
Telling truths and lies in Parliament - A public dressing

I have tried to stay away from the petty local politics for good reasons. There are many bigger issues happening in the world that deserve more airing. This Raeesah Khan thing is looking pretty bad for the WP. Now wondering how they are going to walk the tightrope without falling off.

All I can say is that it has a lot of good material and actors and actresses to make an Oscar winning movie to represent Singapore in Cannes. Several key characters are worthy and  deserving of the best actor and best actress awards. Their performances are first class in all seriousness.

CNA can make a documentary on it and could win a lot of awards as the best media production agency in Asia. What should the title be? How to lie in Parliament or How not to lie in Parliament? Or how not to get caught with the pants down in Parliament? Or how Parliamentary Privileges would not protect an MP for speaking untruths?

It could also showcase how Singapore Parliamentary democracy works and how high is our standard on speaking the truth in Parliament, nothing but the truth.

We may not be good enough to be invited by Biden to his Democracy Summit to start World War 3 in the name of fake Democracy a la carte Cowboy style, be with us or against us, no freedom of choice. But our value in honesty is world best. Can teach the Americans a thing or two about being truthful and not telling lies in their Congress or Senate hearing.

Come to think of it, how come the Americans could lie and lie in Congress, could spread lies without being hauled up? Maybe they spoke through their asses, so not counted. Or maybe it is their second nature. Lying is a virtue. Pompeo bragged about it. And the unthinking attending the Democracy Summit would be fed with a lot of lies. There will be no lie detector machine present. No need for them and the willing would accept the lies as the alternate American truths and would want to go to war with them.

One thing for sure, the world's number one terrorist, the USA, committing the biggest genocide in human history by decimating the original natives of North America in tens of millions, would be inventing fake genocide allegation in Xinjiang, like the fake soap powder as WM against Iraq, to lie to the unthinking participants to smear China. And they would all nod their heads like donkeys.

In a way it is a blessing for Singapore not to be invited and not be embarrassed to be with the bunch of clowns led by a no brainer suffering from dementia.

What do you think?


  1. When lying is the nature of the USA, you would find it strange for them to speak the truth. So the world has come to take it as the norm that the USA lies all the time and nobody bats an eyelid. How could the sycophants not do the same? It is becoming their birthright.

  2. Biden, under the order of the Sinister White Mafia Gang of the Highest Order, is setting the stage for World War Three.

    Any US War against China will eventually lead to World War Three.

    World War Three cannot be just like World One and World War Two.

    World War Three will have to be a Nuclear War. What will be the outcome of a Nuclear War?

    My 7 year old son says, ALL DEAD!

  3. The Workers’ Party (WP) on Sunday (5 December) said that the interim report by the parliamentary Committee of Privileges (COP) was released without having taken the evidence of WP leaders against whom serious allegations have been made.

    The statement comes two days after the release of the report in which former Sengkang Member of Parliament Raeesah Khan testified to the COP that WP chief Pritam Singh, WP Chairman Sylvia Lim and WP Vice-Chairman Faisal Manap had advised her to maintain the lie she told Parliament on 3 August about accompanying an alleged rape victim to a police station and her allegations over insensitive remarks by a police officer.

    Some members of the public have asked why WP's leaders have not responded to the report for two days.

  4. Why would anyone want to attend a useless meeting with a senile old man when they have many more important things to do in a time like this? Anyone attending this silly useless meeting is telling their people that they are too free, nothing to do, or plain stupid.

    What do they hope to achieve? Demcrazy is good, down with other political system. America is the leader of the world of Democrazy countries.

    Long live the Empire. Long live the Emperor?

  5. It's just an interim report, not a full and final report.

    The WP LOO doesn't understand the word "interim"? Must have been to the loo too frequently?

  6. What is the purpose of releasing a one sided interim report that basically tarred the WP and its leaders?

    The damage done now would have damned the WP for good. By the time the full report is out it would be too late to repair the damage.

    It is like someone is throwing shit at you, painting you as a crook, criminal, devil, etc etc without hearing your side of the story. And you are not able or allowed to defend yourself or tell your side of the story.

    Do you understand how damaging is this interim report?

  7. A dying empire will strike out against any country that it thinks will challenge its power and global status.

    The US will never just give up its present status as the only Superpower in the World. It will fight tooth and nail until it is totally destroyed by others or by itself.

    Russia and China must be very careful of this Mad Monster called USA.

    Russia and China must be prepared for any eventuality.

  8. The country that is the first to use nuclear weapons on other countries will be destroyed by nuclear weapons.

  9. Russia and china are playing the long game. They just have to sit tight, wait at home, and let the USA and allies suffer a long and tedious stakeout far, far away from their home.

    Putin and Xi can sleep comfortably in warm, soft beds, while the soldiers of the evil empire have to slog it out in the open sea, watching the waves and their countries' taxpayers footing the wasteful spending of resources.

    Twenty years of Afghanistan is too long and they called it quits. I predict they will not last another span of twenty years in the Black Sea or South China Sea.

  10. Did anyone notice something ?

    When it comes to opposition party, suddenly committee from government is a must, no question, but its come to PAP, no, it not important to for committee from government even case is more serious ? If this is not abuse of power and corruption of government, I do not know what it is. These PAP government paid themselves unbelievably millions to stay in power at all cost, isn't this amount to corruption ?

  11. Did anyone see the similarity?

    The PAP is so caring, fearing for the people in opposition wards not having opposition parties that are transparent and honest, that they have to spend so much taxpayer's money and resources whenever there is a miss-step of the WP. It seems so important that there must be 'regime change' in opposition wards whenever an opportunity presents itself.

    This is exactly like the USA that cares so much for the Muslims of Xinjiang, claiming they have been mistreated and the USA is the guardian angel coming to their rescue. They will call for regime changes so they can put their stooges in to control every country that is not agreeable to them. Caring about the people of those countries will be the last thing on their minds.

    Show me anyone that has not told a lie in his lifetime and he can cast the first stone. No, not the ones that have the authority and resources to sue the pants off your buttocks.

    Honestly, have we been lied to about HDB upgrading as enhancing it's value? What value are we looking at towards the end of the 99 year lease?

  12. The bankrupt Americans are trying very hard, using every means to want to bring down China and Russia, even spending money they did not have to increase the mountain of debt they could not dream of repaying. They spend trillions to keep an enormous military force and weapons of mass destruction, millions on propaganda warfare etc etc but with little or no results.

    China and Russia need not do anything, just keep on growing their economies and strengthen their armed forces steadily.

    But there are so many forces that are bringing down the Americans. Covid19 for one, is gnawing at them daily to kill and destroy them and they are utterly hapless against the virus.

    The new technologies like cryptocurrencies, new energy, electric cars, competitive manufacturing, the losing importance of petrol, the disruption in the use of the dollars, the losing support from the Muslim and Arab world, losing support from Latin America and South East Asia, losing support from Africa etc etc Even Europe is turning against the Americans. Losing grounds in technology and arms race....

    All the cards are stacked against the Americans while they keep on burning a big hole in their finances. Their own domestic problems, high inflation, dissatisfaction over racism and discrimination, the unending wars between the Republicans and Democrats, the inability to produce good leaders and having to live with Bush Jr, Obama, Trump and now to top it all, Biden.

    And the military complex and the soldiers are demanding to be fed more, a defence budget of US$778b, equivalent to the military budget of the whole world.

    How many more days can the American Empire lasts before it burns itself out?

  13. Singapore leeders are doing the same thing at the national level what the US is doing at the global level.

    What Anon 3:16 pm wrote is very true.

  14. Support for the USA is waning. Russia and China need not lose sleep over those people invited to attend the Democracy Summit, because most are forced to and not that they want to. Do they want to be classified as 'with us or against us' threat? Certainly not and most have to be there to show they are obedient sycophants. Nothing more, nothing less.

  15. China must watch her back in view of the military cooperation between Russia and India.

    Russia and India have signed an inter-governmental agreement on a program for military-technical cooperation for 2021-2030.

    The document was inked in the presence of Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh.

    The chief of Russia’s federal service for military technical cooperation, Dmitry Shugayev and the Indian Defense Ministry’s Additional Secretary and Director General for Acquisition Kantha Rao put their signatures to the document.

    The Russian Defense Ministry said the agreement provided for cooperation by arms and services and also the supplies and development of armaments and other military hardware.

    From this latest development, China is not only being encircled by the USA. Russia and India are also trying their utmost best to encircle China.

    In the event of any war between China and USA, China must also consider the probability of fighting on three fronts.

    1. Well said.
      Russia and India are more damaging to China if and when they turn hostile to China.
      With both Russia and lndia having huge borders with China, the Last is literally encircle by it's two neighbours.
      It is certainly a blessing to the World if both China and Russia work together and individually for peace for the World. Any War from the Three Giant Nations shall mean the Destruction of Mankind. Hopefully, no one will be insane to start one.

  16. MOH to stop daily press release on Covid-19 situation from Dec 7; updates still available on website

    1. As expected. We know this day will come.

      Slowly but steadily, the truth will be covered up.

      Soon, even updates will become wishy washy and then not be available on their website.

      Finally, a total black out.

      Misinformation, disinformation and then no information. The practice of a totalitarian regime of Nazi Hitler.
