
Christian Le Miere - Pretentious white men tell white lies

 Commentary: A pity China can’t seem to ditch its wolf warrior diplomacy

Despite recent exhortations from President Xi to tone down their language, China’s wolf warriors are here to stay. Their effects are not all positive, says Christian Le Miere.  CNA

Is this Christian Le Miere cockeye or drunk? Didn't he know what is happening in the world and what the Americans are doing to China, practically daily, nonstop attacking China with fabricated lies that resulted in this Wolf Warrior Diplomacy from China? 

Should he, if he is not drunk, and a well informed political observer, be writing,  'A pity US can’t seem to ditch its hostile, belligerent and irresponsible behaviour against China?' When would the lying, cheating, bullying, warmongering murderous American savages stop their primitive behaviour to live in peace with the rest of the world?

The people that committed the worse genocide in human history accusing China of genocide without any evidence and with no one in the world believing in this lie, accusing China of bullying when they are bullying China and other smaller countries all over the world, accusing China of lying when they lied and lied and lied to invade countries? Can these lying Americans be trusted?

What do you think? This man is sensible or another white biased supremacist that cannot see any wrong in white men and their reckless, provocative and gangster behavior?  American and AngloSaxon rogue behaviours are all positive? The provocation are slight, to protect countries from? China going to invade other countries, conduct regime change, support terrorist organisations and NGOs to destabilise countries? Really? In many instances the American provocation and incitement of hate could result in open war. The virus attack in Wuhan, the provocations in the South China Sea, the fabricated lies about Xinjiang, supporting unrest in Hong Kong, violation of China's rights and security by selling arms to Taiwan, passing a law to defend Taiwan against China's effort to reunite Taiwan with the mother land are all aggressive and unfriendly acts of war.

And many stupid media think it fits to publish this kind of white rubbish. What was the intent and motive to promote and sell white men's lies and hostile agenda?


  1. See the big white lie about 95% efficacy of their vaccines when it could be less than 30% and would be useless after 3-6 months.

    Does anyone remember these big lies that so many stupid garments bought it wholesale as the magic cure for Covid19, prevention of infection, prevention of spreading, prevention of serious illnesses and deaths?

    Look at what is happening in US, UK and American crony countries armtwisted to use these mRNA vaccines and not allowed to use Chinese vaccines. Not influenced or interfered? What is happening in the spread of the virus these countries and cases of hospitalisation and people dying?

    Improving or getting worse?

    What happens to the magic cure? Still selling it with megaphone?

    Still refusing to call a white lie a lie? Still poking a useless lie into your body?

  2. Virgo is correct.

    White lies are with good intent.

    Black lies are with evil intent.

    Irrespective of spoken by whitemen or blackmen, white lies are good lies, and black lies are evil lies.

  3. White men tell white lies but with black hearted intentions, worse than black lies. This is the same way they did when they colonise North America, using religious white lies but laced with poisonous and vile intentions.
