
Asean slipping down dangerously into the path of political interference

 Asean's position on Myanmar has toughen and getting louder and more audacious as if it is another godly organisation enarmoured with infallible virtues and telling Myanmar what and how to behave as a honourable and respectable country, what it can do and what it cannot do. This smack of hypocrisy smells strongly of political interference in the likes of Americans poking into the internal affairs of every country in the world in the name of freedom, democracy, human rights, rule of law, racial equality, etc etc.

The Americans did not believe in any of these values when applied to coloured people even in their own country. Americans declared themselves to be above the law using the mischievous lies of American Exceptionalism and Manifest Destiny.  They are the chosen race by God to rule over the world, to teach the world how to live decently. But they themselves need not live decently. They can commit all the crimes in the world against humanity and decency, murders, massacres, genocides, cheating, lying, stealing, creating the most fearful oppressive organisations like the CIA, nuclear arsenal, mightiest armed forces, military bases around the world to control and oppress the world to do their biddings, while they remain as the master race. They can do no wrong, violate no law, they are above the law. Their laws are for the ruled, the subjects of the American Empire.

What is Asean but a mixed bag of mud, not clean white sands. Asean has all the elements of the dark side in their history and even today, with practically every country harbouring all kinds of political sickness and inequality of one form or another. Asean is not the best organisation to think it is the right organisation to pass judgement on its fellow members, violating its own charter of non interference in the political affairs of member nations. This act is blatantly an interference in Myanmar's internal affair.

The Americans are using all the fake values they did not believe in or live by to control and dominate the world for American supremacy and the American Empire. Using these as excuses, they poke their fingers into every country's internal affairs, to mess up countries, conduct regime change, wars of invasion, political assassination, economic sanctions etc etc....all to manipulate and control the world.

Why is Asean doing this to Myanmar? Is Asean now under the control of the USA and using the American political playbook of interfering into the internal affairs of Myanmar to control Myanmar? When this unethical code of conduct is accepted as Asean's way of inter state relations, Asean is no difference from the Americans and the Europeans. Once Asean accept this and let it become a precedent, there is no end to political interference among Asean states. Asean states must look into the mirror and see the flaws in their domestic politics and stop the hypocrisy of playing white Gods like the Americans, that they are so clean, beyond reproach. 

The politics of every Asean country is so fragile and full of controversies and it is best that Asean countries should stop meddling in the internal affairs of fellow Asean members. Just examine the hands of Asean leaders, you will know they are not clean. Whatever they think they are accusing Myanmar of, or unhappy with Myanmar, it could happen to them tomorrow. Some of the political injustices are already existing in the present moment in some Asean countries but chose not to see, now to know.

Asean must stop its hypocrisy and immediately ceases its hostility towards Myanmar, very likely playing according to the American master mind behind the scene. The puppet master is very happy with the performance of Asean, behaving and acting more and more like the puppet master.  It is a voluntary or stupid act in interference and control of fellow member states, opening the door to internal strife and division, weakening the foundation of Asean, of what and why Asean was started in the first place.

Is Asean allowing the Americans to use some of its members to sow discord among themselves and undermine its unity as an unique regional organisation? If so, it would soon be torn apart by internal conflict and disagreement. Meddling with another member's domestic politics was taboo but now some seems acceptable and a new norm for Asean.  

Soon Asean could be renamed as SEATO, if it is not careful.


  1. Singapore's reputation as a reliable global financial center will be greatly undermined if it succumbs to US pressure to utilize perceived financial leverage over Myanmar by sanctioning Burmese financial assets held via the city state.

  2. Shining Example of True Political Independence for ASEAN States

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that he ordered Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu to remove 10 Western ambassadors from the country, including envoys from the U.S., Germany and France for saying a detained civil society leader should be released.

    "I gave the order to our foreign minister and said what must be done: These 10 ambassadors must be declared persona non grata at once. You will sort it out immediately. They should know and understand Turkey. The day they do not know and understand Turkey, they will leave," Erdogan said during a televised speech.

    Declaring a diplomat persona non grata usually means they are not welcome and will be expelled.

  3. It is time for China to form a Peaceful Co-existence Alliance and sign a Mutual Assistance Treaty with the following:

    Papua New Guinea,
    North Korea,
    Outer Mongolia,
    Other ex-USSR Countries, and
    Some African Countries.

    This will put China in a better position in many aspects.

    Start thinking.

  4. PS:

    China may also include Argentina, Brazil, Brunei, Chile, Colombia, Peru, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and others, if they wish to join.

  5. Three points:

    1. By intentionally refusing to invite Myanmar's present government to the coming ASEAN meeting, it means ASEAN does not recognize the military-controlled government of Myanmar.

    2. Therefore, the present Myanmar government can now withdraw Myanmar's membership with ASEAN and discard all the agreements made before.

    3. Myanmar joined ASEAN when it was under a Military Dictatorship Government. Myanmar did not join ASEAN during Aung San Suu Chi's rule. So why is there a switch in the other ASEAN countries to treat the present Military Government in Myanmar differently from the previous Military Government? How can this be explained and justified.

  6. Who or which country/countries is/are putting pressure on ASEAN?

    Can the external influence law FICA be applied by Singapore's Judiciary on the Singapore foreign ministry?

  7. Why Asean so adamant to want to interfere in Myanmar's internal affair and so persistent when this has never been Asean's way of doing things?

    Who is behind pushing and driving Asean to act and behave like the AngloSaxons?

    What is Asean's real motive? Who would benefit from Asean's meddling in Myanmar? Who would benefit if Asean breaks up because of such differences in wanting to act as big brother to dictate over other member states....to be democratic, human rights, rule law, popularly elected government....using the code words of the Anglo Saxon mafia?

  8. Why is ASEAN now adopting a stance of "Meddling in the internal affairs of member countries"?

    Why is ASEAN now aligned to Western ideology instead of being non-aligned?

    This means ASEAN has abandoned its principle of non-align and neutrality, as well as the fundamental basis of non-interference in the internal affairs of member states.

    If that is the case, from now on, Indonesia and Malaysia can also interfere in the internal affairs of Singapore and vice versa?

  9. As Foreign Minister V Balakrishnan said, time had change, so Singapore can interfere in the internal affairs of fellow ASEAN member states.

    That also means that, from now on, China can help Myanmar to interfere in the internal affairs of Singapore.

    It's going to be a free fall, a free for all affairs!

    No more principles. No more rule of law. No more restraints.

    Every country can interfere in every country's internal affairs.

    Any country may interfere in any country's internal and private affairs.

    How wonderful! Its going to be a very exciting world!

  10. Of course the USA is behind the demonization of Myanmar. Whoever says the USA is not behind all this must be sleeping.

    The CIA had long been part of the Golden Triangle drug business and would be very keen to control it totally. Myanmar is also very rich in resources, particularly Jade, all of which have not been fully exploited. Myanmar's resources are still virgin territory, waiting to be exploited big time and this is causing greedy eyes coveting them and plotting behind the scene.

    Geographically Myanmar has a long wide border with China which suited the USA's agenda of capitalizing on that to destabilize China. The years of attempts to put Aung San Su Kyi into power was realized years ago, but hoping for her party to advance democratic rule and eventually marginalize the Military rulers, did not turn out as they wanted.

    Now, destabilizing Myanmar, which the CIA is busily doing, is the next alternative. Coupled with that, why is ASEAN so keen to ostracize Myanmar now? With Myanmar out of ASEAN, it leaves the grouping able to wash their hands to defend Myanmar, and leave it free to be thrown under the USA bus.

    Strangely, why is the grouping seemed not interested in talking about Australia going nuclear and instead focusing on Myanmar's internal troubles, that poses no threat to them at all?

  11. The USA passed laws to forbid interference in their internal affairs, but goes around the world doing exactly the opposite by creating regime changes, subterfuge, destablising countries and using sanctions against leaders they do not like.

    And that begs the meaning of Singapore passing a law to prevent foreign interference in it's internal affairs. What is Singapore, a member of ASEAN, doing against Myanmar? Not hypocritical?


    Countries that followed in the footsteps of USA by passing laws to prevent interference by another country in their internal affairs, and then go around interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, are not only hypocritical but also suicidal because, as time goes on, other countries will also do the same to them.

    A typical example now is Singapore and other ASEAN members ganging up to bully fellow member state Myanmar. These countries, less Myanmar, have now become COUNTRIES OF NO PRINCIPLES.

    These No-Principles ASEAN countries will soon have a taste of their own medicine from Myanmar and other countries, especially China, India and Russia.

    Their standing in the eyes of bigger countries has been shattered by their own hypocrisy and idiosyncrasies. Their words cannot be trusted anymore.

    Bye bye ASEAN.....


  13. The CIA Clandestine Operations In ASEAN and Asia

    The CIA is now operating actively everywhere within ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific region. It has its agents, operatives and tentacles in China, India, the Kistan Countries in Central Asia, Russia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hongkong, ASEAN, Australia and New Zealand.

    It has Branch Headquarters in five countries: Australia, Hongkong, India, Singapore and South Korea. In the other countries, it has Cells Headquarters, a smaller version of the Branch Headquarters, to facilitate communications, finance and coordination.

    It has now set up a militia base camp in Myanmar, near the border of Thailand, recruiting, training, organizing and arming Aung San Su Kyi's faction to fight and topple the present Myanmese Military Regime.

    The UN has now been used by the Evil USA to demonize and condemn Myanmar, giving a false flag warning of genocide in Myanmar. Actually, in reality on the ground, the Myanmese army is going to destroy the CIA base camp before it can expand further.

    The CIA is also inside Cambodia trying to ferment descent, protests and uprisings, just as what they are doing to China by using a small group of Uighurs in Xinjiang.

    Thailand's military junta and the new Thai King have already been bought over by the CIA infiltrators recently, in the last few years.

    Singapore and Malaysia, I believe have been 'bought over' long ago probably during LHL's and Najib's early years.

    Indonesia and the Philippines are on the way towards capitulation in the not too distant future.

    The present President of Indonesia is not keen in embracing the US fully but his Deputy and the some of the military commanders may have already been on the payroll of the CIA.

    Once the present President of the Philippines stepped down, the Philippines will probably be inside the gloves of the CIA.

    Next on the list of CIA's schemes are Laos and Vietnam.

    China must work extremely fast to counter and stop these trangressions and transformations before it is too late.

    China has to expand and further develop her intelligence and security organisations and operations worldwide.

    China must also improve and expand her counter-intelligence organisations to challenge and outsmart the CIA, especially in cyber security, and aerial and satellite surveillance.


  14. The CIA's Mission Against China

    The CIA had expanded its mission against China. This has been openly announced by the Biden Administration as well as the Chief of the CIA.

    A new specially organised and huge unit with its own headquarters has just been set up to focus fully on China like previously during the US-USSR Cold War.

    The US has now changed its stance against China, from strategic competitor to that of ENEMY.

    Joe Biden repeatedly said that the US is not going to start a Cold War with China. In fact, the Trade War, Technology War, Legal War, and Propaganda War have started during Trump's Presidency already. Therefore, that means the Cold War had already begun.

    Joe Biden is correct to say that the US is not going to start a Cold War with China because the Cold War has already started!

    The US is in fact preparing to start a HOT WAR with China.

    That's why the US troops in Afghanistan and the Middle East are being pulled out to pivot towards the South and East China Sea, for future deployments in Australia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. And possibly also to Myanmar and Cambodia.

    That's why the CIA has been expanded to confront China in a more aggressive, deliberate, extensive and all-encompassing way.

    In addition, a special budget of US$300 million per year has been allocated to smear and demonize China and spread falsehoods and false flags against China. All the US mass media (including the BBC of UK) and AFP. AP and Reuters - the three main news distributors - have also been engaged and paid to research and produce articles detrimental to the good name of China.

    China must think of how to arrest the imminent threats of the CIA and be prepared for an all-out war with the Evil US Empire and Allies.

    Better be prepared than to be caught with pants down like 150 years ago.


  15. The white savages are simply wild and ruthless. If they cannot compete or perform better, they would resort to killing and destroying the competitor.

    These wild beasts must be destroyed by the virus before they can cause more damages to human kind.

    God will destroy them for good this time. The rest of the world could see their evilness right before their very eyes.
