
Covid19 - Can the American CDC be trusted?


This is how establishment tried to frighten people into taking vaccines!

For some reason, people still think the CDC can be trusted.

During a press conference last week, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted that her assertion that over 99 percent of covid patients dying in hospitals were unvaccinated was a load of nonsense.

The allegation, which was echoed by Anthony Fauci, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and other top officials, was exposed as a fraud on July 29 by the CDC’s own statistics, which was published by the Washington Post.

According to the CDC, the number of covid patient in-hospital deaths in May was 15% among the vaccinated, not 0.5 percent as they all claimed — a figure that is 30 TIMES more than they claimed.

The CDC and White House officials didn’t tell the public that – because they were in overdrive trying to scare everyone into getting vaccines.


The above is posted in TRE by Goh Meng Seng. 

My question, who are the fools that believed in the CDC wholesale and pushing the people to be vaccinated using fear? 

Next question, why are they doing this when they knew they were lying?


A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

COVID-19 Singapore: Leading The Daft, Desperate And Diehard Into A Brave New World

Going it alone, irrespective of potential and foreseeable consequences, Singapore has boldly and bravely removed the need to quarantine travellers from certain countries and regions.

This action requires leadership with the arts and guts of playing with fire, which Singapore has no shortage of. That's why they are paid a political salary many times above the highest paid leaders of the world.

Even though this new no-measure measure will not be reciprocated, Singapore is still courageously going ahead. This is because the no-starter, brilliant travel bubble idea that has been proposed by Singapore, and discussed with a few countries previously, are not working in its current form. Therefore, it will not continue anymore. In its place, this kamikaze, harakiri, seppuku Japanese method is being adopted in order to serve the needs of those who desperately need to get out of their countries.

Effective from Thursday 26 August 2021, visitors from Hongkong and Macau will be added to the list of travelers from countries / territories that are allowed to participate in this one-sided, self-destruct, open-door measure.

This desperate unilateral admission of visitors (probably addicted high-risk casinos gamblers) from Hong Kong and Macau without quarantine is part of a months-old scheme that has already been extended to Mainland China, Taiwan and New Zealand.

That could probably explain why the number of COVID-19 infections in Singapore has shot up the last few weeks?

According to the authorities, Singapore citizens, Permanent Residents and Long-term Pass-Holders arriving from Hong Kong and Macau will have earlier access to the scheme, starting this Saturday 21 August.

Travellers from such countries / territories will need only a negative result from a polymerase chain reaction test. They do not have to be vaccinated. (Vaccination seems to have no effect against infections?)

In addition, Singapore will be starting a quarantine-free travel corridor with Germany next month.

This is good news for the daft, desperate and diehard who are tired of waiting for the Pandemic to be over.

It is great news for those who are tired of living!

LIPS At Your Service.

Anonymous said...

Well, what have they not been telling us besides this.

Those chemicals and growth hormones mixed with animal feed, those seedless fruits produced by genetic manipulation, and those drugs we take may have something to do with infertility in humans, which cannot be explained. OK no conspiracy theories!

Anonymous said...

We will remember with great anger till the next General Election !

Anonymous said...

Now again there is a living example of how the elites behave when a country collapse and change of regime. Look at Afghanistan, all elites escaped with their ill gotten wealth. Smart peoples would vote for a balanced governments, although a less efficient one but ensure a longer lifespan.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Welcome to the Brave New World

Of the Daft, Desperate and Diehard,

Who always honour the slogan:

"You die your own business!"

As the scoundrels reap the benefits,

While you shoulder the risks,

Together as One People One Nation,

Of stupid shepherd leading the sheep

To the white wolves in sheep skins

Hidden behind the bushes of legalised documents in force,

Waiting for the night to fall,

When darkness covers all sins

Of deliberate murderous crimes

Forever and ever.....

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story:

Never never elect people who are too smart to rule over you.

It is obvious that the smart people will take care of themselves first. Their brains always do the working instead of their hearts. Until to the extent that they have lost their hearts forever. That's when you will suffer tremendously untold sufferings, that you can do nothing about.

Anonymous said...

If you believe what they said, you can also believe elephant can fly.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1.17 - Dumbo can fly, although those over here are stuck in mire.

Dr Quack said...


Some insights from those with medical training.

Anonymous said...

Carefully selected a few that would say what you like to hear and present to the daft as insights.

Anonymous said...

Who knows what were edited out?

Dr Quack said...

Who knows what was edited out here?

Anonymous said...

All leaders got problem dealing with covid..no point chosing.covid only can be solve by the people.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Apologies for the short lockdown. Not sure whether it is this article about the lying CDC or about the big piece of lard, the IBs were ordered to hit this blog just now.

Dr Quack said...

What is IB?

Anonymous said...

What are the odds the USA vvip visit here getting covid (without visiting Jurong fishery's port?)

Anonymous said...

Anon 10.14 - I think zero. Garment wont take them to KTV or satay stall in Toa Payoh. Maybe other satay stall at Lau Pa Sat. It is close to Fullerton Hotel.

Anonymous said...

RB, the Dr Quack is the IB. Check his IP Address.

Anonymous said...

Delta Variant very likely.
One of the restaurants may do the job of honor.

Anonymous said...

Now they have started wholesale discrimination of the oldies who have refused to be vaccinated. Entries to temples are now not allowed for those unvaccinated people. The vaccination document must be produced in order to enter, otherwise no way.

Many old unvaccinated people were left stunned and hapless outside temples. What will they think of next to punish those unvaccinated old folks? Maybe even denied a resting place at the columbarium!

On a separate note, Lowland One said that the 'herd immunity' narrative, even with 80% fully vaccinated is now a non event target, after all the rush globally to reach that status.

In any case, how can the world ever be able to come even close to 'herd immunity' nonsense, knowing most countries have just reached the low 20 to 30% in vaccinating their citizens. The narrative of reaching 'herd immunity' had the effect of only making Pfizer and Moderna laugh all the way to the banks. Nothing more, nothing less and nothing left for those who took the bait.

Anonymous said...

Those who have been vaccinated more than 6 months, their resistance to the virus could be the same as the unvaccinated as the mRNA would no longer be effective.

Anonymous said...

Pay and pay for regular vaccine jabs.

Anonymous said...

This hideous plot of developing vaccines to infect people then make people buy vaccines is very similar to developing computer virus to infect computers and make users buy anti virus softwares to clear the computer virus.

Such an evil profit making strategy.

Want to be Safe said...

When are we getting our 3rd vaccination? The case numbers are rising in Singapore, also the death rate. Why is our government so slow?

Anonymous said...

Unvaccinated old folks who passed away must have died because of COVID infections.

Vaccinated old folks who passed away must be because of other sicknesses.

That it seems, is the rule of thumb.

Now, the narrative seems to be geared towards expecting many more deaths even if all Sinkies are fully vaccinated, keeping in mind the pronouncement that no 'herd immunity' is foreseen. Just keep a tight watch on the changing narrative as the days go by.