
Obsolete ASEAN And The Brainless Gaffe By Some Pro American Western Oriented Intellectuals.



It is time for Asean to close shop and for the pro American stooges to stop their illicit comments .Asean should be disbanded and discarded now as it is a very anachronistic organisation which  no longer serves its noble aim . From day one when Asean was infiltrated by the Evil Empire - USA , it has been losing its credibility and bearing. Asean has been hijacked by USA to serve its agenda of divide and rule and its grand strategy of containing China's peaceful development. The belief that Asean countries are still running the organisation is a self deception and a disillusionment . The unseen hands of the Evil Empire behind the steering wheel is setting the direction and calling the tune. The intrigues of the Evil Empire has already undermined the peace, security and stability in the South China Sea and the East China Sea.The problem is that since many of the Asean leaders have their own selfish national interest to serve they become divisive and  an easy target for USA exploitation for its own agenda. Asean leaders and politicians and intellectuals in Think Tanks and institutions of higher learning are willing to be politically anaesthetised and numbed by USA that they become incapable of independent rightful thinking.

 They become subservient to USA dictates and like plasticine their pigeon brains are now controlled and moulded by the manipulative hands and political chicanery machines of  deviant and devious USA 's massive  insidious propaganda. Asean leaders and politicians choose to ignore the horrible painful history of violent USA wanton aggressions and invasions against other countries. They  ignore the historical truth of the real and rightful owners of the island territories in the South China Sea. For thousands of years since the Han Dynasty of 250 BC China had traversed and reigned these islands which was interrupted only by the arrival of the plundering marauding European buccaneers in the 1800s and later joined in by the savage Japanese  and American imperialists. Even then all the South China Sea islands inclusive of the Paracels, Pratas, Spratleys and others have always been recognised as Chinese territories by both East and West including USA and Japan and even the Viets and Pinoys prior to mid 1970s. It was somewhere around 1975 after China announced the discovery of large deposits of oil and other mineral resources under the seabed that the littoral states like Philippines , Vietnam , Malaysia and Brunei began to lay claim unabashly to many of the islands and of course with the instigation and support of USA. Their illogical claims provide USA with an unwarranted opportunity to create trouble and conflict among the claimants. USA's interference to stir up instability , turmoil and conflict is part of its overall evil scheme  to ultimately assume full hegemonic control of the East China Sea and the South China Sea. This is actually the scenario of USA strategy of pivot to East Asia.

 Before USA appeared on the scene there was peace and tranquility in East Asia and the South China Sea. For decades USA has left trails of blood and suffering in the Middle East with its plots and plans of endless wars among the divisive  Arabs where their deviant faith of many divisive denominations led to easy exploitation by USA for its own selfish interest of ultimately holding undisputed control and hegemony over the whole Middle East .


Having created all the wars and misery in the Middle East USA thinks it can do the same in East and South East Asia. It is now bent on adopting the same wicked strategy of divide and rule in East and South East Asia.  USA is exploiting the greed and illogical claims of territories against China by some silly Asean countries and Japan.

Adding to the reverberations are the silly  comments of many anti China intellectual psycophants who are addicted to the sweet swelling farts and the special flavour of the American shit.Their silly anti China remarks will have its pay back politically and economically  and is of no benefit to their countries. They just regurgitated the wild vicious American propaganda which USA is used to hurl at a peaceful China. These moronic characters do not acknowledge their ancestral roots but choose to believe they are white and identify themselves culturally, mentally and ethnically with savage white people of the West. The white Americans and the Europeans must be laughing themselves silly thinking of these  deranged moronic Asian bananas. It is a disgrace that these pro American bananas are working in higher institutions supported by the government with tax payers' money.Their constant wild anti China utterances expose their utter ignorance of even the most basic history of China and Asia and may be the whole world. They should be removed from the government supported institutions  so as to save tax payers money and at the same time prevent them from bringing harm to the the country from their brainless gaffe. In a recent commentary a shameless nutty intellectual cast uncalled for aspersions on China and disparage China with irrelevant remarks which is anathema to Asean's interest. Remarks like "shoot itself in the foot" and "Trojan Horses" should apply more aptly to the intellectual's country and to Asean for inviting a satanic USA into the grouping and for acting as Trojan Horses on behalf of USA.

I would urge the self esteemed intellectuals to delve more deeply and seriously into history and especially on the history of savage American wars of aggression and conquests before they show their ignorance in their wild utterances.. The utterances that Asean survival as an autonomous body rests on its ability to neutralise external influence in its affairs" is hogwash. How can that be when Asean openly welcomes an outsider, a distant non Asian monster,a warmonger and world trouble maker into the grouping and allows this monster to hijack the agenda and call the dictates. All this while China look askance with disbelief at the folly of Asean. True to expectations USA began to create waves of crisis, instability, hostility and insecurity in the South China Sea region.US has seen fit to to indulge openly in issues between China and some individual Asean countries in a hostile and detrimental manner to China.The issues is between each individual Asean country and China and not between Asean as a group and China. It would appear that USA has succeeded in bribing some non involved Asean countries to use Asean as a block against China. Free passage is not an issue in the South China Sea and has never been an issue  But why is Asean on stasis and so dumb on USA harping on "Freedom Of Passage" knowing that Freedom of Passage is not an issue. Asean does not and should not assume the right to interfere in territorial claimant issues between China and a few of the other individual Asean states. It is a bilateral issue. Asean interference is bad enough and it is worsened by encroaching USA's interference. It clearly shows some Asean countries are conniving with USA to create trouble with the motive of getting some benefits from it.

In conclusion it is strongly advised that ignorant political commentators should keep their mouth shut to save them from contempt and disdain by the general public and to free the public at large from irritation and poisoning.


Wednesday, 22nd June, 2016
Republished on Friday, 29th October,2021


  1. Now the stakes are higher with China spearheading the formation of the RCEP, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership of 15 Asia Pacific countries. Elsewhere we all know well enough who is behind the spanners being thrown into the BRI project across Central Asia, with terrorist attacks trying to sabotage the set up. It all points to the CIA's dirty hands at work.

    Likewise, the EU and China trade agreement has been thrown out of gear? Who besides the Devil holds such clout to sabotage that as well?

    As we also know, the USA and its allies and doggies, like India are trying to set up their own trade bloc to counter the RCEP. This is a well know fact. ASEAN countries are an integral component of the RCEP and who stands to benefit if ASEAN disintegrates thus sabotaging the RCEP, and inevitably some of the stooges will even decide to join the USA/India version of the trade bloc?

    Fermenting infighting among ASEAN members is the first step to the grand evil scheme. How many ASEAN leaders are already in the grasp of the Devil is not clear, but the stance of ASEAN's other members attitude towards Myanmar is telling.

  2. Talk do much for what? Asean is screwed up. Internal traitors are splitting up Asean. Not external forces. Blaming external forces for its screwed ups is an old trick in the play book of unscrupulous political hacks.

    Uneducted or not, Asean is doomed. It is the more educated that are more evil and corrupt. Especially in the academia, imported from a highly corrupted country.

  3. None so blind as those who refused to see. The writing is on the wall. ASEAN is doomed the moment they invited the Devil into the house.

    It does not need blogs like this to be accused of spreading misinformation. Some people still have not learned what misinformation means. Ask the USA how they misinformed the whole world into starting the Iraq War. That is a leaf from the USA playbook being used all over the world. Nothing more, nothing less.

    What by the way is Japan and Korea facing from China today. Did China send warships to their shores? As I see it, Japan is even posturing to start a war with China over Taiwan. What Japan and Korea are facing is that they slowly being outcompeted by China. That is the truth and they are mad and unable to accept the reality.

  4. If Japan ever goes to war with China as part of the US Aggression Forces, over Taiwan, this will give China the best opportunity and excuse to make use of unreserved and unlimited force over Japan, in order to avenge those millions of Chinese people who were murdered, slaughtered, tortured, robbed and raped by the Japanese Imperial Military Forces 75 years ago. This long-awaited blood debt has to be settled one day or another, one way or another because until today Japan still refused to repent and apologise for its atrocities; still provoking emotions and anger by visiting and honouring their convicted war criminals' shrines.

    This blatant persistent annual defiance and deliberate provocation cannot be condoned by any sensible person whose ancestors or families have suffered under the atrocities of the beastly and murderous Japanese.

  5. China would not be alone to want revenge against the barbaric Japanese. The Koreans and Russians are also hoping for this day to destroy these evil people for their atrocities against their people.

    With the three countries attacking the Japanese, the Americans would not dare to do anything except to watch the annihilation of these evil Japanese.

  6. Japan has been suffering from their guilt conscience over the atrocities they committed against China, Korea and other Asian countries during WW2. And this fact is not unknown to the USA and they are capitalising on it. By using Japan to antagonise China, it fits perfectly into their agenda. This is basically a 'Borrow sword to kill the enemy' tactic from the USA playbook.

    With the USA persistently telling the Japanese that they are behind them in their anti-China adventure, the Japanese are of course emboldened to try their luck once again, attempting to reignite their Greater East Asia Sphere of Influence with them in control of East Asia. This is of course a different era and a different China to contemplate.

  7. Britain has been called the 'Mouse' by Alexander Mercouris. The 'European Mouse' trying to poke the Russian Bear.

    Likewise, Japan is the "Asian Mouse" trying to poke the Dragon.

    Who is the House Master breeding mice to spread diseases?

  8. Not only mice, but breeding attack dogs to guard their status.

  9. And we expect them to defend Singapore after NS? They will chabok like the deposed Afghan military, touted to be trained by the USA.

    On another issue, it looks like the demonisation of the Taliban Government is picking up steam, just like Myanmar. Keep hammering on small issues and the doggies will pick up the scent and follow suit.
