
Let's work together?

We have been working for you, while you sit on expensive cushy designer chairs high up in the ivory towers looking pretty, surrounded by an entourage of advisers, consultants, researchers, and bodyguards. Not work together.

You never have to lift a finger but only use your brain and mouth.

You use your brain not to think of how to make our lives better, but to think:

1. How to tax us more and more,

2. How to pay us less and less,

3. How to make our labour unions become your minions

4. How to import more and more foreigners to come and rob of our lucrative-paying jobs

5. How to make us work in low-paying and/or menial jobs. Many of us have to work for very long hours or work in two jobs in order to survive.

6. How to draw out billions of dollars from our national reserves but distributed the bulk to GIC, Temasek, PA, SIA, SPH, NTUC, Ministries and to buy the dangerous disaster-prone Boeing 737-Max and the useless pretty toy F35s military aircraft for showing-off, but dished out the crumbs to us.

7. How to make yourself more and more powerful but reduce us to totally powerless digits for your look-good statistics.

You use your mouth, not to tell the truth but

1. To praise yourself, even if you make huge blunders in a crisis.

2. To pay lips service to all of us once in a blue moon, whenever you feel like it.

3. To tell us to do your biddings.

4. To confuse and deceive us, making us go round and round in circles.

5. To go to parliament to wash yourself clean of any accusation of wrong doings.

6. Most disgusting of all, to cover up all your sins.

That is what your "Let's work together" is all about in a nutshell.

Hypocrisy is the name of your game!



  1. So, true. They actually want us to work for them. To work like asses, bulls, cows, donkeys and obedient dogs.

    "Let's work together" is all bullshits. It adds insult to our already badly hurt heart.

    Someone who gets everything, while we get pittance, got the cheek to tell us to work together with her?

    The more I think about it, the more my anger is aroused.


  2. In PAP speak "let's work together" translates to "Just put your head down and do as I say. I don't want to hear a word from you. And don't think that you can slack while I'm having my round of golf and massage. Remember, there are millions waiting to come in to take over your place."

  3. The fat cats made themselves millionaires overnight and turned most of us into paupers within the last 15 years.

    They keep calling and labelling us names such as xia shuay, and lazy, and no talent, and choosy, and all sorts of degrading insulting names.

    This is how bad leadership motivates the citizens.

    This is how the bad leaders have been "working together" with us.

  4. Totally ruthless and unscrupulous!

    Since LHL and his Millionaire-Aspiring Cronies (MACs) took over in 2014, Singapore has been regressively progressing from 1st World back to 3rd World.

    1. Correction: should be 2004 instead of 2014. My apologies for the error.

  5. When the new Covid vaccine policy comes into effect, I expect a large section of the population to be reduced to the status of partially vaccinated. As of time of writing, only 36% of the population has received booster shots. Today’s fully vaccinated will become tomorrow’s pariahs


  6. This vaccine thing, to keep insisting on more and more booster jabs, is becoming a glaring scam. Only idiots cannot see through this.

    And many evil people are involved in this sinister scheme to make more money with the pharmas, from 2 jabs to 3 jabs, 4 jabs and more jabs, meaning more and more money for the pharmas and for the unscrupulous and irresponsible conspirators.

    And the fake vaccines just did not work. See the huge surges in the US and Europe. Only silly people keep on injecting fake vaccines and pretend that they worked.

    If they worked, there is no need for masks and all kinds of restrictions anymore.

  7. The self-appointed Chief Drug Peddler of Singapore is very happily laughing her way to the banks ��!
