
COVID-19: Never Trust The Snake Oil Sellers Again!

The snake oil sellers, having exposed and failed in their endeavours to further sell their wears, are now switching tactics. They are all out trying to tell you not to be afraid of their willful actions that will harm you further.

The appropriate thing one should do is to stop trusting the words of the snake oil sellers. And also not to trust those who speak on behalf or in support of the snake oil sellers.

Trusting the people, who cannot see and are unsure of themselves, even after consulting the 'experts', and have failed us again and again, is a sure recipe for disasters to happen.

The disaster has just begun.

More and more people are going to be infected. From 10 cases a day to 100 cases, to 1000 cases, to 2000 cases, to 3000 cases daily and to infinitum, God knows how many. More and more hospitals are going to be swarmed with infected people, both vaccinated and unvaccinated. More and more people are going to die. More and more sufferings, sadness and sorrows are going to follow. There is no end in sight to these knowingly and deliberately-inflicted infections, sicknesses, deaths and sufferings, unless the sneaky snake oil sellers are stopped.

Unless the unshakable and seemingly invincible Human Gods decide to do something to save the day and stop further sufferings, hardships and deaths, no amount of sweet talks, psycho, can turn the present disastrous situation around.

In the mean time, the very rich and very happy millionaires, together with their benefactor and benefactress, are hiding themselves securely, safely and very comfortably inside their ivory towers, surrounded by layers of security protections and personal bodyguards, counting and enjoying the $millions they have been accumulating easily over the years, from taxpayers' money.

From a safe distance, they are spouting very dangerous ideas on human-experiments copied from the West, using the whole population as their guinea pigs. Talking about 5,000 to 10,000 daily casualties as nothing to worry and nothing to fear about. Something is not right! This is a sign of madness!

Talk is cheap. Trust is another thing. People with an agenda can say anything they want but it is up to us not to believe them and their words. It is up to us not to trust their hairy fairy tales. It is up to us not to fall into the trap again!

The slogan of a "More Resilient Nation" sounds so very similar to the "Swiss Standard of Living", "More Good Years", and "Soccer 2000" - all of which have become nothing but hot air balloons exploded in mid air but not dangerous. This "more resilient nation" nonsense is going to cost countless damaged health and many lives, people are going to die prematurely, unnecessarily and preventable. The long-term effects of the COVID-19 disease are still very much unknown. Some may think that after getting infected and if there are no symptoms or mild symptoms, it is okay. What about six months later, one or two years later? What will happen inside your body in future?

The people, the entire population, the masses, no matter how stupid they may be are going to think again, and probably saying:

"Once bitten, twice shy.

Twice bitten, never try.

Thrice bitten, tell the liars go and die!"

Never, never, never trust the snake oil sellers again!

Take good care of yourselves, especially your young children below 12 years old and your old folks.

The people, who are supposed to look after all of us, have lost their acts and have become even more desperate, paranoid, and destructive - grasping at every last straw that floats along. They are advocating and fighting a lost cause. They are actually, deliberately, carelessly playing with our lives!

Is that not clear enough from the way the snake oil sellers are talking and doing now, trying to con you again?

LIPS At Your Service.


  1. Now that I have a choice, I am going for the Chinese vaccine for booster paying out of my own pocket. Plus all my kids took the china vaccine of course we paid ourselves.

  2. The People have been conned by the Pfizer and the Moderna Drugs Cartel of the Biggest Secret Mafia Group (BSMG) in the World. They are extensively inter-connected with top scientists, top researchers that they are funding, world governments, technology giants, bankers, real estates developers, MNCs, and the mass media tycoons.

    The various governments that bought into their deception and fake vaccines are now bonded by the contracts they have agreed and signed. There is very little options for them to wriggle their way out of the bondage.

    The recent leak of the Pandora Papers, exposing the secret wealth and dealings of many world leaders, are also connected with the BSMG. This expose serves as a warning to those who are thinking of extracting themselves out of the bondage and stranglehold of the Pfizer and Moderna contracts.

    The US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and half of the European countries are controlled by this BSMG. Some commonly refer to it as the Deep State, which is not correct.

    The Deep State mainly controls USA. The BSMG controls the World.

    The World has always been run by two sets of governing bodies - one on the surface (open societies) and one in the underworld (secret societies).

  3. Yesterday's death three were unvaccinated and five were fully vaccinated. All had prevalent illnesses.

    If full vaccination is to prevent serious complications that statistic is not assuring for those fully vaccinated.

  4. Thomas Paine defines Government as a necessary evil. Government in it's best state is but a necessary evil, in it's worst state is an intolerable one.

    The irony is that it is us who choose the Government. And the Government takes that as their license to do evil. So help us God!

  5. The Myth That It Is The People Who Choose Their Government

    NO, not true. The masses do not choose their government. This is a deliberately planted myth that the power-grabber wants you to believe.

    Even in America, the Average Americans do not choose those who rule the country.

    Democracy is still just a dream.

    Voting alone does not represent Democracy. In a true Democracy, the People tells those who run the country what to do. Not the other way around. The elected political hacks are servants of the people, not rulers. They are to serve the people sincerely and wholeheartedly, without personal feelings and idiosyncrasies involved, to the best of their abilities.

    Voting results can be easily manipulated. They are always manipulated in one way or another. In one form or another.

    Singapore is not a democratic country. Singapore is a true and through dictatorship masquerading as a parliamentary democracy. It tries very hard to to put up a false facet or semblance of democracy, just to fool the gullible.

    In a truly functioning Democracy, the democratic institutions are more powerful than the government of the day. These institutions ensure that the people in government truly serve the people instead of themselves. In Singapore, the democratic institutions are either non-existent, devoid of democratic aspirations or play-acting to conform with the will of the elites instead of the people.

    In Singapore, the ruling class serve themselves, their own party, and their personal interests, instead of the people's interests, instead of national interests. They project the idea that the national interests are their interests but it has always been the other way around. Their interests take priority over national and people's interests, without fail.

    The recent, lightning, blitzkrieg, brief parliamentary debate to hurry through the passage of the FICA Law, to give the ruling class widespread and deeper power, is a clear and undeniable example of a functioning dictatorship at work.

    The PAP's WHIP, that forced and ensure all PAP MPs vote in unison in one voice, is the give-away that Singapore is a totalitarian dictatorship, without an iota of doubt.

    The dictatorship of one man, not one party.

    That one man is called The WHIP, which is under the direct command and control of and by the Prime Minister.

    Even the so-called Elected President is under the indirect command and control of the Prime Minister by proxy, through the hands of the Presidential Advisers nominated by the Prime Minister.

    In Singapore, the Prime Minister calls ALL the shots, not the Cabinet.

    The Cabinet is put up to give legitimacy to the Dictatorship of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister leads the Cabinet and the Central Executive Committee of PAP.

    In Singapore's context, ALL POWERS, legal or otherwise, are vested only, solely, singularly and undividedly in one person - THE PRIME MINISTER, the unchanged and unfettered DICTATOR!

    AND the most telling of all is that he is also the one who appraise and decide on the jobs, the pays, the bonuses, the promotions and even the when to go on leave for all the Ministers, MPs and Top Civil Servants.

    So, stop thinking and saying that the people choose their government. This is totally a myth!


  6. A dictatorship or a plutocracy as described by Kishore. A govt by the 1%, of the 1%, for the 1%.

    Which is which?

  7. Many people are "doing their research" these days and have concluded that we don't need Covid-19 vaccines - we can just use the wonder anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin, which, reportedly, reduces Covid mortality.

    I think that, above all, what these ideas show, is humongous ignorance of the world in the West - particularly in America.

    ℹ Now, I'm not a medical expert by any stretch of imagination, so I'm not going to question recommendations made by doctors all over the world.

    Perhaps there have been some studies that pointed to possible positive impact of the drug on Covid recovery - again, it's not for me to gauge how relevant or decisive they may be but, so far, I have not seen a single country officially include the drug in its anti-Covid regimen.

    �� Of course I know what some folks will respond to that - that the big pharma lobby, along with corrupt globalist media, are suppressing positive information about the miracle pill so they can make billions off selling "dangerous" and "experimental" vaccines.

    OK, for the sake of the argument, let's for a moment consider it plausible - that big pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer want to milk the moment and make billions of dollars peddling vaccines and destroy any alternative treatments, to protect their monopoly.

    �� Now, let's take a step back and look at the world map, shall we?

    Do you seriously think that Russia, China, Iran or even some Eastern European countries, skeptical of the Western left-wing loving media, like Hungary or Poland, would not jump on the opportunity to show just how good Ivermectin supposedly is and how useless it makes the vaccines look?

    Do you think Vladimir Putin wouldn't embrace the pill in an international PR campaign promoting his great - but vaccine-hesitant - nation, showing that "experimental" Western jabs are poison and, instead, ramp up domestic manufacturing and exports of Ivermectin to provide cheap and abundant alternative, saving the world from the Western big pharma?

    Do you think Viktor Orban wouldn't like to show the middle finger to Brussels, by deploying Ivermectin to "expose" just how wasteful the EU's effort at financing vaccine development and ordering billions of doses with money of European taxpayers have been?

    Do you think Xi Jinping wouldn't like to stick it to Washington by showing American mRNA vaccines are a worthless rip-off and that the disease can be treated by an existent drug that the PRC can produce easily and cheaply, to send around the world, winning praise and support?

    If Ivermectin is so good, then why are the Chinese now trying to rapidly develop their own mRNA technology? You want to tell me they too were duped by the globalist media and big pharma propaganda? ��

    Now, I don't know if there are better drugs to counter Covid - and it's not for me to decide. There are more than enough people experienced enough and employed to make those recommendations.

    But what I do know, is that if we had better alternatives to existing mRNA vaccines, then there's a long list of international players (with access to near unlimited resources) who would have eagerly jumped on the opportunity to beat the West.

    So, why haven't they?

    1. Flabbergasted BystanderOctober 05, 2021 5:44 pm

      You said this about yourself as a preamble:

      "ℹ Now, I'm not a medical expert by any stretch of imagination, so I'm not going to question recommendations made by doctors all over the world."

      1. Then why followed up with so many questions?

      2. Your questions reflect your ignorance rather than wisdom.

      3. Your questions seem to also contradict one another.

      4. You have surrendered your own ability to make decisions to those" more than enough and employed to make those recommendations", so what are you bitching about, really.

      Isn't it better to shut up instead of saying things that you have no knowledge of and unwilling to commit?

  8. The vaccine war or trade wars, are all initiated by the West. It is the West that is running down Chinese and Russian vaccines. The latter two did not bad mouth the mRNA vaccines. They just quietly manufactured their own vaccines and whoever wants to use it, they will offer to them.

    There is no need to drag China into this shitty war of the West. The ivermectin controversy is between the West and within the West, nothing to do with China.

    So just leave China out of this controversy. Let the West fight among themselves.

    Get that? Stop barking. You are barking up the wrong tree.

  9. Ya, this anti China mad dog everyday tries to blame China for everything.

  10. Everyday got new invention about COVID19 origins, good writeups for Pfizer and Moswen, bad ones for China. It never varies.

    Everyday, if you want to read only the good news, don't read about China. You won't find any good news to be had on China in the MSM.

    Have you read the great news about the provocator now slamming China for provocating the provocator's Chinese Chiwawa aka Taiwan. The provocator openly sells arms to the Chiwawa and nuclear subs to that 'fellow down under' saying openly that it is to counter China, but strangely is not provocation under their definition.

    Wonder whether Biden was referring to his 'private parts' down under? That fellow down under must be carrying a lot of weight!

  11. When they do start colonising Mars, they will send Trump on a mission to convert the Martians to their White faith. Trump ever claim he is the chosen one. The Martians will be told to close their eyes and think of 'Trump the Savior'. When the Martians next open their eyes, every Martian will hold a Bible in hand, but then Mars now belongs to Trump and his White space pilgrims

    Then comes the announcement that Trump discovered Mars and others are forbidden to go there. Admiral Jeff Bezos will command a military expedition to get rid, by genocide, all the Martians or send the few Martians left to concentration camps designated as reservations.

    This sound like a real event I read about, that happened here on earth, few hundred years ago. The coincidence is eerily similar.

  12. U.S. Pushing Singapore to Let American Visitors Enter Freely

    American officials are pushing the Singapore government to open a travel lane so visitors from the U.S. can enter the city-state with the same sort of freedoms travelers from Singapore get in the U.S., according to people familiar with the matter.

    Singapore Trade Minister Gan Kim Yong said Monday that travel corridors could be formed with several countries and regions including the U.S. and Europe this year, but for now arrivals from most places face mandatory quarantine.

    - BBG

  13. Plutocracy or Dictatorship, Which is Which?

    Both are the similar in substance, though different in approach.

    The top 1% still need a leader. That leader still needs cronies to help him to rule.

    The top 1% is a dictatorship of a party/group. Their leader is the supreme dictator of the 1%, as well as the ruler of the entire country.

    Kishore is being careful and polite. He does not want to offend the powerful dictator. He uses the word plutocracy to replace the word dictator. I think.

    Plutocracy is not even a political philosophy. But it can easily fit into any political philosophy such as democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, socialism, communism, etc.

    Plutocracy means rule by the wealthy, not necessarily the top 1%.

    But every country ultimately will land up being ruled by the wealthy because those in power tend to enrich themselves in wealth and power, and become wealthy and powerful. That is the whole purpose of people getting into powerful positions - to enmass wealth, fame and status through the power they acquired.

    Even the commercial and business organisations pay their top managers, CEOs, Directors, Chairmen, etc, thereby allowing them to move from the bottom class to the mediocre class, and ultimately to the wealthy class.

    The same applies to Kings, Queens, and Emperors and Empresses. They also enrich themselves and live a comfortable life through the power entrusted on them by their subjects, at the expense of their subjects.

    Nevertheless, whoever rules the country will make sure that they themselves are rewarded heavily, until they become filthy rich, mostly and usually at the expense of the masses, the working class, the common folks.

    Therefore, plutocracy can be applied everywhere - in government, business or non-governmental organisations.

    NKF is one good example of plutocracy seeping into a non-governmental charitable organisation, where the top people (Directors and CEO) enrich themselves at the expense of the very people whom they are responsible to help, the beneficiaries of the donations.

    NKF to keep 90% of the donations and distributed only 10% of the money to the needy, the rightful beneficiaries of the donations.

    Likewise, the Singapore system of government is similar to NKF's model. It keeps about 80% of the duties, revenues and taxes collected and the savings to itself and distribute only 20% of the money to all the ministries. And every ministry is supposed to make their own income to supplement their budgets. In this manner, the government has become filthy rich, while most of the citizens remain poor and mediocre.

    Then,, because of the immense amount of money being passed through the hands of those in power on a daily basis, their eyes turned red and their hearts became greedy. That's why they have been paying themselves the obscene $Multi-Million salary since 1990, when Mr Goh took over as PM. That's how the ruling elites became wealthy. Thus the term plutocracy being used by Kishore.

    What say you? Do you agree?


  14. 3486 cases yesterday. Passes the 3,200 mark and looking at 5,000.

  15. Another 3577 cases yesterday.

  16. JAKARTA: A proposed travel bubble between the Indonesian province of Riau Islands and Singapore has been called off due to a spike in COVID-19 cases in the city state, said Riau Islands Governor Ansar Ahmad.

    The travel bubble was proposed for Batam Nongsa and Bintan Lagoi, which were destinations frequented by Singaporean visitors prior to the pandemic.

    This is the beginning when countries shut their doors to Singapore.

    No country is going to want to have travel bubble with Singapore.

  17. 3483 cases yesterday. 3 days in a row with more than 3,000 cases.

    This is the magic of millionaires. Their success is measured by how many cases they can achieved.

    Immediate target, 5,000. Next they will be looking for 10,000.
