
COVID-19 Singapore: Self-Deception Is The Worst Enemy In Any War

Whether it is Pandemic or Endemic, the fact remains that the COVID-19 coronavirus is still COVID-19 coronavirus. You can change the terminology to anything but the fact remains that the COVID-19 coronavirus does not become less contagious, less infectious, less deadly or less mutatable. By simply changing the nomenclature or terminology, if you expect to be able to live with the coronavirus, you are only deceiving yourself and your fellow countrymen.

To win any war, be it a military confrontation or a pandemic, one needs to know oneself, one's enemy and the environment. In addition, one needs to deceive the enemy instead of deceiving oneself. Self-deception is the worst enemy in any war. One can only fall into self-deception when one does not know oneself, does not know the enemy and does not know the environment - all the three main ingredients of knowledge. It's like a blind man fighting with an invisible ghost in the dark.

Singapore's poorly conceived strategy of "Living with the Coronavirus, like flu", despite numerous warnings by concerned citizens, is a self-deceiving, self-defeating suicidal strategy that is doomed to fail miserably right from the word go. In just three weeks into is commencement, this self-indulgent deception of a strategy that is no strategy, is now revealing its kamikaze suicidal reality, exponentially.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic last January, starting with the ill-conceived advice of "Don't wear a mask if you are well, wear a mask only if you are unwell", there is no shortage of such blunders. At every stage of turning in this Pandemic, whenever the spread of infections subsided, the smart alecs (fools) are quick to rush in to show Singaporeans and the world how smart (foolish) they can be. This is really baffling!

Now, with infections hitting more than 230 per day, and hospital beds getting crowded, the healthcare system is again being challenged and the medical facilities and staff are being over-stressed. The hindsight-dependent Multi-Ministry Task Force (MTF) has no choice but to react in its normal flip-flopping fashion again. Arrogance, stubbornness and foolhardy have no place to stand but must collapse to give way to prudence and propriety.

When will the "Experts Committee" resign instead of hiding behind a stonewall of silence of late, after giving all the un-expert experts' advices to the MTF? Their continuous failures, one after another, is really appalling. They clearly show that the coronavirus is in many ways and many times smarter than their expertise and serious lack of initiative, foresight and professionalism.

The lesson to learn here is that the National Vaccination Program has failed to prevent widespread infections. In fact, it has achieved the reverse. It has proven that those who have been fool-ly vaccinated have been fooled and lulled into a lucid state of Mental Complacency, harbouring a false sense of safety and security, thereby exposing themselves carelessly and needlessly to the COVID-19 coronavirus, and becoming infected and spreading the infection everywhere they go.

Instead of trying to outsmart the COVID-19 coronavirus by mere reactive actions (after closely monitoring), why not, for goodnes sake, start to take proactive actions?

I hope they don't need me to tell them what those proactive actions are.

Can fools ever learn?

LIPS At Your Service.


  1. Singapore's wish to live with the virus is going to be granted. 332 cases yesterday with 185 unlinked!

    Good job.

    Now no need to panic. This is what Singapore is asking for, open up quickly, allowing people from dangerous countries to come in as if they are the same as from other countries. They will facilitate Singapore to reach herd immunity faster.

    Maybe a few thousand cases will do and then everyone will be immuned and this will be the new normal. Then business will be as usual.

  2. In order to win the space race, they faked the moon landings to beat the Russians.

    In order to beat the Chinese in producing the vaccines, they rushed through everything, dunno what they faked, and quickly pushed out their vaccines and claiming to be 96% efficacy.

    Now how many percent?

    Who else still want to believe in American white lies?

    WMD in Iraq?

    It is excusable to be cheated for the first time. It is bad to be cheated a second time. It is unforgiveable to be cheated over and over again.

  3. Hahaha.....

    Opposition parties very very very very very very very very quiet!


  4. Why is there a need to put the country at risk by following the 'living with the virus' dictates of those whose objective is making a guinea pig of Red Dot?

    Why not let the evil empire do it, learn from them, and if they succeed in living with it, then adopt? Are we not already following the West in adopting vaccines already? Why do we want to show the world how well we are living with the virus, when all we get is just boosting the ego of a few in control if successful, and using the lives of citizens as laboratory rats?

  5. Anon 8.50

    As always the same comment. No other things to say?

  6. >>>>> “To win any war, be it a military confrontation or a pandemic, one needs to know oneself, …..” <<<<<

    Sun Tze:



    The Art of eCONomics:
    The answer could be verLEE SIMPLE?

    But it is NOT “BOTAKNOMICS” lah …?

    Cos the “eCONomee” might also beecum “BOTAK” leow ….. ☹?
    So, what is the antidote(-nomics)?

    To “treat” the PANDEMIC?

    Is it ”VACCI-NOMICS?


    >>>>> “To win any war, be it a military confrontation or a pandemic, one needs to know ….. and the environment. ” <<<<<

    Sun Tze:

    OldDragon28 - Part (1): “The Art of eCONomics”

    To be continued … Part (2)

  7. Instead of fighting the pandemic and trying to save lives, these bastards are playing politics and thinking of how to exploit the situation, compromising the lives of innocent people just to make more money with their lies and pushing the sales of their questionable vaccines.

  8. The situation looks quite serious looking at the tight measures now imposed on shopping malls, offices, hawker centres and markets.

    Be prepared for further tightening as we have already been warned. The experiment of 'living with the virus' seems to have taken a wrong turn.

    The virus is not going away. It is just waiting for opportunities - when humans let their guards down. Can we really live with the virus or just wishful thinking?

  9. The number of cases has hit 332 Covid infections in yesterday's report by MOH.

    328 are locally transmitted via bus interchanges, buses, trains, restaurants, shopping centres, sports facilities, markets, community clubs, dormitories, HDB void-decks temporary makeshif workers' quarters and rest rooms, polyclinics and hospitals, etc.

    185 are un-linked. These 185 could have got infected in 185 different places. They in turn could have spread the disease to another 10 times their numbers. The spreading of the disease is exponential.

  10. Those jokers are really unbelieveable, not knowing what they are doing, not knowing what they want, not knowing what to expect. Now with 332 cases they gabra.

    Hey, isn't this what should be expected when you want to open up, want to live with the virus? Isn't this what you are expecting when you bring in people from highly infected countries when Delta Variant is everywhere?

    You jokers should be telling the people to stay calm, do not panic, this is the new normal. Didn't you jokers been telling people the number of cases are going up? So what is the problem? Why tightening, why fear?

    Look at the US and India, the numbers will go up and up and this is to be expected with your doctrine of living with the virus. Not only the numbers are going up, hospitalisation cases would also go up, death would also go up.

    And the fake vaccines would be put to a test, and whatever efficacy they claimed would stand out like a sore prick. If they are fakes, ineffective, be prepared for a crash in the hospitals with not enough beds and many deaths.

  11. If they want to go the American and Indian ways, just relac, let go, no need masks, party and be happy.

    If they are afraid of having many cases, then go the Chinese way and tighten control measures, lockdowns and make sure foreigners are not allowed to come in so freely to spread the virus.

  12. We must remain open....for more foreigners and more virus.

  13. The Ministry of Health (MOH) will soon revamp its daily COVID-19 report to reflect “salient issues” being faced in this new phase of the battle, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung, adding that the country will no longer be “chasing down every single case”.

    Speaking at a press conference by the COVID-19 multi-ministry task force on Friday (3 Sep), Mr Ong noted that Singapore is now in “a very different stage” of its battle against COVID-19.

    “In the past, we tried to suppress every cluster, trace down to the last infection, and try to eliminate them,” said the Minister.

    This is a very clever thing to do. Better don't report the number of cases. Then everyone will be very happy. See, no more cases.

    1. When one tells a lie. He has to use more lies to cover-up that original lie.

      This planned, deliberate news black-out on reporting of individual cases and other vital public information is part of this continuous cover-up.

      One lie leads to another.

      One deception leads to another.

      One who deceives himself is not able to see his own lies, and he thinks that others also are not able to detect his lies. This is the beauty and ugliness of a stupid liar who is not good at the job of lying, yet for whatever reasons he cannot resist the lies.

      Perhaps, the price of a Premiership dangling in front of him is too tempting not to grab it at all costs. Even to the extent of projecting an image of a ruthless, irresponsible, careless and stupid liar?

  14. I thought 7 month over?that is why cannot any say can live with covid.

  15. Politicians and preachers are all liars.

    It is in their nature to lie and deceive.

    It's in their professional responsibility to lie, cheat, deceive and tell half-truth and twisted facts.

  16. The Americans are always anti Muslim countries and will use the slightest excuse to target Muslims and Arabs.

  17. The White Americans look down and hate the African Americans, the Latino Americans, the Asian Americans in their own country, the very country that those same people whom they hate have helped to build and develop.

    The White Americans hate and despise all other races in the World, especially the Muslims. They fear that the Muslims would unite one day and take revenge on them for the atrocities that the Whitemen had inflicted upon them.

    Likewise, the White Supremacists are afraid of China's rise to challenge them in many fields of human endeavors.

  18. Virgo49 September 08, 2021 10:00 am
    “OPpO, OPppo, oops Oopa as Koreans called their Love Ones or like the Mats called their Abangs had nearly 18K as just MPs allownces, What's there to talk?
    Another nearly four years to go. Hello bring the calculators pls!”

    @Angkor Virgin69,

    Yew see …

    As far as Economics is concerned, there is this issue on the provision of a good dependent on its nature or characteristics … For instance under current COVID-19 pandemic, there are many goods that are required in an economy to combat the virus … Let’s simplify this model and confine our analysis to just 2 goods/ services …

    As far as the face mask is concerned, the price mechanism allocates resources via the invisible hand to determine the quantity supplied and also the market equilibrium price. Consumers decide how many masks to buy and what type to buy … In Economics, they call such goods “Private Goods”.

    But how about vaccination or the need to lockdown? Can the price mechanism work well? The short answer probably is a “No”. Private provision of a public good such as national defence, street lighting is known to NOT work very well. Consequently, in most if not all societies, people deploy command mechanism (and not price mechanism) in the provision of public goods.

    Now, problem come liao

    What problem?

    (To help laymen and ignoramus …, oops should be non-economists able to understand the Economic concepts behind the problem,) Let’s use an analogy and hypothetical example with fictitious characters, institutions etc

    In this simple model, there are 2 fictitious individuals. Let’s call them Dr Aung Juan Soon Chee and Dr James Ling. Let Dr Aung Juan be the one working in an Institute of Middle Learning called IML#J and located at a fictitious area call Quah Chu Kang/ Jln Whye Whye. Let Dr James Ling be the one working in another Institute of Middle Learning named IML#R located at a fictitious area call Maryshan/ Bimount . Let Dr Aung Juan training be in Psychology and let Dr James Ling training be in Economics.

    Yew see …

    In capitalist societies, what is the problem that comes with the provision of public goods?

    Leo81 – Part (A): The Science of Economics

    To be continued …. Part (B)

    Note: In case some of yew cannot wait (for part (B) or have no patience to wait), you can read up (in advance) on a mechanism that can be used to provide public goods (efficiently) known as VCG (Vickrey-Clarke-Groves) Mechanism.
