
COVID-19 Singapore: Living With The Virus? - Think Again!

COVID-19 Singapore: Living With The Virus? - Think Again!

COVID-19 was deliberately planted by evil people to get the "Benefits that outweigh the risks". They get the benefits and we shoulder the risks.

Stupid, bookworm, Western-schooled and Western-oriented gentlemen bought it wholesale - bait, hook and sinker.

After putting their necks on the chopping board, they now find it extremely difficult to make a U-Turn by admitting their stupidity and apologise and change course.

They now have to continue the false narrative as long as possible, coming out with "mind-set changing strategy" to fool the daft masses once again, squarely putting the blame and responsibility on the mass public directly. How smart and convenient!

The false narrative could not withstand time testing. As time drags on, more and more lies have been exposed. One new lie could not cover the previous lie. Therefore, the series of lies and falsehoods have been dished out one after another, by changing the narrative again and again.

Politicians and medical experts who supported the false Western narrative of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines having 90 to 95 percent efficacy to prevent infections have been proven wrong. The efficacy is only 35%. It lasts only 3-4 months, not lifetime. Two shots were supposed to be enough. Now a third shot is required. But how long will the 3rd shot last? Another 3 to 6 months, probably? Then what? One shot every 6 months? How lucrative!

This is better than finding a gold mine. A gold mine can be depleted of natural resources in time but this vaccines 'gold mine' regime is forever!

Next, they say at least the vaccines will prevent spreading of infections. But again, it has been proven wrong. In reality, the vaccinated are the ones who spread more widely and quickly because they are unaware that they have been carrying the virus with them going around everywhere. And they brought home the virus to infect their old folks, increasing the number of casualties and the wealth of the cremation centres owners.

Next, they come out with the excuse that at least you won't get seriously sick, or don't need hospitalization. But again proven wrong. Fully vaccinated got infected, got seriously sick, got hospitalized and even died. About 40% of those who died had been fully vaccinated. At least 52% of those who have been infected are fully vaccinated.

Next, after making lots of US$Billions, they are now coming out with an antiviral medicine to reduce the need for hospitalization. Another brilliant gold mine idea. Another false narrative?

We all know fully well that up till now, no medication can cure viral infections. Only our own body's immune system can fight against the virus, sometimes successful, sometimes not. So, what anti-viral medicines are the Big Pharmaceuticals producing, really?

There seems to be no end in sight of this COVID-19 rampage by the coronavirus and also no end in sight of money-making at the expense of others' sufferings by those big time snake oil producers and sellers!

The only and best way is to follow China's zero tolerance strategy and the fast response method of nipping the spread of the disease at the bud, before it can take roots. And also prevent the virus at source (foreigners and own travellers who bring in the virus from other countries, like India, USA, UK, etc.).

This "Living with the Virus" idea won't work. There are too many unknowns. How can you live with so many unknowns?

Even the so-called "virus experts" are making fools of themselves again and again.

Among the unknowns, the invisibility of the virus to the naked eye is already a great challenge. It is like living in a haunted house with many ghosts around you, trying their best to attack you whenever you become careless. How to live a life like that? How long can you last living with invisible ghosts haunting you? You will go mad in no time!

Think again.

LIPS At Your Service.


  1. Fully vaccinated, four out of six who died, as reported yesterday. That is a 66.6% probability for those who have been injected with the fake vaccines.

  2. Is there a way to find out the total number of people who died daily from any cause ?

    Didn't trust those corona number given by government as these may be under-reported to prevent uproar. The better gauge is to use some deduction from daily total death, of course there is also possibility it may also be inaccurate.

  3. Never trust government produced statistics.

    All governments in the world keep records to protect themselves, not to destroy themselves.

    The only way to dig out the truths is investigative journalism, which Singapore has none. There are only reporters and regurgitaters in SPH.

    In Singapore over the last two decades, there has been no professional journalists, in the true sense, existing.

    Journalism is almost totally dead, except for the few citizen journalists still around. Even these are fighting very hard to survive. TOC has just been forced to shut down.

    The iron grip of the iron man has become tighter and tighter, running in the opposite direction of what the PM has promised when he came into power in 2014.

    In his first National Day Rally speech, I still can remember, he promised a more open, freer and inclusive society.

    But today, after 17 years of his reign, the Singapore society has become more closed, more restrictive, more divided.

    We have not progressed. We regressed. That is very sad.

  4. Politic-watt only thinking about their term schedule...population grows or slow
    Doesn't matter to them.May be is good.

  5. Is better for earth for human to lost in space.Motherearth just need to bear another 30years and everything will be fine.

  6. Lawrence Wong tells us not to be anxious or worried even if the daily cases of COVID-19 infections hit 5,000.

    That means he is totally not anxious nor worried even if the daily infections hit 5,000!

    What a careless and heartless person!

  7. Eight-fold increase in Respiratory Infections admissions at Hospitals' A & E over last three months.

    Twenty-fold increase in COVID-19 cases in last one month. This is the result of MTA's letting its guards down and dragging the whole population into this slippery shit hole.
