
Olympics - China's future table tennis champion, now 4 years old


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A peek into the next Chinese table tennis champion in the making. 3 min clip showing how this 4 year old trained with his grandmother, ex table tennis player, and the level of skill he has attained.



  1. Get Real: The 21 Instances Of Instant In Singapore

    1. Instant President.
    2. Instant Minister.
    3. Instant Multi-Millionaire.
    4. Instant Member of Parliament.
    5. Instant Parliament Speaker.
    6. Instant Paper General turned Businessman that made instant losses.
    7. Instant NTUC Chief dropped in by parachute.
    8. Instant Imported Citizen.
    9. Instant Money-bought Sportsman.
    10. Instant Olympics Medal.
    11. Instant GDP Growth.
    12. Instant Population Growth.
    13. Instant General Elections.
    14. Instant Leader Of Opposition.
    15. Instant Promotion.
    16. Instant Rewards.
    17. Instant COVID-19 Solution.
    18. Instant Self-Praise.
    19. Instant Self-Gratification.
    20. Instant Self-Glorification.
    21. Instant COLLAPSE?

  2. Top 10 Olympics Gold Medalists:

    1. China 36
    2. United States 31
    3. Japan 24
    4. Great Britain 18
    5. Russia 17
    6. Australia 17
    7. Italy 10
    8. Germany 9
    9. Netherlands 9
    10. France 7

  3. China will be leading in every field of human endeavors in the near future. No doubt about it.

  4. Aiya - another tik tok tik tok tik tok tik tok tik tok game. Ok lah, 4 years old got talent, and quite cute.

    What about football? Spain vs Brazil 7.30pm today. This is the real Olympics.
    Olympics is only 100m dash and football. Everything else is wayang, even swimming.

  5. According to 'International Law' ranking, China took top position with most gold medals to date.

    According to the 'Rule of Law' ranking, now on some websites like Yahoo, the USA is on top with most medals won, even though China has won more golds. I always thought one gold medial is worth more than a hundred silver or bronze.

    In future Olympics, when China also come up tops with the most medals I think the ranking criteria will change again. Or some sports that China dominates, like diving, weightlifting, shooting, table tennis and badminton will be outlawed. When they cannot compete, they will move the goalpost or change the rules. Just like innovation when they cannot compete with Toshiba or Alstom, they used underhand tactics to keep these companies from competing with theirs.

    When Usain Bolt retired from the sprints, the USA were under the impression that they will sweep the men's track and field events. It turned out to be a titanic flop for them. Even in swimming, which they had been dominating for decades till today, the writing is on the wall that others are catching up fast, not just China but the South Americans and Europeans.

    The days of USA dominance in the Olympics is over. The days of their massive GDP dominance is also going to be over in a few more years. The days of their military might is also being neutralised by the Russians and China combined. The USA needed allies to fight their war, and not all allies are willing to be cannon fodder after what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  6. Football? Also another game of wayang. Full grown men, young, fit and strong, yet a little touch and they pretend to fall like ten pins inside the penalty box. I grew sick of watching such football antics decades ago and never have any interest in football. Just a game of overpaid men showcasing their overblown egos.

    And the most telling point is that an Olympic medal is not of interest to these overpaid footballers. If they get injured, that means they cannot be chosen for club games, which is more important to them and the club. So, do we honestly think those footballers are there to really go all out to win an Olympic medal?

    For lesser players from lesser teams representing lesser countries, they at least have a reason to perform at their best, hoping that owners of some big clubs are there and are interested in their skills and may make them become instant millionaires.

  7. The only 2 gold medals which count are 100m and football. How the table is arranged is nonsense whether gold medal top or total tally on top? That is wayang which the cretins can argue about (maybe there is a gold medal for that)

    What is still very surprising that Singapore have 1m men do NS, and still got no one who can shoot. Shooting is one sport (is it real sport or game? activity?) which doesn't require strength, body size or brain. All our SAF guys bobo is it? How to defend Singapore? Maybe we also need nuclear weapons.

  8. This kid is so natural in his playing style. Definitely a champion in the making. And he does really enjoy his game.

  9. Honestly speaking, he is good for a 4 year old but not outstanding. I think I was also about that standard and I didn't win a gold medal. In fact, I am so confident that I willing to bet $1000 that he won't win an olympic gold medal. Any takers?

  10. Brazil won the gold medal for football. Brazil is the world's team for all those countries that cannot make it to the World Cup or Olympics. Glad that they beat Spain. Also good for the country to have something positive after all those Covid deaths. Brazil was the 1st country to use the China vaccine outside China.

  11. The most successful country (medals/ million population) this Olympics has been

    i. San Marina with 88 medals
    ii. Bermuda 16 medals
    iii. Grenada 8.9 medals
    . New Zealand 3.9 medals
    . Australia 1.73 medals
    . Team GB 0.85 medals
    . USA 0.3 medals

  12. Virgo Then just send our snipers team lah maybe can get bronze. At least it is real Singaporean, not import like CECA and mainlanders who never do NS. Johnny Kim was a sniper.

  13. Funny that Singapore had a table tennis talent claimed to be better than that 4 year old kid and the government did not know that years ago and had to look for talents from China?

    Funnier too that that particular talent did not come forward to represent Singapore, perhaps might even win a gold and get a million in reward. What a wasted talent and wasted opportunity!.

  14. Anon 2.41 Correct. I also thought it was strange that Singapore had such a talent but he never come forward.

    But after thinking some more, I thought maybe the guy gave up to play football or other sport. We don't really know how old the bugger is, and I think ping pong is not so glam at that time. Actually now also, football still more glam, but at least the government give money if you win medal for ping pong. So maybe that is the incentive for this 4 year old boy.
