
Covid19 - Is Singapore ready for the big influx of Delta variant?

Chart from CNA

Is Singapore looking to a big explosion of cases? The chart is looking ominous,  Daily cases are up. On 2 Sep, daily cases 187 and unlinked cases now in a worrying 113 from single digit. When the door is flung open, what would the picture be like?

How safe would Singaporeans be? How effective are the vaccines in protecting the lives of Singaporeans now that ineffective prevention of infection is a foregone conclusion? The hordes in the dormitories are going to be released, assuming that the vaccines are effective in preventing them from being infected and preventing them from transmitting the virus. If these assumptions are false, then we will know how serious things will be in 2 to 3 weeks.

Are Singaporeans ready for an exponential increase in infection at a level we have not seen before and to live with the virus as a way of life? Look at the transmission rate among the bus drivers.

Are we sure this is the way to go? Don't panic, more than 80% have been vaccinated, going to be 100%. Don't scare, don't scare.


  1. The new Mini-star of Hell must go.

    He was careless, ruthless and irresponsible when he was incharge of the Ministry of Educated Fools.

    He was again careless, ruthless and irresponsible when he was i charge of the Ministry of Transportation.

    Now that he is in charge of the Hell Ministry, he is turning Singapore into a Living Hell!

  2. Don't worry! You will be alive! Hahaha....

  3. It's logical for the Minister of Hell to open the gates of Hell !

  4. The hordes in the dormitories are going to be released, the hordes outside the gates are being let in. Book funeral services in advance - soon there will be a shortage and spike in funeral prices!

    1. Like that very very xiong!

      What can we do now? You tell me lah!

  5. Will there be a hike in CPF Medishield Life premiums to pay soon, given the state media hype about more Medishield coverage of cancer drugs past few days?

  6. Ask if they gamble with our money, lose money or make money. If lose a lot of money, then you can bet there will be a lot of hikes, not just CPF.

    If they make money, you bet they will pay themselves crazily. You get nothing.

    Socialise cost and lost, privatise gains and profits.

  7. This is what we voted for, or at least 61% wanted. They gambled with our money and now gambling with our lives.

    My observation is, going forward, the economy takes precedence over people's life. You die your own business. Just collateral damage.

    Oh, what is the Hell Minister's job? Giving hell of course.

  8. Is Singapore ready for the big influx of Delta variant?

    You must be joking to ask this question.

    We are setting the example for the rest of the world how to live with the virus, after gloating over our more than 80% threshold of vaccinated people. We are putting an experiment into practice to show the rest of the world and to follow. They are undoubtedly proud that all the world is looking at our example. Don't pray pray. Just get ready to pay pay.

  9. Why do they say that 'Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread'?

  10. The Hell Minister make Singapore the world's first country to experiment dangerously in endemic coronavirus living while other countries look on, exposing Singaporeans to risk of death for lessons to be learnt by other countries.

    If experiment succeeds, other countries adopt. If experiment fails, Singaporeans die, and other countries wiser and grateful.

  11. Please lah! Tell me what can you do now?

    Opposition parties very Very very very quiet over this!

    Tell me.... what can you do NOW???

  12. You asked me, I ask who?

  13. Why are the WP MPs so quiet about the Murderous Way in which the Covid-19 Pandemic is being handled?

    Don't they know that many old folks lives are being sacrificed?

  14. "No evidence yet of Covid-19 clusters at bus interchanges spreading virus to commuters": Iswaran (ST headline Sept 03)

    You believe?

    "spreading virus to commuters" and "No evidence yet" are 2 separate events. If they can't find the evidence, that could be due to incompetency in looking for evidence, rather then the fact that virus spreading has not occurred.

    1. He is obviously lying. There are tons of evidence. He and his gang have not bordered to identify and connect them. This idiot is a big Fxxking liar.

  15. WP MPs stand to gain if experiment fails. More angry votes will go to WP, and Pritam Singh's future glowingly bright. So it's better for WP MPs to stay quiet.

    1. This is really no good!

    2. Singapore politicians are actually very cruel and inhuman, hiding under a facetious decency look.

    3. This is really no good!

  16. Hot hot weather covid will then spread lesser

  17. What unlinked? They are all linked to the Hell Minister's dangerous decisions.

  18. For every one unlinked case detected, there could be 10 or 20 cases undetected. This means there could be 1,000 or 2000 cases walking around and spreading the virus.

  19. The whole island will be linked in no time at the rate we are going.

  20. All the unlinked infections are either linked to the busses, trains, ships or aircraft in one way or another.

    There is no such a thing as unlinked. They are either not able to pin the links or refused to link them.

  21. They already told us early on that Covid will be endemic. Now kanchong for what?

  22. Unlinked, but where did they get infected? There is always a source. Call it untraceable would be more appropriate.

    Actually, all those safe entry gadgets are only useful when infections are traced to a mall or a shop the infected person visited, but what about train stations, bus interchanges, hawker centres, where no tracing is in place.

    Bus drivers and commuters are basically doing virus interchanging activities all day long. Yet this is not considered a cluster? How to investigate further to prove it?

  23. The number of people moving in and out of trains and buses make it impossible to trace unless you have an army of people doing the tracing.

  24. Every commuter has a bus card or train card, of common concessionary pass. All the data their everyday's trips are recorded there.

    Anyone gets infected and unable to link. Check their bus cards data and connect them to the bus or train driver who had been tested positive.

    Where got impossible to link. Never use brain or refused to use brain because of laziness. Saying unlinked is easier, don't need to do further investigations. End of day, "pay correct, Sir!" KNN!.

  25. I think if I task force I just let the real Delta infect everyone.save as lot of

  26. One thing I am not sure about is whether adult stored value cards bought ad hoc at bus terminals or MRT stations are personalised.

    I know school children bus cards, holders of concession cards, senior citizen's concession cards, auto top up cards, among some others are personalised. But if 'normal' adult stored value cards bought ad hoc are not personalised, the tracing is impossible.

    I could be wrong in my thinking.

  27. G'morning RB there is a new variant it's known as MU more resistant to any known vaccines to date. Care to comments? Kindest Regards JC
    note posted from phone sorrie for error

  28. G'morning RB there is a new variant "Mu", First discovered in Columbia, January 2021 even as the word trying to solve the INDIAN Delta variant. This Covid is more resistance to all present vaccines now available in the market... Kindest Regards JC.

  29. Japan’s PM Suga to resign after failing to control Covid outbreak - FT

    Is the Singapore Covid outbreak currently out of control? If so, how come nobody is resigning, or getting sacked ?

  30. Hi Virgo

    What if you top up your Transit Linked stored value card using cash? Surely they cannot trace that to the owner of the standard card that is not personalised? I always use cash for top ups by habit, but my card is already personalised anyway, so makes no difference.

    As a matter of interest, I have, many a time, on buses, see some boarding passengers paying cash for tickets, probably having forgotten their cards or having expired cards. Anyway, there is no way to trace that passenger, right?

    Yes they can trace all those personalised card users and those topping up standard cards using their bank accounts. But in missing out the ability to trace those out of the bank card toppers and cash users, it makes tracing a futile exercise on buses and MRT.
