
Covid19 - What a vaccine is not

 The experts on what a vaccine is or is not are either not telling the truth or those that were telling the truth were silenced.

A vaccine is not a drug.

A vaccine does not fight the virus.

A vaccine does not keep the antibodies in the body high all the time.

A vaccine literally does not protect a person from being infected or developing serious illnesses.

What is a vaccine?

A vaccine is actually the virus, dead virus, that is injected into a body to elicit a reaction from the body against the virus. The body has a better chance to fight a dead and ineffective virus during vaccination, and thus be trained to produce the respective antibodies to do the job when attacked by the life virus.

Once the body has learnt to recognise the virus and able to produce the antibodies to fight it, the body will have ability in the memory, and be trained to fight a similar virus when it enters the body, faster and more effective. This is the whole purpose of vaccination, to prepare the body to fight the virus.

When the virus has been removed from an infected body, entered during vaccination or an infection, the body will stop producing antibodies. The function of producing antibodies would stand down and very little traces of antibodies would be left in the body. But this does not mean that the body has become less effective or unable to fight the virus if it enters the body again. This lower antibody count is now being used to justify injecting more pseudo vaccines to raise antibody level. It is a lie. The higher antibody count immediately after vaccination is a normal reaction as the body is producing the antibodies to fight the virus present.

When the virus reenters the body, the body will then be all ready and prepared to produce the necessary antibodies to fight the virus. The body would immediately pump up the antibody level to counter the virus. 

It is the body's ability to produce the antibodies that is protecting the person from being infected. Not the vaccine.

Below is a statement from the Israeli PM. Is he stupid, a liar, or paid to make such a statement? Anyone that got a booster jab, be it second, third, fourth or more, would see his antibodies shot up many times from his pre booster stage. This is normal, expected.  What is the big deal? 

And, after a few months, if he is not infected, his antibodies would drop significantly to where he was before the booster shot. And this is also normal.

In a Facebook post on Jan. 4, Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett said on Jan. 4 local studies have found that a fourth dose of the Covid-19 vaccine boosts antibodies five-fold.

PS. When are they going to stop this antibody level lie to make more money by forcing people to go for boosters to raise the antibody level?


  1. The Covid-19 Experts Committee should be sacked and disgraced. Their severe lack of knowledge, or deliberately pretend don't know, is so glaring. The way they advice us and the government is far from satisfactory.

    The most glaring of which was to advise us that "those who were well not to wear a mask, and only those who were unwell need to wear a mask!"

    How the hell did they managed to pass the medical school to become doctors and professors?

    These pseudo experts never do any research, experiment or study on their own. They simply advice us based on three sources of information without verification:

    1. The documented redacted data sent to them by the vaccines and pseudo vaccines manufacturers.

    2. The advice of the US's CDC and FDA.

    3. The advice of the World Health Organization.

    Using whatever information they have been provided, they simply vomited out what they have read in a very brief form and pretended that those were their own learned opinions, just like some 'clever' lawyers.

  2. Totally ignored vaccines produced using traditional method, proven to be safe and effective for ages, even dismissing them as ineffective, or less effective than mRNA vaccines, claimed to be 96% efficacy but proven to be less than 30% or worse.

  3. Ha ha ha...did not even do a basic literature review - wind up believing salesman koyok!!


  4. BRASILIA: President Jair Bolsonaro criticised Brazil's health regulator Anvisa on Thursday (Jan 6) for authorising the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years against COVID-19, one day after his health minister unveiled plans to inoculate that age group.

    Vaccine sceptic Bolsonaro said in a radio interview that he had not heard of children dying of COVID-19 and repeated that his daughter Laura, 11, would not be vaccinated.

    Bolsonaro said vaccines could have side effects on children, but gave no evidence. Anvisa and health regulators around the world have found that COVID-19 vaccines are safe from age 5 and up.

    "Are you going to vaccinate your child when the possibility of dying is almost zero? What is behind this? What are the interests of vaccine maniacs?" Bolsonaro stated.

  5. Once the body can recognise the virus and had dealt with it before, it would not easily forget how to fight the virus when it appears again even with a bit of changes or distraction.

    Why is there a need to keep jabbing booster after booster? Whose silly idea is that?

    Must be the snake oil salesmen pushing for more sales.

  6. See how hastily the CDC gave approval for children to be jabbed?

    For the sake of making more money, children also not spared.

    How many hundreds of millions of children out there to be jabbed? How much money to be made?

  7. Each adult and each child is compelled to have three jabs at least. Thereafter, don't know how many more jabs the con-men and their co-conspirators and collaborators are going to impose?

    So, you can calculate how much money they are making and will make.

    Your guess is as good as mine.

    These criminals will stop at nothing to make their bucks, at the same time cover themselves legally so that they won't be arrested and jailed. Therefore, the masses must think of ways to get even with them for goodness sake, for the sake of the world.

    But the masses cannot resort to illegal actions. Therefore, you pray every day collectively for Divine Intervention.

  8. You never hear China asking its people to go for booster jabs. Neither did China demanding those countries using Chinese vaccines to go for booster jabs.

    This more and more booster jabs thing is like an American thing. An American scam.

  9. If after 3 jabs and the body still is not trained to fight the virus, then something is drastically wrong with the vaccines. Fake vaccines or not vaccines at all.

  10. "You never hear China asking its people to go for booster jabs. Neither did China demanding those countries using Chinese vaccines to go for booster jabs."

    Why do you think it is called booster shot ? Mainly as a profit booster for temasek holding who invest in vaccine company.

  11. This is turning into a genocide using vaccines. A modern day genocide. Where the virus failed to do the job, the vaccine is the plan B. They are talking of another more virulent virus on the way.

    All conspiracy theories? The biggest conspiracy theory was the Iraq War. Those who conspire would never admit their guilt. They faked, fabricated, distorted the truth and sold the lies to start the war.

  12. Chan Chun Sing

    We continue to see an encouraging number of registrations, since the start of the child vaccination exercise less than 2 weeks ago.

    - For P4 to P6 students, more than 7 in 10 have signed up, and over 42,000 have taken their first shot.

    - Just 2 days ago, we invited the P1 to P3 cohorts to register, and more than 1 in 3 have already signed up, with close to 4,000 of them receiving the vaccination yesterday.

    - Overall, more than 1 in 2 of our primary school students have already registered.

    - Beyond our primary school students, we have also just opened up to all children aged 5 and above who are born between 2013 to 2017, with about 4,800 registrations, with many who are in our pre-schools.

    In addition, parents in the Punggol-Sengkang area will soon have a convenient location to bring their young children for vaccination, when the paediatric Vaccination Centre (VC) at Yusof Ishak Secondary School begins operations next Tuesday (11 Jan). With this, we will have a total of 15 paediatric VCs islandwide.

    Spruced up with Ministry of Education, Singapore Soaper 5 Heroes and child-friendly signages, the VC is manned by a very experienced team from Health Promotion Board, Singapore to help children ease into the vaccination process. These personnel provide health screenings and immunisation services for our schools, and had also supported the earlier vaccination exercise for students aged 12 to 18. So, parents can rest assured that their children will be in good hands.

    Children who have not yet secured an appointment can also take advantage of the new sibling walk-in arrangement from next Monday (10 Jan) if they have an older sibling with an appointment on Mondays to Thursdays.

    Let us do our best to protect our children from #COVID19 by getting them vaccinated. As more of our students get vaccinated, we might also be able to gradually resume more face-to-face activities such as CCAs, sports and games, learning journeys and outdoor camps, which are important for the holistic development of our children.

    1. CCS (Cotton Come from Sheep), you and your fellow million dollars mini-stars are still as obstinate like an ass and oblivion like an ostrich buried its head in the sand (see no evil, hear no evil and say no evil).

      The facts are so glaringly obvious out there in front of all of us, yet you still refused to see them, and examine and rethink your assumptions that you are "VACCINATING" the people for their protection.

      You are not VACCINATING but simply injecting an unknown and probably very dangerous substance into the bodies of millions of people like many other Western countries - the blinds following the blinds.

      You are not injecting them with REAL VACCINES produced through the proper and established-as-safe, orthodox and traditional VACCINE-PRODUCING PROCESS.

      Therefore, by doing so, you are not protecting our children but actually endangering the long-term health and lives, and well-being of our children.

  13. https://rumble.com/vqx3kb-the-pfizer-inoculations-do-more-harm-than-good.html

  14. RB,

    This WSG is very likely the Exposed CIA-Australia Spy Matilah. When Matlilah disappeared, he also disappeared. Now that Matilah comes back, he also comes back.

    His modus operandi is the same as Matilah, i.e. paste a link from some Anti-China website and spread slanders and falsehoods to demonise and thumb-down China and the Chinese people, and everything Chinese.

    He is using the crooks' fabricated falsehoods as facts.

  15. Just deleted his nonsense. Don't waste time with shit.

  16. These imbeciles are not stupid. For doing what they are doing, for exposing the children to this kind of danger, they are putting their own necks on the chopping block.

    It is beyond belief that they are prepared to take such a risk when there are so many things that can go wrong.

    They better pray hard that nothing seriously wrong happened to the children.

    What is the agenda for them to be so stubborn and foolish to go along with the vaccination of children with mRNA vaccines? It is like they have been blackmailed and just have to go along and hoping for the best.

    Only time will tell. The mess in the USA, the surge of infections cannot be ignored and they knew about it. Yet, still going ahead. Something sinister is in the making and they could not refuse.

  17. Wah, relax lah. I'm just a regular dude.
