
Covid19 origin - Be frighten, be very angry ....AngloSaxon Mission to genocide Chinese and take over China like North America


Covid19 was an AngloSaxon Plan made in the 20th Century, perfected and put into action in 2009 in Wuhan China. The names, the locations, the numbers, were all preplanned by the masterminds who revealed them piece by piece long before it was activated. Wuhan, China, fish market etc etc.

This 41 min video will make everyone angry and very frighten of what the AngloSaxon devils were planning and capable to doing. 

The American made SARS and SARS Co-2. Attacked China twice in SARS and now in Covid19 and blamed it on China as phase 1 of their plan to depopulate the world and to control the world by the AngloSaxons by terminating all Chinese.

Covid19 is no accident, no act of nature. It is preconceived, a biological warfare launched against China. All the talks about bats as origin was hogwash,  about virus leak from labs, all but a distraction.

Some comments in Youtube

Lily Dev 11 hours ago
If YoutTube removes this video (which gives such accurate details on how 5-eye countries have thought all along that this ancient 5,000-year-old civilisation belonged to them), then it proves Youtube is controlled by them.

H L 4 days ago
Very detail. Good documentary but Washington will never admit to it.

Jerome Davis 1 week ago
Damn! Very insightful! Dammit!

salik meah 1 week ago
All true been following this site for some time. All adds up

Deno Keller 1 week ago
Mind blowing 🤯

TheSasGaming 1 day ago (edited)
this is some Call of Duty Black Ops level of lore

EMH GallyYeung 6 days ago
Wonderful research! Many of the news in it i"ve seen before, it's amazing how u foresee this and collecting them all.

Beldeu Singh 1 hour ago
While Fauci told 60 minutes that a surprise pandemic is inevitable. He had earlier foretold with confidence when he said there is no question of a surprise pandemic. By the Grace of God, it all backfired on them and the worst hit will be the US and the UK. Tragic.

Susan Chin 1 week ago
By now the world should know how "EVIL" the US government is. "A Devil In Disguise." 



  1. The virus originated in the USA, spread all over the world before the Chinese identified it in Wuhan.

    What is WHO and the UN going to about these established facts?

  2. Why not check Fort Detrick?

  3. During WW2, the USA and Japan were already experimenting with biological weapons. As Nations that were so fond of starting wars, it surely does not preclude them from delving into creating biological weapons and attempting to test them on the Chinese. This theory cannot be ruled out. Their evil nature stands out and cannot be eradicated. It is in their genes.

    They say a leopard can never change it's spots. Once a thief, forever a thief.

  4. Patient 0 is in the USA. By the time it reached Wuhan, it was already patient a few hundred thousands.

    The few American soldiers that were carrying the virus in Wuhan were removed quickly back to the USA and they did not want to talk about them or check on them.

  5. You are so innocent. If not reported means not true, or nothing happened.
