
Covid-19: Vaccinated Status Letter To Whom It May Concern

Above pic copied from TRE

This is a rude-shock reminder to all current vaccinated citizens and residents of Sinkingland.

Those who have willingly volunteered to be mentally confused and physically violated by letting their bodies to be infused with the experimental wonder drug called mRNA vaccine and still survived, are reminded that your full Covid-19 Vaccination Status is due to expire in December 2021 and January 2022.

In order for your Vaccinated Status to be brought up to date, you are required to get yourself jabbed again and again every five to six months with the same mRNA vaccines.

For those who have wisely or blindly following the wise not to volunteer to be physically violated by the infusion of the experimental spiked mRNA vaccines, and have taken the Sinovac or Sinopharm vaccines instead, you are forcefully encouraged by the command of our top generals to let yourself be injected with the spiked mRNA vaccines for your 3rd jab, and subsequent jabs, in order to get your Vaccinated Status up to date. However, you can choose not to volunteer to do so but at the great displeasure and wrath of our Biggest Balls.

Please make the necessary arrangements to renew your Vaccinate Status immediately or else you will lose all the benefits that come with this privileged and prestigious Vaccinated Status.

Some of the enticing, lucrative and mind-boggling benefits of this privileged and prestigious Vaccinated Status are:

1. Be able to enter the toilets of shopping malls when nature calls urgently.

2. Be able to dine out in groups of 5 in restaurants and some exclusive outlets.

3. Be able to gain an extra 1% protection from the Covid-19 infections over the unvaxed.

4. Be able to get free government medical benefits should you contract Covid-19 infections. The unvaxed will have to pay at least up to $25,000 medical expenses in hospitals.

5. Be able to Have the privilege to go to work in the office. The unvaxed will have to either work from home or be excluded from the workforce from January 2022 onwards.

6. Be able to remain gainfully employed and bring food to the table for your family members. The unvaxed can be LEEgally dismissed by your employers at their discretion.

To renew your Vaccinated Status, you are to immediately proceed to book an appointment at the nearest Vaccination Centre in order to take part in this Game of Russian Roulette to shoot yourself. If you survived, still alive and kicking, your Vaccination Status will be renewed for only six months because the spiked mRNA vaccines can last only six months at the most. However, the exact duration is subject to change without prior warning, at the whims and fancy of our Big Balls.

Yours very faithfully, sincerely and truly,

(This letter does not require signature because it is computer robot generated.)



  1. 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍

  2. More good news about mRNA side effects:


    'The data were obtained by a group of doctors, professors, and journalists calling themselves Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. They filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the FDA asking for their release. And the first tranche of documents revealed that, as of February 2021, when Pfizer’s shot was being rolled out worldwide on an emergency basis, the drugmaker had compiled more than 42K case reports detailing nearly 160K individual adverse reactions to the vaccine.

    The data show the bulk of the adverse event cases, both serious and non-serious, were classified as "general disorders".'

  3. The Straits Times says
    Vaccinate to keep children safe

    Covid-19 vaccinations for children aged five to 11 will begin on Monday, inaugurating a massive inoculation exercise for more than 300,000 children that will be carried out across 15 paediatric centres and rolled out in batches.

    This is an important step forward in the national vaccination programme, which has already resulted in 96 per cent of the eligible population having been fully vaccinated. Vaccinating younger children now will help to protect them, their families and the wider community at a time when the Omicron variant of the coronavirus is spreading globally.

    The best that parents can do for their children therefore is to get them vaccinated if they are medically eligible. It was perhaps to be expected that some parents have cast a wary eye on vaccinating children as young as five. Some guardians might even prefer to wait it out and see how vaccination is working in other children before they commit their own wards to it.

    Parents should, however, understand that the authorities here would not have taken this step without having considered very carefully the science and medical evidence in its favour. Parental concerns mirror the earlier responses among some here to vaccinating the adult population at large, some of whom were those who were left undecided after having weighed the benefits and possible side effects of inoculation. Some had doubted the very efficacy of vaccines. However, the vast majority of society have come around to accepting vaccination, not as offering fool-proof protection from Covid-19 but the best protection there can be.

    At the very least, the risks from contracting the disease outweigh the risks of adverse side effects from taking vaccines. So too is it for children. According to the Ministry of Health, the safety profile of the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty vaccine in children aged five and above was found to be consistent with that in the adult population and the standards set for other registered vaccines used in immunisation against other diseases. Indeed, the authorities have noted that the eight cases of myocarditis, a type of heart muscle inflammation, that were reported overseas recently in children aged five to 11 who had received the Pfizer vaccine were mild.

    However, Singapore itself had cases of children developing severe complications as a result of contracting Covid-19. Logically, then, vaccination is needed to protect children from serious outcomes that would require medical care or even possibly intensive care.

    In fact, the best way that parents should regard the vaccination is to consider it as they would have any other childhood immunisations. The difference this time, of course, is the coronavirus threat which it seeks to diminish. The pandemic is of a scale and lethality which threaten the lives and livelihoods of entire societies. Children must be kept safe.

    1. Pathetic and unethical IB posting cut-and-paste other people's articles wholesale under Anonymous again and again!

    2. This is full of unsubstantiated motherhood statements probably made with the aim of getting rid of the huge stocks of Pfizer fake vaccines, that have to be stored 70 degrees below zero, hastily and mindlessly bought by Temasek, that happens to be a big time investor of Pfizer.

      Putting two and two together, we can see clearly that there is a huge conflict of interests that blurred their judgements and decisions.

      Under such a circumstance, the "advice" of such a person (or persons) must be taken with a bucket full of salt.

  4. "In fact, the best way that parents should regard the vaccination is to consider it as they would have any other childhood immunisations. The difference this time, of course, is the coronavirus threat which it seeks to diminish. The pandemic is of a scale and lethality which threaten the lives and livelihoods of entire societies. Children must be kept safe."

    Yes, children must be kept safe.

    Keep safe from profit-motivated adult confidence-tricksters and stupid government leaders, especially those who ripped off the taxpayers to pay themselves by the $millions every year in a leegalised scam.

    The fact is very clear and confirmed. The Pfizer mRNA vaccines do no immunise. They do not protect anyone, adult or children, from getting infected by the Covid-19 virus, be it Delta or Omicron. So, anyone who suggests to treat the mRNA vaccines experimentation as other childhod immunisations needs to get his head examined. Some screws must be loose, and his brain is unable to think straight.

    Other childhood immunisations vaccines worked. This mRNA vaccines don't work as proven again and again.

    When are the Singapore authorities going to wake up?

  5. Though generally it is correct to say "Vaccinate to keep children safe", however, vaccination with mRNA fake vaccines not only do not keep our children safe but can also endanger our children's health and lives in the long-run.

    It is very sad to see the words of the snake oil sellers are being regurgitated exactly, and with added spices and vigor, by the State's mouth piece and the inflexible group-think Leedersheep.

  6. From the parents' point of view, it would be tragic for a child to lose his life just because of vaccination when without vaccination the child would still be alive.

    The ethics of vaccine manufacturing today has reached a state that a few death is considered ok, acceptable, with the ridiculous phrase, the benefits outweigh the risks.

    When in the recent past has such an excuse be good enough to approve the use of an experimental vaccine that has not gone through the due process of testing? In the initial stage of the pandemic there were insufficient information and the fear of fatality was high, it was forgivable that govts could be forced to make tough decisions in a what if situation.

    Today, we should have sufficient information on the probability of death due this virus, maybe still too early on Omicron, but generally there must be good enough data to make a sound decision as to the need to vaccinate children. Is the virus so deadly that children must be vaccinated now or never? What are the probabilities of children dying from the virus versus dying from the vaccines?

    Is the risks of death of children high enough to justify vaccinating them? Are the benefits worth the risks?

    The govt may have its own parameters to want the children to be vaccinated. Parents too must also have to weigh in on this to make an informed decision. Unfortunately many parents would not be able to make a sound decision because of ignorance, fear, emotion, and too many disinformation in the media.

    When all the authorities, national or international, are no longer trustworthy, when even the number one scientist in the USA, Fauci, is being doubted, his credibility questioned, how are parents going to make an informed decision that could affect the lives of their children?

    How could this happened in the 21st Century, so far away from the Age of Ignorance? Is the human race progressing or regressing?

    This state of affair is so irresponsible.

  7. Over my dead body, Minister of Hell, will I let my children to be injected with the mRNA pseudo vaccines. All the statements made by all the politicians and so-called experts are not convincing enough to warrant a confident informed decision to take the risks, both known and unknown, of letting my children to be guinea pigs.

    One indisputable fact which all of us, both the government and the public, already know is that the mRNA "vaccines" do not immunise. Far from it.

    So, when the government tells us to treat it like normal childhood immunisations, it shows that there is something seriously wrong with the government leadership's thinking.

    How can we trust such a defective thinking government's advice?

  8. This is Psychological Warfare Propaganda instigated by Anti-China forces.

    This fraud study, using only 25 people as guinea pigs, was previously posted here, which has now deliberately excluded the fact that only 25 samples were used because it would immediately tell all of us that this study is unreliable and untrustworthy.

    One can easily see that the aim of this article is to attack China and its Zero-Tolerence poicy in this Biological Warfare launched by the evil US Empire's military under the order of the White House. It has nothing to do with the Coronavac.

    The vaccines China produced and used are traditional vaccines produced with the established internal guidelines for vaccine production using the old tried and verified method, unlike the new tech mRNA vaccines which are still in their experimental stage.

    The names of those published suggest that they have been heavily influenced by Western thinking and could have been funded by Western protagonists through the two pro-Western universities in Hong Kong.

    This study must be taken with a big bucket of salt and pepper.

  9. Anyone can write a summary of any research findings. The findings mean nothing if the important things in the research are left out.

    The important things in a research paper are:

    1. Sample size and spread.

    2. Research methodology used.

    3. Presentation of the facts in proper sequence.

    4.. Paramittas used in the analysis of the data.

    5. Objectivity.

    6. Correlations with existing experiences on the ground.

    7. Political influences.

    8. Funding influences.

    9. Personal interests.

  10. OK, deleted.

    Like to add to Queen of Hearts comment.

    10. Who is funding the research.

    11. Who are the researchers and their backgrounds.

    12. What is the agenda?

  11. Over 1 in 3 kids invited for Covid-19 vaccination have signed up; December slots fully booked

    December 23, 2021 9:15 PM

    SINGAPORE - More than one in three children that were invited to be vaccinated have been signed up by their parents for vaccination, and all slots in December 2021 have been fully booked, said the Ministry of Education (MOE) on Thursday (Dec 23).

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3JdJ6J7

  12. Chan Chun Sing

    Glad to share that more than 1 in 3 of the 2022 P4 to P6 students have already gotten their #COVID19 vaccination appointments within 24 hours of being invited.

    In fact all the paediatric vaccination slots in December 2021 are now fully booked, and we are seeing very good take-up for the weekend slots for January 2022. Heartened to see many parents taking decisive action to protect our children as we meet the evolving challenges from the pandemic.

    We encourage parents to book early and consider taking advantage of weekday vaccination slots that are still available. Students who are getting vaccinated during school hours, as well as those feeling unwell from the side effects of the vaccine, would be given time off and deemed to be on medical leave. Singapore Ministry of Manpower has also urged employers to support this effort by giving time off to their employees for their children’s vaccination.

    To facilitate the timely vaccination of our children, we will bring forward the opening of the National Appointment System (NAS). From this Sunday (26 Dec), parents/guardians of all children born between 2010 to 2012 can register their interest to vaccinate their child/ward at child.vaccine.gov.sg. After registration, parents/guardians will receive a unique link via SMS within 3 to 5 working days to book a vaccination appointment.

    We have received some questions from parents on children who are on the brink of turning 12 years of age. If your child has reached 12 years old on the date of his/her first vaccination appointment, Ministry of Health, Singapore has stated that they should be given the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine for ages 12 and above.

    It is in fact very convenient to do so, as you can bring your child to any of the 22 vaccination centres offering the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine without a prior appointment. There is no need to register your interest at the NAS to book an appointment, i.e. it is a simple walk-in for these children who are 12 and above, accompanied by one parent/guardian.

    The 5 to 11 age group is by far the largest remaining group of unvaccinated population in our midst, at over 300,000. We strongly encourage parents/guardians to register their child/ward for vaccination when they receive the invitation, if they are medically eligible. This is an important step for us to keep our children, our families and our extended communities, including our schools and pre-schools safe and more resilient against COVID-19.

  13. Over 1 in 3 signed up on first day of invitation (22 Dec)?

    That means out of 300,000 children from 5 to 11 Years Old, 100,000 have already been signed up by their parents. That is fantastic!

    But I doubt that it is true. Why not give the exact number of children signed up? Why say "over 1 in 3"?

    If it is true that 100,000 have signed up, just say "over 100,000 children have been signed up to become Guinea Pigs!"

    So the other 200,000 children's parents prefer to wait and see, following in the MTF's favourite step of "keep monitoring closely"!

  14. When Pfizer claimed its vaccines were 96% efficacy, all the idiots rushed into it. If Pfizer were to say only 20%, no one would bother to turn up.

    It is just playing on the psychology of the suckers. It is like a hawker selling his food. If he gets all his friends to line up, form a long queue, the ignorant would quickly join the queue. So many people queuing must ok, must be ok.

    It better be ok, or else. If his food is unclean, many would get diarrhoea or worse.

  15. Covid-19: mRNA 'Vaccines' Are Imitations, Not Original

    By swallowing Pfizer's sales tricks, the Singapore MTF has shown itself to be incapable of discerning and distinguishing between truth and falsehood. As such, the advice and instructions, and, by extrapolation, the government's policies regarding vaccination and immunisation, have no bearng whatsoever.

    Their advice may even be dangerous and harmful to the health of those who foolishly volunteered to get injected with the experimental new technology mRNA method of imitating the original (traditional) way of producing vaccines.

    Let's get this clear in our head:

    Imitating the actual, original, traditional way of producing vaccines is not the same as the original way of producing vaccines. The imitation cannot replace the original.

    Imitation means fake, not original.

    Moreover, whatever it produced cannot be called vaccines for the mere fact that it does not immunise. It is just a new form of drug.

    True vaccines immunise us and protect us from infections. The mRNA pseudo 'vaccines' do not immunise us and do not protect us from Covid-19 infections.

    In addition, the various variants that keep mutating are probably triggered or caused by the spike proteins produced by the human body as a result of receiving the mRNA pseudo 'vaccines'.

    It is time to wake up!


  16. UKHSA data noted that the booster efficacy begins to wane more quickly against Omicron, and is already 15-25% lower after just 10 weeks.

  17. Vietnam has 5 kids died due to the vaccine.

    Do you want your kid to be the first victim in Singapore ?
