
Xinjiang - How China treats its minorities



42 children from the poorest corner of Xinjiang given a treat to visit Beijing and had a wonderful time seeing a new world unfolding in their lives.

新疆最穷的村“皮里村”, 十年前没电没水没信号 Peeli Village, 10 years ago the village still did not have electricity, tap water or mail address, no mails could be sent to the village, no proper roads but mountain tracks.

PS. This video was done 10 years ago.


  1. RB Me feel the same Thanks. Kindest Regards JC

  2. How the Americans treat their minorities, the whole world knows. If still in doubts, ask the indigenous Americans that are still alive, ask the blacks, latinos, muslims and asians.

    For the Australians, we know how they treated the aborigines.

    For the Canadians, they are now digging out the evidence, dead bodies all over, of young native children.

    For the Brits, check their colonial records in India and Africa.

  3. China is pumping a lot of money to develop Xinjiang and Tibet.

    USA also pumped a lot of money into Afghanistan, for different objectives.

  4. O/T Difference Frames the World "IS China's Zero Tolerance Policy Against COVID-19 A Disaster?" Check out this website frm Canada, excellent comment on Singapore covid-19 vaccines... Thanks Kindest Regards JC

  5. Singapore is looking to India to help turning Singapore into a modern state while trying to help China to become a modern state.

  6. The imbeciles think India is the most advanced country in the world and Singapore is a third world country that has no talent. So looking to India for help is only the natural thing to do.

    And they think China is still a poor third world country. So they are going to China to help them develop into a modern country. They have so many things to teach the Chinese and so many things to learn from India, like opening up the economy and live with the virus and letting more talented Indians to come in in times like this.

    Do not under estimate the power of the stupid.


  7. The State Gov of Johor is to counsel (coerce is a better word, because the State is very powerful and is exercising its power to intimidate the powerless teachers whose rice bowls are held in the hands of the State Gov) about 779 teachers, who declined to be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine because of personal and religious reasons.

    If the vaccination program is voluntary, why need to counsel/coerce the teachers?

    The teachers should counsel the State Government instead.
