
COVID-19 Singapore: Haphazard Adhoc Measures Caused More Pain Than Help

The whole government seems to show a severe lack of coordination between ministers and ministries. This is likely the result of having three co-chairmen but no leader to control the Multi-Ministry Task Force. How can one have a Task Force without a Force Leader? Who is to make the final co-ordination and decision? Who is to lead the Task Force? At least a Senior Minister or the Deputy Prime Minister should be heading the Task Force, isn't it?

There is obviously no one coordinating all the proposals, ideas, options, measures and protocols.

The PM seems to have switched off or fallen asleep on his desk for the last 22 months. He had said during the last election hastings, in July 2020, that he would continue to lead the country until the COVID-19 Pandemic situation has improved. But after the election, he was seldom to be heard, seen nor found. Except for the few occasional speeches, he seems to be in hibernation or on a holiday mood, while his wife actively making postings on her Facebook pages, giving updates and directions on COVID-19 and Vaccination. Perhaps on behalf of him? Operating by proxy or 'remote control'?

The fact is that in any country, the whole COVID-19 Pandemic cannot be handled by just the Multi-Ministry Task Force alone. It has to involve all the Ministers and Permanent Secretaries of all the Ministries. Simply because it affects the whole country, the whole population and all walks of life.

In the last 22 months, there has been a series of flip-flopping, up and down, open-shut, and like changing underwear, decisions, measures, protocols and procedures. All actions seems like the 'suka-suka' way of doing things that small kids are used to do.

Instead of helping us, all these crazy and lazy changes have in fact made us more confused, frightened and upset. In other words, giving us more headaches and pains, instead of consoling us and eliminating or lessening our difficulties and lighten our loads, especially financial, mobility, communication, health and anxiety. 

 It is about time, the Multi-Ministry Task Force be disbanded and the whole Pandemic or Endemic (whatever you want to call it, it makes no difference really; the virus is determined to spread far, wide and deep, causing sickness and death) should be handed by the Cabinet, led by the Prime Minister. There should be a Cabinet Coordinating Meeting every day, and an All-Ministries Meeting every week, with both the Ministers and the Permanent Secretaries attending. This is the only way to function at the very top level until the whole COVID-19 situation has subsided and the returned to normal way of life.

Just my humble recommendation. Take it or leave it, its up to you. You are the King.


LIPS At Your Service.


Tehsi said...


Bribery in Australia by big pharma. Sg ?

Anonymous said...

Gladys Berejiklian of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, are finally getting exposed for their crimes against humanity.

Berejiklian, who recently resigned from her post, was reportedly blackmailed by Big Pharma to force the “vaccines” on Aussies, otherwise the pharmaceutical drug cartels were going to charge her in a corruption probe....

Berejiklian infamous told residents of Sydney just prior to her resignation “that if they don’t take the covid jab, they face total social isolation indefinitely after the stay-at-home order ends in December.”

Anonymous said...

Well, 'too many cooks spoil the soup' fits in very well with the Sinkie circus.

You don't rename the pandemic as the endemic and expect the virus to follow the script. We are not yet in control of the virus. The virus is still controlling us. Having vaccinated more than 80% does not mean we have conquered the virus. It is just an illusion and just to let us hear the good stuff of make believe.

What other mutations are coming our way is still unknown. Now they are just selling more snake oil to make us believe that the present vaccines are going to be effective further down the road. They are just kidding the kids and covering themselves..

Anonymous said...

Forum: Enhance SafeEntry system to show red light for unvaccinated people

The latest vaccination-differentiated safe management measures at shopping malls and large standalone shops announced recently by the Government are a good idea to protect the unvaccinated from catching Covid-19 and reduce the strain on the healthcare system.

I would like to suggest that the authorities look into enhancing the current SafeEntry system so that when unvaccinated people tap their token or device at entrances, the sensor shows a red light instead of a green light.

This will help prevent arguments with security staff or store management and possibly prevent long queues from forming at entryways.

With our Government's push towards being a Smart Nation, I think adding such an extra feature to the SafeEntry system should be possible.

Francis Heng

Anonymous said...

The differentiated measures between the vaccinated and unvaccinated are to protect the unvaccinated during this current surge in transmission.

It is, of course, unpopular. Perhaps the authorities try too hard to protect the unvaccinated. Perhaps they also hope that these measures will be the impetus for some to take the leap and get vaccinated.

Both Mr Andrew Lee, 38, and his wife are unvaccinated against COVID-19.

Mr Lee said he “doesn’t need (the vaccine)” right now as he lives a “low-risk” lifestyle. This includes not dining in at F&B outlets and only taking away food for his family, and only visiting open spaces such as parks.

Mr Lee said the Government “has been portraying unvaccinated people as people who don’t listen”, but there are also unvaccinated individuals like himself who are “logical” and “who analyse the whole situation and make a decision”.

And the logic is this.......

“Ultimately, if the Government wants to open up (the country), cases will go up. People will get sick, vaccinated or unvaccinated. People still need to go to the hospital,” he said.

“(The Government) need not restrict the unvaccinated (under the premise) of trying to protect … because I don’t see the protection. Because if I get COVID, it is still home recovery.”

Anonymous said...

๐——๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ ๐—ฎ๐˜‚๐—ป๐˜๐—ถ๐—ฒ๐˜€ ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ ๐˜‚๐—ป๐—ฐ๐—น๐—ฒ๐˜€, ๐—–๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ถ๐—ฑ-๐Ÿญ๐Ÿต ๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐—บ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ ๐—ฑ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ณ๐˜‚๐—น ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐˜€ if you are unvaccinated. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Retired maintenance officer Jeswant Singh, 68, will not be taking his booster. He was reported by the Straits Times as saying he has heard of people getting "all kinds of problems" following the booster shot.

He said: "A lot of old people come and tell me after their third vaccination they have headaches.

"I am comfortable with two (vaccinations). I see no difference. The Government said that the vaccine is just a precaution and so I got the first two."
Where did he read that the vaccine is 'just a precaution'? ๐Ÿ˜•

Mr Lim King Joo, 70, has a younger sister, 65, who has not received a single dose of the vaccine.
"She refuses to go and I can't convince her. She says she's afraid of the side effects," he said, adding that his three other siblings have also tried talking to her but to no avail.

"I'm also concerned if she heads out, because she is not protected and she can spread it to me. She has other health issues such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which she refuses medication for," said Mr Lim.

This puts her in the high risk group as she has 2 co-morbidities. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

Mr Lim is vaccinated and will be taking his booster. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Mr Nordin, 61, will also not get be getting the booster shot.

"I don't go to crowded places or mix around with other people. I just need to find a place to sit down, have my coffee, and smoke my pipe. And if God tells me I'm okay, then I'll be okay," he said.

In the course of my work and daily interactions, fortunately, my experience is different. I have met many seniors who took their booster jab as soon as it was offered.

There was this man who had hesitated in the beginning because he has a history of allergies but as the local situation unfolded, he decided to go for vaccination. He belonged to the middle-age group and he is now fully vaccinated and happy.

Sometimes their hesitation is influenced by what they hear. A senior from the pioneer generation said he did not want to be vaccinated because he suffers from shortness of breath and heart disease. But these are exactly why he should be vaccinated. I hope to persuade him again. It's worrying to see him moving in the community unvaccinated.

Anonymous said...

Help, Help, please help the vaccinated. They are going to be infected by the uninfected unvaccinated.

Didn't they got jabbed by the world best American mRNA vaccines, claimed to be 95% efficacy? Why are they afraid or even being infected?

Oh, the 95% efficacy bluff one, only salesman talk to bluff the gullible and unthinking.

And the socalled 95% efficacy vaccine can last only a few months, if lucky 6 months. So after 6 months, no more effective, must go jab jab every 6 months.

So please help them, protect them from the unvaccinated or they will be infected.

But, but, not every unvaccinated is infected leh. Nevermind, treat all unvaccinated as infected as all the vaccinated are in danger of being infected.

What? What is that? Uniquely Singapore! Getting jab to be unprotected.

Anonymous said...

Distributing Covid-19 vaccine booster shots in some countries while inoculations across Africa lag is "immoral," according to the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The increasing use of boosters is "immoral, unfair and unjust and it has to stop," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told CNN's Becky Anderson on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

If the fully vaccinated are not spreading the virus, why is there a need to protect the unvaccinated from dining in at coffee shops, hawker centres, restaurants etc? Protect them From who? So, it does confirm that not only are the unvaccinated contributing to the spread, but those fully vaccinated are doing exactly the same.

If the fully vaccinated are indeed also spreading the virus, does it make sense even for them to be allowed freely into malls, coffee shops, hawker centres and restaurants doing the spreading among themselves?

What then about segregating also those walking on the streets, in MRT trains, buses and taxis?
It is all much ado about nothing.

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

The original song was that if we get more than 80% of the population vaccinated, we would get herd immunity and people can go about their life as normal as possible, with minimal disruption.

Now we have more than 80% vaccinated, is this the case or we are getting more restrictions and life becomes more difficult, with more infection and more deaths?

If the latter is the case, have we wasted all the time and resources getting jab all for nothing but more pain and deaths?

If we know that the vaccination is not going to work, or at least with mRNA vaccines not working, based on the reality on the ground, not on what they want to believe, want you to believe, would you stop and think, why blindly and stupidly doing something that does not work and keep doing it?

By right, according to the original song, with more than 80% vaccinated, there would be minimal restrictions, some people may still be infected, but it would be just like getting flu, nothing to worry about, no need all the silly rules on restricting movement of people and their life activities.

Can someone explain what the shit is going on? The lyrics in the original song is not right, is misleading.

Anonymous said...

Overcrowded Hospitals & Insufficient Beds — Singapore Nurses Brace For Impact

by Zamiya Akbar October 11, 2021

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

The shit has hit the ceiling. All hospitals are infected and overloaded with COVID-19 patients. Doctors and nurses are so overwhelmed that they have to prioritize the treatments, who get first, or who get last, or who don't get treated and left to die.

Since the oldies have no more economic values and are also having a lot of existing medical problems, why treat them? They are going to die soon anyway, with or without COVID-19 to embrace them a lead them to the COVID-19 Heaven. This is called being a realist and a pragmatist. That's the main reason why most of those who have been killed in the last one month of Pandora Endemic were oldies above 65 years old. Many near the 80-90 watermark.

One was 104 years old. She must have thanked the COVID-19 very much to have ended her misery life? Maybe she instructed the Doctors to let her die and not to treat her?

One good doctor was infected and died within just 4 days. It shows that the Delta Variant can be very deadly too.

Now, all those vaccinated who are infected must not go to hospital. They must not go to see private doctor. They must stay at home to self treat and try not to share their COVID-19 viruses with family members.

Last time, for more than one and a half years, they have been telling us that if we are sick we must go and see a doctor, during the Pandemic Phase. Now, after exchanging the term Pandemic to Endemic, they tell us to self-isolate and self-treat at home. If you have another six persons staying with you, then you must lock yourself in a room.

But if you stay in a one room flat, with another 3 people - your wife and two children, how can you self-isolate?You lock yourself in the toilet?

Anonymous said...

"The original song was that if we get more than 80% of the population vaccinated, we would get herd immunity and people can go about their life as normal as possible, with minimal disruption.

Now we have more than 80% vaccinated, is this the case or we are getting more restrictions and life becomes more difficult, with more infection and more deaths?"

don't you know how our world's expensive clowns and their face-saving nonsense work ?

By controlling restriction which result in lowering the rate of infection, the clowns will claim herd mentality works in reducing infection , not that the main reason for lower infection is due to restriction. Of course, majority of Singaporeans been social engineered to be non-critical (like those 61% who vote for PAP all along) will take the mouthpiece media's words for it if it reports that herd mentality work after all given the lower rate of infection.

SSO said...

Now there is still no herd immunity, but there are many hurt communities and many dead immunities at the Mandai Crematorium.

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

What is happening in our hospitals, to our hospitals and the medical staff, are things that we thought would never happen here, only in badly infected countries like the US, UK and India.

Now they are with us, thanks to the idiots and their choice to do and act like the Americans, used their 95% efficacy vaccines like a magic cure, and to live with the virus instead of zero virus.

This is the price to pay, and only beginning, as the loose talks in the US about how they fight this pandemic are wishy washy and full of lies. The only truths are that their vaccines did not work, their infection rate continues to be high, their death rate continues to be high, and they have lost control of the virus.

We are following this silly path to self destruct led by the American fools.

And you know what, the Indonesians have banned Singaporeans from entering their tourist destinations. Why?

Because they are not fools. They think, they see, they analyse and they know what is good for them and what is bad for them. They don't need millionaires to think. It is simply common sense. They have their priorities right.

No flirting or fooling around with this deadly virus.

Anonymous said...

The GE was supposed to be scheduled for this year, 2021, because the previous one was held in 2016. LHL brought it forward to July 2020. If it is held this year, many PAP ministers would easily lose their seats, especially the three Musketeers who play with our lives and caused so many un necessary deaths indirectly.

Anonymous said...

I strongly believe this is a Plandemic and of course PAP knew, which is why they brought the GE forward . They already knew what they had to do and the measures they will take will only make them lose more votes. Thats why they brought it forward. If they had a GE now, high chance they will lose more seats or maybe even the election.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What ever it is,time is running out.

Anonymous said...

VTL scheme: 2,409 travel passes issued on day 1 for travellers from 8 countries

A total of 2,409 Vaccinated Travel Passes (VTP) have been issued to travellers from eight countries as of Tuesday (12 October), said the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) on Wednesday.

Applications for travel from Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States into the city-state began on Tuesday.

In addition, some 5,228 VTPs have been issued to travellers from Brunei Darussalam and Germany since applications opened on 1 September.

A CAAS spokesperson said the agency is starting with up to 3,000 VTL travellers a day on average. These include Singapore citizens, permanent residents, short-term visitors and long-term pass holders.

"We will monitor the demand and may adjust the quota of VTL travellers entering Singapore if needed."

Vaccinated travel lanes (VTLs) will be opened from next Tuesday for fully-vaccinated travellers from eight countries to Singapore: Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. The VTLs will allow for two-way quarantine-free travel between Singapore and these countries.

In addition, a VTL between Singapore and South Korea will open from 15 November.

On Monday, it was announced that children aged 12 years and below who are not vaccinated will also be allowed to travel from VTL countries into Singapore. They must be accompanied by a traveller who meets all VTL requirements for entry into Singapore, and will not need to serve quarantine.

Meanwhile, Singapore Airlines has expanded its VTL network to 14 cities, with more expected to be announced in the coming weeks.

SSO said...

Well done! Living with Covid-19 or Playing with fire or Killing old folks without blinking an eyelid, has begun.

More influx of people from infected countries, whether vaccinated or not, is going to bring into Singapore more Delta Variant or even newer variants.

Infected people with NO symptoms can easily passed the check Points. No one is the wiser. Even the infected carriers themselves do not know that they are carrying the vurus with them. This is a fact, the undeniable fact.

One day 3,000 means in ten days, it will be 30,000 and in 100 days, it will be 300,000 potential Covid-19 infected carriers flooding Singapore, and freely and happily spreading the disease to the guinea-pigs of Singapore. Depending on demand the 3,000 per day potential carriers can be increased. Brilliant!

This is called:

"Have vaccination will travel and spread Covid-19!"

Anonymous said...

Correction. They are 'The Three Stooges'