those that have Nature-endow Resources with Good Leadership and woes betide the Society runs by rogues. This is the Reality.

  12. Humankind
    has one dimension that other species do not have. And that is the Make-belief of Divinity. This dimension further splits the Humankind and makes the World more messy and less peaceful.

  13. The Objective
    to work for the collective good for all is always secondary to the Objective of prospering oneself.
    This is the lnnate Nature of Being.

  14. They have retired him. So there is no reason for him to stay on in down under.

  15. @ 623

    >> are u allowed to live and operate in SG? <<

    I don't wait for permission to do anything lah. I just do. If "authority" tells me to stop, I ask "Why?", I don't just stop like a good obedient slave. If other people ask me to "stop!", I ask them "How much you pay?" 😂

    I am one of those rare "quitters" who didn't give up citizenship, pull out CPF and CHABUT. I am very Singaporean and proudly so:

    You Die, YOur Business Majulah!

  16. Did they pay you well as a spy?

  17. They can't pay me enough. Thus I don't work for anyone but myself.

    I'm a greedy Singaporean. Majulah! 😆

  18. After 65 what do you expect them to pay you? Deadwood does not worth much.

    Now don't get near to the millionaires. They don't like people earning less than them.

  19. Eh, jaga your life properly lah.

    Dun be so kaypoh and concern yourself about me 😂

    Remember in Singapore, you die your business. 😎

    Even though the nation might be "Matilah" ⚰️ 💀, rest assured some of us will...

    🏆 MAJULAH SENDIRI! 👍🏻 🍻 💪🏽
