
Covid-19 Vaccination: The Irony And Agony Of Being Fully Vaccinated

Quote from internet:

“If you still need a booster after being FULLY vaccinated, and still need to be tested after being FULLY vaccinated, and still need to wear a mask after being FULLY vaccinated, and still get hospitalized after being FULLY vaccinated, then it is probably time you admitted that you have been FULLY conned.” ~ Covid bumper sticker'


To The Multi-Ministry Task Force,

Dear Multi-millionaire Ministers,

If your citizens still need to wear masks after being fully vaccinated,

And still need to observe the safety distancing of 1 meter apart, after being fully vaccinated,

And still need to limit in group of five at dinning out after being fully vaccinated,

And still get infected after being fully vaccinated,

And still need booster shots after booster shots after being fully vaccinated,

And still need to be tested again and again after being fully vaccinated,

And still need to be quarantined after being fully vaccinated,

And still get so sick that they have to be hospitalized, after being fully vaccinated,

And you still want our children from 5 to 11 years old to be fully vaccinated,

Then it is time that YOU wake up and admit that you have been FULLY FOOLED!

We fully understand your full and complete foolishness but please spare us from being fully fooled just like you.

Yours very obedient, but not foolish, citizens,

(This letter requires no signature because it is AI-Robotic generated)


1 comment:

  1. That Fxxker is playing God now. He thinks he is God.

    This kind of Fxxker must not be given any power. LEE Ah Long has very poor judgement of people. Good people he doesn't pick. He only picked those sycophantic, greedy and selfish Bataxds to be his Minions. Just like Drul from the Despicable Me movie.
