
Covid19 - Vaccine CECA contract


Leaked information from confidential agreements that vaccine manufacturer Pfizer concluded with a large number of buyer countries, revealed slave contracts that violate legislation in each and every country.

Buyers undertake to break all laws that stand in the way of mass vaccination. The buyers also undertake to bear all costs and all responsibility for the experimental jabs and waive the right to breach the agreement.

Secret vaccine agreements. Manon Aubry, a French MEP from the left-wing La France Insoumise party, already on February 10 revealed the agreement reached by the European Commission with Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers on vaccine purchases, which is almost completely censored.

Some samples from the confidential agreements

  • The purchaser is aware that the efficacy and long-term effects of the vaccine are unknown and that side effects may occur which are not currently known.
  • The buyer must pay Pfizer for the ordered doses, regardless of how many you use and regardless of whether Pfizer has the preparation approved by the authorities. ” (This was written before the FDA’s emergency approval of the so-called “vaccines”).
  • The buyer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Pfizer/BioNTech and their subsidiaries indemnified against all claims, documents, claims, losses, damages, debts, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses.
  • The buyer must pay all losses, including and without limitation costs for legal fees and other legal costs.
  • Buyer must indemnify Pfizer for claims and all losses and must implement this through statutory or regulatory requirements.
  • Pfizer has the right to make necessary adjustments to the agreed number of contracted doses and delivery schedule, based on principles decided by Pfizer. The buyer is obliged to agree to any change.
  • The agreement must be kept secret for ten years.
  • However, for the state of Israel’s agreement with Pfizer, signed by the Israeli Ministry of Health on January 6, a full 30 years of secrecy apply. The reason is unclear.

Read the complete inside scoop at: https://freewestmedia.com/2021/08/08/bomshell-leak-countries-that-buy-pfizers-vaccine-undertake-to-break-the-law/ 


The above is posted in TRE Editorial. It is strange that govts are so desperate to sign a one sided contract with Pfizer for an experimental drug that is only approved for emergency use and with expressed cautionary conditions that future adverse effects are still unknown, and gave up the right for compensation and to indemnity Pfizer from all claims and responsibility. This is looking like a CECA agreement with a pharmaceutical company.

When they have to hide from you, cannot let you know, you must know something is not right or something is very wrong. Good stuff, honest stuff, things that are good for you, there is no reason to hide.

Why is Bill Gates in the vaccine business but refused to let him children be vaccinated? For the money, Bill Gates would do anything, simulating a virus attack in a market in Wuhan?  Who else are going to make a lot of money but did not want you to know about these secretive terms?

Here is an angry comment.


This is indeed earth-shaking expose on govt being “shot” at by Pfizer for the vaccine deal! Instead of indemnify the vaccinated victims in case of vaccine injury or death, the govt sign the agreement to indemnify Pfizer:

In history’s largest medical experiment with “vaccines” that have not been approved for use in humans, it is the buyers’ responsibility to defend Pfizer for causing harm, leaked documents showed. Pfizer has escaped all liability and is indemnified, arguing that side effects and the long-term effects of the injections are unknown – to the company as well. Pfizer thus admits that an insufficiently tested product is being pushed in literally billions of doses on the world market.

This means that all responsibility for costs, healthcare, etc. due to vaccine damage – no matter how large and onerous – is passed on to the taxpayers in the countries that have signed the agreements. Since the agreements put each country’s own laws out of play, they have all been signed at government level. The design of the agreements is an important explanation for why the propaganda for mass vaccination is of a totalitarian nature and does not allow for debate or questioning.




  1. Had China and Russia not come out with their own vaccines, you can imagine the monopolistic hold they will have on the rest of the world, if this revelation is indeed true. That 'no liability clause' is really hiding something very serious and sinister.

    And China would certainly bear the brunt of the weaponisation of their vaccines. The virus was created to wipe China out and why would they share their vaccines to help China survive. Simple logic!

    So, with China and Russia in competition, you can understand why Pfizer and Moderna are fighting tooth and nail to demolish the rest of the competition.

    As a matter of interest, China is testing a new vaccine that is targeted particularly at the Indian Delta Variant. Pfizer and Moderna are still banking on their present vaccine's effectiveness against the Indian Delta Variant, with experts touting it's ability to contain it. Don't forget the salt when reading those reports.

  2. US and UK are having a big new wave and infection rate is back to the highs see a few months back and not coming down

    These show that their vaccine is totally ineffective against Delta.

  3. Pfizer and Modena vaccines are the same. The antibodies last only two to three months, not six months or more as reported by Pfizer and Modena earlier on.

    Now, the third jab for Pfizer and Modena are already confirmed. Why do fast? Something is very fishy.

  4. The American government and pharmaceutical companies are in cahoot to make a pile from this pandemic.

  5. Yesterday, a 90 year-old Singaporean man died of COVID-19 infections within 20 days from onset of symptoms. He had been fully vaccinated with the experimental Pfizer mRNA vaccines.

    This proves beyond all doubts that the Pfizer mRNA vaccine is not effective for old people.

    Instead of providing protection, it could even be detrimental and fatal to old folks who have pre-existing medical conditions.

    How many people above 50 years old do not have pre-existing medical conditions?

    95 percent of people above 50 years old have pre-existing medical conditions in one form or another.

  6. The flow of events would be the infected foreigners coming in to infect the vaccinated and the unvaccinated who would in turn infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

    It is definitely not the unvaccinated infecting the vaccinated. The unvaccinated must be infected by the infected first.

    And both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can be infected.

  7. The MF -MMM (MotherFcuker Multi-Millionaire Minister deliberately bring in people from South Asia infected with the Delta Variant to infect Singapore residents and citizens, both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

  8. Singaporean Assaulted By CECA India National

    His letter in full:

    “Dear Editors, I have a case of an assault on me this morning by an Indian national who lives in my hdb estate.
    The story was he was found sitting on my lift landing smoking and also consuming some drinks. He was not masked up.
    I told him politely to mask up. He refused. He then proceeded to the ground level and I was also headed out for breakfast at that time. He was now at my lift lobby at the ground floor smoking. That was fine. He then came up to me and started to yell at me and asked me who i was to tell him to mask up. To that I responded that I was a resident here and I felt safer if he had masked up.
    He then walked around my blk without a mask! I told him, look mask up or I have to call the cops. He refused and still blatantly walked around the block without a mask. I then decided that I would film this dude to ensure others take note of him.
    When I started to film him, he charged at me without provocation and hit me several times, I fell to the floor as it was a sudden attack and lost balance. He then began kicking me.
    Another resident nearby intervened and warned him to stop. He has his fist up at this resident as well and the resident warned him if he tried anything he would lay a few blows at him too.
    He then stopped and still didn’t mask up. The police finally arrived and guess what? They didn’t arrest him!! I showed them the footage but still they didn’t arrest him. The witness or the resident testified to his kicking me but the cops did not make any arrests.
    So here’s my wise or 2 cents worth of question. Can I also do the same and walk around my neighbourhood without a mask? And claim i am a sovereign and above the law or don’t believe in one? Can I? Why are these people treated with so much respect and they blatantly break all the rules we follow?
    Is this fair to me? Who gives anyone the right to assault when I was trying to tell him to do this for the sake of the community? Was I wrong? Do I deserve that beating this man gave me?
    I was conveyed conscious to CGH but CGH didn’t even do a good job checking my injuries out? We have foreign doctors and nurses and my a&e doc was from Hong Kong! So what is the value of the fabric of society or what is the value of nationalism? Anymore?”

  9. Global COVID-19 surge proves that vaccines work very well - here's the data to back it up

    Ongoing fourth wave of infections around the world — predominantly with the Delta variant — has made many people question the success of the vaccination campaigns.

    However, the reality is that everything is happening just as it was predicted.

  10. The secretive Covid vaccine sales agreement has one thing in common with CECA. It is a one sided unequal treaty favouring mainly one party, in this case the pharma company. They charged whatever price they wanted, you have to agree to all their terms, no liability and legally committed that the buyer cannot claim anything against the pharma company for any adverse events that could happen in the future and likely to happen.

    The pharma company laughed all the way to the bank and can sleep soundly on the sale of a new experimental drug that is only approved for emergency use only, meaning a lot of bad things can happen.

    And the buyer just pay and absorb all the responsibilities, accept all the terms and conditions set by the pharma company. Only desperadoes would agree to such a one sided agreement, just like CECA.

    CECA has caused a lot of pains to Singaporeans and this is only the beginning of its destructiveness. It may destroy everything we built for our children.

  11. Anon - You managed to find a CECA connection. Well done.

  12. The agreement also tied their hands, tied their legs and taped their mouths and probably also cannot use other vaccines.

  13. No Covid vaccine in the world has been fully tested. This is the standard contract for any experimental vaccine or drug. It is to protect the company from the American courts which can award billions.

    Everybody knew this. It is their choice whether to take it or not, but being Singaporeans, we take it then complain.

  14. No wonder Sinkieland cannot officially use Sinovac. Their hands, legs, mouths are tied. The fact that they ordered 200,000 doses but unable to use it, under the agreement with Pfizer, speaks for itself.

    Unofficially allowing private doctors to dispense Sinovac probably is not against their agreement with Pfizer and probably after much negotiating under stress.

    Do I make sense?

  15. Anon - Do I make sense?

    No, because there was no such agreement with Pfizer. Singapore is free to use whatever they want (officially or unofficially). They just have to pay Pfizer for whatever they ordered and Pfizer has to manufacture. Same with the EU.

    There was no guarantee that any vaccine worked given the accelerated testing and approval process. Singapore decided to go for the most technologically sophisticated solution. The decision not to use Sinovac was because WHO didn't approve it. Singapore approved use of Sinovac as soon as WHO put it on their list. If the Chinese vaccine didn't work, Singaporeans would complain that we should have gotten Pfizer or Moderna, and not something with last century's technology. If some people get Sinovac later, they would then complain that they weren't given Pfizer or Moderna.

    Lose-lose game when dealing with whining Singaporeans. There will always be one or two who will stir the shit. Does anybody know if the CECA agreement covers vaccines?

  16. The Biggest Bio-Terrorists Must Be Exposed And Stopped

    Singapore and the rest of the World have been held to pay random by the World's biggest Bio-Terrorist in the deceptive form of a vaccine. A mRNA vaccine, to be exact. The perpetrator has disgused itself in the name of Pharmacy. The Pfizer and Moderna Pharmaceutical Companies, to be exact.

    These two Bio-Terrorist Companies, deliberately by design, collect random money through blackmail by exploiting fear caused by the urgent needs of governments to find a solution to the COVID Series of Pandemics, which have been invented and created by the Bio-Terrorist Organizations themselves.

    That explains why there are so many variants - More than one thousand - in a short span of time. By natural course of event, viruses do not mutate at such an alarming rate. They take a long time to mutate.

    That also explains why each variant is more infectious and deadly than the preceding one.

    That also explains why the variants are tailor-made for different age groups and different ethnic groups.

    That also explains why the variants are spreading in more populated and regions such as China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Africa, Latin America and the coloured and slam States of USA and Canada.

    The aim is not just to collect ransoms at the expense of the taxpayers but also, most importantly, to reduce World Population by half by the turn of the century.

    This cruel, demented, heartless, ruthless and inhuman deed being carried out by the Bio-Terroriss, and their Mastermind behind it, must be exposed and stopped at all costs.

    The World must come together, with courage, resolve and urgency, to confront the Bio-Terrorists in disguise as do-gooders with "Benefits outweigh the Risks" as their slogan to fill the brains of the unaware, unweary, un-concerned, un-thinking and educated fools.

    SSO - 19 August 2021.

  17. Gan Kim Yong said Singapore is working towards opening its borders and looking to let in vaccinated business travellers from Australia, Canada, Germany and South Korea.

    This sounds good and reasonable and responsible. In reality, who do you think would be flooding our shores, gatecrashing in with fake vaccine certificates?

    How is Singapore going to keep people from basket case countries from coming in and bringing in their viruses to infect Singaporeans? This is the real challenge and no amount of words could alter this fear and danger if Singapore is reckless and irresponsible to its citizens and also its darling locals.

  18. People who use if to justify or to make a decision is unreasonable and finding weak excuses to say no.

    'If' cannot be a reason to justify a decision. It is fake reason. It is not a valid reason.

    I am not going to let you eat. What if you choke to death then people will blame me. Reasonable? What kind of people will use 'if' as an excuse to make a decision?

    What if they spend all their money in Batam? So cannot let them take out their money?

    What if they anyhow gamble your money instead of investing wisely? Don't let them manage your money.

  19. Dr Quack said... Anon - Do I make sense?

    My comments.
    1. What was the agreement? Anyone seen it?

    2. Too many ifs is not an answer. What if this, what if that? What is, that matters.

    3. WHO approved all the vaccines but why some in the govt's package, why some can only be offered by private clinics? Where is the level playing field? The evil AngloSaxons have been using if to demonise China. What if China becomes an evil Empire. And many silly leaders believe in this if to go against China. They forgot to see what is. The evil Empire is the American Empire. Period.

    In the vaccine case, what if Sinovac turns out bad is overtaken by events. More than a billion people are using it. It is also true that Pfizer is not better than Sinovac in preventing infection from Delta variant. Sinovac has even proven to be better than Pfizer in prevention of death. All the ifs have proven to be wrong.

  20. Right RB. It appears that everyone else seems liable to have agreements with Pfizer, either about price, limits to liability, number of doses etc and why is there no such agreements in the case of Singapore as claimed decisively by someone?

    How did that person came to know for sure there was no such agreements? What he could not see does not mean it does not exists? Do I make sense?

  21. If there is nothing to hide they will show you the agreement and tell everyone about it. When they are afraid to tell, you should know why.

  22. @Anon 11.47 Have anybody seen any of the millions of commercial agreements signed by the Singapore government? Eg for MRT trains, construction, reclaimation of land, tender projects in Singapore, medical equipment for hospitals, F16, F15, computer equipment, police cars, assistance for dozens of townships in China, development of industrial parks in Vietnam, IT cotton from sheep in Australia, ............................list goes on ....

    Q2. The if's I highlighted were in the decision making process. There were no ifs in the contract. Everything was already defined.
    Q3 The only way to ascertain if Sinovac is better than Pfizer or Moderna is though a direct comparison study with controls. There are no such studies done by anyone. Period.

  23. No one sees the CECA contract too until it was dug out.

    The secretive and one sided terms of Pfizer contract have been disclosed by several govts that refused to abide by them. Is Singapore so exceptional that Pfizer would not impose the same outrageous terms on Singapore? Is the contract available like the CECA, kept by some ministry that the public can dig it out? Or is it kept by some corporations as private documents, not accessible to the public?

    Some ifs are reasonable to be used in making decisions. Some ifs are hogwash or political statements used for political purposes and are often biased and unreasonable.

    The story of Chinese vaccines versus mRNA vaccines is still evolving but sooner or later the truth would surface. Today we have two narratives and the power of the day dictates the 'correct' narrative.
