
The Present Pathetic Economic Situation In Afghanistan Has Exposed The Evilness Of The Evil US Empire

The evilness of the evil US government and leaders know no bounds! To make the evils of 20-year long story short, for ease of understanding by the commoners, I have summerised it into six main points, thus:

1. Invaded Afghanistan and occupied it for 20 years, using a filmsy excuse of wanting to hunt down the 911 mastermind, who was actually hiding in Pakistan, thereby causing undue, unjustified and untold miseries and sufferings to its Muslim population without blinking an eyelid. Yet the International Court of Criminal Justice dared not even investigate it for war crimes against humanity but instead going after the defender of the very people whom the evil US military had killed, massacred and murdered.

2. In its 20 years of occupation of Afghanistan, the evil US forces had siphoned, stolen and robbed all the natural resources, especially opium, antiques, minerals and rare earths, of Afghanistan as much and as many as they could take away under the cover of deception, and cloaks and daggers operations by its equally, if not more evil, CIA organisations, agents and operatives.

3. By its military operations in Afghanistan over 20 long years, the evil US Empire has totally devastated and destroyed the country with airstrikes, missile strikes and dronestrikes and left the country in a devastated war-torn state without any border to help rebuild it.

4. Covertly and overtly, the evil US forces had Killed, massacred, miamed and murdered millions of the Afghanistan Muslims, three quarters of them are the innocent and defenceless children, women and aged.

5. The cunning, slimy, and scheming evil US political hacks have coerced and forced the Afghans, through its puppets in the US-installed Afghanistan government, to deposit Afghanistan's national trade surpluses and reserves in the US and now refused to return it, based on the inexcusable excuse of wanting to hold the billions of dollars as a bargaining chip with the Taliban Government. Wanting to use it to make the Taliban Government obey its orders and blackmailing demands.

6. Last but not least, The Evil US Empire has been talking about human rights and democracy but the evil US itself does not respect any human rights and has always been behaving and acting unilaterally like a worldwide dictator, always intimidating, coercing, blackmailing, threatening, sanctioning and invading smaller and weaker countries to subject their leaders to its unreasonable whims and fancies.

That sums up the gist of the evilness of the Evil US Empire that has led to the present pathetic economic situation in Afghanistan, as well as many other countries like North Korea, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Venezuela and others.

May the rest of the world wake up and seriously think about how evil the Evil US Empire is!

Queen of Hearts

1 comment:

  1. Evil must be punished with Evil.
    Good must be rewarded with good.
    But God is sleeping, or not.
    We don't really know.
    For He works in mysterious ways,
    Unfathomable by mortals, like us.
    Just pray hard, harder and hardest,
    So that, one day, our prayers are answered.
