
Profit making for Big Pharma and the US

If you sit down and think, it is the vaccinated that are spreading the virus as in the Omicron virus. The unvax cannot fly or go anywhere!

Those talking of the Pandemic of the unvaccinated are as senile as the senile old man Joe Biden.

I had been looking at Big Pharmas trick since the days of the cholesterol debacle where Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) is used to trick unsuspecting people to bought into cholesterol reducing drugs aka statins where they used so called pretrial to removed one-third of trial participants who cannot tolerate statins and hence hide the side effects. This have been exposed by Dr David Diamond on his YouTube videos where the Absolute Risk Reduction is less than 2%.

The dirty trick used by Pfizer was exposed by whistle blower (Brooke Jackson of Ventavia) in its vaccine trial- falsified data, unblinded patients and employing untrained vaccinators. - Published in NEJM https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635

The real effectiveness of the Covid19 vaccines is less than 2% (using ARR) not the 95% RRR. This is the reason those highly vaccinated countries are seeing surge in infection of the vaccinated. That is also why the narrative keep changing herd immunity from 60% vaxxed to 80% vaxxed and when it is not working changed to prevent severe disease and death and when death continues blamed on underlying heath conditions, then booster shots due to drop in antibodies! Is antibodies the only measure just like in heart disease lowering of cholesterol is the only measure! So if it doesn't work do more of the same thing - insanity!

A group of university professors in the US try to get the vaccine data that were given to FDA via FOIA. The professors would like to do an independent assessment of the data. It was denied on the basis that FDA need 55 years to release the data when it takes FDA 108 days to review and approved the vaccines. The case is now in court - so much for data transparency and safe vaccine! I smell a rat here just like the cholesterol trial data which cannot be released!

The more you look at it, the more it looks like money grabbing is the objective, we are talking about hundreds of billions of US$. Remember US is in big debt, national debt of 28Trillion and more.

Myocarditis and pericarditis are real and there is basically no cure for myocarditis and very difficult treatment for pericarditis. The mRNA concoction appears to be a drug and not a vaccine and one UK Consultant Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra has sounded a warning on YouTube and they have not sue him! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nj8gGhlR2s

It appears that China is doing the right thing by insisting on zero Covid-19 and not taking orders from the West.

For us individual we need to keep metabolically healthy, reduce carbs consumption, eliminate sugar, supplement vitamin D3 if you are deficient and also Vitamin K2 supplementation. Exercise both anaerobic and aerobic. 



  1. HO Ching

    Those taking Sinovac or SinoPharm need to take their 3rd shot to be considered fully vaccinated.
    From January next year, those with 2 shots of Sinovac or SinoPharm are considered to be partially vaccinated.

    Studies from various places have shown that the antibody levels after 2 shots of Sinovac or SinoPharm are equivalent to having the 1st shot of Pfizer (and by extension, of the Moderna mRNA vaccine too). Some studies show slightly lower or more variable responses as well.

    So net net, with the Delta swirling around the world and in Sg, do go for the 3rd shot to complete the vaccination regime for Sinovac or SinoPharm.

    As a background note, SinoPharm is doing Phase 3 trials for kids 3-17 in the middle east, using 3 shots of the same dose currently used for teens and adults from 18 onwards.

    This is a strong signal that they are seeing data that points to the low dose inactivated virus vaccine as a 3-shot rather than 2-shot regime.

    In China, they are also rolling out the 3rd shot progressively, even as they had required senior officials to take a 3rd shot before they travel abroad, from quite early.

  2. Knowing that the mRNA pseudo vaccines are not vaccines per se, countries that are still promoting and using the Pfizer Bio-NTech vaccines must have something seriously suspicious goings-on.

    Much money must have changed hands under the table, behind closed doors or in shady places or dark corners.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Why is Ho Ching so busy nowadays overshadowing the PM, the MTF, MOH and the Health Science Authority of Singapore?
