
Covid19 - Would Singapore become a mini India, a basket case?

 5 days in a row with more than 3,000 infected cases. Sat was the highest with 3,703 cases and 11 deaths in a day! Looking at this number it seems small compares to neighbouring countries with 8,000 to 10,000 cases. Having 3,000 cases daily are now normal. Without proper and systematic testing, with so many people just stay at home or in the dormitories, how many cases are there really?

India now has about 20,000 daily cases and soon would have no cases in a matter of days. But India has a population of 1.3b.

If we extrapolate this, how many cases would Singapore have if its population is 1.3b? India's worse case was 400,000 daily. At 3,500 daily cases, Singapore would have an equivalent of 800,000 daily cases!

The big question is when would Singapore become a basket case like India, when hospitals are fully filled and patients are all over the place? When that happens, given this trajectory, the whole world would shun Singapore.

At one time Singapore proudly went around selectively to open special travel corridors with countries with small numbers of infection. Now this is not going to happen. Though many are deceived by the nominal 3,500 daily cases, and still some are talking about vaccinated travel lanes with Singapore, the counterparts are likely from countries that have lost control of the virus.

Do not be surprised that this could be only temporary as the cases could explode and all countries would be issuing travel warnings to avoid Singapore.

Let's pray that the millionaire magicians are right or Singapore would be a mini India with more cases per million, could be the highest in the world.

Would this become a norm, that Singaporeans are not welcome?


This news could be a rude warning of more to come if the infection rate in Singapore continues to grow. The MTF is planning and thinking that the virus infection would be within their expectation and manageable and would not run wild, reach a reasonable and acceptable level to other countries. If this is not the case, Singapore would be in for deep trouble. Instead of opening up the economy and receiving more visitors, no one would come except for the lepers and desperadoes.Now it is up to the virus and the unseen hands.


  1. No worry..look at cecan motherland. From high of few hundreds thousand to less than 20k now. Very soon our not so talented 3 stooges will invite their talented cecan to come and manage our covid virus..so cheer!


  2. How coulld the politicians, the ministers and MPs justify their astronomic sinful salaries with this type of inefficiencies and incompetence in the performance of their duties. Aren't they duty bound to serve the people and the country. Oh! goodness! they are are just serving the people perfunctorily but serve themselve well living a high pompous grandeur life.

  3. Good idea. The Indians are real experts in making infection disappeared. Bring them into the MTF, or replace the MTF with Indians. Cheap and good. No need to pay millions.

  4. COVID-19 Singapore: Prolonged Entrenched Political Power Breeds Ills To Party And Society

    A regime that has held power for far too long (more than 5 decades) is bound to become arrogant, cocky, over-confident and self-assured. Never made mistakes?

    Over the past 20 months or so, we can clearly see that the Millionaires' Multi-Ministry Elephant Task Forced (Into Our Throats) is devoid of common sense and proper forward planning. Every policy, protocol and measure is reactionary, after-thoughts, based on hindsight instead of foresight.

    When a group of highly educated and intelligent persons refused to use common sense, they resort to conjectures, theories, double-edged fork-tongue advice from non-experts masquerading as experts, fancy dreams and fantasies.

    Outsiders can see through their blunders and mistakes but they themselves couldn't. This is the present state of deep shit affairs.

    Moreover, with a ruling party filled with people who have always excelled in their academic results, and acquired top scholarships, never tasted failures nor downfalls, and never admit mistakes (one cannot learn and make corrections if one does not identify and admit mistakes first), how can they see or realise their own blunders and mistakes?

    Furthermore, with the habitual and strong desire to hear only sweet music to their ears, and the frequent and incorrigible urge towards self-praise, there is very little hope that they will be able to hear or discern the repeated suggestions, recommendations and warnings given by the public in the various social media platforms.

    However, that doesn't mean that we should give up and stop our unpaid, free, efforts to continue to alert them and warn them. This is our country and we are part of whether that happens to our country.

    We are the affected party on the ground, at ground zero. They are at cloud 9, high above in their comfortable and grand six-stars ivory towers. Usually, the communications wave get lost in the wavelengths that travel from the bottom to the top because there exists too many layers of filters, and safety and security protections surrounding them.

    Millionaires are afraid to die.

    Millionaires with unfettered powers are only afraid of ghosts - the three ghosts of The Christmas Carol - of past, present and future, and nothing else.

    Hope the three ghosts will visit them soon, to kick them in the ass and wake them up to carry out the long delayed necessary changes to themselves and to their relationship with society.

    Early Merry Christmas!

    Free, Unpaid LIPS Service.

  5. It's not the regime that has held power for far too long that is the problem. It's the fresh blood they brought in that is the problem - cocky, so full of themselves but can't think two steps ahead.

    One of them even lament openly he doesn't have the luxury of the benefit of hindsight ! Another is like a minister of hell !

    1. Who commands and controls the newbies? It is the entrenched power of the day who calls the shots, not the newbies.

  6. Be critical when government just give unclear information like those died has "underlying conditions." What exactly is "underlying conditions" ?

    "underlying conditions" can also be high blood pressure which is common and rising even on young people due to family genetics, or lifestyle, or whatever. By placing everything under "underlying condition" just like this government like to do, they try to manage perception that those conditions are special case.

    Just google "high blood pressure corona" , and you may find information between high blood pressure and corona.

  7. Well, the so-called experts are not the main culprits. In this world, there always be fake, good, genuine or self-serving experts. The main culprit is the government and PM who select these so-call experts based on they want to hear, and the government just love to endorse and give fame and media time to experts as long as they support the government's agenda.

    The government has a choice but they choose those that support them, so I don't think experts are to blamed totally.

  8. Anon October 15, 2021 10:03 am
    "It's not the regime that has held power for far too long that is the problem. It's the fresh blood they brought in that is the problem - cocky, so full of themselves but can't think two steps ahead.

    One of them even lament openly he doesn't have the luxury of the benefit of hindsight ! Another is like a minister of hell !"

    The seniors select the junior PAP cadres based on support for party's ideology and essentially reflection of themselves. LKY is like that too, but at least up to 1980s, you have group of his same-rank kakies to tame him somehow, after 1990, when the old guards are removed by LKY and LKY control everything, that is where the actual deterioration happens.

    LKY been overrated as Singapore need a posterboy in earlier days but he is still the main reason why we are in this shit today serve nepotism, croynism, legal corruption , arrogance, power-hungry, money-faced etc, You name it.

  9. https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/government-economy/singapore-not-making-finished-vaccines-yet-to-produce-covid-19-vaccines-from-2023

    Does it means the virus is here to stay beyond year 2023 ?
    How do they know ? Something very fishy !

  10. More and more Singaporeans are dying unnecessarily - preventable and avoidable - if not because of the deliberate high-risks adventurism of "Living with the Covid-19 coronavirus", still a very much mysterious contagious and deadly virus that can mutate and mutate further, stronger and more viciously.

    The latest Delta Variant does not respect age nor health, nor wealth.

    Yesterday's report on the day before's casualties of the idiotic "Living with Covid-19", revealed that 15 have been killed. And I believe more and more may be counted in the not too distant future.

    The killings of a 23 years old young man and a 34 middle age man means a few important things. What are they?

  11. Uncle Redbean, please do not worry. Your MTF of army general will come up with a war strategy that will combat the virus. With Generals and BGs at the control. Singaporeans can feel safe. Although these MTF Generals have never seen a war or any minor conflicts, they will make sure Singaporeans are safe. Their Yo-Yo strategy has resulted in 3000+ daily case is still better than the neighbouring countries in SE Asia. Therefore they must be feeling very proud of themselves to have managed the virus well. When and if the pandemic becomes worse, they can always blame it on the Singaporeans.

  12. COVID-19 Singapore: Are The Generals Of Any Help To Our Fight Against The Coronavirus?

    To me, the generals are practically useless. These are my reasons why I said so:

    1. They don't even realise that the Covid-19 Pandemic is a Virus War against Humanity, until more than one and a half years later, it took a non-military geberal Ong Ye Kung, to realise and said so - that the Pandemic "is like a war".

    2. They didn't even have any tactical plan to start with. So, don't have to talk about stratrgic plans.

    3. They didn't even organise the country for war. They just resorted to "monitoring closely" and than reacted, and most of the times, reacted too little too late.

    4. Always waiting for hindsight. Leaders plan ahead, using their vision and wisdom, which they have none. Followers wait for hindsight and orders. Without hindsight and orders, they are lost; they simply do not know which direction to go. They simply cannot work.

    5. They didn't lead the charge against the enemy (coronavirus) by example. They hid inside their ivory towers and pretended that they were all there for you, uttering: "No one will be left behind". But in reality, on the ground, many have been left in the wayside, hospitals and homes to suffer and to die.

    6. They didn't have the will power, the spirit, the courage, the patience and the resolve to fight on until victory is achieved. Halfway on the march towards the foothills of the counterattack, they put up the white flag and simply surrendered to the Enemy's Special Forces, the Covid-19 Delta Variants.

    7. They are only good in taking umbrage and giving orders, pushing their subordinates down the gutters, while they themselves grab the honor, prestige and rewards.

    Such are the fast-tracked, incubated, inexperienced generals of papers, not of deeds, that we are having?

    I hope I am absolutely wrong.


  13. Why is Ho Ching's stooges dominating and spaming this web site all the time - pushing Propaganda and half-truths.

  14. Lee HL already say live with the enemy

    So let the enemy in actually.nothing to do with the carriers.

  15. Westlite Incident: Excessive Use Of Ugly Force

    The mass media, mouth pieces of the PAP government, tried to play down the incident by saying that MOM had sent in insufficient resources. The truth is MOM had sent in the wrong types of resources. Read the Open Letter from the Westlite Dormitory's Workers below.

    "Open letter to Minister of Manpower Tan See Leng:

    Please do not call us “your brothers”

    If we are truly your brothers why do you surround us with riot squad and policemen?

    If we are truly your brothers why do you send in armored vehicles to surround our work camps?

    If we are truly your brothers why do you allow the work camp bosses to treat us so?

    Do you not know that the food we eat is infested with worms, flies and maggots?

    Do you not know that the Covid-19 infected and not infected are all huddled together in the same room waiting to get infected and maybe die if help does not arrive in time?

    Do you not know Minister that some of us have taken to sleeping on the cold hard floor in corridors to try to escape from the contagion?

    Minister we are not your brothers.

    We are only your work slaves!

    There are two thousand of us here, a quarter of whom have been infected?

    Why do you send in armored vehicles instead of ambulances?

    Why did you not send in doctors and nurses. Instead you send in soldiers and policemen?

    Truly Minister we are not your brothers because brothers do not treat each other like criminals.

    We are here to work to build your industries your infrastructure and your homes.

    You must not forget we are workers and not work slaves. The least you can do is to accord us some respect and treat us decently as human beings.

    Workers from Westlite Dormitory."


    Original letter in Chinese below:









    部长 我们不是你的兄弟。




    你为什么不派医生和护士来。 相反的,你却派士兵和警察來?



    你一定不要忘记我们是工人,而不是的工作奴隶。 你至少能做的就是给我们一些尊重,把我们当作人一样体面地对待。


    The President must immediately launch an investigation at the national level, covering not only the Westlite Dormitory but all the Dormitories in Singapore, to find out the bad living conditions, ill-treatment of foreign workers, lack of medical support and supplies, segregation of Covid infected from the healthy ones, and more.

    Somebody has to be made responsible for the bad and strong-arm handling of this issue and be sacked!

    Whoever gave orders to deploy the armoured vehicles and police special forces ought to be sent to IMH for psychiatric observations, and charged in court thereafter.

    The burning fire of anger must be nipped in the bud/butt.

    May Justice prevail!


  16. Aiyoh, don't talk about the deity in the Istana. Can pray pray a little bit during public holidays, but has she got the powder, oops power. Even then, left hand hitting right hand goes nowhere. Both will feel the pain so, no hitting.
