
Why Must We Continue To Trust In The US Dollar?

The US Dollar has become totally of no value because of the incessant and continuous generating, printing and distributing of the worthless US money from the US Mint to cover the US Government spending by the $Trillions every year, without gold or anything to back it up.

Why are the governments of the other countries of the world still accept the USD as a medium of exchange in businesses, finance and trade?

Don't the various finance ministers and finance secretaries know that the USD is totally worthless already?

Don't the numerous bankers in the world know that the USD is just a false facet of value and nothing else?

Perhaps, old habits are hard to die?

Perhaps, some countries' leaders have been squeezed by the balls, or blackmailed?

Perhaps, some politicians are playing politics because they wish to stay favourably in the eyes of Washington D.C.?

Perhaps, most countries' people have been brain-washed until they have become obedient robots addicted to the US petrodollar?

Last but not least, most probably, perhaps many corrupted leaders and officials have their dirty money invested in USD, bonds, notes, securities, real estates, insurance, etc.?

Bottom line is:

Why nust we continue to trust in a worthless US Dollar?

Queen of Hearts.


  1. Capitalism is a highly corrupted system. A corrupted system run by corrupted leaders will support a corrupted USD system.

    Many political leaders want to appear above board, clean and honest. However, in most of their dealings behind the scenes, they are the most corrupted people in the world.

  2. Washington’s December 9 Summit for Democracy is a Belligerent Attempt of a Desperate Declining Power

    Unknown to most people, the United States has embarked on an exercise to divide the world into two blocks – “democracies” and “authoritarian” states.

    What’s more, the US defines “authoritarian” as any country that refuses to follow the prescriptions of the West with regard to the political system it adopts.

    Yet the United Nations Charter, signed in 1945, did not mention the word democracy – because it is each nation’s sovereign right to pursue its own political system. And a nation’s choice is legitimised solely by its people.

    America’s divisive exercise – the Summit for Democracy, to be held on December 9, 2021, in Washington – goes against the principles of the United Nations Charter.

    Of the 101 countries invited, 28 per cent are categorised as “partly free”, while 3 per cent are considered “not free”. There is no “alternative political system” category. Thirty-nine European countries were invited, but only 17 African countries, four from South and Central Asia, and two from the Middle East. Notably, China is absent, and as a main theme of the summit is “Defending against authoritarianism” – this is thinly veiled belligerence on an international scale.

    This means that of the 193 countries in the world, the US believes 92 are undeserving of its definition of international recognition and are essentially pariah states. That is almost half the world. But the world possesses a diversity of political systems that we must all learn to accept and work with to make multilateral cooperation more effective. Dividing the world into two camps is limiting, regressive, and a reflection of a Cold War mentality that is counter-productive.

    Ultimately, this summit is yet another American attempt to curtail the rise of China and demonise it: post-summit, it is likely that countries will be expected to take action “in support of democracy”. Given the proximity of the Beijing Winter Olympics to the summit, we can expect to hear threats of boycotts and read scathing statements from Western politicians and commentators on China – some are already calling it the “Genocide Olympics”. This is part of a wider strategy to impose a pax Americana world order by weaponising the noble notion of democracy, bolstering Washington’s declining stature and hegemonic global influence.

    This approach is not new. It is the age-old “with us or against us” strategy, and delivers all the consequences that a hegemon can inflict upon non-compliant states, including sanctions on the weak and the poor. Yet the more the West attempts to convince the world that China is the threat, the more it isolates itself in its own echo-chamber of Cold War-esque narratives.

    The strategy is guaranteed to fail as most of the world does not see China as the over-arching global threat.

  3. Why doesn’t the world view China as the villain despite the best efforts of the West to vilify it?

    First, many non-Western nations were colonies of, or exploited by the West (and continue to be). They recognise the West is driven by the desire to maintain its economic superiority, which has come from centuries of imperial power. This is why non-Western countries have to be legitimised as “civilised and democratic” by Western gatekeepers if they are to be offered the opportunity to live peacefully and prosperously, without sanctions, trade wars, and real wars.

    Second, many post-colonial nations have suffered from the neoliberal prescriptions of the West and seen how it has used the “spread” of democracy to deny them their own sovereign rights. They have seen how the West selectively uses human rights arguments to undermine the legitimate actions of other nations, while turning a blind eye to blatant human rights violations by Western-aligned states.

    Third, non-Western countries may have qualms about the Chinese governance model and aspects of its foreign policy, but they also respect China’s successes. They are not fooled by biased Western reporting: they look at the facts, see the results, and visit China to understand it.

    They see a government that has worked for the people and produced results. These non-Western nations want to produce the same results for their people, rather than adhering to more of the misleading and condescending Western rhetoric about democracy as a utopian fast-track.

    Lastly, China has been ramping up its investment and relationship-building across the world – such as through the Belt and Road Initiative and coronavirus vaccine agreements.

    So, what has China achieved that these countries seek to emulate? For starters, its poverty alleviation rate. In 1994, the government set a goal of lifting 80 million people out of poverty within seven years – by 2021, it had uplifted 800 million.

    Additionally, over the last two decades alone, China’s Gross National Income (GNI) per capita grew from US$940 in 2000 to US$10,410 in 2019. This is double the rate achieved by Russia, the second-fastest growing BRICS economy.

    China has demonstrated that a nation does not need to meet the West’s definition of “democracy” to achieve success for its people. Democracy is the right of all peoples, and cannot be arbitrarily judged by the US.

    According to the United Nations Charter: “The UN does not advocate for a specific model of government but promotes democratic governance as a set of values and principles that should be followed for greater participation, equality, security and human development”.

    This is to say that the political systems of a country and its method of governance are important because they must ultimately serve the people, enable them to have a sense of participation, satisfaction and improvements to their quality of life. Democracy is just one approach to this, so it is reasonable to conclude that China has developed a successful governance system suited to its culture, history, and the needs of its population.

    For many countries, the dated prescriptions of former imperial powers or settler communities (the US, UK, Australia, Canada) are unsuitable.

    It is time to reverse the dangerous attempts of the West to confront China under the pretext of democracy.

  4. The US is now the foremost and extremely dangerous threat to world peace. Weaker countries like Singapore will succumb to its hegemonic powers and simply cowed and tow the line. However, the Muslims will not bow down to this well-known monsterous dictatorship disguised as a democracy and a freedom of choice but gives no one any choice. It's with us or against us all over again.

    This "with us or against us" threat has been used prior to the invasion of Iraq, and many other invasions or interventions by the US military.

    This present repeat of "with us or against us" democracy summit must be seen as a prelude to a concerted and coordinated invasion of China and Chinese interests.

    Therefore, the Chinese people must be well prepared to repel all attacks from the US and its Coalition of the Willing and Forced - from all angles and all fields - militarily, economically, technologically, etc.

  5. The Petrodollar is possibly dying before our very eyes as Russia is getting ready to take over the security for ME:

    That could be the reason why the Fed is printing such enormous amount of USD and the US saber rattingly at Chinese and Russian borders.

    We are living in 'interesting times'.

  6. Upcoming Imminent War In Ukraine

    It is estimated that Russia could begin a military offensive in Ukraine within two months' time.

    At least up to 175,000 Russian troops are now deployed along the Russia-Ukraine border.

    US President Joe Biden is now panicking and has quickly asked Russian President Putin for a video conference.

    After months of steady increases of military forces along the Russia-Ukraine border by both sides, US diplomats are now pretending to be alarmed by the present development.

    Russian forces have capabilities in place along the Ukraine border to carry out a swift and immediate invasion, including erecting supply lines such as medical units and fuel that could sustain a drawn-out conflict.

    Officials said the current levels of equipment stationed in the area could supply front-line forces for seven to 10 days and other support units for as long as a month.

    Ukrainian soldiers have been seen dug-in in camouflaged trenches along the Line of Separation from pro-Russian rebels in the Donetsk region.

    Russia could begin the offensive as early as January 2022, with at least 100 battalion tactical groups. This is twice the forces Russia has built up in the region last year.

    Ukraine is important to Russia because it holds almost half of all the ex-USSR's nuclear weapons.

    Previously, Russia was not worried about the nuclear weapons in Ukraine because the then Ukraine leadership was still pro-USSR and pro-Russia.

    Over the last decade, due to US infiltration, interference and influence, the Ukraine leadership has become corrupted and began to lean towards the US sphere of influence, almost becoming a puppet stooge of the White House.

    As such, the immense amount of nuclear weapons in Ukraine's possession has now become an imminent and strategic threat to the survival of Russia.

    There is no alternative for Russia but to ensure that the nuclear weapons in Ukraine will never post any threat against Russia.

