
Covid19 - Omicron here to nest

 This latest chart from CNA tells how serious the Omicron virus is and is settling down here and spreading like fire. Gan Kim Yong said it could double in every 2 days. Now if this happens, and go on for a couple of months, think of the duplication effect and how long it would complete infecting everyone in the island. 2,4, 8, 16, 32, 64,128, .....

Is this alarming, anyone thinks this is alarming and something must be done to it quickly or never mind, like Trump said, let it roll over the USA. Then we would all have natural immunity. But having natural immunity must also get jab. Otherwise the pharmas cannot sell their vaccines and cannot make money.

Come to think of it Trump is not that dump. Qualification, Omicron is not as deadly as Delta.

What do you think? Is the MTF on the right track to herd immunity? How many more jabs and how many more boosters would be enough? Hopefully by then it would become like common flu and no need to get jab and jab, unless some evil people continue to release their manmade virus that are deadlier and deadlier to keep the scam of selling vaccines and jabbing and boosting to go on forever.


  1. Their handling of the coronavirus is an utter failure, a total disaster, a shameful blot in Singapore history!

  2. Pfizer I think said that annual jabs is the way to go instead of booster shots. Now, the goalpost is moving again. The spin on effectiveness has be shot down, so this is the new spin.

  3. They only think of selling their vaccines to make more profits. Jab, jab, jab. Boosters or annual jab still the same to them, more sales, more profits.

    There are willing suckers, there are the mindless, there are those that stupidly leave their own safety to the hands of others, there are those that would be accomplices and think making money using scam and fear and coercion have no consequences.

  4. This is a fuc$%^^king most expensive useless government in the world.

    One moment say virus is mild in 98% case and therefore stop doing daily report , and as a result let it spread like wildfire, and now say it say it is very serious when situation get out of control.

    Why these fuc#$@#kers still in government drawing millions ?

  5. Every now and then a new term comes out to confuse. What is 'Protocol 2' anyway. Confuse, confound and complicate is the way to control. 2, 5, 8 and run it backwards like a yoyo is becoming the modus operandi.

    After Chines New Year there will again be tightening measures when an escalation is expected. Just wait and see.

  6. Sin is rottened to the Core.
    Brace for the Worst to come.

    The Journey Ahead is dark, gloomy and treacherous.

    Take care.

    Sin is a You Die Your Business Fortress as said by Commenter matilar.
    Cannot agree more with him.

  7. Totally agree. These over-paid fat cats have become complacent, lazy to think out of the box and incompetent. Care only about the economy and the GDP, so that they can keep reaping and ripping the coffers for their ever-uncreasing obscene pay and annual bonus.

  8. @ RB

    >> Qualification, Omicron is not as deadly as Delta. <<

    Yah, but it still kills the unfortunate healthy person, lots of fat people and lots of oldies already sick and will eventually die from their illnesses; any of whom do.

    ☞ ☞ HOWVER they die WITH COVID, but are written up in the statistics as dying FROM COVID. This is how the govt messes with the statistics to BLUFF people. ☜ ☜

    >> Trump said, let it roll over the USA. <<

    That probably was one of the negative factors which cost him a second term in office.

    Eventually management plans for "living with COVID" will be universally implemented across the world. The global economy and supply chains can't take it much longer. People, businesses, and govts have destroyed huge amounts of CAPITAL (balance sheet permanently impaired, income and cash flows in the toilet 🚽) which will take one or two generations to pay back or replenish. i.e. our kids and their kids...will kena tax like mad. They are NOT going to like it. There will be political upheavals.

    "Living with COVID" will be an on-going "experiment". They will try stuff, some will succeed and others will be epic failures. As usual, people will have different opinions and they will bicker and fight with each other and criticise Big Govt and Big Pharma.

    Me? I'll be doing what I started doing when this "global pandemic/ SCAMdemic" began: looking for asymetrical trades, i.e. ways to make money from all the FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt). Will I succeed or fail? I don't know,🤷🏻‍♂️ but I'll give it a shot!

    To paraphrase (and purposely misquote) Jeff Bezos: Your pain,⚰️ is my PROFIT 💰 😎

    Before you get on your fake morality high horse and start judging me, I'm not the only person in the world doing this, but of course, that is a weak argument 🤣. You have to ask yourself whether you want to be "the victim" (prey) or "the winner" (predator).

    Is it a jungle? 🤔 Yup. If you believe otherwise, that's on you!

  9. SINGAPORE — Singapore reported 3,496 new Covid-19 cases as of noon on Sunday (Jan 23), comprising 3,057 local and 439 imported infections.

    The infections include the number of Protocol 2 cases, after the Ministry of Health (MOH) changed its daily reporting structure on Friday.

    I believe that was a grossly and hugely under-reporting report to cover up the real situation now in Sinkingland, either deliberately or blindly.

    Nowadays, we cannot and must not let propaganda affect our sanity and sound decision-making process. In this world of big fish eat small fish, we have to be alert and discerning, and smart enough to call a fat cat a fat cat, or cunning fox.

  10. Omicron is going to be the reason why covid will move from pandemic to endemic.

    The effects of Omicron are wildly exaggerated by those who are too dumb to understand maths & statistics. Or too lazy to analyse the effects on South Africa, UK, and Northeastern US --- the 3 places that have seen the lifecycle of Omicron.

    If PAP do NOT tighten Covid restrictions, by July, the covid pandemic in Singapore WILL BE OVER!!!

    Those in the know are positioning their monies now when dumb populations & govts are freaking out, and when stocks and other assets are on sale, in order to reap fat rewards over the next 2 years.

    Losers here will remain ... tada! ... losers.


  11. @ all the "champion complainers"

    You know the Singaporean. He is a hard-working, industrious, rugged individual. Or we would not have made the grade. But let us also recognise that he is a champion grumbler. -- #1 Fortress Emperor & Enlightened Pragmatic Dictator Lee Kuan Yew

    Notice the term rugged individual. What does that mean, and why does it matter? It is a term coined to illustrate the existentialism of the American Frontier, to be simplistic: COWBOY. 🤠

    It conjures up imaginations of being free, acting freely, staying positive and always moving forward despite the challenges which are overcome by sheer GRIT, gumption, smart independent & critical thinking, hard work, and a "never say die" attitude.

    As a Singaporean who is a self-professed individualist and Anarcho Capitalist, I am touched that Lau Lee would describe us as such.😍 ❤️ ❤️

    Strong-willed rugged individualists make a strong and robust FORTRESS.

    Sadly, as WSG has observed not everyone is "on the same page" as Lau Lee would have us believe. LKY is right about the "champion complainer" part: many Singaporeans are passive and can only complain and whinge in kopitiams. Lucky for them, tmost kopitiams have a Singapore Pools shop nearby where they can buy their 4-D ticket. I wish them the best of luck.

    The younger, tech savvy Singaporeans, thankfully, are different. They have their TradingView open on their MacBooks at places like Starbucks and they are investing and speculating thru apps. Their "payoff" is generally better than the complaining uncles who blow their dough on 4-D and lotteries.

    Rugged Individuals take responsibility for their lives. "Devil Take The Hindmost" means "keep up with what's happening and take profits where you can, or be killed, shredded and swallowed like prey because you lag far behind".

    Are you a rugged individual? A cowboy? If not, why not? 🤓

  12. Coming to a stage own self kill own children!

  13. That is a very sad punt. Some people are having a very bad and miserable time in their lives.

    Feel very sorry for them.

    Mercy to them.

  14. Event happens because of own self thinking.

    Time will show us the truth.

  15. @ 429

    >> Event happens because of own self thinking. <<

    If you are not thinking for yourself, about yourself, and then taking actions in the direction which benefits your own self...

    ... WHO do you think is going to do it for you, and can you really trust them to act in your best interest?

    I don't think so. You are welcome to disagree. 😉

  16. Already come to a stage own self kill own people's jobs!

  17. Many years ago, I started writing about robotics, and adding those ideas to discussions here. The govt has since been very serious about development in the field of robotics for many aspects of life.

    Today, Singapore is the world's 2nd most automated country, next to S Korea.

    Robots will be the "job killers", not people. Robots cannot get COVID or be affected by any future pandemic.

    Robots keep Fortress Singapore pumping! 🤖 (Sorry about your job disappearing. Don't worry, got SkillsFuture to help you retrain and "upgrade" yourself!)

    1. You mean Skills Degrading Funds? More appropriate, as intended by the Proponents of CECA.
