
How to destroy Muslim livelihood American style?

 The latest attack on China is a pack of lies about genocide and forced labour in Xinjiang. Forced labour is a grade lower than slavery in the USA. But it is about the same grade as the illegals entering the US and forced to work for a paltry sum in hard labour jobs just to feed themselves and their hungry children. For these forced labour in the US, the American govt turned a blind eye, let them eke out a living and fend for themselves in the backlanes of America. 

The American govt has no interest in them, in wanting to help the or protect them because they have no political values in their illegal and undeclared war against China. What is important to the Americans is to fabricated lies and disinformation about forced labour and genocide that are non existence in Xinjiang but in the American homeland, past and present.

In the name of protecting and defending the Muslims in Xinjiang, alleged and falsely claimed to be discriminated, the Americans passed a sweeping law not to buy or use products made by the Muslims in Xinjiang. The net effect of this law is to impoverish the Muslims in Xinjiang. They hard working products would not be saleable in the US and in the Anglo Saxon world, robbing them and depriving them from a source of income to feed themselves and their children. If they cannot sell their products, their work would become meaningless, a waste of time, unable to put food on the table.

These are the cruel results of the evil American law, pretending to be protecting them and their interest but really cutting off their livelihood. The Muslims would suffer more with the Americans forbidding other countries from buying their products.

Would the Muslim world fail to see the farce and hypocritical American narratives and let the Americans destroy the good life of their Muslim brothers and sisters in Xinjiang? The Muslims in Xinjiang are doing an honest day work to feed themselves, to better their own lives without resorting to crimes or illegal means. They want to live well, to have a good life without having to live on charity.

The Americans have simply deprived them from the right to work, to earn an honest living by stopping the rest of the world from buying products made by the Muslims in Xinjiang. How evil and low can the Americans stooped? They think the world cannot see through their wicked scheme all for their selfish interest to preserve and protect their world dominance and hegemony?

The Americans would lie, cheat, steal and kill to protect their Empire. The lives and well beings of other people are not important. See how they destroyed all the Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle East, turning their economies into a mess and the Arabs and Muslims into refugees or hungry and jobless people in their own countries. Now crying crocodile tears for the Muslims in Xinjiang. 

Can you believe in these white devils?

PS.  China announced to the world that face masks, PPEs were made from cottons produced in Xinjiang. Rare earths are also from Xinjiang. All these products and raw material will carry the product of Xinjiang label.


  1. The Muslims in Afghanistan are hungry because the Americans refused to return the money belong to the Afghan government kept in American banks.

    How many stupid Asian, Latin American, African and Middle Eastern countries still think it is safe to put their monies in American and European banks? Venezuelan gold is held hostage by the Brits and its people suffering from hunger as well.

  2. When the govt of the evil empire actually cares for Muslims, pigs can fly. Together with the chiefs of the empire of the rising sun, they are the biggest hypocrite govts on earth. In a recent case, they showed so much care and utmost concern for the welfare of China's tennis player Peng Shuai. The discerning world can see that every other day, they will throw barbs in China's direction, trying to garner as much global support as they can with their propaganda

  3. US & Western partners donate useless near-expiry vaccines to African countries

    Nigeria has recently had to destroy more than 1.06 million doses of expired AstraZeneca vaccines. Faisal Shuaib, head of Nigeria's National Primary Health Care Development Agency, condemned that "We had developed countries that procured these vaccines and hoarded them. At the point they were about to expire, they offered them for donation." He also announced recently that Nigeria would no longer accept such donations.

    This is not an isolated case. Reports showed that Senegal is likely to destroy approximately 400,000 doses of expired COVID-19 vaccines by the end of this year. Malawi burned nearly 20,000 doses of expired COVID-19 vaccines in May, and the Democratic Republic of Congo also returned in April 1.3 million doses of vaccines for the same reason.

    By June 2021, the total number of vaccines hoarded in the US had far exceeded its domestic demand. According to statistics, the US and its partners also hold about 240 million COVID-19 vaccine doses that are about to expire. They would rather leave the surplus vaccines in warehouses than provide them to countries that really need them.

    These countries will not think of selling or "donating" them to developing regions such as Africa until the vaccines are about to expire. In this way, the US and its partners "fulfill" the promises they made about vaccine donation, squeezing out the very last value of the vaccines about to expire.

  4. Palestine Gaza Strip Isreal occupation and treatment of arabs is human rights violatiin why the world not sanction Usa and israel.

  5. Sanctions which the USA and the West levied against other countries like North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, caused the same inhuman consequences for the citizens of those unlucky countries.

    Their wickedness, vile character, and inhuman acts are all there for the world to see. But the more important thing is the necessity to have the truth available to all, so that they can be enlightened. Blogs like RB supported by write ups by Southern Glory are doing a great job.

    The USA and the West knows that information is not always readily available to citizens of those backward countries in South Asia, Middle East and Africa, and they carry on carrying out their same evil schemes. In fact, USA citizens themselves have been lied to for decades about China, not to blame those outside of the USA.

    MSM helps to carry and spread their lies and deception, misinformation and fabrication, distortion and contortion of the facts. So, it is necessary for the lay man to disperse such information to as wide an audience as possible. China is doing it with many new channels, websites and video sites, and even foreigners are helping the world to see the real China, not the distorted view of the MSM. It is a good sign.

  6. Now that oil is not of paramount importance in the Middle East due to the world migrating to clean energy, the White Satanic race is creating conflict in Eastern Europe. The USA, whose survival is based on the War Economy has to create new sources of conflict to support their military establishment. The Saudis know this is coming and USA protection of their interest in oil is waning. Hence the Saudis are slowly distancing themselves from the USA influence and pivoting towards China and Russia. Other Arab states will soon follow.

    While Russia and China are pushing their influence in Central Asia and Middle East, the Anglo Saxon Whites are attempting expanding their influence into the former Soviet satellite states, which Russia is dead set against. Those ex Soviet satellite states have much to be exploited but certainly not oil.

  7. See how the fake Muslim lovers, the Americans, are trying to strangle Iran to death with all kinds of sanctions and threats of invasion.

    And see who is backing up Iran, supporting Iran to break free from the sanctions and threats of war, China of course.

    So, who is against Muslims and who is the real defender of Muslims?

    For the stupid, please continue to think the Americans love Muslims and fighting to defend the Muslims in Xinjiang.

    Without the full support of China, both economic and military, Iran would have been invaded and bombed to Stone Age by the evil Americans.

  8. The Americans are killing two birds with one stone. Pretend to be fighting for the Muslims in Xinjiang to agitate the Muslims to attack China. Destroy the livelihood of the Muslims in Xinjiang in the process by not buying their goods.

    Evilly brilliant. Ooh we are so caring for the Muslims. But now the Muslims would have to lose their jobs, businesses and incomes because of the 'caring' Americans.

    So clever, and smiling at the Muslims that believed in their anti China and anti Muslim ploy.
