
Why doesn’t the world view China as the villain despite the best efforts of the West to vilify it?

First, many non-Western nations were colonies of, or exploited by the West (and continue to be). They recognise the West is driven by the desire to maintain its economic superiority, which has come from centuries of imperial power. This is why non-Western countries have to be legitimised as “civilised and democratic” by Western gatekeepers if they are to be offered the opportunity to live peacefully and prosperously, without sanctions, trade wars, and real wars.

Second, many post-colonial nations have suffered from the neoliberal prescriptions of the West and seen how it has used the “spread” of democracy to deny them their own sovereign rights. They have seen how the West selectively uses human rights arguments to undermine the legitimate actions of other nations, while turning a blind eye to blatant human rights violations by Western-aligned states.

Third, non-Western countries may have qualms about the Chinese governance model and aspects of its foreign policy, but they also respect China’s successes. They are not fooled by biased Western reporting: they look at the facts, see the results, and visit China to understand it.

They see a government that has worked for the people and produced results. These non-Western nations want to produce the same results for their people, rather than adhering to more of the misleading and condescending Western rhetoric about democracy as a utopian fast-track.

Lastly, China has been ramping up its investment and relationship-building across the world – such as through the Belt and Road Initiative and coronavirus vaccine agreements.

So, what has China achieved that these countries seek to emulate? For starters, its poverty alleviation rate. In 1994, the government set a goal of lifting 80 million people out of poverty within seven years – by 2021, it had uplifted 800 million.

Additionally, over the last two decades alone, China’s Gross National Income (GNI) per capita grew from US$940 in 2000 to US$10,410 in 2019. This is double the rate achieved by Russia, the second-fastest growing BRICS economy.

China has demonstrated that a nation does not need to meet the West’s definition of “democracy” to achieve success for its people. Democracy is the right of all peoples, and cannot be arbitrarily judged by the US.

According to the United Nations Charter: “The UN does not advocate for a specific model of government but promotes democratic governance as a set of values and principles that should be followed for greater participation, equality, security and human development”.

This is to say that the political systems of a country and its method of governance are important because they must ultimately serve the people, enable them to have a sense of participation, satisfaction and improvements to their quality of life. Democracy is just one approach to this, so it is reasonable to conclude that China has developed a successful governance system suited to its culture, history, and the needs of its population.

For many countries, the dated prescriptions of former imperial powers or settler communities (the US, UK, Australia, Canada) are unsuitable.

It is time to reverse the dangerous attempts of the West to confront China under the pretext of democracy.



  1. hi .
    CNA our govt mouthpiece, aired a segment yesterday on Taiwan-China politics. One of the interviewed guests (American) said as-a-matter-of-factlly....that "Taiwan reunifucation with china is not accepted by the Taiwanese population".
    FACT OR FICTION? ANY PROOF? Is it true that the TsaiEnglish DPP's anti China stance is the overwhelming viewpoint of the masses?

  2. More than 50% of Taiwanese wants unification with the motherland.

    The other 50%, half of which is Japanese or half Japanese, wants to be a colony of Japan or a pawn of the Americans.

  3. One attraction of reunification is the astronomical collosal savings on Defence. The Taiwanese needlessly use taxpayer money to the tune of billions of dollars for decades buying weapons from America which treats taiwan as a cash cow. Who is the enemy? Chinese killing Chinese and the Americans laughing all the way to the bank? Crazy rifht?
    With reunification, the defence budget is under China supreme control the money released can be used to improve well-being of one and all. China has drawn up huge plans for a transitional absorption of Taiwan province. It is not a big deal, even Hongkong which does not speak mandarin, can succeed... the Taiwanese absorption has no reason to fail.
    It is very infuriating to watch CNA present the Taiwan documentary lasy night. There is very little investigativr journalism displayed. It is just American propaganda.

  4. Virgo,it is not right to say CNA used foreigners to report their news. It is good for the respective foreigners to report the news of their respective countries seen in their own perspective. It is another thing to report fake news and propaganda of another country even if it is reported by Singaporeans.

    The Americans have controlled many news media, at home and abroad to push out fake news and disinformation. It is not the fault of the Americans in a way if silly national news media simply reproduced them or intentionally choose to be American spokesmen of American propaganda.

    What is the point of having PICA? Who is allowing foreigners to influence our affairs?

  5. Cna has a motto "reporting news from the Asian perspective". I WISH IT IS TRUE.

  6. Rather, it's reporting news from the Asian-controlled-by-US perspective . . .

  7. CNA used to be a neutral and balanced news outlet, reporting from Asian perspective.

    Today, it is not so. It is now heavily influenced by and infiltrated with Western propaganda. It has brought shame and disgrace to itself. It has failed its mission and its supporters big time.

    It is better to close down, instead of prolonging its own agony.

  8. The power of the West comes from the resources stolen from their colonies like India, in Africa, South America, countries like China and, of course, the Middle East. Had oil not been losing it's perceived prominence due to the global migration to clean renewable energy, the USA would already had succeeded in putting their stooge in Venezuela to seize their oil.

    Oil, gold, artifacts, even food from starving countries like India were shipped to the UK to feed the Whites. The stolen wealth were fundamental in fueling and funding the Industrial Revolution that propelled the West to move ahead of others. What is left for the rest of the world is poverty, hunger and backwardness.

    When China started to promote developments in Africa, South Asia and South America and now Middle East, it was and is viewed with derision, accusation and jealousy. What they failed to do morally, no one else must demean their behaviour in the past, which is keeping poor countries permanently poor, so that they can be exploited and controlled.

    China's changing of the reality is a threat to the USA and the West. Therefore China cannot be allowed to rise further and become a beacon for the rest of the world to follow. Hence all the ways and means were and are created in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Taiwan and the drumming up of an imaginary threat posed by China in every possible scenario. The same tactic from the same playbook used during the era of the Soviet Union, which was comparatively poor to pose any real contention. China is a different adversary to put down.

  9. If China is viewed as the bad guy, who is the good guy? Who helps in development all over the world?

    If the USA is indeed the good guy, what have they been doing to help the developing world? Oh, yes, putting countries in debt with sales of military equipment based on trumped up threats, invented or otherwise. If the world has not learned anything from the debacle in Iraq, the world is doomed.

    Good or bad guy, it is the deed that counts, not the bullshit. Unfortunately, money talks and bullshit walks!
