
The Americans are forcing the world to look to China as the new world leader and friend in need

 Thanks and no thanks to the international gangster and terrorists USA, the world is being forced and driven towards China, to seek China for support, protection, help and assistance.

1. Because of their bullying and threats against Russia, Russia is now the strategic partner of China in economics, defence and everything.

2. Because of the abusive sanctions, the world is looking to China to break away from this oppression.

3. Because of the weaponising of the dollar, the world is looking towards using the Chinese Yuan and abandon the use of the greenbacks.

4. Because of the weaponsing of the American control Swift banking system, the world is looking towards a new banking system to be free from American oppression.

5. Because of the unfair and oppressive terms of aids by American controlled organisations, the world is looking to Chinese organisations for aids and financial assistance.

6. Because the Americans is only offering to sell arms and weapons, the world is looking towards China for essential goods and infrastructure developments.

7. Because the fake democratic system pushed by the Americans is failing, the world is looking towards China as an alternative economic model and political system.

8. Because the western empires are falling and fading, the world is looking towards learning Chinese.

9. Because of American and western sanctions in the purchase of defensive weapons and systems, the world is buying from China.

10. Because of the constant threats from the Americans, the world is looking to China for protection or at least as a leverage against the oppressive and bullying Americans.

11. Because of the politicising and weaponsing of Covid19 virus, the world is looking to China for Chinese vaccines.

12. Because of the warmongering Americans, the world is looking towards China for peace and development.

13. Because of oppression and bullying by the Americans, the world is looking towards China to protect and defend them against the Americans.

14. Because of their invasion and wars against Arabs and Muslim countries, the Muslim and Arab world are turning towards China to fight against the Americans.

15. Because of their bullying and oppression against Latin American countries, these countries are turning to China for aid and to break free from the American gangsterism.

Thank you Americans, for making China great again. Thank you Americans, for making China as the friend in need.


Anonymous said...

We are not anti America, we do not want to go to war with America.
But ptui, ptui, ptui, to America. We would agitate and coerce every country to oppose America. We would do everything to bring down America.

We are so nice, so friendly, so peaceful. We don't bully any country in our neighbourhood. We only control them, sanction them, assassinate their presidents and invade them when we decide so. See how peaceful is our Latin America neighbourhood? No wars!

Anonymous said...

Everyone of these white terrorists are now talking big, Pompeo, Biden, Marine commanders, all saying they would not negotiate with the terrorists, they never see themselves as worse than the terrorists, killing more than the Afghans they called terrorists.

Now they are threatening to bomb the daylight out of the Talibans. All gearing up, so macho, wanting to go back in to kill the Afghans. 20 years of killing still not enough.

USA, the number one terrorist country.

Anonymous said...

Did Singapore volunteer or they volunteered Singapore, like kena arrowed?

Anonymous said...

On a separate note, looks like the bombing at Kabul Airport smells like a false flag operation.

But the USA already pointed the finger right away at the Taliban and Biden already vowed revenge, while the Taliban claimed it was the USA destroying unpalatable sensitive items and evidence, which undoubtedly cannot be taken out in the mad rush to evacuate by August 31. The evacuation of people takes precedence now that pressure is mounting on the USA to do the right thing.

Why would the Taliban slap their own face when they have already taken control of the airport.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, the Taliban had signed an agreement with the Americans and are waiting to take over the country without a fight. Why would they bomb the refugees to give an excuse for the angry Americans to attack them and blame them for it?

And this happened in the last few days when most of the Americans have left and any bombings the victims would be Afghans.

The Americans staging a mini 911 in Kabul to have a licence to kill the Afghans again.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Israel has permitted more commercial goods to enter Gaza after hundreds of Palestinians demonstrated and called for Tel Aviv to end its devastating blockade on the area.

While attention is now at Kabul, the plight of the suffering Palestinians under the control and oppression of the Israelis continues and the western media would not breathe a word about it. The Palestinians are under a blockade by the Israelis with small amounts of goods filtering into their land, barely enough to keep them alive.

Why no western media cares? Why UN does not care?

The Palestinians are being held captive by the Israelis in their homeland for decades now. What are the Americans doing about human rights of the Palestinians? Fabricating lies about the non existing plight of Xinjiang Muslims more important?

Anonymous said...

The joke is that Kamala Harris will soon have to visit Afghanistan to try to persuade the Taliban to join hands with them against China, having failed in persuading Vietnam.

With allies and friends now distrusting them. the USA is now trying their luck with former enemies to persuade them to join their camp.

Those in the know better remain as their enemy, dangerous it may be, rather then becoming their friends which is fatal. In a sense that saying is very apt. As friends you are liable to be used as cannon fodder, while being an enemy confers no obligations on you to be used by them.

Anonymous said...

Agree. They are dragging Singapore deeper and deeper into the shit hole.

But Singapore is so happy and excited to be useful to the Americans. As the saying goes, when one keeps playing with snakes, it is a matter of time before being bitten by the snakes.

Anonymous said...

Russia is now the strategic partner of China in economics, defence and everything.

Nothing good has ever come out from Russia to benefit people, except maybe the microwave oven.

Anonymous said...

What good news come out of USA other than wars, killings, bombings, threats, sanctions, spreading lies and hate, picking a fight with everyone in the name of peace and fake democracy?

Anonymous said...

The benefit to the world is more than you can see. Without the push from the USA on Russia, the Russians may not have close their ranks with China.

With the co-operation in many fields, and particularly military wise, it does benefit the world by keeping the USA guessing, and making them more circumspect in their decisions, and more careful in their moves, without resorting to their usual unilateral show of arrogance.

By the way, what has Afghanistan benefited from after 20 years of USA behind the scene support for the ex Afghan Government? Not just in Afghanistan, but anywhere in the world. Iraq is still in turmoil and the whole Middle East torn apart by US intervention. Benefits?

Anonymous said...

South China Sea is now where the Evil Empire is intent on stirring up conflicts at all cost.

If what is reported about USA's comments on terrorism in Indonesia and the warning given to them about terrorist following in the footsteps of the Taliban, it smells of being the next sphere of conflict is already being conceptualized. Having failed to garner support from Singapore and Vietnam, the evil one is stirring up trouble in this region as punishment, no less.

Anonymous said...

South China Sea or East china Sea will not have wars. The Chinese would not go to war with China. Mismatch. Their military will switch sides and the two parts will become one.

S Korea and Vietnam also know they are in no position to war with China. The Japanese too know that there would be no Japan should they started a war with China. There would be no Japan anymore. China could take out Japan any time it wishes.

Ironically Ppines would be the trouble maker if Duterte lost power and the pro American military took power. But militarily too weak to mean anything to China. Singapore is not a player, too small to mean anything except to side with the Americans to control the Straits of Malacca. If Singapore does that it would dig its own grave.

The rest of Asean would not want to be involved.

Anonymous said...

Only slim chance to destabilise SE Asia is to release some American trained terrorists to stir shit in the region, to raise tension and blockade the Straits of Malacca with Singapore playing a pivotal role. Singapore would then become a disposable pawn to the Americans and its economy would tank because of instability.

Anonymous said...

Always calling others terrorist. Now who is the real terrorist? What did Putin say about the USA? They are the ones who did what they accused others of doing. That means the USA is itself a terrorist, no less.

Anonymous said...

You are making up false interpretations buddy. A false flag operation means the Americans masterminded the two bomb blasts to kill 13 American soldiers to stop the evacuation of Amercans and afgan helpers. This is not likely, I would say its impossible. I believe it was suicide bombers.
American also did not "point finger at Taliban". They said it was Isis. Also Isis spokesman also just admitted the isisK is responsible. Taliban and Isis are not the same!!. They declare war on each other in 2015. It is very messy.
Talban did not claim "USA destroying evidence" in the recent bombing incident. You are making up this news, prove me wrong show me the link.

Anonymous said...

Please be reasonable. The American soldiers were arrowed to do the evacuation job by the useless usa Politicians. They unfortunately got killed when doing a difficult humanitarian job. Dont condemn this chess pieces as useless, they are ordinary people low level foot soldierd forced to do dangerous job by mad politicians. 阿彌陀佛

Anonymous said...

Under intense pressure both at home and abroad, Biden and his administration is making an effort to mitigate their serious miscalculation, and what better way than create a false flag to reignite the fighting, and have an excuse to gather another 'coalition of the willing' to re-enter Afghanistan. The UN will doubtless give them the rubber stamp to do all that. This will be the probable scenario if it does not end well after August 31 or September 11.

Anonymous said...

I think you got the visuals mixed up. The American soldiers "Spray bullets into civilians""slit the throats of young men" Show me the link? The batch of American soldiers now in Kabul, their mission is not strike, kill, or attack. They are there to facilitate evacuation. Same as the Rsaf lucky 77 who are arrowed to go to Kabul help evacuation. 13 died in the suicide bombing which I think is Isis as they also admitted. It is very mean to curse people the foot soldiers who were despatched for the evacuation efforts and got bombed by Isis.