
AUKUS or FAUKUS? Another evil white men's scheme

 The Anglo Saxons still think they could rule the world. The defeats after defeats of the evil mighty American Empire in the hands of militarily weak and poor Asian countries still did not teach them anything. Before the curtain falls in Afghanistan, they are shifting all their attention to the Pacific Ocean with China in their cross hair and the prize of Asean as their new colonies.

What ever AUKUS or FUCKUS, would be no different from the lame QUAD. The result would be the same as in Korea, in Vietnam, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc etc. All the military hardware would not win wars except little battles. And to think that the clueless Americans could think that a little Australia could change their fortune in Asia Pacific is pathetic. A mere 22m white men in a stolen piece of land in Asia Pacific to become their new foothold to remain as the hegemon in Asia Pacific? The population of just Malaysia is bigger than Australia, and there are 250m Indonesians next door.

The evil white men is everywhere building military alliances and military bases to control the world, to remain as the white evil Empire. Their fingers are everywhere, in every country, poking here and there. Countries of the world must place more mouse traps, the snapping type, to snap off the itchy white fingers.

Hiding under the names of peace, democracy and human rights, they are inciting wars, agitating for wars, and building military bases, manufacturing weapons, just to have more people killed and more countries destroyed. The Indonesians are worried, and so are the Malaysians. South East Asia aka Asean must remain a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality, not on papers but for real. After the defeat in Vietnam and fleeing, South East Asia was blessed for nearly 40 years of peace, stability and prosperity without the Americans warring in the region. 

The fear now is that peace would turn into war with the evil Americans coming back and with a pseudo Asian country but basically a white Anglo Saxon country in Australia happily playing the role of the front man. Asean countries must be united and resolute in preventing the region from becoming another war zone, another Afghanistan and the Asean countries and economies destroyed and people died and wounded, when the evil white men start another war here.

The whole intent and purpose of the white men are their dominance and their Empire, to rule over the coloured people they regard as subhumans. They are the rulers and coming here to rule.

Not in the 21st century, not when Asians have risen, have stood up, have awaken, and would not be ruled and bullied by the evil white men again.


  1. Asian countries also have countries like Singapore, South Korea, Japan and India whose leaders are openly very happy to welcome their previous colonial White Rajahs to come and screw their backs.

  2. Any groupings are schemes that the White Men think of are always for the purpose of War or military alliances and nothing about improving the living environment or elevating poverty in poor countries. Even World Bodies like the UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank, Swift etc are all ways and means to preserve the White Men/s hold on the lesser beings.

    Therefore such alliances are for the purpose of furthering the White Men/s scheme of total and long term domination. Five eyes, QUAD, Aukus - what are they and for what purpose?

  3. The USA is appointing Australia as the de facto Sheriff of the Asia Pacific Region, an appointment the Australiana are waiting to be appointed officially. Now, that it is going to be official, with the nuclear submarines deal, and now Australia thinks they have their license to dictate.

    An agreement hatched by three White criminal infested country, sprung secretly upon the global community is intended to be binding on others. I believe Indonesia and Malaysia will have much to say going forward. Indonesia, in particular, is not one to be trifled with, if we remember their 'Konfrontasi' against the formation of Malaysia is anything to deal with.

  4. Actually Japan I am sure also want nuclear sub but the USA definitely view them as a threat in the future so definitely no go. NZ and Canada effectively demoted after AUKUS formed. USA will only supply nuclear stuff to countries which are not a threat to them. In other words, getting nuclear stuff from USA means you are just a useless pawn, to be discarded when your usefulness runs out. Is Australia useless? Most definitely in every way, looking at their govt

    The irony of this is just as Australia screwed the French, USA will screw Australia afterward, lets wait and see

  5. Australia, unlike Japan, is never going to be a threat to the the USA, whether it is a nuclear power or not. That you can be sure, as they are all Whites. Hence for Australia going nuclear is not an issue for the Whites.

    For Japan, there is always the blood debt of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to be considered. That is a risk the Whites are not going to take. Japan can wait long long to be allowed to go nuclear.
    If not for this reason, Japan would long be a nuclear power to be used to counter China. And that goes for Iran as well being less than White and a bitter enemy at that.

  6. The whites only trust the whites. No nuclear subs for Japan for sure. Who knows the Japanese could build a hundred subs and do another Pearl Harbour on the Americans again.

  7. It is quite difficult for Japan to build nuclear weapons secretly and hide them due to it's small land mass. However, Japan is perfectly capable of going nuclear by themselves.

    Some are suspicious of what they were actually doing or hiding inside the Fukushima Power Station, due to their great secrecy surrounding their reluctance to accept help from outside during the crisis. Like Israel, Japan could already be there but not admitting it.

  8. The AngloSaxon are taking it for granted that they have the rights to seize USA, Canada, Australia and NZ plus many islands as theirs.

    One day they would be chased out of these countries, back to where they belong. The rights the question and claim back these illegally occupied land lay in the hands of the original people. It would be questioned and brought up one day in the UN and ICJ.

  9. The Whites are really going to stir up trouble in the Indo Pacific Region as predicted. Their exit from the Middle East after laying waste to those countries and having created chaos all round, they are now eyeing the Indo Pacific Region. They cannot exist without wars and conflicts.

    How many areas of conflict have the Whites created? There were the wars against China by the Whites, on Chinese soil, trying to divide China among themselves, and that created much hardship and economic disaster for China.

    There were the wars created in Indochina even before Vietnam. Then there was the Vietnam War. There were the wars created in the Middle East, using 911 and terrorism as an excuse, destroying so many countries in that region - Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine etc.

    Now they are creating a war in the South China Sea using China as the bogeyman. And that is going to drag ASEAN into the fray very soon, as they now found out that ASEAN countries want no part of the power struggle between China and the Whites.

    The failure in those visits of Blinken, Austin, Sherman and Harris put paid to those attempts to drag Vietnam and Singapore into taking sides. Indonesia already made it clear they do not want the power struggle to come to their backyard.

    Wherever they go, the USA means trouble. They will create trouble even on the Moon and Mars if the day comes.

  10. When you see Americans, you see trouble, you see wars, you see killings....you see death.

  11. No visitors allowed at all wards from Sept 24 for a month as more hospital workers, patients get Covid-19

    A greater number of hospital staff members, patients and visitors are being infected by Covid-19, so all hospitals here will not be allowing visitors from Friday (Sept 24) until Oct 23 to curb the disease spread and reduce the strain on hospital bed capacity.

    Higher-risk patients visiting emergency departments will have to undergo an antigen rapid test for the coronavirus.

    The Ministry of Health (MOH) said in a press release on Wednesday that these tightened measures will apply to all public, community and private hospitals.

    With the rise in community cases over the past weeks, the ministry said that it has detected more Covid-19 cases among hospital staff members, patients and visitors.

    “The detection of these cases had led to ward closures and staff quarantine, which had impacted some hospitals, putting a strain on hospital bed capacity and staffing at a time when more hospital beds are ramped up to care for hospitalised Covid-19 patients,” MOH said.

    The latest move will help to safeguard hospital capacity, it added.

    Although visits to hospital wards will be suspended from this Friday to Oct 23, both dates inclusive, hospitals will make case-by-case exceptions for visitors of the following patients:

    Patients who are in critical condition

    Patients who are young children

    Birthing or postpartum mothers

    Patients requiring extra care support from caregivers such as those who are mentally incapacitated or family members who are undergoing caregiver training

    Such patients will only be allowed one pre-designated visitor who may enter the ward once a day.

    Patients in critical condition may have up to five pre-designated visitors with a maximum of two visitors at the patient’s bedside at any one time.

    All visitors will need to produce a valid negative antigen rapid test or polymerase chain reaction test result obtained within the last 24 hours of each visit.

    All visitors regardless of vaccination status must comply with the conditions except those who have recovered from Covid-19 and are able to present a valid pre-event test exemption notice.

    Read also
    Visitors must also wear a face mask with good filtration capability such as surgical masks or two-layered reusable masks.

    There must be no eating or drinking in the inpatient wards. Visitors must not use the patients’ toilets in the wards and must avoid sitting on patients’ beds.


    From Friday, higher-risk patients, regardless of the vaccination status, must take a mandatory antigen rapid test at 24-hour emergency clinics or departments.

    Higher-risk patients include:

    Those who are on beds in emergency rooms for prolonged observation, whether in the short-stay unit or extended diagnostic and treatment unit

    Those who are required to undergo mask-off assessment or procedures lasting for 15 minutes or more, or both

    Visitors or caregivers accompanying patients during the observation period will also have to take an antigen rapid test

    Accompanying persons may have to pay for the tests, depending on the hospitals.

    MOH said that it has increased the frequency of surveillance testing for hospital workers, as well as vendors who work in the hospital, in order to identify at the earliest possible time the staff members who are infected with Covid-19.

  12. The Evil Empire wanted North Korea to denuclearise. North Korea was touted to be a threat to world peace. How many wars have Kim started since becoming a nuclear nation? And the global community did not name North Korea as a threat to world peace, did they?

    But then, everything from Kim is a threat to the USA- even the sound of his fart is a provocation or a threat. But sending warships to other people's backyard is not a provocation or a threat. That is hypocrisy of the highest order. No wonder allies and enemies are tired of the double standards.

    Thankfully, Kim is smarter than what the Evil Empire thinks he is. He had few opportunities to venture beyond his kingdom, but he had two wonderful FOC multi million dollar trips overseas, paid for by Singapore and Vietnam. He literally had little chance to enjoy such a blessing in disguise, thanks to Dotard.

    Now, Kim is back to continue his favourite hobby - firing rockets to nowhere. And the Japs and USA can continue to jump up and down, shouting liar, liar, pants on fire.
