
COVID-19 Singapore: Compelling People To Get Vaccinated Is Officially Declaring That VACCINATION IS COMPULSORY

From CNA:

SINGAPORE: From Dec 8, all COVID-19 patients who are unvaccinated "by choice" will have to pay their own medical bills if they are admitted to hospitals or COVID-19 treatment facilities, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Monday (Nov 8).

"Currently, unvaccinated persons make up a sizeable majority of those who require intensive inpatient care, and disproportionately contribute to the strain on our healthcare resources," said MOH.

The new rule will apply to COVID-19 patients who are eligible for vaccination but choose not to do so.

Those who are partially vaccinated will have their medical bills paid for by the Government until Dec 31 to allow them time to be fully vaccinated, MOH said.

COVID-19 patients who are unvaccinated by choice may still tap on regular healthcare financing arrangements to pay for their bills where applicable.

Singaporeans and permanent residents may access regular government subsidies and MediShield Life or the Integrated Shield Plan where applicable.

Long-term pass holders may use their usual financing arrangements, such as private insurance.

People who are ineligible for vaccination, including children under 12 years old or medically ineligible patients, will still have their COVID-19 medical bills fully paid for by the Government, the Health Minister added.

From Jan 1 next year, only Singaporeans, permanent residents and long-term pass holders who are fully vaccinated and have not recently travelled to other countries will have their COVID-19 medical bills fully paid for by the Government.

MOH said the current arrangement of footing the full COVID-19 medical bills for all Singaporeans, permanent residents and long-term pass holders was to "avoid financial considerations adding to public uncertainty and concern when COVID-19 was an emergent and unfamiliar disease".

"For the majority who are vaccinated, this special approach for COVID-19 bills will continue until the COVID-19 situation is more stable," the ministry added.

Speaking at a multi-ministry task force press conference, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said hospitals would prefer not to have to bill COVID-19 patients who are unvaccinated by choice.

"But we have to send this important signal to urge everyone to get vaccinated if you are eligible,"
 he added.


1. In other words, the Minister for Health is compelling those unvaccinated by choice to have no more choice but to get vaccinated!

2. This is the message that is given by the Minister loud and clear!


SSO - 8 November 2021


  1. HO Ching

    Both Pfizer and Merck have antoviral pills which can prevent an infected patient from getting seriously ill.

    Topline comparison:

    Pfizer has 89% effectiveness if taken within 3 days of infection, and 85% effectiveness if taken within 5 days of infection.

    Merck has just under 50% effectiveness if taken within 5 days of infection.

    Both are taken twice a day for 5 days.

    Pfizer has a dose of 3 pills each time, while Merck has a dose of 4 pills each time.

    Pfizer is to be taken along with another established antiviral, Ritonavir.

    Both Merck and Pfizer production will be able to deliver in quantities by next year. Some allocations may be available by December this year.

    Merck costs at least US$700 per treatment, based on contract with USA govt.

    Pfizer pricing is not known though it already has an order from the UK govt.

    Pfizer antiviral goes after the part of the virus which prevents the spike head from opening up the membrane of our cells to enable the rest of the virus material from shooting into our cells.

    It belongs to a class of antivirals that cuts the relevant part of a virus to prevent the virus from being able to infect.

    Merck antiviral looks for a particular segment of the virus RNA and messes up that part randomly so that the virus becomes unable to make copies of itself.

    It belongs to a class of antivirals that does this, and which have been authorised for use for other diseases.

    The Merck antiviral looks for the relevant segment which does not exist in humans, and so is not likely to mess up human DNA.

    It is also shortlived, 3-5 hours half life, and do not stay in our body for long.

    Moreover, this is a one time 5 day treatment in case of infection, and not meant to be taken for extendednor prolonged periods.

    So in a Covid infection for a patient with high risk factors, this helps to reduce the risk of serious or severe illness.

    However, with an effectivness just touching 50%, the Merck antiviral is less effective than the Pfizer antiviral at over 85%.

    The main advantage for now is that Merck is more readily available for these 3 months, whereas Pfizer availability till end of this year is low.

    Apart from the antivirals, we also have the monoclonal antibody treatments available in Sg.
    We already have the Regeneron (70% effective), and Vir (79% effective) should have arrived in Sg by now.

    By 1st quarter next year, we should have stock of the antivirals as well.

    So, folks, just maintain discipline and tahan for another couple of months, ok?

    Meanwhile, please help our seniors get vaccinated sooner than later.

    Every 8 seniors above 80 years old that we can help fully vaccinate is 1 life saved from death.
    This is bcos an unvaccinated 80+ year old has a 1 in 7~8 chance of death when they are infected by Covid.

    If our old folks are homebound or bedridden, all the more they are likely to be frail with comorbidities that puts them as higher risk of death.

    All the more we should vaccinate these folks.

    Do you know that neurocognitive diseases like Alzheimers and dementia are risk factors for covid death too?

    So all the more, we should help get them vaccinated.

    Call 1800 650 6060 to book a hoke vaccination for bedridden, homebound, or non compos mentis elder at home.

    Keep safe.

    We will get there as safe as we can, with the least casualties that we can.

    However, just as vaccination is not 100%, and treatments are not 100% effective, we cannot save every life.

    We have already been leaning in towards saving lives vs saving livelihoods for the past 20 months, and can begin to lean towards steadily restoring livelihoods over the next few months.

  2. Pure Propaganda coming from the mare's mouth like a donkey trying to sing a serenade to a group of tired and frustrated foreign wotkers, who have been confined to dormitories for the last 20 months.

    Ya, we will get there. We have been hearing that from numerous politicians. This is a stale and meaningless statement.

    Get there?


    Talk is cheap. Words are free. But we are not idiots.

  3. Making unvaccinated to pay for covid medical bill will cause many of them of not seeking treatment, even they are infected. There will be a spike of peoples dying at home. Prepared to stock up perfume, put on mask, this times the unbearable stinks would comes from your neighboring condo.

    1. The Minister of Hell is literalily killing more and more people with his mouth that gives out more and more ruthless measures.

      When the power of deciding the life and death of the people is given to a wrong person, many people will die needlessly and mercilessly.

      This person cannot be given any power at all.

      He must be made to pay for his ruthlessness and callousness in the next GE.

  4. Can your imagine the 600,000 men let out from the dormitories? What would be the infection rate?

    You can't have the cake and eat it at the same time. Every act has its consequences. The wider the legs are open, what do you think could happen?

  5. Little details that cheer us up.

    More people have recovered each day for the past 5 days than new cases of COVID-19 reported.

    Get vaccinated. Get your booster. Do your part. And we can all make the journey to endemicity as safe as possible for everyone.

    Have a good day, folks!

    1. You are talking like an irresponsible three year old and behaving like an ostrich.

      You don't know what you are talking. Wake up!

  6. What is the real number of infection cases daily? How many infected cases are not reported but staying home?

  7. Anon 10.14 has a point. What if those unvaccinated are infected but do not seek treatment because of the cost? Send them to the gas chamber?

    This move is bound to backfire if those unvaccinated and infected refused hospitalisation due to cost, and they will continue to be realistically living with the virus.

  8. The only effective backfire is to fire the murderous hell minister.

    1. Hi anonymous 1.01pm

      Don't play play.....

      He is very very likely your next PM!


    2. He might not be the PeeAyam, he is just a scapegoat carry out the order of Ah Long san.

  9. Now that vaccination in children are being rolled out, ever wonder why they are now releasing infections in children, found to be in the thousands? Think about it!

    Unvaccinated children are going to face the same discrimination as unvaccinated adults. The problem is more pronounced with schools and childcare facilities to think of and consider.

  10. And Jeepun population is 525 times larger than SG....

    Japan has zero daily COVID-19 deaths for first time in 15 months

    Japan recorded no daily deaths from COVID-19 for the first time in more than a year on Sunday, local media said.

    Prior to Sunday, there had not been a day without a COVID-19 death since Aug. 2, 2020, according to a tally by national broadcaster NHK.

    COVID-19 cases and deaths have fallen dramatically throughout Japan as vaccinations have increased to cover more than 70% of the population.

    New daily infections peaked at more than 25,000 during an August wave driven by the infectious Delta variant. The country has had more than 18,000 deaths from the disease during the course of the pandemic.

    To gird against a possible rebound this winter, the government plans to start booster vaccine shots next month and is working to secure pill-based treatments for milder cases to reduce hospitalisations.

    Shigeru Omi, the nation's top health adviser, on Monday sketched out a new scale for measuring the seriousness of coronavirus infections and a tool for predicting the hospital beds that may be needed in a new wave.

    "We've learned over the past two years that we need to take strong, fast and intensive measures," Omi told reporters.

  11. https://youtu.be/lagrPWXMQe8

    A Kow Bei Kow Boo Uncle complained about the low class way of handling the pandemic to penalize the unvaxx people

  12. Japan uses the same vaccines as Singapore and its infection and death rates are going down while Singapore's are going up. Why? This is the constant in the equation.

    Is it because they are not opening up?

    Is it because the virus that attacks Japan is different from the virus that attacks Singapore.

    Is it because of immigration issue?

    Is it because Japan is faking its data but Singapore is not?

  13. This xia suay garment could have save a lot of problems and lives if from the start it allowed the people the choice of Chinese and mRNA vaccines.

    For some queer and funny reasons, till today, it is still reluctant to allow the use of Chinese vaccines in the same manner as mRNA vaccines and causing so much problems for citizens that don't trust the mRNA vaccines.

    This is a self inflicted pain and they deserve it, to be cursed by the people.

  14. I read this article with interest. The Singapore government is basically telling the unvax people of the country that they must be responsible for their hospital expenses if the get the dreaded COVID-19 virus. That I think is a 2 edge sword. The infected unvax would just not report their illness and stay away from hospitals or the doctors. This would have the possibility to spreading the disease further.

    I live in the United Kingdom and I cannot imagine if our Mr Johnson were to come up with this stupid proposal, he would be kicked out of Parliament without further ado. BUT in Singapore people are very kwai. Singaporeans will kpkb in coffee shops and live with it.

  15. Well, not exactly live with it. In recent past elections, voters were totally bought over by the upgrading carrot, which is redundant now, after the realisation that after 99 years their homes become worthless rubbles, however much upgrading they may enjoy.

    Since the termination of the upgrading mantra, the PAP's share of votes have been declining with each subsequent general election. There were no more vote buying strategy to garner votes. Now it is the new citizens that is prodding up the supporting base of the ruling party.

  16. @ 5:08 pm:

    "I live in the United Kingdom and I cannot imagine if our Mr Johnson were to come up with this stupid proposal, he would be kicked out of Parliament without further ado. BUT in Singapore people are very kwai. Singaporeans will kpkb in coffee shops and live with it."

    This Singapore Pipe Piper has just taken over the Health Ministry recently. After taking over, instead of doing his job and shoulder his responsibility as a Health Minister, to save lives and prevent infections spreading, he did just the opposite. He is more concerned than the Trade and Industry Minister in getting the economy running by opening up Singapore in a very risky and dangerous way.

    All this while the Trade and Industry Minister has spoken very little about the opening up. It is this Health (Hell) Minister who has been driving the people crazy.

    Singaporeans may kpkb in coffee shops but old uncle Singaporeans has also been charged in court for burning a Lawmaker openly and publicly on the stage where the Lawmaker was speaking. And the cause for that was because of a Chinese New Year red packet that the old uncle was deprived of.

    Now, the situation is much worse than just missing the chance of receiving a red packet. Now, many lives have been lost unnecessarily. Most of them could have been saved if not because of the idiotic ideas of this Newbie Health (or Hell) Minister. The daily infections jumped from less than 10 a day to more than 5,000 a day, now averaging about 3,000 a day, not counting many who have been infected but not reported.

    I won't be surprised that one fateful day, some old uncles are going to take drastic actions or take the law into their own hands to demand for justice.

    I also won't be surprised that this Newbie Health (or Hell) Minister will be kicked out in the next GE.

    1. U think the H minister can do what he wants without the consent of the higher powers?

  17. " The daily infections jumped from less than 10 a day to more than 5,000 a day, now averaging about 3,000 a day, not counting many who have been infected but not reported."

    Is the number actually going down ? or we led to believe that number is going down by the government ? Can anyone tell me since when the covid spread decreasing with border open , or just another case of criteria manipulation for number reporting ?

    1. The number of daily infections cannot be going down. Not logical.

      It is reasonable to assume that the infections are going up exponentially because of the reckless and dangerous way the VTL is being implemented. Many of those countries Singapore opened itself to the VTL Scheme are highest risks (Level 4) and high risks (Level 3) countries, while those from Level 2 and Level 1 are few. So, the chances of importing more silent Covid-19 super-spreaders are extremely high. Therefore, Singapore's exposure to more infections is a certainty. How then can the cases of infections be decreasing?

      Understandably, the lower risks countries are not interested.

    2. Soon, you'll have to foot the medical bill should you get infected with Covid-19 and are also unvaccinated despite being eligible.

      For those who are partially vaccinated, more time will be given to them (until Dec 31) to let them complete the full regimen.

      "Currently, unvaccinated persons make up a sizeable majority of those who require intensive inpatient care, and disproportionately contribute to the strain on our healthcare resources," said MOH.

      COVID-19 patients who are unvaccinated by choice may still tap on regular healthcare financing arrangements to pay for their bills where applicable such as subsidies and Medishield Life. This means bills will still be highly subsidised.

      Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said, ""We should be clear that the objective is not for collecting revenue, and cost of treatment will still be heavily subsidised. Instead, this serves as a strong signal for the unvaccinated to get their jabs."

      "We have to send this important signal to urge everyone to get vaccinated if you are eligible."

      Don't be stubborn. Vaccination will protect you.

  18. "Since the termination of the upgrading mantra, the PAP's share of votes have been declining with each subsequent general election. There were no more vote buying strategy to garner votes. Now it is the new citizens that is prodding up the supporting base of the ruling party."

    So true, with new citizen competing with buying new flats and voting for PAP, and allocation by the ruling party for gerrymandering , who care about sinkies, they can sink and sink and government don't care.

  19. Well, let us hope they themselves are eaten up by the snakes.

  20. S'pore removed from list of countries for which EU member states should lift travel curbs

    Thinking of heading to Europe for a year-end vacation? Singaporeans could now face stricter border restrictions after the Republic was removed from a list of countries for which travel curbs should be lifted.

    The Council of the European Union announced the decision to take Singapore and Ukraine out of the list on Tuesday (Nov 9).

    Singapore had remained on the list, which is reviewed every two weeks, when the previous assessment was conducted late last month.

    On the factors considered when deciding whether to recommend travel restrictions for a particular country, the EU said: "They cover the epidemiological situation and overall response to Covid-19, as well as the reliability of the available information and data sources.

    "Reciprocity should also be taken into account on a case-by-case basis."

    The council's recommendation is not a legally binding instrument.

    "The authorities of the member states remain responsible for implementing the content of the recommendation," added the council.

    Its announcement on Tuesday could pave the way for the 27 countries in the EU to reimpose border restrictions on travellers from Singapore, although the immediate impact remains unclear.

    In the last two months, Singapore had announced Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTLs) with 10 countries in Europe - Denmark, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and Britain.

    These 10 countries had unilaterally opened up to Singapore prior to the Republic's announcement of the VTLs, thus allowing for two-way quarantine-free travel for fully vaccinated travellers.

    All the countries, except Britain and Switzerland, are member states of the EU.

    When Germany raised its Covid-19 risk alert for Singapore and classified the Republic as a "high-risk area" last month, those flying over from the Republic were required to complete an additional digital entry registration.

    It also meant that children who were not inoculated against Covid-19 will have to quarantine for five days upon arrival there.


  21. "S'pore removed from list of countries for which EU member states should lift travel curbs.

    In the last two months, Singapore had announced Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTLs) with 10 countries in Europe - Denmark, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and Britain.

    These 10 countries had unilaterally opened up to Singapore prior to the Republic's announcement of the VTLs, thus allowing for two-way quarantine-free travel for fully vaccinated travellers."


    Now that Singapore is put on the high risk list, will the 10 countries still continue the VTL with Singapore?

    Will the still visit Singapore?

  22. "One fine day, these poisonous snakes are going to eat up the Big Fat King Frog and all his relatives and friends."

    When that day comes, do you think HoJinx, Pinky and the rest of cronies still around ? In the meantime, they enjoy screwing the citizen with PayAndPay, abuse of power, and live like king and queen with world's expensive government, and full 24 hours protection in kingdom of sheeps.

    Just like LKY, he talk about how the future will judge him when he passed away, while alive continue on his way. Did any dead people really care when they pass away ? LKY say he will rise from his grave, sorry, you sinkies are screwed because he cleverly cremated and say "sorry sinkies, it your shit even though I responsible for your shit and I am cremated and cannot rose from the grave anymore, you naive sinkies.

  23. SINGAPORE: Food and beverage establishments should conduct checks for proof of residence when groups larger than two people dine in, with such checks done through the patrons' NRIC or the Singpass app, said the authorities.

    Children who do not have these forms of identification can be allowed entry based on a "declaration" of their place of residence.

    The advisory was issued on Wednesday (Nov 10), the first day that fully vaccinated people from the same household can dine out together in groups of up to five.

    Implementation of the rule was detailed in a joint advisory issued by Enterprise Singapore, the Housing and Development Board, the Singapore Food Agency, the Singapore Tourism Board and the Urban Redevelopment Authority. CNA

    Is DNA test on the cards? Do they need to bring marriage certificates or birth certificates?
