
Animal Farm - The workers have had enough, their voices of despair are ignored

Below is another article screaming out from the lungs of angry Singaporeans, Singaporeans that refused to be pushed and dumped into the sea by the selfish ungratefuls that are paying themselves millions and telling the Singaporeans 4 legs are good, 2 legs are better. How many more times must this be repeated before the people chase the pigs out of the Animal Farm, from their luxurious lifestyle and humongous pay, feeding, cheating and exploiting the poor Singaporean workers? Be good, work hard, tighten your belts, be Grab drivers, be cleaners....times  are bad, we need foreign talents from shitty third world universities to help you upgrade. We also need to raise fares, raise taxes, increase fees... Be thankful, be grateful and know your place.

The below article was posted in the TRE by a Pat Low.  


Our CECA policy will hollow out the Singapore talent base. Today, a lot of the C-suites are gone. The CEO, COO, CFO, CIO etc. Without its lieutenants, captains, sargeant majors and regimental majors, etc, an army cannot function. We have actually gone down the rabbit hole. Supervisory and middle line managers are also getting displaced. If this situation is not reversed soon, irreparable damage will be done to the country.

WHEN THE GOVERNMENT SAYS THERE ARE LOTS OF JOBS THAT SINGAPOREANS CANNOT HANDLE, THEY ARE LYING. I can't stress this enough. When a small country has only a few universities and which are high in world rankings, and the government set policies that favour graduates from a country whose universities are hardly ranked, policy makers need to have their brains examined.

We should stop using the term FOREIGN TALENT. This is one of the government's methodology to normalise the policy. It drills into your brains. They are talents, you are idiots. Granted foreign companies that set up base here want to bring in a pool of their specialists. These are the expertise in their particular fields. And what we want to welcome are the deal makers, the visionaires, the risk takers, those with high networks in high places, the knowledge drivers in their field, such as those in the cutting edge technologies. We understand this, and support them as host country, we want them to succeed just as much.

Under CECA arrangement, we all know there has been an invasion of PMEs from India. The government's argument that these are FTs are blatant lies. A simple check at Linkedin is all it takes to call out the government. Why do we need foreign admin managers, facility managers, HR managers, etc. I won't be surprised that companies here will be advised to ban their foreign Indian employees from registering with Linkedin. Information suppression is a new old-fashioned government control protocol.

If hollowing out Singapore talent is a dangerous path, why are'nt Singaporean elites calling this out? Where is the NTUC chief? Where are our industry leaders? Where are the Kweks, the Ongs, the Jumaboys? The business class are sleeping with the governing elites to enrich at the expense of a depressed wage market forced by the huge supply of foreign Indian PMEs. Not a single soul has stood up to say "Singaporeans are suffering. Singaporeans helped us to make our billions. It's time we stand up with Singaporeans, never mind that higher wages mean we make a little less."

Listening to Minister Ong say in parliament recently, that Singapore's success created it's own problem, made me puke. In his scholastic view, many companies locate here, we have high employment, but there is not enough Singaporeans. CECA helped alleviate the problem. The reality is the government policy helped companies lower cost on the backs of cheaper South Asians and at the expense of Singaporeans. Their message to attract FDIs is come here, we have a cheap labour force. 15 long years of the easy way out of building GDP on depressed wages have made it impossible for policy makers to realise that companies chose to base in Singapore not for the low wage advantage. For if that were so, there are a hundred much cheaper other countries they can relocate to.

!st gen leadership told us we Singaporeans are valuable and trusted. Rolled up your sleeves, get educated, we can make it together. 3rd gen leaders are telling us we are idiots, be good and either work under 3rd world supervisors, or go and be a graduate Grab driver.

Pat Low



  1. WP's Pritam Singh, so-called Opposition Chief with a office, agrees with PAP elites that India CECA is good for Singaporeans.

    On Sep 15, Workers' Party voted against PSP's India CECA motion in Parliament to improve the job prospects and livelihoods of Singaporeans.

  2. I have always had and still have my doubts about WP. When the former WP chief LTK took control of the Party, JBJ left, saying as he did that if you agree with the PAP vote for WP. Singaporeans are mostly timid. Even when they want change they will only vote for a party that is the same colour as the PAP, only a different shade. This is why WP is the most successful opposition party here with the most supporters inspite of its lacklustre performance. Other opposition parties that are more vocal and with more spirit and fire do not have the support of most Singaporeans who consider them disruptive trouble makers.

  3. Calling them foreign talents is the same as calling bus drivers as bus captains, gardeners as landscape artist, toilet and table cleaners as health workers. It is just sleek rebranding to sell a 'deceptive product' to brainwash Singaporeans to accept them warts and all.

    In this way Foreign Talents is now deemed an acceptable product that they think the ground will tolerate, whether defective, deceptive or fake, but are still called 'talents'.

  4. PAP has become too good to be true, too smart to be wise, too cunning to be good, for Singapore's daft and meek people.

    The time for a total change of guards has arrived. It's next GE or never.

    This is a life and death situation for for Singaporeans. Not Parasitic Permanent Residents (PPR) or Newly Imported Hybrid Citizens (NIHC) who are one of the main causes of all our ills, foreign trash marketed and packaged as foreign talents.
