
Covid19 - Evil men's plan for world depopulation

 We can now see a pattern of the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus created by the Evil US and Evil Whitemen.

Firstly, Phase 1 of the Biological Warfare, they tried to reduce,destroy and/or annihilate the largest population in the World, ie the Chinese in China.

Next, Phase II of the Biological Warfare, they created the Delta Variant to reduce, destroy and/or the Indian population, the second largest population in the world.

Now, Phase III of the Biological Warfare, they created the Omicron to reduce, destroy and/or annihilate the Africans in Africa, the third largest population in the world.

Next, the Evil Whites will be embarking on a new Variant to reduce, destroy and/or annihilate the Latin Americans.

Finally, the Mother Nature that does not like evil people, will send all the Various Covid-19 Variants back to the Evil USA, Evil UK and Evil Whitemen countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Europe.



  1. Those who live in glass houses shall not throw stones.

    If they did, the stones will ricochet back at them and break their own houses down to smithereens.

  2. What better plan than using Indians to fight Chinese. Nearly three billion of the world's population to play with.

    As I see it, the USA's plan is to pry apart the alliance between Russia and China. Right now, there is no way forward for the USA to do that. India is probably being groomed as the Trojan Horse to cement closer ties with Russia, a plan that will probably crystalize in time by pulling Russia away from China. What really transpired at the talks between Biden and Modi recently? Think about it!

    Right now the USA is not at all flustered by the close ties shown between India and Russia even in the military arena. Why? Meanwhile, the Indians are happily playing one side against the other and, reaping the benefits of having both hands in two separate puddings.
