
Random brief facts and truth . ( A )

      The U.S. - Yankee - North Carolina Fort Detrick Virus

The diabolical U.S. Yankee Corona virus which is causing turmoil and death through out the world was conceived and planned decades ago by American billionaire elitists whose control of their multinational pharmaceutical and chemical companies such as Pfizer, Monsanto, Bayer, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Novartis, Glaxo Smith Kline and Lily just to name a few gave them the free way to carry out all their evil plans. These evil billionaire Wall Street bankers and business tycoons are all members of the diabolical Anglo-Saxon-Rothschild-Illuminati cabal. The Cabal are liberal democratic capitalists whose political and economic philosophy is Darwinism. They are devout Darwinists whose practise of Darwinism philosophy which is based on the 'Law of the Jungle' is the belief in the survival of the fittest. In other words the liberal democratic capitalists can use their absurb monopoly of power to trample you or trample any other country and that 'ýou die is your own business'. This is contrary to communist - socialist philosophy which believes in helping and prosper your neighbour and to achieve the common good of rising and developing together. 

The 'Cabal'constitutes the Deep State, the 'Shadow government' which controls both the American Republican Party and the Democrats. Both parties are beholden to the all powerful multi-billionaires or trillionaires of the Cabal which actually calls the tune and controls the politics, economic policy and Foreign Policy of the U.S. Thus American indulgence in 'liberal democratic capitalism and Darwinism has disadvantaged the large majority of the American people  or more than 95 percent of the population. Likewise they indulged in very aggressive foreign policies in attacking small or weak foreign countries and exploit them for their own enrichment and prosperity while grievously impoverish the victimised countries. This diabolical practice of the Cabal for world hegemony has been going on for centuries. Now they are demonizing Russia and China  with every intention of crushing the two countries because they are in the way of their world hegemony. But in going against Russia and China the United States will meet its nemesis and be itself crushed and destroyed forever. This will be the eventual good outcome for the world which hopefully will become more peaceful and harmonious. 

There are two perspectives to this American virus. The wicked billionaires have been working in close collaboration with the white supremacists in Washington,  the Pentagon and CIA. The first perspective was to use a genetically engineered virus in their biological labs as a weapon to destroy and reduce the population of non-white people in non-white countries substantially by at least two thirds. The next perspective was to turn the virus plan into a billion or trillion dollar money making racket of manufacturing a vaccine to sell to the virus affected countries. In the sales and purchase agreement and the use of their vaccines they have inserted clauses to prevent themselves from prosecutions should any side effects fatal or otherwise arise or should their vaccines turn out to be ineffective. As their motive is to destroy the populations of non-white races they intentionally held back the vaccines so that they would die quickly by the millions and at the same time to jack up the price of their vaccines under their control fake scarcity. They are so wicked that killing innocent non-white people is not enough for in addition they must make toxic money out of these victims.

In short the biological virus  they make  kill and decimate the non-white races but they also create vaccines  to make sinful money out of them.   This shows how wicked and evil the white race and the Anglo-Saxons headed by the white Americans are.

Their first target and victim was China when they secretly planted the virus in Wuhan, China during the International Military Games in October, 2019. However, the virus backfired and went home to roost to attack America and the white countries with greater severity and terrific vengeance. The rest is history and the world continues to suffer because of white men's evil design to rule the whole world with absolute hegemony. They are now facing retribution or Karma or Pow-ing in Chinese dictum.


Thursday, 29th July, 2021


  1. It is now known that Trump, who had COVID19 during the last days of his Presidency, had to be given very strong medication and special treatment procedures and that he almost died of the infection. That fact would have remained in the lockers had he won his second term.

    The fake appearance of being well, the cover ups orchestrated by all his people, all reflect the USA's propensity to lie on anything. They will never come clean on the virus they propagated at Fort Detrick to terminate China. That will be left to people like Edward Snowden to do another sneak preview, perhaps after the fall of the evil empire.

    By the way, did people know that at one stage, when China was still relatively weak and probably not nuclear savvy yet, the USA was on the verge of nuking China?

    1. On five separate occasions, the US had wanted to nuke China. The first instance was during the Korean War between 1950 to 1953. General MacArthur had wanted to use nuclear weapons to destroy Chinese cities and then invade China through North Korea.

  2. It would've been catastrophic for Chinese people if China couldn't develop a vaccine on its own for its 1.4 billion people.

  3. 1.4b people practically free of Covid19 virus using Chinese vaccines.

    Silly 5m people struggling with the virus and the situation getting worse, still pressurising people to use mRNA vaccines, not wanting to use Chinese vaccines.

  4. Well, with Trump in office and gloating every day at that time about 'America First' when they had the vaccine, would China not have taken the hint and go on their own to develop their own vaccines? China now do things by considering the consequences of not being prepared first and not by waiting for the shit to hit the fan as they say.

    Huawei and now the semiconductor issue has given China all the reasons to take the initiative to be self reliant. Do not write off China's efforts to develop high end chips eventually, which the West is still throwing cold water over. China has already succeeded in the lower end chip making ability, like the 14nm chips, which are the chips most in demand in many consumer goods, TVs, washing machines, vehicles etc. High end chips like the 3nm are needed in high end smartphones basically.

    The lesson the West must learn is that in spite of their not letting China participate in the ISS project, they thought they can prevent China from going to the moon and Mars and compete with them in the space race. They were shocked and stunned when the space station was set up. Never underestimate China's resolve when the odds are stacked against them. And that goes for the talk of war too. The Chinese are not idling and waiting for the USA to nuke them without being able to retaliate. The game has changed.

  5. China is now openly calling the American moon landings in the 60s and 70s as fakes.

    No countries had that kind of technology to land on the moon then. Even today no country has yet able to prove they could put a man on the moon.

    The Americans lied that they had landed about 10 men on the moon. Let's wait to see if they can do it in 2024.

  6. Right up till 2018 the USA were still said to be using Russian rocket engines to put up their satellites and go up to the ISS. Space stations were only in existence by the early 1970's with the present ISS set up only in 1998 and manned in 2000.

    Fall of the Soviet Union was in 1991 and before that, much earlier when the moon landing hoax was conceived in 1960, there was still the Cold War going on. Do we sincerely believe the Soviets will let the USA have their rocket engine technology for the moon landings? Yes, the USA did not have the kind of technology to make the moon landing in the 60s even early 70s.

  7. First Group of Afghan-US Spies Evacuated To USA

    This reminds me of the fall of the US US-Vietnam War in 1974/5. History repeats itself again. Only this time it's not so chaotic as before.

    As the US military forces withdraw from Afghanistan, the Taliban resistance militia has manage to recapture and control more than 60% of the country. Only about 20% of the land are controlled by Afghan government forces. The other 20% are contested ground, which the Taliban seems to have the upper hand.

    (The Talibans were removed from power by force through the illegal US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, initiated by President George W Bush.)

    As the Taliban militia forces win more and more territories, threats against Afghan traitors who spied or worked for the US military and CIA have become more intensified and imminent. As such, the US is frantically trying to get their Afghan spies and operatives out of Afghanistan as fast as possible.

    The first group of 2,500 interpreters (spies) and their families has been evacuated from Afghanistan on Thursday to Washington DC.

    They are temporarily housed at the military quarters near Fort Lee Army Base, waiting for the completion of their Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) processing.

    The SIV programme is offered to those who worked with the US government or American-led military forces during the Afghanistan war, which began in 2001.

    Since 2008, approximately 70,000 Afghans who have received SIVs have been resettled in the US.

    Last week, a senior state department official said that the total number of SIV applicants stands just over 20,000. About half have yet to complete the first steps of the process.

    Mike Jason, a former US Army battalion commander who has been deployed to Afghanistan, said that travelling across Taliban-controlled areas with the documentation needed for SIVs puts the translators in crucial dangers.

    "That's basically an entire confession that you're an interpreter working for the Americans. We're asking them to travel with the evidence," he said.

    The "No One Left Behind" agency estimates that at least 300 Afghan traitors or family members have been killed. The figure seems too low. More traitors could/should have been killed.

    The mass evacuation is codenamed "Operation Allies Refuge". This marks the end of the US military invasion of Afghanistan.

    SSO - 30 July 2021.
