
Covid19 - Israel is the worse hit country in the world, despite highest in vaccination with mRNA vaccines!

 Israel was the first country on Earth to fully vaccinate a majority of its citizens against COVID-19. Now it has one of the world's highest daily infection rates — an average of nearly 7,500 confirmed cases a day, double what it was two weeks ago. Nearly one in every 150 people in Israel today has the virus. www.npr.org

Israel was the role model of the western world, the pride of the western world, with the highest vaccination rate to brag about.  But now Israel is crumbling because of Delta variant breakthrough. 1m infected cases in a population of 8.8m or every 9 person 1 is infected. (The 1 in 150 people remark in npr.org is poor maths) This is about the highest in the world, but no one wants to blow up this story because it would kill their vaccine success story.  

When China had 20 cases and then 40 cases it was blown out of proportion by saying infection cases surged by 100%! Some silly unthinking country even increased tightening measures against Chinese visitors without understanding what is 40 cases in a semi continent size country with 1.4b people meant.

And instead of admitting that the mRNA vaccines are ineffective, their excuse is to vaccinate more. 60% not vaccinated not effective, so 80% would be effective. Is that so? If the vaccines are ineffective, even 100% vaccinated would not make any difference.

But the stupidity has no cure would still be calling for more people to be vaccinated, knowing very well the vaccines are as good as useless against Delta variants.


  1. And they bullied the unvaccinated with discriminatory rules while pretending that the vaccinated are safe, would not be infected and can go around infecting others with no restraints...can dine in bigger groups, participate in bigger parties etc etc.

  2. If what is happening in Israel is anything to go by, the opening up of Singapore is a disaster in the making if people from high risk countries are welcome with open arms and open legs.

    1. Anon 1138am

      Sg opening very very soon!

      So how? What should we do?


  3. The numbers of old people COVID-related deaths in Singapore are rising fast, thanks to PAP rookie 4G elites' endemic economy reopening, with no moral compunction that it will trigger more deaths of elderly Singaporeans.

  4. WP's head Pritam Singh is quietly complicit, happy with his Opposition Chief's new office.

  5. Israel had a record daily infection of 12,113 on 24.8.2021 and a total infection to date of more than a million. In a population of 8.8m that is outstanding. But Israel is not in the news, it seems, whereas China's 20 to 40 cases is hot news. Imagine the hypocrisy of the MSM and the West.

    Highlighting Israel probably is a slap in the face to those touting the narrative of coaxing more people to get vaccinated and is not good for the vaccine manufacturer.

    The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the infection rate is probably due to the mentality brought about by the earlier narrative of 'herd immunity' that was trotted out, ostensibly to boost orders for more vaccines by countries wanting to create immunity. It has produced the opposite effect. Fully vaccinated people now thinks they are safe against infections.

  6. Fully vaccinated people are now the most dangerous super spreaders of COVID-19 new variants. With the mRNA created proteins inside their bodies, the virus mutate much easier than inside the bodies of normal people.
    Especially so when the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccines wane in two to three months.

  7. Not a Maths GeniusAugust 26, 2021 1:17 pm

    There is nothing wrong with NPR's maths. 1 case in 150 is correct. Which idiot includes the 950000 past cases in Israel before the vaccination program began? As Redbean said, there is no end to stupidity.

  8. The only country having controlled the Delta variant is China with zero cases reported in the last 2 days. But when it was experiencing a spike recently with less than a few hundred cases, the Western media and political "experts" were already writing the demise of China and the CCP.

    Gordon Chang, the American shill that predicted the collapse of China some 20 years ago jumped on the bandwagon to tweet that the Delta variant would be the end of the CCP. This clown's China take is still much sought after by the American media particularly those owned by the Murdochs. Stupidity begets stupidity and no wonder America is in decline.

  9. This Gordon Chang is a Japanese passing himself off as a Chinese to smear China and Chinese. Look at his face one cannot mistaken him for a Japanese.

  10. Anon 2.55 You mean Gordon Chang is better looking than if he was Chinese? How can you call yourself a proud Chinese. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  11. You can't see the difference between a real Chinese and a Japanese? You should be ashamed of yourself.

  12. Could be one of those Japanese children left in China as moles prior to WW2, brought up by Chinese families and turned against the Chinese during the war.

  13. Chap Cheng cannot tell the difference.

  14. Hamsum Lau CheowAugust 26, 2021 4:49 pm

    Chap Cheng is better looking than the Japanese which is better looking than the Chinese. This is the facts, bro.

  15. Hansum Lau CheowAugust 26, 2021 5:01 pm

    Taste does not change the facts bro. Chinese girls like the chap chengs and ang mohs. You got no chance against them. Redbean also. I can still stand some chance, but now a bit old already, not that easy.

  16. Gordon Chang is still engrossed in his favourite hobby of predicting China's collapse. After 20 years of predicting, he will tell you it it going to happen next year. The fact that he is still thought of as credible is a miracle.

  17. mRNA vaccines may not prevent infections, they do stop infected people getting serious needs for hospitalisation. So, Uncle Redbean, please do not pour cold water on the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines. Do you know that you are actually creating much distress for those vaccinated Singaporeans who already had one or two doses of these vaccines. I know you meant well, but being too hard nose on this topic day in and day out can be detrimental and very hurtful.

  18. COVID-19 Vaccines: The Real Culprits Of Your Anxieties And Worries

    1.The real culprits who have caused anxiety to those who volunteered to be guinea-pigs of the highly controversial and suspicious experimental mRNA, newly invented technology, vaccines are the big momey-making big pharmaceutical companies. Not uncle RB.

    2. The real culprits who caused the worries to those who have been convinced, coerced or forced to be vaccinated with the highly controversial and suspicious mRNA, newly invented technology, vaccines are the desperate and vulnerable governments of various countries. Not uncle RB.

    3. The real culprits who have lured the unaware and entraped the general public to become experimental subjects of the highly controversial and suspicious experimental mRNA, newly invented technology, vaccines are those so-called "experts" who deliberately misinformed, disinformed and/or confused the gullible government leaders and the people. Not uncle RB.

    4. The real culprits who have caused millions of people to be vaccinated with the highly controversial and suspicious mRNA, newly invented technology, vaccines are the main news outlets that published only the good stuff but failed to keep the public informed of the negative effects of the mRNA vaccines, both short and long term. Not uncle RB.

    5. The real problem of those who volunteered themselves to be vaccinated with the Experimental mRNA vaccines are their carelessness and stupidity. They have been duly warned and signed the undertaking before they were given the jabs. They knew what they were in for, yet they willingly went ahead, totally disregarded their own personal safety and those of their families. Not uncle RB or people like us!

    We are here to provide alternative views, opinions, data and facts that we have dug up, so as to balance the one-sided Propaganda Campaign that has been relentlessly projected to the public by the Big Pharmaceutical Companies, Governments, Self-proclaimed Experts and the main news media day in and day out.

    Queen Of Hearts.

  19. Thank you Queen of Hearts. Will put this up tomorrow.

    It is important to be able to say no to people forcing you to do something that you think is wrong, especially in this case when the mRNA vaccines could turn out to be poison in the future.

    Many Singaporeans till today still choose to follow orders blindly and afraid to say no even when they are in doubt. Don't be a daft Singaporean just because people called you daft.
