
China will substantially increase its nuclear weapons capacity

On Friday, US Secretary of State Blinken expressed "deep concern" about "rapid growth" of China's nuclear arsenal with Southeast Asian ministers, accusing Beijing of "sharply deviating from its decades-old nuclear strategy based on minimum deterrence." Various US think tanks over past few months claimed China is building a great number of "new missile silos" in Northwest China.

Note that China has never abandoned its minimum deterrence nuclear strategy. However, due to the comprehensive strategic threat that US keeps posing to China, the nuclear capabilities Beijing needs to achieve "minimum deterrence" are now different from the past. As US nuclear coercion risk against China is clearly increasing, China must have sufficient nuclear forces to contain such a risk.

Even many ordinary Chinese people feel the urgency of strengthening China's nuclear deterrent. If those structures shown in the satellite photos in NW China are really silos, Chinese public opinion will definitely support the construction of them unconditionally.

Washington is in no moral position to accuse China of this. China has only a fraction of the number of nuclear warheads that US has. China is also the only nuclear power that has pledged not to be first to use nuclear weapons. US has never indicated that it would consider making same commitment.

Even if China is strengthening its nuclear buildup in face of a realistic threat from Washington, it would have nothing to do with SEA countries, or even with Japan and Australia, because China's nuclear policy also includes another firm commitment of not using nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapon state.

Once China substantially strengthens its nuclear forces, its only purpose will be to deter US. There's already no mutual trust between China and US, and Chinese society is fully convinced that the American bastards' ultimate goal is to bring China down. China must be prepared for the possibility that war could eventually occur in Taiwan Straits or South China Sea. One of China's major strategic missions today is to make the most complete layout for that day.

China is already capable of destroying various US conventional military forces that enter China's coastal waters in wartime and striking US military bases in the Asia-Pacific region. Even though US' naval and air forces are powerful, it has become increasingly difficult for them to gain an advantage in China's coastal waters. China is gradually achieving dominance in conventional warfare in Taiwan Straits and South China Sea.

China's next step is to ensure that US does not dare impose a nuclear deterrent on China if it loses its conventional military intervention capability. Chinese nuclear forces must become so powerful that Washington elites will tremble in fear at mere thought of imposing a nuclear deterrent on China.

China's DF-41 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, and sea- & air-based nuclear forces have greatly increased Chinese ability to survive and created a credible Chinese nuclear retaliation capability. As US policy toward China over the past few years has demonstrated a certain derangement, China need to not only increase its second-strike capability, but also make Washington keep in mind all the time that China can retaliate. This is to ensure that whenever the US has the extreme impulse to suppress China, it will immediately remember not to take things to the level of military showdown between the 2 countries, and thus, calmness and balance will be maintained

SEA countries need to believe that once China strengthens its nuclear forces, it is solely to maintain peace and suppress US' warmongering ideas. The stronger China's nuclear forces are, the more it is guaranteed that US will not do something silly. This is the ultimate advice to the US in a way that it can best understand so that it will not provoke wars in Taiwan Straits and South China Sea.

Why is it so surprising to Blinken and the South East Asian Ministers that China is rapidly increasing it's nuclear arsenal?

They knew very well that China had previously been undertaking minimum deterrence measures. Why is China changing it's stance? For answers, they have to ask the USA why China needed to increase it's deterrence factor multifold.

Blinken is just trying to act ignorant and play the blur card, but even common onlookers can tell you it is the result of the USA's unmitigated intentional provocations and threats, coupled with the consistent poisoning of the minds of allies and tail waggers about the fabricated Chinese threat, and that provokes China to recalibrate it's priority.

Should not China be allowed to make sure it can protect itself or at least be capable of retaliating should those threats by the USA be put into reality? Why must China remain weak and be bullied. China had already been bullied enough during the century of humiliation by the Whites. Did the rest of the world condemned those countries who participated in those acts of humiliation against China?

Even if the world not think so, China has every right to make sure it can defend itself. So, what is so wrong with China increasing it's nuclear capabilities. Did those who opposed China's military spending increase, ask themselves whether they have also asked why the USA spends so much on it's military, and why they needed a thousand military bases all around the world. Those countries should examine their own conscience before they start accusing China. 




  1. Thanks to the idiocy of 45th and 46th, China today is reenergised and more motivated than ever before to stay strong and be ever ready to defend itself. It gives the miitary a sense of purpose and it helps that younger generation of chinese soldiers are likely to be more patriotic, this would not have been possible without 45th and 46th provocations... Withou which America would seem to be heaven for many Chinese youths.

  2. The more USA and its its allies are determined to destroy China, the more China must go all out to become the Strongest, Biggest, and most Powerful Number One Superpower in the World for the next 500 years.

    From now on, China should not be modest and timid, wanting only to play second fiddle to the Evil White Forces. China's ambition, strategy and global dominance must increase, improve and expand to the extent that it has more than 2000 military bases around the world.

    China's nuclear capability must match the USA, UK, Israel, India, France and Russia combined. For, in the event of a nuclear war, China will not only be facing only the USA. China will be facing USA, UK, Israel, India, France and Russia combined.

    Even though Russia may enter into strategic alliance with China, China must not be found wanting by letting her guards down. China must also cater for the likelihood that Russia, being a Whitemen country, may play out China again as before.

    China's population must increase. There should be no more self-defeating limitations and restrictions to curb population growth. The reason is obvious.

    Chinese all over the world must unite against the Evil Whitemen. Sleeping with the Perennial Enemy of the Chinese people is to court disasters and self-destruction. Stop being naive and wake up. Just look around the world how the Chinese people have been treated by the Evil Whitemen during peacetime. How they will treat the Chinese during wartime? I shiver just to imagine it.

  3. Right Anon 9.32

    They say some unwanted things which happened are now actually blessing in disguise for China.

    Trump and now Biden tried to punish China and the Dragon is now fully awake, realising it's years of consigning it's military buildup and development on the back burner, while concentrating on poverty elevation and economic progress is proving counterproductive. That is now changing and China is recalibrating it's priority in that area.

    There is a perceived need now by the Chinese for rapid accumulation of retaliatory military logistics in the face of the USA's perennial threat, which is unlikely to subside no matter whether Republicans or Democrats control the White House.

    Similarly in trade, the trade war started by Trump did more harm to the USA than China. China is now diversifying it's trade across the world, particularly across Central Asia, Russia, Eastern European countries, South America, Africa and even the Middle Eastern countries like Iran and soon Syria as well. It was another blessing in disguise.

    Those companies and their manufacturing facilities may leave China, but most have not gone back to the USA where labour cost is much higher, and instead benefited the South Asian countries and ASEAN nations. Doing production in the USA will make their products unable to compete globally, unless they just want to sell locally, which will be a burden to it's own citizens. That is like cutting the nose to spite the face.

    The USA is boasting of a recovery, but that is all bullshiting, with the economy basically buoyed by it's massive money printing. Nothing more nothing less. They basically needed to print fiat money to renew falling infrastructures, in order to have some semblance of job creation.

    Whatever, whether fiat money or not, China still wants them in exchange for consumer goods, as those fiat money can still buy lots of gold, or return to the USA to buy up real estate, USA companies, and USA investments. Many other countries, like Japan, are doing the same. That is why China and Japan still hold trillions of US treasuries even in the face of USA hostilities.

  4. Correction: 2nd paragraph should read......'concentrating on poverty eradication and economic progress...'. Certainly not elevation as that could mean making it worse.

    My apologies

    Anon 10.32

  5. When other countries acquire nuclear weapons they are a threat to the rest of the world. When the USA keeps amassing nuclear weapons the world kept mum. Is this what they call their 'Rule of Law' which only applies to others but not to themselves. What warp logic from warp minds!

    Just answer the question of who in this world has ever used nuclear weapons on another country and where the threat comes from in reality!

  6. Look at the twitters US trolls and their Indian supporters jeering at China No 2 position and cheering their No 1 in the Olympics medal tally. 38 Golds is by any mean a fantastic feat.

    The same accounts are ironically hyping up India as having the best Olympics by securing ONE gold and a few silvers and bronzes. Success and failure in anything is in the mind of the beholder

    1. Taiwan and Hong Kong are part of China. If the Olympic committee were fair they should add the 3 gold medals by tw&hk to China tally. Then China 41 golds vs USA 39 golds. USA are as usual "Fake Champion"

  7. Afghanistan:

    The bloodless takeover of Aibak, owing to the Afghan government forces commander switching sides, which followed the seizure of five other provincial capitals in the past three days, has allowed Taliban forces to unite in an assault on the biggest prize: northern Afghanistan’s main metropolis of Mazar-e-Sharif.

    The Taliban forces attacked the now-isolated city of half a million people from different directions on Monday, but so far haven’t made significant inroads.

    Separately, insurgents battled government forces inside western Afghanistan’s main city of Herat. Even with US air support, the Afghan government forces are fighting a losing battle. One-third of Herat has already been captured by Taliban forces and the Afghan government forces are totally surrounded by the Taliban forces, that are now closing in for the kill. Most likely the Afghan government forces will surrender to the Taliban in two or three days time.

    Just imagine 6 provincial cities fell in four days!

    Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, is also being surrounded by the Taliban forces. Taliban insurgents have managed to infiltrate deep into the capital to explore bombs and to carry out assassinations of key personnel and government officials, including the chief of prisons and intelligence officers.

  8. My apologies for clicking the wrong button and erase the comment about a country of 1.4b gloating over 1 gold medal at the Olympics.

  9. Kabul will surrender without a fight. They did not have the support of the people and did not have the will to fight a losing battle.

  10. We cannot discount the fact that the Afghan population would prefer the Taliban than the USA's puppet Government, having seeing what is happening in Iraq. Some Iraqis are saying that their life under Saddam was less stressful and punishing than they are today, under the USA puppet Iraqi Government.

    What have the Iraqis achieved after supporting the USA in overthrowing the Saddam regime? Oil stolen, treasures stolen, country destroyed, civil war still ongoing twenty years after mission accomplished bullshit.

    After destroying Afghanistan they left the country in ruins and in turmoil. It serves only one purpose - keep the country poor, support the ongoing conflict, sell more weapons to warring parties, let them fight and ask for more weapons.

    The never ending story in Afghanistan is the same with the USA aiding one side to fight the other, then changing sides and keep the fighting ongoing. Afghanistan will remain war torn, so long as the USA keeps pulling the strings of the Government from behind.

  11. The US is an unreliable, double-crossing, treacherous criminal that always switch its support like changing underwear.

    When Russia invaded Afghanistan, the US trained, armed and financed the Taliban to fight against the Russian occupation forces.

    After the Russians withdrew, the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. The US expected the Taliban to tow the line. But the Taliban refused.

    So the US invaded Afghanistan using the excuse that the Taliban was harbouring Osama bin Laden, who was actually hiding in Pakistan. The US then overthrew the Taliban government and put up its own puppet government for Afghanistan. The puppet Afghan government became more and more corrupt. All the money that the US sent to support the Afghan economy, 70% went into the pockets of the corrupt Afghan government, the army and police. Only 30% were used for the economy. That's why the people remain poor and backward for the past 20 years. More and more Afghans have joined the Taliban because they have nothing to lose. They are basically patriotic and nationalistic. They see the US forces as occupation forces to control them rather than helping them.

    Moreover, the CIA's private army of mercenaries were in Afghanistan to plant poppies and smuggled drugs out of Afghanistan to sell them into the black markets in other countries.

    The US special forces were also in Afghanistan to do their own illegal activities.

    The situation was exactly as what had happened in South Vietnam when the US forces were fighting the North Vietnamese,

    With such a situation, how not the Taliban win, despite having no air support and heavy artillery gun support.

    It has been a guerrilla warfare launched by the Taliban forces against the US occupation forces. Just like the Viet Cong in Vietnam.

  12. Now the CIA private army is also doing the same thing in aiding the rebels and drug kingpins against the Myanmar Military regime.

    When elsewhere did not distract the USA, Myanmar today will be in turmoil by now. The USA is conducting clandestine activities using, as usual the CIA, and Myanmar would already be war torn long before the coup.

    Myanmar is logistically an important target for the USA, having a long border with China and the USA is exploiting it. The fact that Myanmar had been ruled by the military long before Aung San Suu Kyi came to power, basically prevented the USA from carrying out their dirty plan for a regime change to favour their agenda..

  13. The white devils need to be stopped at all costs.

  14. The sneaky Japanese already have nuclear bombs just like Israel, assisted and approved by the Americans.

  15. Fukushima probably holds the key to the question of whether or not Japan already had nuclear weapons. The Japs were so secretive about what is going on and being produced and held inside the Fukushima Power Plant during the crisis, they flatly refused outside help to solve the nuclear meltdown.

    The other salient point to note is that since Japan is a colony of the USA and confronting China is their common objective, USA's positioning or help in Japan's nuclear ambition of having nuclear weapons on Japanese soil secretly is not out of the question. The only problem is preserving that secrecy, which many believe is now an open verdict waiting to be proven.

  16. Please go and read the history of Japanese colonisation of Korea to widen your knowledge a bit.

  17. Japan wanted to build nuclear power plants is to harvest nuclear material to build nuclear bombs.

    The American lend a hand earlier before the Japanese had enough of nuclear material to build their bombs by secretly lending Japan a few thousand kilos of nuclear material and this was never returned.

  18. The two most evil people that looked so nice and beautiful because of the media and their economic success are the AngloSaxons and the Japanese.

    AngloSaxons ranked number one, Japanese number two in terms of evilness and genocides and crimes against humanity.

    If you are Koreans or Chinese and know about the atrocities of Japanese invasion in China and Korea, you cannot forgive the Japanese.

  19. What A True Collaborator!

    Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan wrote an Opinion piece for Indian media Hindustan Times yesterday

    ‘Regardless of season or size, Singapore-India ties remain robust at 56‘, on 9 Aug 2021.

    He strongly advocated that Singapore and India are “natural partners” and “must continue” to collaborate.

    He began by saying that August is a special month for Singapore and India as both countries had their independence in the same month and that ASEAN was also established in the month of August back in 1967.

    “While nation-building is a never ending task, both Singaporeans and Indians have much to be proud of,” Balakrishnan said, calling India a “longstanding friend of Singapore”.

    “The historical, literary, cultural and economic ties go back many centuries,” he further noted. “Many Singaporeans have family ties in India.”

    “Singapore and India are natural partners. We must continue with this spirit of collaboration as we navigate a pathway out of the pandemic and re-emerge stronger,” he added.

    “Bilaterally, we enjoy close partnership in the economic, security, and people-to-people domains, including on skills and urban development.”

    Balakrishnan revealed that Singapore has been India’s largest source of foreign direct investment for three consecutive years, averaging US$16 billion in total equity inflows annually.

    “We are further deepening our partnership in areas that will become even more salient in the post-pandemic world — fintech, innovation and skills, and digital connectivity,” he said.

    Balakrishnan was quick to seize the opportunity to welcome India’s engagement with ASEAN, and praised the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for unveiling India’s “Act East Policy" in 2014.

    The "Act East Policy" is India’s active and dominant strategic initiative to engage in cultural, economic, military, political and strategic influence, control and dominance in the Asia-Pacific region, ASEAN included.

    “Singapore has always been one of the earliest and strongest proponents of closer ASEAN-India ties,” he said. “We believe that the growth and opening up of India will contribute greatly to peace, prosperity, and stability in our region.”

    Dr Balakrishnan has finally opened up his personal inner feelings to the India Indians, China Chinese, Malaysian Malays, Singaporeans, Americans and the world at large.


  20. "..The two most evil people that looked so nice and beautiful because of the media and their economic success are the AngloSaxons and the Japanese..."

    Yes 101% agreed. I have no love for the Yank which is one of the AngloSaxons. Kindest Regards JC


  21. OT like to share the truth of Thailand riots (Now going On) same as HK riots... This Chap an American live in Thailand he exposed the American regime changed...... BTW his name Tony Cartalucci website land Destroyer and New Eastern Outlook (NEO) Kindest Regards JC


  22. Sorrie orgot the website Tony Cartalucci it's 2hr long... Kindest Regards JC

    "Join Angelo and Brian as they follow violent US-backed mobs in the streets of Bangkok, Thailand - part of a wider US-backed destabilization effort to prevent the rise of China."

