
The World will be safer without the United States. PART ONE

   The world will be safer , more peaceful and harmonious without the United States.

The United States of America is far too evil and wicked and if God so willing it should be destroyed. There are many reasons why the white Anglo-Saxon United States should be destroyed by God. Ever since its founding the white supremacists United States never cease its evil acts of atrocities and genocide of natives in America and in other parts of the world. It has constantly and mindlessly interfered in the internal affairs of other countries and imposing unwarranted wars on others causing deaths and destruction and unnerving suffering, all just for US belligerence and wanton greed. All these have been going on for the last 70 years since the end of the Second World War in 1945. This leaves us to wander when will the US ever let the world live in peace and harmony for at least even one day. May be the evil things and atrocities that the Evil Empire has been commiting against the non-white countries will eventually catch up with the Americans and destroy them forever.

From day one since its independence to the present the Evil Empire has never given the world a day of peace. From its intial 13 states the Evil Empire aggressively expanded its territories by invading hundreds of self-governing natives states as agreed in treaties by the British imperialist with the native Americans. But the Evil Empire's expansionist policy of 'Manifest Destiny of America' would not recognize the native American states. It went on to invade them and to kill and genocide all the native Americans. Having successfully taken over all the states of the native Americans the Evil Empire planned for the conquest of many Mexican states. Thus between 1840s to 1890s the Evil Empire attacked and invaded Mexico and occupied eight  Mexican states which include the present states of Texas, New Mexico, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and California. 

Having taken over most of Mexico's territories the Evil Empire began to look overseas for expanding its empire in its competition with many European powers for conquering non-white people's lands in the far flung oceans. In 1895 it began to invade Hawaii. And in 1898 it invaded Cuba, Puerto,  and the Philippines. Thereafter the United States cast its evil eyes on China.  In 1890, Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan and Theodore  Roosevelt said far across the western Pacific Ocean lies China in which the sick Chinese people are not qualified to run the country. He said China with a big population will provide  a huge market for US to export its products and US must occupy China and teach the Chinese some semblance of civilize rule before it is completly partitioned by European powers and Japan to the exclusion of US interest. 

Theodore Roosevelt was elected US president in 1901. He was a supra white supremacist and he was also an ardent believer in US imperialism in the way of the imperialism of the European powers in empire building. His ideology of adopting a very aggressive foreign policy of imperialism reinforced the doctrine of 'Manifest Destiny of America' even further. He strongly believe that the United States should use its strength and power to advance US interests in the world. Thus to threaten other countries into submission he quoted a proverb, 'Speak softly, but carry a big stick.'

Theodore Roosevelt also used racism to make a distinction between "civilized" and "uncivilized" nations of the world. He was far too arrogant and uncouth when he defined civilized nations as predominantly white and Anglo-Saxon or Teutonic and uncivilized nations were generally non-white, Latin Americans or Slavic. Another distinction he used was the importance of economic development. Thus by his definition civilized nations were producers of industrial goods while the uncivilized nations were the suppliers of raw materials and markets. Theodore Roosevelt was a savage animal with wild pretensions. Though his chronic perspectives of civilized and uncivilized nations and his white supremacist outlook have been the practice of Western powers for centuries but his accentuation of this fake doctrine has been followed zealously  as biblical through in Washington, the Pentagon and CIA. And this is the evil seed that spawns all diabolical deeds and permanent wars that the Evil Empire has been imposing on all non-white countries in this world for decades.

Adding more toxic to his belligerent doctrine he claimed that a civilized country had a right and duty to intervene in the affairs of backward nations to preserve law and order for the good of both the  countries being intervened and the intervener, USA. Armed with this aggressive policy Theodore Roosevelt developed American sea power to surpass that of all the European powers and US became the most dominant sea power in the world. US then continued to intervene more aggressively in the internal affairs of Central  America and South America countries. These interventions cause severe economic disasters to the victimised countries though they benefit US substantially both in economic and political terms.  US then forage into the Pacific Ocean where it mopped up all the small island nations and took them under US control and where US built their military bases. Some of these islands are Guam, Samoa, Marshall Islands, Bikini Islands and Mid-way islands. From these Pacific Ocean island military bases US was laying the beach-heads for its future aggressions in the Far East of East Asia and South East Asia. This is what is happening now as US is posturing its marine and naval power in the South China Sea and the East China sea in a threatening manner trying to intimidate China and other countries which refuse to toe US dictates.

The present crux of the matter is that though US is clearly a very evil expansonist and harmful atrocious imperial power yet quite a lot of ex-colonial non-white countries see US and its Western power allies in a better light vis-a-vis their perspectives on China, Iran, Russia, North Korea or Cuba. Why? Is it what Mabu Mahubani said, "Can Asians Think". Or is it due to ceaseless US / Western propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, lies and half truth. Or is there a third dimension to this matter.

US and Western toxic propaganda does play a very important part to hijack the brain and thinking power of these ex-colonial countries. But it can be observed that many of these ex-colonial countries have also gained extensively in their countries territories after given independence by their colonial masters. Some examples of these countries are India, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Before the British came India consisted more  than 20 different separate states and kingdoms with over 60 major different languages. The British came and ruled all the separate different Indian states and kingdoms collectively as one political unit. Thus India gained from British rule in forging it into a  unitary single state. India had gained over two hundred thousand square miles of Chinese land which the British had illegally and forcibly detached from China in the years 1890s to 1915. The British was supposed to return these stolen lands to China but it kept on stalling inspite of many meetings and discussions on the matter until 1947 when England gave independence to India without the final settlement of the India-China border issues. After independence India refused to discuss and negotiate with China on the border issues. India just wanted to assume the mantle of British imperialism in keeping  China's territories. The evil Anglo-Saxon British had indeed laid the seed of future contention between an independent India and China under its toxic divide and rule policy.

Malaysia was never a single entity country. It was hemmed in as a single entity ruled by the British imperialist. In the late 1950s to preempt Malaya from being taken over by the communists England granted independence to Malaya and incorporated Sarawak and Sabah ( British North Borneo ) into Malaya to form Malaysia and to preempt Indonesia from swallowing Sarawak and Sabah.

Indonesia also gained extensive territories when it got its independence from the Dutch or Holland. It gained the large territories of Borneo ( or Kalimantan as called by the Indonesians ), Papua New Guinea and  Timor.

The Philippines also gained new territories in the Sulu Sea Archipelago which was formerly an independent kingdom.

India, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines had gained substantial new territories  in their independence from their ex white colonial masters in which they are psycologically inclined to look at them with favourite light vis-a-vis issues with China.

Indo-China which consists of Viet-nam, Cambodia and Laos were formerly  part of Chinese sovereign territory and a Chinese province for over a thousand years. But during the over hundred years of humiliation from 1830s to 1948 China was ravaged, trampled and invaded by European powers, Russia, the United States and Japan. England was stealing Chinese lands in southwest and south east China bordering Tibet and Yunnan. Russia was devouring huge Chinese territories north of the Heilongjiang River and the Maritime province of the Ussuri region up to the Pacific Ocean including the Sakhalin Island from 1850s to 1885. The principal Chinese city of Haisenwei the capital of the Maritime Ussuri region was occupied by Russia which renamed it as Vladivostok or Russian Fort of the East. In the meantime Germany invaded and took away the Shangtung province with its Capital city Tsingtao. In 1875 Japan attacked China and occupied the Liu Chiu Island Archipelago which they renamed it as Ókinawa.' In 1885 France took advantage of China's weakness and attacked the Chinese province of Indo-China in the Árrow War' as the war was so called. Though the French lost the Arrow War but through its capricity it managed to hookwink the Qing empeor in far away Beijing to believe that China lost the war and coerced the emperor  to surrender the province of Indo-China to France.

After the Second World War in 1945 the United States took over the mantle of world hegemon from England. The Anglo-Saxon elites of the U.S. had planned for a long time to build The United States empire to be the most powerful empire of all times and to be the one and only lasting empire on earth. And as the only superpower the US has no qualms about how it bullies and threatens other countries into submission to its control with wars and invasions with impunity to bring these countries to follow its dictates. Since 1946 to the present US has attacked and invaded not less than 60 countries and imposed more than 70 wars on other countries in Europe, Asia including the Middle East Arab countries,  Africa, Central America and South America.

To further and strengthen its grip on other countries the United States has adopted many various forms of mechanism of power of control in the UN Organisation like the World Bank, IMF, World Trade Organisation, the World Health Organisation and the Petro Dollar. It uses its fake NGO ( Non-government Organisation ) the NED ( National Endowment for Democracy ) as a Trojan Horse to infiltrate into other countries military and police force to create choas and instabilities to carry out regime change that fits US agenda. The NED is under the direct control of the US terrorist organisation  CIA the toxic and diabolical US spy and intelligence agency which is not only responsible for espionage, murders, assassinations, creating upheavals, choas and instabilities for regime change  but also indulge in drug trafficking and smuggling in which it is a fact that CIA is the biggest drug and heroin trafficking organisation in the world. 

US a rogue state has by force of its military might arm twisted and coerced many countries to acquiese to US building of military bases in their countries which serve to further intimidate and threaten other neighbouring countries in the regions. But at last with the rise of Russia and China to challenge US evil hegemony and the growing awareness among all other non-white countries of the evilness and wickedness of the US wars of aggression and atrocities committed incessantly on victimised countries that US power to do evil may be curbed and eventually destroyed.

The world will definitely be safer, more peaceful and harmonious without the satanic United States.



  1. Two surveys taken to find out which country is the biggest threat to world peace and which country is the biggest threat to democracy. It all pointed to the USA. Do we need further proof?

  2. Evil Americans, where are you going to start another war?

    Evil Americans, what lies are you going to fabricate to invade another country?

    Evil Americans, which country are you going to invade next?

    Evil Americans, who are you going to kill next?

  3. In total, more than 1,400 dolphins and 660 pilot whales were killed in the region this year, it said, with the recent dolphin massacre having made headlines around the world. However, no restrictions have been officially imposed.

    “The Faroese have no quota for the grindadráp hunts, no season, no need for the meat and, it seems, no compassion,” Sea Shepherd’s Rob Read told Yahoo News Australia.

    While some locals are equally disturbed by the tradition, others say the “outside world” just doesn’t understand, the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) reported.

    The uncivilised white men cannot be civilised even in the 21st Century. Killing thousands of dolphins and whales for fun!

  4. Remember this is the kind of Politicians America consistently produces:
    Quote (George HW Bush):"I will never apologize for the United States — I don't care what the facts are. ... I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy." — Comments during an Aug. 2, 1988, campaign stop about the USS Vincennes' mistakenly downing a commercial Iran Air flight, killing 290 civilians.

    We are dealing with GANGSTERS. lol.
