
Covid19 - Concept of vaccination

 The concept of vaccination is to train the body to detect a virus/bacteria etc and to produce antibodies to counter and destroy it. It is in a way like learning how to ride a bicycle. Once a person has learnt how to ride a bicycle, this skill is in him forever. If the person does not ride a bicycle for many years, he may be a bit rusty but could still pick it up quite easily.

A body that has been trained, by vaccination, to detect and attack a virus or bacteria, will remember this skill. If the body is regularly working on this, like the situation now when the virus is every where, the body's ability to produce antibodies against the virus can only grow by the day, not forgetting and losing this ability. so easily. It can get better and better doing it. That is how vaccination works. But if there is no virus for a very long time, like many years, the body may be less effective when face with the virus again, but would still be able to recall and react, albeit the reaction may be slower. In such cases, ie after many years, a booster may be necessary.

If one has to get booster shot after a few months, even a year, it is not what one should be expecting from an effective vaccine. This would be more like a drug addict getting his high and needing a quick fix every now and then to get another high. The recommendation for booster shots every now and then, like every year, falls into the same category as a drug addict needing his drug. This is not the same as vaccination.

The push to have booster shots every now and then, every year, is looking like peddling drugs to drug addicts.  Something is very wrong in this message, looking more like a commercial scam to get people hook on the drug, to keep jabbing and jabbing and pay and pay and making the drug manufacturers very rich. This is one thing, but to get jab and jab would have serious consequences from overdose to high dependency and serious side effects. And like all drugs, the effect or high will decrease and the drug addict would need more or higher dosage to get the same effect, leading to high dependency....and withdrawal symptoms.

What is going on? What is the truth? Do you trust snake oil salesmen or drug peddlers?

The myth and disinformation about low antibody counts.

Low antibody counts have been flogged as the reason for third or fourth or more booster shots. How silly and mischievous can things become? When a person gets infected, or injected with a vaccine, the body would react by producing antibodies to counter the virus. The antibody level would be very high in the early days until the virus is purged or destroyed. When that happens, the body would do a stand down a few days later if no more virus is found. Subsequently the body would reduce its production of antibodies and the level will drop, must drop to a minimal level. Otherwise the body would be producing unnecessary antibodies and wasting its effort and nutrients that are needed for other body functions. 

Low or no antibody count is the normal state for the body to function. But once a body has experienced producing such antibodies, this becomes a new immune skill retained in the body memory and it would start to produce antibodies when the virus enters the body again. 

The hysteria about low antibody counts to justify booster jabs is flawed and misinformation. Low antibody count is a natural state of the body until it faces a virus attack. All vaccines would raise the antibody counts initially simply because of traces of virus be it inactivated virus or spike protein. But the body would destroy this by raising the antibody level. Once this is done, the level of antibody would naturally go down.

Do not be misled by snake oil salesmen using this myth and be coerced to go for more booster jabs. It would be an endless jabbing regime. Booster jabs may be needed after years, not months unless the pseudo vaccine becomes ineffective, or when a new variant appears that the body is unable to fight back. This would likely happen to those using mRNA as it is designed for only one particular variant or a few very similar variants. And it is also unofficially recognised and reported that its life span is only a few months. This is not the case for traditionally made vaccines using inactivated virus.

The human body's natural immunity system would react to any new variant in its own way unless this natural immune system is destroyed by the mRNA vaccine as reported by another group of scientists.

Beware of fake news and misinformation and disinformation.


  1. Why they needed third and fourth jabs?

    Is it because the person needs it?

    Or is it because the manufacturers want them to have it to generate more revenue and profit?

  2. The more booster shots the pseudo vaccines sellers and their big-time investors suggest means the more profits they will make. Simple as that.

    If governments and politicians are able to benefit from such profit motives (remember their mantra: benefits outweigh the risks?), they will also help the pseudo vaccines sellers to peddle the pseudo vaccines by making their citizens jab and jab.

    The scoundrels reap the benefits while the citizens shoulder the risks of long-term effects of the pseudo vaccines on their bodies and screw up their health.

    Remember also that those pseudo vaccines and the COVID-19 coronavirus could probably be part and parcel of the heinous plan to reduce world population by the heinous criminal group of people hiding behind the facade of do-gooders.

  3. Should change the timing for the next booster every 3 months if the vaccine would no longer be effective after 3 months. One year is too long.

  4. Now they could not explain why those highly vaccinated countries in Europe are seeing high surges in infection. But you can be assured that this will be blamed on the winter season approaching. There is never a shortage of reasons to apportion blame.

    From 96% effectiveness in 'preventing' infection, to vaccination prevents 'complications' if infected, to boosters for 'extra protection' (against infections or death?), to the eventual and expected narrative that perpetual booster shots are going to be necessary as the way to go, every three to six months. It looks like this is morphing into chronic illnesses that the oldies suffer from and needing medication for the rest of their lives. The path to the banks is indeed going to be paved in gold for big Pharma.

  5. Now the con-men are reducing the 3rd shot from six months interval from 2nd shot to 28 days!

  6. The big pharmas are quickening the pace of making more money.

    The governments are so desperate and run out of ideas that they are listening to the big pharmas at the expense of the citizens.

    The investors are very happy and they too are helping the big pharmas and lack-of-foresight government leaders to con the masses. That's why we are seeing the Facebook activities of certain prominent people increased and reposted everywhere to try to influence the daft into believing in the Biggest Scam of the Universe.
