
Afghanistan - How to replace the Taliban with the Taliban?


Read in Quora this ....

Someone posted the following here at Quora which I think aptly summarized that US of A debacle…

"If you ever feel useless or totally frked-up something, remember that it took 4 U.S.A Presidents, trillions of US$, millions of lives lost, and more than 20 years to replace the Taliban with the Taliban."

The Americans are still controlling the mass media and setting the agenda. Everyday, every silly media would be reporting about North Korea testing their missiles or Russia amassing troops in the border with Ukraine as if it were their faults. North Korea cannot test missiles, Russia cannot amass troops when the Americans are encroaching into Russia's neighbourhood, trying to grab Ukraine and other former Warsaw Pact states in violation of an agreement with the USSR.

All the western media and crony Asia media would report or parrot the American agenda, daily, to make sure the unthinking be programmed, that they are the good guys, others were the bad guys. They never question or condemn why the Americans are having 11 aircraft carriers,  hundreds of military bases and biochemical labs all over the world, 7000 nuclear warheads all operational, all tested without being condemned or sanctioned, and invading countries, fighting wars and massacring the people of their invaded countries.

When would national media of the rest of the world be reporting news from their own perspective, using their own national journalists, instead of being unthinking parrots, reporting news from the American Empire? This is the 21st Century and many countries are still behaving like colonies of the American Empire, controlled and dictated and bullied by the Americans.

North Korea and any country have every right to build up their own defence capability or be bullied and threatened or invaded by the white savages that have overwhelming military superiority. Their only means of defence and remaining independent is to build up a strong military force able to strike back when attacked. North Korea, Russia, China or Iran are victims of American oppression and aggression. They are no threat to any country, no threat to silly unthinking American crony countries.

The real threat to every country is the American Empire and their terrorist organisations, the CIA, NED, the NGOs etc etc. They are behaving like gangsters all over the world, forming gangs to destabilise countries, create instability and inciting wars.

Don't be stupid. Think and find out who are the real trouble makers, the warmongers.


  1. Our shit times, yahoo every week publish anti china articles..most likely they are all under the pay check of the UaSess

  2. Note anti-China articles usually written by Angmoh or Indian writers; anti-China rhetoric usually by non-Chinese diplomats or ex-diplomats . .

  3. >> "If you ever feel useless or totally frked-up something, remember that it took 4 U.S.A Presidents, trillions of US$, millions of lives lost, and more than 20 years to replace the Taliban with the Taliban." <<

    Basically, the Taliban WON. And to the victor, go the spoils---they got all that American war hardware inadvertently "gifted" by the US govt and The Pentagon. 😂

    "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!" --- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

    The USD controls the global finances. The USD is the anchor of that system, and US financial markets RULE the world economy, finances AND politics.

    As such, the USA can be as "gangster" as they like cos they "own" the world (like The Mafia "owning" the people they threaten and bully).

    One might argue that American influence is diminishing...but even if you cut that power by 50%, they'll still have the largest influence.

    In the future, the American Empire will probably come crashing down, and American Exceptionalism relegated to the biggest joke in history...but we are nowhere near that scenario...even though the crypto crowd thinks that their favourite token like Bitcoin or Dodge will "take over the world's money". 🤣

    We don't live in the future, nor the past. We are living in the present with all the chaos, injustice and occasionally a few good things happening moment-to moment.

  4. The dying US Empire:

    'On the other hand, there are top level officials in the US who talk in different terms and indicate that at least some powers behind the curtain have a more objective view of reality and the relevant facts. Some of these facts are 1) that the US has lost the arms race, 2) the US government debt is out of control, 3) the US has the worst inflation in 37 years, 4) the US budget deficit is out of control, 5) the US economy is no longer the largest in the world, 6) the US continues to pour money into obsolete weapons systems, 7) The US social, racial, education, and health policies are disasters.'

  5. Russia cannot even move troops within it's own border according to the USA and NATO, but the USA can send it's strike force to the South China Sea. What kind of argument is that that can come out of a sick mind is a mystery.

    Seventy years of the Korean War, with sanctions galore, and yet Kim Jong Urn is firing rockets like firing Chinese New Year crackers and enjoying his sport. Kim is showing his middle finger to the USA and it's poodles, Japan and South Korea. They can jump up and down like a clown, to no avail.

    Sixty years of embargo on Cuba and the country has not fallen to pieces. In fact Cubans are more patriotic than ever and proud of their country. In fact Cubans have learnt to deal with the sanctions and are now more united against the USA.

    The saying is, what does not kill you makes you stronger. China and Russia will emerge stronger than ever in the face of USA and Western subterfuge. If Cuba and North Korea, in the face of severe adversity can pull themselves together and make them more determined to progress faster, stronger and better why not the Chinese and Russians? Trade between them is growing by leaps and bounds, with Russian oil and gas paid for by Chinese investments in Russia

    The USA now dare not bully North Korea today, with it's nuclear deterrent, tiny it may be, but still lethal. The North Koreans are experimenting with hypersonic missiles, which changes the whole new game.

    In fact, the day will come that Russia will station troops in Cuba and Venezuela as threatened if the USA and the West keeps escalating the conflict in Ukraine. When Ukraine falls to the Russians, the USA and the West will scurry like rats as they did in Afghanistan and Vietnam.

  6. All this manufactured fear of the China threat is really a guilty conscience arising in the minds of the Anglo Saxon White curse, fearing the repayment of the blood debt owed to the Chinese when the West was tearing China apart during the Opium War. China's rise is stoking such fear and they are trying by hook or by crook to put China down.

    Likewise, Japan also harbours such fear of their blood debt owed to China during WW2. The perpetrators of evil are ganging up together to face the debt repayment when China overtakes the USA as the dominant force to contend with.

    So is the UK fabricating the China threat thousand of mile away across the other side of the world. They may not believe in Karma, but they realistically knows 'Karma' in another form will come some day with China's rise.

  7. Across the entire spectrum of humanity---from society and culture to business, economics and politics...even in cartoons and other forms of entertainment...there's GENERAL AGREEMENT that the USA is losing its power and influence and western society in general is in decline.

    So "wishing" for these thing to happen or trying to "predict" the future is simply wasting time. It's already happening.

    However, as I said previously, we live in THE PRESENT, and in order to be secure, happy and mentally-stable, we need to think and act in the present, adjusting where necessary.

    If you're living under a dark cloud, rest assured that there are billions of others having a rocking good time because they are able to transcend any "negative spirits", seize opportunities and in general make the most out of life.

    Good luck.

  8. recent report said usa is contributing several hundred milliion in humanitarian aid to Afg. Crazy right? They block Afg from withdrawing the Afgan's own Govt acct assets in World Bank in USA. The afg govt is not begging for money, they want to use their own funds frozen by gangster Americans!!!!!

    1. The National reservrs of Afgan central bank does have money. I am not surprised. During the 20 years in Afg, there was some economic activity in the metroplis areas and there would be some foreign resrves.
      quote (reuters):The most recent financial statement posted online shows DAB holds total assets of about $10 billion, including $1.3 billion-worth of gold reserves and $362 million in foreign currency cash reserves, based on currency conversion rates on June 21, the date of the report. Ahmady estimated total reserves stood at $9 billion last week.


      Central banks, especially in developing nations, often park their assets overseas with institutions such as the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) or the Bank of England

  9. The crocodile said it is very sad to see the sufferings in Afghanistan and is shedding tears of love by helping the Afghan people. Supporting the terrorist fighting the Taliban would most likely be the real reason.

    Satan has many faces, but none is what you think he is and helping others is not in his vocabulary. More like not wanting to lose out in their charitable work and show the world their 'kindness', otherwise no face in the eyes of the world.

    Freezing the Taliban's money and then pledging help? Just take all that with lots of salt.

  10. US and USD pre-eminence won't last forever, true. But it will likely outlast you & a good portion of your children's lifetimes.

    Smart means being able to recognise & take advantage of current reality to make lots of money, give yourself and your brats a good life, and generally say fuck you to the govt.

    Don't get stuck on dogma or old fashioned thinking or outdated culture that self-sabotages yourself. I see many sinkies keep scoring own goals against themselves.

  11. Isn't the money frozen?

  12. The Taliban and many other Afghans are using crypto currency.

    They're not stupid. They won't bend over and allow a weaponised US dominated financial system to ruin their lives.

  13. An Asian woman was pushed to her death at a subway station in Times Square on Saturday morning in what city officials are calling an "unprovoked" attack.

    Authorities have a suspect in custody who turned himself in after allegedly pushing the 40-year-old New York City woman off of the Q/R platform near 42nd Street and Broadway and onto the tracks in front of an oncoming train.

    The victim, who identity has been withheld while officials notify her family, died at the station.

    New York City experienced a significant increase in anti-Asian hate crimes last year. Police data shows incidents targeting Asians rose by 361 percent by December 2021, NBC News reports.
