
American idiot exposing his ignorance


Listen to this idiot and his nonsense. If only he could think. There are so many of them in Fox News and other American media, and in Washington, uttering through their arseholes, exposing their lack of depth of what is going on around the world except to keep believing it is their goddamn right to be rich and powerful without knowing why. American Exceptionalism, can keep on printing money without working for it and all will be fine.

This is only 3 minutes of idiocy from Washington.


  1. Why the evil leaders in Sin are not stroked by the COVID-19?

    At least a few of them should get infected so that they will not take the Coronavirus Pandemic as normal Endemic, as if it is a play play affair.

    Playing with the life of the poor old folks, while they hide themselves in well protected ivory towers, surrounded by bodyguards and security guards, and electronic surveillance cameras and sensors.

  2. Anyone wants to win a Nobel Peace Prize must drop hundreds of thousands of bombs on innocent civilians, children, mothers, old people, school children.

    Obama dropped the most, beaten Trump. George Bush, Clinton, so his great effort for peace was recognised by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee.

    The Americans way of achieving peace is genocide and massacres. See how peaceful the American homeland is, with all the native Americans being genocided to extinction.

  3. These hillbillies still think they are living in the time when they go around killing everyone, native Americans are savages, they are not, killing Muslims and Arabs and Asians is their right as only white savages are good people, despite their warmongering, massacres, genocides, racial discrimination, invasion of other countries.

    They did not know they did all these evil and wicked things all over the world for centuries and still walking around pretending to be angels.

    See how this as lied and lied and spreading his hate?
