
Covid-19 Vaccination: What Is The Real Motive To Vaccinate The Children Age 5 to 11?


The dictum “follow the money” fits in well here. A recent US News headline can give you a good idea of what is involved here:

“Pfizer Expects 2021, 2022 COVID-19 Vaccine Sales to Total at Least $65 Billion.”

Pfizer’s Covid vaccine stands to become the most profitable pharmaceutical product in the history of men-unkind.

You can easily see through their hidden game strategy when you thin of who are sitting at the Advisory Panel that issued the recommendation:

1. The meeting roster shows that numerous members of the committee and temporary voting members have worked for Pfizer,

2. Or have major connections with Pfizer.

3. Members include a former Vice President of Pfizer Vaccines,

4. A recent Pfizer consultant,

5. A recent Pfizer research grant recipient,

6. A man who mentored a current top Pfizer vaccine executive,

7. A man who runs a center that gives out Pfizer vaccines,

8. The Chairperson of a Pfizer Data Group,

9. A guy who was proudly photographed taking a Pfizer vaccine,

10. And numerous people who are already on the record supporting Coronavirus vaccines for children.

11. Most significantly, the recent FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb is on Pfizer’s Board of Directors.

Does it not ring a bell loud and clear?

12. As if the above list is not good enough, the Acting Chairman of the Board that made the recommendation was one Arnold S. Monto who was a paid Pfizer Consultant up until 2018.

All this shows us how brazen these people are, since they did this in open view. This is part of a larger pattern whereby nearly all regulatory agencies of the US government have been "captured" by those they are supposed to oversee. The Federal Aviation Authority that is supposed to regulate Boeing aircraft's safety and air worthiness is another example.

The name for this game is called "Regulatory Capture" or "Trojan Horse Invasion". As a result, we can no longer trust any government body tasked with protecting the safety and well-being of the population.

To endanger the health of children in the absence of a medical justification and for the sake of profit is a travesty of unspeakable proportions.

Since it has been proven that the mRNA vaccines neither protect us from infections nor transmissions, there is no good reasons to take unnecessary risks to inject our children with useless vaccines that may cause long-term serious health problems.

Why allow the unscrupulous profiteers to benefit while our children shoulder the potential risks of long-term health problems or deaths? This is absolutely unnecessary and unwise.

Please think wisely for the sake of our future generations.

SSO - 21 November 2021.


  1. The CEO, Chairman and Executive Director must be very eager to push for the Vaccination of the whole population because Temasek has invested heavily in the Pfizer and Moderna Companies???

  2. The Singapore Government being a business incorporated is more interested in making money and in paying their top executives, top civil servants, ministers and their sycophantic cronies obscene salaries than to really and sincerely care for the masses of Singapore.

  3. Its all about making more money and certain scientists or doctors want to make a name for themselves.

    It's never about the lives of the children or the fear and worries of their parents.

    This world has become a fraudulent people's world.

    It is being controlled by the cheat, the fraud, the ruthless, the self-enriching and the power-crazy.

    Singapore has no shortage of such people.

  4. Last time, gangho OYK said children no need to fear, very resilient, when he was Education Ministar, pushing for schools to remain open during the Circuit Breaker.

    Now, he is Hell Ministar, but he wants to push for children to be vaccinated.

    Can you see the chameleon behaviour of this once rejected by voters garang fellow?

  5. Question:

    Who stands to benefit when all the children 5 to 11 are vaccinated?

    Multiple Choice Answer:

    1. The children?

    2. Their parents?

    3. Temasek Holdings?

    4. Pfizer and Moderna companies?

    Note: Choose only the most appropriate one, based on your own evaluation. There is no right or wrong answer.

  6. Why a shorter booster interval for Sinovac (3 months) vs Pfizer/AZ (6 months)?

    Khairy Jamaluddin πŸ‡²πŸ‡ΎπŸŒΊ

    While Sinovac is effective, there is evidence it’s effectiveness wanes sooner. This is Cat 4 & 5 weekly admission into Hosp Sg Buloh. That’s why we want you to take whatever booster is on offer.

    1. Bulldhiting galore. Why Singapore experts never day that?

      This Khairy, the son in the law of the conviccted Nasib the corrupted ex pm, was a kris welding aggressive badass who can never be trusted. He is another highly corrupted scum.

  7. This vaccination scam of the millennium shows that 80% of Singaporeans are stupid and thoughtless. They simply follow orders (NS mentality induced in school and in the SAF) and follow the crowd when fear-mongering strikes them through the mass media propaganda machines.

    This herd stupidity does not speak well of Singapore's ability to withstand an external invasion.

    Combined with other factors, what will happen when war is imminent:

    Phase 1:

    The Millionaire Ministers will be too busy trying to safeguard their $millions and overseas properties and their immediate families. They will delicate the responsibility of defending Singapore to the paper generals.

    Phase 2:

    The paper generals will just pretend to take charge and take umbrage and scoot to safe havens at the earliest opportunity.

    Phase 3:

    The NSmen will not fight or fight half-heartedly, seeing the paper generals gone.

    Phase 4:

    The peasants will simply surrender and invite the invaders to come in and take over.

    Phase 5:

    Game over in three days, not 3 months as planned by the useless paper generals.

  8. Sinkapore can never fight against Malaysia and Indonesia combined force from North and South at the same time.

  9. Phase 4:

    The peasants will simply surrender and invite the invaders to come in and take over.

    We have been in Phase 4 for the last 20 years. How many foreigners/invaders have already come in and called themselves citizens and how many are locals/residents? With so many holding pink IC, you would never know what is the true number of foreigners already here.

    Already taken over by foreigners still dunno, like being boiled like the frog.
