
The mRNA Vaccines Are A Hoax

From present existing experiences and data available, it is quite clear that the more vaccinated (with mRNA fake vaccines) the country is, the more infections there are and will be, exponentially. So what does it tell us?

It tells us that the vaccines are fake. They do not work as claimed by the sellers of the vaccines. It tells us that any country depending upon vaccination as the measure to stop the spread of Covid-19 is in for a rude shock.

It is now well-known that the mRNA vaccines may be a hoax to reap profits big time. They are not vaccines.

If they are true vaccines they should do the job like all other vaccines in the past, for example, vaccines for small pox, chicken pox, measles, tuberculosis, polio, etc.

If the mRNA "vaccines" are real vaccines, they should be able to counter the Covid-19 virus and stop it from infecting people. They should be able to both prevent infection by the COVID-19 virus and stop transmission of the Covid-19 virus. The fact is that they are not, in both counts.

Stupidity is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.

Recommending booster shots using the same mRNA fake vaccines will not achieve a different outcome.

Whoever proposed the booster shots and expecting a different result must be damned stupid.

Whoever bought that proposal must be a moron.

And whoever implemented it must be the most moronic moron of all the morons in the whole Universe!

Still want to talk about booster shots?

Perhaps, to boost somebody's pocket or bank accounts?

Beware of snake oil sellers!



  1. Once bitten, twice shy.
    Twice bitten, never again try.

    I am not going for the third shot. Because after third shot, there will be 4th shot another 3 to 5 months later. There will be no end.

    These four things will happen if we allowed ourselves to be conned into getting one jab after another, with no end in sight:

    1. Our body gives way and we die of vaccine overdose or vaccine poisoning.

    2. Our innate immune system gets damaged by the repetitive intake of foreign substances (fake vaccines) and we will still succumb to the Covid-19 virus or other viruses, whether vaccinated or not.

    3. We will run out of money and patience. And may also run amok.

    4. The big pharmas and their investors will grow richer and richer, and keep laughing at our stupidity for allowing ourselves to be fixed by their cunning scam in collaboration with the government and the greatest drug pusher in the country.

  2. MOH to stop daily press release on Covid-19 situation from Dec 7; updates still available on website

    The Ministry of Health (MOH) on Monday (Dec 6) said that it will stop issuing daily press releases on Covid-19 infection statistics from Tuesday onwards “as the current wave of Delta infections subsides”, though the public can continue to access the information on the ministry’s website.

    These include information on the local Covid-19 situation, as well as hospital capacity, status of patients, as well as the vaccination progress and number of Covid-19 cases.In its daily update on the coronavirus situation, MOH also said that Singapore recorded 662 new cases of Covid-19 and four more deaths due to complications from the disease.

    The daily case count is higher than the 552 reported on Sunday.

    In announcing its cessation of the issuance of the press release, MOH stressed that it will continue to update the public on significant developments, “including information on the Omicron variant” through regular media statements.

    MOH also noted that one of the statistics being monitored is the week-on-week infection growth ratio.

    “During the present wave of infection, we wanted to ensure that the ratio was below one before we eased any restrictions,” it said.

    1. As expected. We know this day will come.

      Slowly but steadily, the truth will be covered up.

      Soon, even updates will become wishy washy and then not be available on their website.

      Finally, a total black out.

      Misinformation, disinformation and then no information.

      This was the practice of a totalitarian regime of Nazi Hitler.

  3. Now that they are stopping the media release, it is an open cheque for them to fill in anything as they like. They cannot invent more lies to cover most lies to cover original lies.

    The children are going to be lead into the sewers by the Pipe Piper.

  4. Matter of time it comes to SG......

    Parents cry foul over 'forced' vaccination

    Anxious parents are protesting the government's de facto "forcible" measure to get children aged between 12 and 17 vaccinated against COVID-19 through its extended vaccine pass program, which included cram schools, or "hagwon," and libraries in the list of public places subject to the program.

    They claim the measure infringes on children's right to learn, noting the policy lacks consistency as the government previously said the inoculation of children was a decision for parents to make. They added that it was unreasonable to include studying facilities while leaving out religious facilities and shopping malls where mass infections frequently occur.

    The protest follows the government's new antivirus measures announced Friday that expands the vaccine pass system, which is now applied to people aged 18 or over, to children aged from 12 to 17 from Feb. 1 next year.

    The vaccine pass is a system allowing fully vaccinated people or those with negative polymerase chain reaction (PRC) results to enter multiuse facilities.

    The government also added more facilities to those subject to the system, including cram schools, libraries, study cafes and private reading rooms, mainly used by teenage students.

    The health authorities said the expansion of the system was necessary to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, especially the new Omicron variant. They believe getting more children vaccinated is key to controlling the virus situation because the rate of infections among them over the past four weeks was higher than that of adults, according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA).

    Parents, who have been hesitant to get their children vaccinated out of fear of possible side effects, say it is virtually a "mandatory" measure because almost all children attend hagwon in Korea and submitting negative PCR test results every 48 hours to these cram schools would be impossible.

    "Some people say that vaccination is not compulsory because going to private academies is a choice, not an obligation like schools," Kim Ji-hyun, a parent of a middle school student in Nowon District in Seoul, said. "But it doesn't make sense at all because hagwon are providing a kind of after-school care service for families with working parents like me."

    Numerous petitions opposing the expansion of the vaccine pass for children have been posted on the Cheong Wa Dae website.

    Regarding the protests, Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum urged parents to get their children vaccinated, saying not doing so was no longer an option.

    "The vaccine pass is not discrimination (against unvaccinated people)," Kim said in a regular antivirus meeting Monday. "It is a bottom line that everybody should keep to, to protect the community."

    Health experts also support the government policy.

    "The vaccine pass is a measure to require unvaccinated people to show responsibility by at least getting a negative PCR result before using multiuse facilities," Jacob Lee, a professor of infectious disease at Hallym University Medical Center, wrote on Facebook. "It is strategy to protect the unvaccinated."


  5. Minister Ong to wait for KKH to finish the 15 months study for 5-11 Children

    Dear Minister Ong,

    RE: Please Wait 15 months

    We are parents, doctors, aunts, uncles, grandparents of the 300 over thousands 5-11 Singaporean Children.

    We understand that Pfizer can cause fatal cardiac events in Children and KKH is doing an Official Clinical trial to reduce the dosage by 2/3 to prevent myocarditis and other dangerous adverse events. This study will end in 15 months and we hope the Minister can wait for the conclusion of this local study before deployment of the Pfizer vaccine to our 5-11 children.

    Dr Yung Chee Fu said that the study aims to follow the participants for up to 15 months, and it will evaluate operational logistics, as well as [safety and immune response] from administering the vaccine to young children.


    Minister Ong, these IMPORTANT safety data from KKH can save the lives of our precious young children.

    We pray that you will have the wisdom and patience to wait.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Dr IW Yang

    Former Medical Director of two HSA-Approved Vaccination Centers.




  6. This is the first stage to put a mark on the beasts. And so many governments are in cahoot with the Empire to mark their population. Hope it is just the mark and not depopulation.

    With the mark of the beast, Satan would be in control of everyone.

  7. Would they rush ahead with insufficient data to inject our young children?

    Why the mad rush?

    What is at stake? Children's life or what else that we do not know?

  8. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1914792898708535&id=100005335308340

    HO Ching

    Splendid to see that the intubated ICU covid cases are now below 50 pax.

    What is remarkable is the sharp fall in the numbers in ICU for close monitoring. These are folks with high risks, or on high oxygen, who may turn a sudden turn for the worse and could need quick intubation rescue.

    This remarkable fall is driven by the steadily increasing numbers of the seniors who are fully vaccinated, or already boosted.

    True, there is also judgment factor which could shift either way.

    One could be cautious and put more folks in ICU for close monitoring, and with experience, begin to sift out those who are unlikely to deteriorate.
    Or we may have newer treatments which would help reduce the risk of further deterioration for patients with certain health conditions.

    Or we may find risks are higher for certain groups, and expand to cover more of such higher risk groups.

    Whatever the case, the net result of a sharper fall in the number of folks in ICU for precautionary close monitoring is most encouraging.

    Coupled with the fall in intubated ICU cases, we are well on track to a more manageable level for our healthcare workers and hospitals.

    Next to watch is the Omicron.

    While it may spread faster, we may just be lucky enough that it is also much much milder, and without long Covid.

    Let’s prepare for it, even as we are quietly chuffed up that we are making headway in reducing the risk of ICU/death with boosters for our older folks on top of vaccination, and that our seniors are continuing to show up for their 1st shots.

    Keep well

  9. The man in his 30s, who had traveled to Italy, was found to be infected with the heavily mutated variant after entering Japan through Tokyo's Haneda airport on Wednesday, according to the health ministry.

    He is fully vaccinated after receiving two doses of Moderna Inc.'s COVID-19 vaccine in July and August, the sources said.


  10. Austrians are protesting against the Government's mandatory vaccination move early next year. No talk of human right's abuse yet, from the USA and the West, the human and unhuman right's protector of the galaxy.

    Singapore is waiting for the USA to make the same mandatory move before following suit. Just follow the master is the best policy. Doing it now would be branded abuse of human right's and draconian by the USA and the West. Even great allies of the USA, the UK, had not been spared, trying to jump the gun ahead of the USA by vaccinating it's citizens with the Pfizer vaccine. The UK had only been criticised. But the UK has White privileges and Singapore is multi coloured. Not of the same league.

    Meanwhile the USA has not enacted mandatory vaccination moves. They are afraid of being called draconian by those whom they have branded abuser of human rights and draconian. They will have to look into the mirror sooner or later. Their death toll is nearly 800,000.

  11. @ Anon 1127 am (Ho Ching's running dog?)

    Keep well all the data so that the daft Sinkies do not see the true picture. As such, the daft Sinkies can be easily conned into believing in the drug pusher who is pushing drugs for the snake oil sellers.

    The true fact for the huge reduction in the daily number of cases and the decrease in ICU cases is because of the recent policy of pushing those infected to recover at home instead of on hospitals.

    Moreover, the MOH declaration to make the unvaxed pay for their medical bills has driven many infected unvaxed away from the hospitals.

    Therefore, at least three times the reported numbers are recovering or dying at home.

    So, the figures the Crow is crowing about is not the true figure. Let everyone beware.

  12. HC

    Really, we are blaming former colonial powers for vaccine hesitancy in the emerging economies?

    Really, really?

    The facts on the ground don’t suggest so.

    Sg and HK were both colonies of the Great Britain - yet the vaccine hesitancy is divergent.

    India is a huge country with over 1 billion population, about the total population size of Africa, or bigger.

    India has delivered over 1.25 billion shots already - enough to cover all of its adult population with 1 shot each. Already, half its adult population is fully vaccinated, with another third having had their 1st dose and waiting for their 2nd.

    In Malaysia, vaccination rate is very high.

    In India, medical teams climb into the mountains to deliver vaccines shots to villagers living in remote mountains.

    In Sarawak, medical teams go via rivers to reach upstream remote villages, to do their shots.

    So let’s not make excuses for present day vaccine hesitancy, pr simply weak planning and execution for vaccine coverage against Covid-19, when even the Talibans in Afghanistan are co-operating to provide polio vaccines in their strife torm state.

    1. No head. No tail. WTF is she talking?

    2. Ya! Very confusing. Can't even express in simple and proper England. Such a confused mind!

      Too much money in the bank to count and protect. Fear of thieves and robbers or of losing all that amassed wealth could have driven the mind bonkers?

      Wonder how shem talked with the hanchos in Tummy Sick?

  13. Never in human history have governments working in cahoot to coerce its citizens in such a draconian act of jabbing them with controversial and unsafe experimental drugs...even turning children into guinea pigs.

    Wait for the consequences down the road.

  14. Ong Ye Kung

    Student activities are progressively returning to campus. I was invited back to #SMU for the opening of the SMU Arts Festival.

    It was a labour of love for some 300 SMU students who organised the month-long event.

    Glad to be back. This was where I attended my very first commencement ceremony when I was Minister for Education.

    Campus life is important, because the most valuable things we can take away from our education are the friends we met and the camaraderie built.

    Photo credit: Singapore Management University

  15. It is time to Stop at Two, if you have already allowed yourself to be conned.

    The vaccines have been proven to be defective and cannot be trusted. So are the words of the highly paid experts and politicians.

    Going for a booster shot is like upgrading of your software every few months, causing your storage space and memory space to reduce their capacities and slowing down the computer, thereby affecting the overall performance of your computer.

  16. Experts agree with MOH move to stop daily Covid-19 updates to media, as 'they are no longer meaningful'

    Several experts The Straits Times spoke to agree with the Ministry of Health's (MOH) move to stop issuing daily Covid-19 updates to the media from Tuesday (Dec 7).

    The experts say the information provided daily does not mean much at this stage of the pandemic, when Singapore is transitioning to treating Covid-19 as endemic.

    The information, however, including infection numbers, deaths and intensive care unit (ICU) occupancy rates, will still be available on the MOH website.

    Professor Teo Yik Ying, dean of the National University of Singapore Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, said community infection numbers fluctuate "depending on whether individuals feel inclined to seek medical care".

    He explained that given the "considerable degree of unknowns in terms of the proportion of daily infection numbers that is symptomatic or asymptomatic, it makes interpreting infection numbers difficult and, at this stage, rather pointless too".

    There is also no need to report deaths on a daily basis, he said, as this is not done for any other health conditions.

    This was justifiable as a pandemic response when there were no real means of protection, he added.

    "But now, we have effective vaccines and also proven treatment methods, and the country is moving on from a pandemic reaction to an endemic response," he said.

    Prof Teo suggests that a weekly or monthly report may suffice during this transition. "But eventually, I do not think we need to report even on a monthly basis," he said.

    His colleague, Associate Professor Alex Cook, vice-dean of research at the school, agreed that a weekly update "would allow for a better, more comprehensive view of the epidemic situation". "This is a frequency which matches the weekly updates MOH gives on other infectious diseases," he added.

    Associate Professor Hsu Li Yang, an infectious diseases expert at the school, thinks that even monthly reports are not needed, "barring some major change such as (the new Covid-19 variant) Omicron appearing and therefore there might be interest in tracking its spread among the vaccinated or prior-infected".

    The experts see the MOH decision as a signal.

    Said Prof Teo: "By pivoting away from daily reporting, MOH is clearly sending a signal that Singapore is moving on to the next phase of the transition from pandemic to endemic response."

    Added Prof Cook: "I would suppose MOH is seeking to encourage journalists to dial back the coverage they give the pandemic, which has overwhelmed coverage of other matters, including other important public health matters."

    But Prof Cook added that once Omicron starts circulating here, things might change and detailed reports might prove useful.

    Prof Teo said: "MOH should continue to track the cause of deaths and, moving forward, the death registry will likely have a permanent addition of Covid-19 as a possible cause of death."

  17. The daily reports have been so watered down tremendously recently that they have become meaningless. It has become just a facet to tell people that MOH is still "working very hard". But in reality it is a waste of precious time and government staff's efforts, and money.

    I have been tracking the reports every day until last week, when I gave it up altogether because I found it totally meaningless to carry on.

    The cases reported by MOH did not reflect the reality on the ground any more.

    Many infected cases and some deaths have gone underground and undetectable, due to MOH policies of making those infected vaccinated to self-isolate and self-treat at home, and also due to the punishing of the unvaccinated with paying their own medical bills.

    Such controversial and questionable policies may have long-term repercussions.

  18. The Omicron variant appeared to spread between two fully vaccinated people in separate hotel rooms in Hong Kong, early research suggests

    Both men were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with Pfizer's two-dose shot and had tested negative for the virus within 72 hours before arrival in Hong Kong, the report said.

    "On arrival at the Hong Kong airport, both case-patients stayed in the same quarantine hotel and had rooms across the corridor from each other on the same floor," according to the research letter.

    According to the research, which cited closed-circuit television camera footage, the individuals infected with Omicron never left their hotel rooms during the recent quarantine period.

    "No items were shared between rooms, and other persons did not enter either room," the report said, noting that the only time the two people opened their hotel doors was to collect food that was placed outside of each door.

    "Airborne transmission across the corridor is the most probable mode of transmission," the researchers wrote, adding that such a spread could hint the virus is more infectious.


  19. That's an indication that the Omicron variant is extremely contagious - transmitting from an infected vaccinated person to another vaccinated person, between two closed rooms opposite each other.

    Imagine what it's like for all those travelling together with an Omicron infected person on the same plane, train, bus, coach, and in the same lobby, transit lounge, shopping mall, restaurant, toilet, lift, etc.

    The Vaccinated Travel Lanes facilitate the the virus to spread from the vaccinated to the vaccinated, and eventually from these infected vaccinated people to all the unvaccinated people in the community wherever they go.

    The VTL is actually a stupid idea. Not a smart one. It is all motivated by greed and stupidity, not by wisdom and prudence. Whoever decided upon the implementation of the VTL is not worth his salt as a good leader, let alone a good minister.

  20. Now I am wondering which is the real hoax. From the hysteria when Omicron was identified till now we heard that it is easily transmitted. If this is true, the two infected passengers that travelled to Singapore and then to Australia and back, how many people in close contact with them in the planes, in the airport holding areas should be infected.

    Apparently NONE. How so if this is so infectious?

    Anything wrong with all the information reported? Infectious, easily transmitted or not at all, but a big hoax to spread fear and to sell more vaccines and to impose more compulsory vaccinations?

    What is the truth?

  21. Sinovac Becomes Indonesia’s Most Sought-after Vaccine

    DECEMBER 05, 2021

    Jakarta. Indonesians had a skeptical attitude toward China’s Sinovac vaccine even when it was their sole choice in the beginning, but the demand for it has been growing rapidly in recent months when alternatives from more famous western pharmacists are available.

    The demand is so big it puts a brake on the government’s nationwide vaccination drive against Covid-19, a Health Ministry spokeswoman said recently.

    The pace of inoculation has been slowing down in the last two weeks because many districts and provinces refused to use vaccines other than Sinovac.

    1. That could be the real reason why MOH has stopped reporting Covid cases. Information black out?

      Delta variant - one infected person can easily infect 10 others.

      Omicron is 5 times more infectious, as claimed. Therefore, one infected person can easily infect 50 others.

      So far, those who died of Covid-19, the authorities have not distinguished whether died of Delta, Omicron or others. They just conveniently said "died of underlying medical conditions".

  22. Boris tells Cabinet Omicron IS 'more transmissible' than Delta and government will act 'swiftly' as data shows cases of the super-mutant variant are doubling every TWO DAYS with strain set to become dominant in weeks

    • Scientists claimed infections of highly evolved variant were doubling every two days and up to 2,000 already
    • Predicted that it would take until mid-January for Omicron to outpace Delta but today saw biggest 24hr rise
    • Data shows there's been 437 cases of the super-mutant variant spotted across the UK, up 30% on yesterday
    • Dominic Raab claimed today ministers not looking to bring in tougher Xmas curbs, WFH or vaccine passports


  23. Random Thoughts While Staying Awake

    1. Why most countries' political leaders are the biggest crooks in disguise? Behind the facet of good, there is a streak of evil hidden inside them. Why?

    2. Information black-out in a Pandemic is the most atrocious, criminal and sinful deed any conscionable leader should never do. Don't you think so?

    3. Shouldn't people who gave the instruction to deprive the masses of factual information on a Pandemic in the country be guilty of deception, deprivation, manipulation and crime against humanity?

    4. Why a cruel, ruthless and defective mind usually creep itself up the ladder of power to become a leader of an organisation, ministry or country in order to carry out harmful acts against the nation or humanity?

    5. Why most women become cunningly cruel, deceptively manipulative and extremely ruthless when they are given great powers? For example, the Queens of UK, European countries, Egypt, India, Russia and China were/are some of the most evil persons in human history. Of course, there are exceptions but very few in between.

    6. Why stepmothers are usually known for ill-treatments to the children of the first wives of their husbands?

    7. Why must the wife of a PM actively does things to overshadow her husband and thereby making him looks weak, hen-pecked and useless?

    8. How long more must we continue to suffer under the hands of the bad and poor leadership in our country?

    9. When will this CECA thingy end?

    10. When will this Covid-19 end? When will we see the light at the end of the tunnel? With this incompetent MTF still managing the Pandemic, it is hard to envisage a quick end to the problem. To solve this problem, we require leaders who have foresight and wisdom, proactive and considerate. But what we are having are clueless, ruthless and stupid leaders who depend on hindsight and are reactive instead of proactive.

  24. Answer for Q9.
    It will end when they become a majority and take over the government and island.
    By then no need CECA.
