

Taxi drivers who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Feb 1 will be suspended from their contracts until they are fully vaccinated.

That is the latest of a series of draconian decrees that have been enacted by powerful dictatorial leaders of the Communist Party of Singapore (the CPS aka PAP).

This latest draconian decree, against the Employnent Laws, has just been announced by the Senior Minister of Status for Transport, Amy Khor yesterday (Jan 13).

In years to come, if those who took the emergency use only mRNA pseudo vaccines suffered from serious negative consequences, all these draconian dictators will have to pay retribution.

The masses must store the details in their collective memory for posterity. Class actions should not be spared when the time arises.u

Queen of Hearts


  1. What about the elderly Singaporeans who had been thrown under the bus to die when he/they enact the live-with-COVID endemic policy as they prioritize economic interests over Singaporean lives ?

  2. The time will come, must come, when the recklessness and thoughtlessness of people in power have to answer to the public (both citizens and non-citizens) for the consequences of their decisions, made in haste and without proper and definitive verifications of what the snakes told them.

    Such leaders cannot be considered as talents, let alone super talents that deserve the Millionaire Pay. Such self-made-belief pseudo talents must be made to pay back for the long years of amassed wealth in their banks to the State.

  3. The People Get The Government They Deserve

    It's been a long time since I started sounding like a broken record, but the "people in power" are in no way obligated to answer to anyone, even though there is this myth (mass delusion) that "The government must be transparent".

    Gimme a break lah. Even in the so-called "freedom-loving" 1st world countries, the hard evidence proves that those "freedoms" were merely ILLUSIONS which The Sheeple swallowed hook, line and sinker.

    Every war fought by "The Good Guys" in the name of FREEDOM was mainly bullshit causing massive loss of life and property, with debts and knock-on effects lasting thru to future generations---plural, not singular!

    If you trust the govt, you must be seriously nuts, or gullible, or both.

  4. Retribution may not come in this well controlled state. Class action would never see the light of day, not to say succeed.

    But retributions can also come in the after life. If anything goes seriously wrong with the mRNA, many will burn in hell forever.

    If Karma is not to be believed, just think about why some people are born with silver spoons in their mouths while come are born in dirt poor families. suffering in the bush of Africa. Saying that all human beings are born equal is just a self comforting thought.

  5. Retribution can come in many shades and forms.

    Those who plant good seeds shall reap good results. Those who plant evils with a cunning mind shall reap hellish dreads and trepidations.

    Justice comes in many ways and norms.

    Those who think they are so powerful that no one is able to touch them, remember the Achilles Heel. You will get your just deserts in due course.

    Those who are weak and bullied often by the strong and Godless fiends, do not despair. Justice will be severed by God in Heaven.

    The Meek shall inherit the Kingdom of God, while the Haughty shall perish in the Hands of the Almighty.

    Death is the natural equilibrium!

  6. Nobody can overcome death. Not the most powerful, not the most exceptional, not the world's wealthiest. All that posturing of power, wealth and exceptionalism is just self pontification. When the time comes, they still return to the soil as dust and ashes. No fight against nature!

  7. The difference is whether you die after a long life of luxury and comfort, like LKY.

    Or you die poor & suffering after working 70 years like a dog, like JBJ?

    1. This is what the poor and suffering keep telling themselves. Ah Q mentality.

  8. Why do negative people continue to focus on death? And the "after life", which is a mistake of language...

    It should be called the AFTER DEATH 🤣🍻

    It is a fact that all living things, including us, will die. So why waste time worrying about something we have absolutely no control over? 🧐

    The more interesting thing is that we don't have much control over stuff when we're alive too! Unfair right? 😂

    However, we can make choices, despite the wild uncertainty which makes life very "interesting".

    Through millennia of trial and error, evidence and "theories" developed from all of that, we know that "certain ways of thinking and acting" have the PROBABILITY of bestowing REWARDS, which brings enrichment, value, happiness, security and a sense of achievement (meaning) to our fleeting physical existence.

    Death is certain. Life is uncertain.

    Have fun, and prosper! 🥸

  9. A bunch of cowards who have no guts to make vaccination compulsory (probably because of hidden negative consequences that they already privy to) but use underhanded tactics to enforce compliance. Fxxking bastxxds! KNN.

  10. Welcome to Democratic People's Republic of Singapore!
