
Covid19 - Angry Singaporean standing up to discrimination on vaccination

 “Exceptionally desperate to boost inoculation rates so it could unabashedly pimp Singapore once more to all and sundry, this PAP government has resorted to an overtly underhanded strategy of discrimination based on vaccine status. Divide and conquer through engendering infighting amongst citizens, brilliant yet despicable. Well, I got news for you dear monkeys in white, your agenda shall fail miserably – because we have since realized you never cared whether we live or die; you would do whatever it takes just to flourish atop our bones.

When another of your inexplicably hurried, vacillating decisions to lift dining restrictions comes into effect next Tuesday, I shall take the first step of refusing to set foot inside restaurants. Rest assured I am not alone, for more than a dozen of my friends have pledged to do the same. And when word spreads, I have utmost faith many will follow suit to unequivocably demonstrate the fallibility of your judgement call.”

– Blue Blooded Specimen

This comment is copied from All Singaporean Stuff. The discrimination of the unvaccinated has reached a point of persecution when they are not allowed to return to work. This seems like a western discrimination policy on the use of vaccines, one for profit, more boosters when all the evidence is saying the western vaccines are not doing as they claimed, and the other not to use Chinese vaccines while they cornered the market.

If the policy of vaccination is fair and important, then all WHO vaccines must be treated equally. The West is trying to monopolise the vaccine market by muscling their allies and preventing them from using other vaccines that are just as effective if not more effective. It has been reported that the western vaccine manufacturers are making hundred of billions and would continue to make more by pushing their vaccines as boosters and even to the children.

This is another form of western colonisation and exploitation on the use of vaccines. 

Why is Singapore going head long with the western narrative and use of western vaccines and discriminating against the unvaccinated when the vaccinated are more dangerous as silent and super spreaders? The unvaccinated may protest, but this western scheme of compulsory vaccination would succeed when more are being forced by govt regulations to be vaccinated. The only time when this policy of bullying and discriminating against the unvaccinated would look silly would be when we reached near 100 per cent vaccinated and the infection and death rates soar and go out of control, confirming the uselessness of the vaccines. By then there would be no unvaxed left to be blamed for their compulsory stupidity and the fake vaccines.

Then the critics of this vaccination myth would have the last laugh at the morons and the imbeciles.


BUDAPEST: Coronavirus infections are hitting record levels in many countries across Europe as winter takes hold, prompting a call for action from the World Health Organization (WHO) which described the new wave as a "grave concern".

Soaring numbers of cases, especially in eastern Europe, have prompted debate on whether to reintroduce curbs on movement before the Christmas holiday season and on how to persuade more people to get vaccinated. CNA

Covid-19 is surging in Ireland where 99.7 percent are Fully Vaccinated…from an article in TRE


  1. The only time when this policy of bullying and discriminating against the unvaccinated would look silly would be when we reached near 100 per cent vaccinated and the infection and death rates soar and go out of control, "

    It will never be silly for the government as they can always squeeze their usual ways with nonsensical reason like "other disease, like heart attack, cancer, blah blah blah, have even higher death rate than covid per year", for all who know the reason covid death is under-reported because most death could just easily classified as underlying condition, nothing to do with vaccine or covid, full stop. Their KPI could be just tied to lower death , the lower the reported number the higher the bonus, report less more bonus. Remember we are uniquely Singapore

  2. Now even the vaccinated are also dying of Covid here. Together with the unvaccinated. MOH when asked why the Chinese vaccines were not included as part of the national program "Chinese vaccines have lots of problems"

    Now look at the infection and death stats between China,HK and compare them to Singapore. If only all vaccines approved are included, wouldn't more lives could have been saved?

    Our neighbouring countries also used the Sinovac
    vaccines with no discrimination like us and all their cases are falling except us.

  3. Very soon, just watch. Somebody somehow somewhere will take action to send a serious message to "God".

  4. Simple. The greed of government. The greed of this government has caused copious hardship to the nation and extraordinary loss of investment money over China investing of high tech companies. Just check the web

    Throwing endless money blindly and greedily like a gambler with no accountability and "not my money anyway" attitude, and when China crack down, these clowns couldn't swallow the pride

    "From 2016, the Singaporean state investor is the biggest state-owned investor in Chinese startups, representing 40% of SOI venture capital. It is followed by its stablemate, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund GIC, which represents another 20%, followed by China’s own fund CIC (13%) and Malaysia’s Khazanah (8%). Added to that is the capital deployed by the SoftBank Vision Fund, which won US$45 billion from Saudi Arabia’s PIF and US$15 billion from Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala. Since 2018, SoftBank Vision Fund has plunged around US$12 billion in Chinese private equity with exposure to these tech-driven consumer segments, from TikTok creator ByteDance to the world’s most valuable AI pioneer SenseTime."

    "Temasek has already suffered a significant setback with Indian ride-hailing app Ola. Opting out of funding rounds has diluted its stake. The app’s value has fallen from over US$4 billion when Temasek invested US$225 million in Q3 2018 to US$3 billion in a Q1 2021 estimate, amid the attrition of the pandemic."

    Some say, it may nothing to do with this. Please lah, if that happen to you, will you not do the same ? If only government has been prudent and not let greed went over their head, we will not have this issue.

  5. Japan jumped to sixth place in the latest edition of Nikkei's COVID-19 Recovery Index, from 14th a month earlier, after bringing daily infections below 300 from more than 25,000 in August. Singapore, on the other hand, slipped 30 places to 100th due to its persistent outbreak.

    The index assesses countries and regions on infection management, vaccine rollouts and social mobility. The higher the ranking, the closer a place is to recovery, characterized by fewer infections, higher inoculation rates and less-strict social distancing measures.

    Singapore, despite having the highest inoculation rate in Asia, slipped to its lowest ranking since the index was first published in July. The city-state is currently recording more than 3,000 new cases daily after breaching the 5,000 mark in a single day last week. Singapore is attempting a "living with COVID" strategy for gradually restarting the economy.

    China, which is sticking with a zero-COVID strategy, placed eighth this time, up from ninth.

  6. Singapore according to the MMTF is approaching the end of the tunnel. Light at the end of the tunnel however is getting further and further away because the tunnel seem to get longer each day. OK, the R rate is below 1 at the moment, but when rules for gathering and for dining are relaxed, R will grow again. Another YO-Yo change. Well MMTF will blame it on the un-vaxed and people not obeying the rules. Singapore is on the way to " living with COVID-19 ".

  7. Concerned SingaporeansNovember 05, 2021 8:01 pm

    The present Singapore government is completely and totally different from the first generation Singapore government.

    The present one only values and care for money, whereas the first one valued and cared for its people.

    The present one values and cares for its ministers' wealth and power, whereas the first one valued and cared for its peoples' wellbeing, progress and prosperity.

    The present one uses arbitrary underhanded, hard-hearted, iron-fisted dictatorial decrees and orders to supress, oppress and command and overpower the people, whereas the first one used compassion, education and persuasion to lead its people.

  8. Pfizer Selling A New Snake Oil?

    According to Reuters:

    "A trial of Pfizer's experimental antiviral pill for Covid-19 was stopped early after the drug was shown to cut by 89 per cent the chances of hospitalisation or death for adults at risk of developing severe disease, the company said on Friday (Nov 5)."

    Why would the experiment (trial) be stopped abruptly if it is showing an extremely high potential of 89% chances of preventing deaths or hospitalisations for Covid-19 patients with high risk of serious illness?

    The result of 89% is much higher than that of the molnupiravir pill being produced by Merck & Co. The molnupiravir has displayed only a 50% chance of preventing death or hospitalised for Covid-19 patients at high risk of serious illness.

    It must be noted by everyone, especially the naive and easily influenced commoners, that the Full Trial data is not yet available from both the Merck and the Pfizer company.

    Pfizer said it plans to submit a Interim Trial result for its pill, which is given in combination with an older antiviral called ritonavir, to the US Food and Drug Administration for approval as part of the Emergency Use Only application.

    I am sure the US Food and Drug Administration will be most eager and willing to approve it, as long as the "benefits outweigh the risks" for the US Food and Drug Administration, for Pfizer, for the Power at Washington DC, and for everyone who counts.

    Quick, quick, all big time gamblers, oops I mean investors, dump in more other people's money to gamble, oops I meant invest big time, in Pfizer and Merck. Then con, coerce or use underhanded tactics to force the people to take these pills everyday. Like that, sure make tons of money one..... What's wrong with making more money?

    Let us celebrate. Time for a Tiger!

    SSO - 5 November 2021.

  9. P/S:

    If you take Pfizer jabs, you have to take twice a year. If you take the pills, Pfizer recommends that you take twice a day. How much more money will Pfizer make if you take the pills instead of the jabs?
