
Netizens Are Best Sources Of Information Today


Contrary to what many governments want us to believe, the Netizens are today's best sources of information. They are not baseless comments, as some people have blatantly wanted us to believe in their baseless allegations.

Many of the Netizens today are better educated, better informed and better equipped. Their comments and articles are more well-thought out and worth reading and savouring.

Moreover, they speak from their heart without the need to be politically correct, or afraid to offend their boss/paymaster. They are spontaneous and voluntary, without being paid to do so.

Unlike Government mouth pieces that are directed, constrained and limited in what they can say, the Netizens have more leeways, more freedom and are more sincere and truthful.

Yes, of course, there will be blacksheep like everywhere else, but from a wider spread of sources and resources in/from the Internet, nowadays, the Netizens have a better overview of what is happening anywhere, everywhere, than the narrow, miopic and mind-twisted writers for government propaganda websites, whose only purpose for existence is to think of ways and means to counter criticisms and bad news, so as to maintain a fake good image.

From the aggregation of the articles written in any propaganda website, there is a clear trend to tell us where it is coming from. It is as clear as a bright sunny day!

Anyone disagree?

Queen of Hearts


Anonymous said...

Agreed. When you are paid to write up on topics you have to tow the line, however well schooled with expertise in the subject. That being so, you will have to highlight what they want you to highlight and leave out what they want you to leave out. It becomes selective information, or propaganda. What we have seen over the decades bears credence to this fact.

An unpaid writer has no need to tow anyone's line, only comments that comes from his head and heart.

That is why I agree that the best sources of news comes from Netizens. Blacksheeps will be immediately countered and exposed on social media.

Anonymous said...

Kim did not appear for two weeks or so, and they generate sordid news of his demise.

Kim lost some weight and they generate sensational news that he is ill.

Kim's sister do something different and they say that she is taking over power and there is trouble in North Korea.

The MSM is so free watching Kim that if he farts too loudly they will report it as sensational news of Kim firing too many rockets. Hope Kim does not change his hairstyle or they will say something bad happened to his barber.

That is what they are paid for. To generate fabricated news to sell.

Anonymous said...

US Slyly Roping Singapore Into Deeper Confrontation With China

A US warship involved in recent joint exercises with the Singaporean navy intruded China's territorial waters on Monday in a provocative military move to violate China's sovereignty.

The US guided-missile destroyer USS Benfold sailed near the Chinese-controlled Paracel Islands - called the Xisha Islands by Beijing - in the South China Sea, just days after being in Guam for joint exercises with the Singaporean navy from June 21 to July 7.

Beijing call on regional countries to keep alert to the malicious intentions of external forces like the US, and should not act as tools for the US to play up rivalries in the South China Sea.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Singapore now trying to present itself as a regional hub for BRI. How to with the American base here used to provoke China and to strangle China?

If Singapore wants to be relevant to BRI, it better starts to act now and fast before the die is cast. Once all the ports and oil pipelines are laid to by pass Singapore, all is gone.

What Singapore do to win China's trust? For sure it cannot ask the Americans to leave Changi. One possibility is to allow China to set up a similar base perhaps in Tuas. If that happens, China would not feel so threaten by the Americans and could still rely on Singapore as a port of call to sail through the Malacca Straits.

If Gwadar and the ports in Myanmar are fully operational, worse if the Kra Isthmus is cut, Singapore can forget about being a region hub for BRI.

Anonymous said...

Djibouti can have more than 3 foreign military bases. Singapore can also have more than one foreign military base here, double security and not being seen as an American crony against China.

Shouting neutrality is meaningless when only the Americans are allowed a base here.

Anonymous said...

The legendary Lee Kuan Yew once said he had no objections to both the US and China one day having logistics bases in Singapore.

Singapore current political leadership should heed the wise guidance of Lee Kuan Yew and invite Beijing to establish a base here, to prove its sincerity in maintaining a neutral stance in the superpower rivalry between the hegemonic US and fast-rising China.

SSO said...


Indian ships will get logistical support, including refuelling, at naval base located near the disputed South China Sea.

By Shaurya Karanbir Gurung, ET BureauLast Updated: Jul 12, 2018, 03:17 PM IST5

NEW DELHI: In a strategic move that is likely to irk China, India and Singapore signed a bilateral agreement that will allow Indian Navy ships logistical support, including refuelling, at Singapore’s Changi naval base located near the disputed South China Sea.

Singapore also wants both sides to engage more activity in the Strait of Malacca through which China’s oil and natural gas imports pass.

The agreement was announced during a joint press briefing on the second Defence Ministers’ Dialogue between India and Singapore, which ended here on Wednesday.

Signing of the India-Singapore Bilateral Agreement for Navy Cooperation was the key development at the meeting, defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman said. It looks at increased cooperation in maritime security, joint exercises, temporary deployment from each other’s naval facilities and mutual logistics support.

When asked about details of the pact, Singapore defence minister Ng Eng Hen said: “We will be comfortable and encourage Indian Navy ships to visit the Changi naval base more often. The naval agreement has provision for mutual logistics support.

We will exercise and patrol in your waters as do in ours. We try to economise and support each other.”

The base, which was opened in 2004, is located in the eastern part of Singapore.

Furthermore, while recognising the Strait of Malacca and Indian Ocean as impor tant Sea Lanes of Communication (SLOCs), Ng said it “makes sense for countries to cooperate not only to establish maritime security but to maintain freedom of navigation. Because we know it is the lifeline for economies”.

He said: “I think I speak on behalf of both countries. We want to see more participation and activity in both Strait of Malacca and Andaman Sea.” This would mean institutionalising mechanisms, where there are more bilateral and multilateral exchanges in these regions.

The naval logistics agreement is the first for India with a country located east of Malacca. The nearest Indian base is in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The Changi base will therefore enhance the navy’s operational reach, keeping in mind that the navy from June this year began its Malacca patrol to protect the SLOCs.

India has also conducted the SIMBEX exercise with Singapore at the naval base and in the South China Sea.

( Originally published on Nov 30, 2017)

Anonymous said...

Of course Singapore now cannot ask USA to leave Changi. Once you invite the devil into your house, getting rid of it is impossible. You are either with them or against them. Chasing them out is against them. Clear enough?

Anonymous said...

Talking like an Indian colony. Welcoming the colonial masters to the island, short of kissing the colonial master's arse.

Anonymous said...

When the snake offered an apple to Eve, Eve was instantly won over by the snake.

The naive Eve could not see the evil intention of the snake and eventually was condemned for generations to come, and to suffer everlasting pain.

SSO said...

Singapore purposely allowed India, USA and UK to make use of her Changi Naval Base and Sembawang Naval Base, and Paya Lebar Air Base.

But never allow China's Navy to have the same privileges and access.

Isn't this message clear enough for China to know where Singapore stands?

Neutrality? Actions have spoken louder and stronger than mere rhetorical displays.

Anonymous said...

Eve only encountered one serpent but the imbeciles and nitwits purposely immersed themselves in a huge dark snake pit filled with cobras, rattlesnakes, serpents, vipers and other poisonous snakes. Worse still, kena bitten on the left hand and still offer the right hand for them to bite.

Dumping more Singapore taxpayers and CPF savings good money into the bad money carelessly threw away earlier on.

Anonymous said...

That is why China is planning to by pass the Malacca Strait and let Singapore hang itself high and dry. Without the Chinese ships plying through the port, how is Singapore going to be the logistic hub for the region?

The 4 nails are already into the coffin. Just need a final slam to seal it for good.

Anonymous said...

China' trade already partially found their way to Europe without going through the Straits of Malacca and that is via the BRI. Russian Oil and gas can reach China by pipelines. Even Iranian oil will be able to go by pipeline to China via Afghanistan and Pakistan, nothing through enemy territory. Never say impossible with China.

China has another hand to play and that is the Kra project, which has been talked about for decades but no one took the lead to make it to fruition. Some say that with China's funding and taking an interest in it, it will be done sooner of later.

When a push becomes a shove, everything will change overnight.

Anonymous said...

The imbeciles are converting the Singapore National Day into an Indian National Day. KNNBCCB!

Anonymous said...

They should get the 600,000 in the dorms to perform in the National Day Parade. No need Singaporeans any more.

Anonymous said...

Kra canal no go


Thailand’s land bridge rail-and-port project “to be unveiled in June”

The Thai government will reveal the location of its planned “land bridge” between the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea in June, the country’s transport minister Saksayam Chidchob has said.

The plan is to build two deepwater ports on either side of one of Thailand’s narrowest regions, linked by a 100km railway and motorway, so that cargo ships sailing between the west Pacific and the Middle East can use the land bridge as a relay, allowing them to avoid the Malacca Strait at Singapore, the world’s most congested sea corridor.

The land bridge concept has replaced the long-mulled idea of building a costly canal.

The government approved a $5.3m feasibility study last year (see further reading). This assessed the land bridge’s environmental impact and economic prospects. The State Railway of Thailand was also allocated $3m to study rail routes.

The scheme, which is being called the Chumphon–Ranong land bridge, is particularly aimed at oil shipments from the Gulf to China, Japan and South Korea, according to Mr Saksayam.

It will involve the construction of a deep-sea port in Chumphon Province on the Gulf of Thailand and the upgrading of the small port of Ranong on the Andaman Sea into a deep-sea port. These would be connected by a dual-track railway and a motorway.

He commented: “This future transport and cargo exchange gateway will bring down transport costs by bypassing heavy traffic in the Malacca Strait.”

The Bangkok Post notes that in 2016, about 19 million barrels of crude oil were transported through the Malacca Strait every day, as well as 24 million containers a year. At present, the main beneficiary of this traffic is Singapore, which hosts Asia’s largest petrol terminal and is ranked the second busiest port in the world, after Shanghai.

Thailand is hoping to capture some of that traffic, becoming “an intercontinental shipment and cargo exchange gateway”, in the words of Mr Saksayam.

The idea of the rail link replaces plans for a canal dating back to the 18th century. This would have had a price tag variously estimated at $28bn and $66bn, once built, would have required continuous dredging.

Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha appears to have endorsed the rail alternative, suggesting last fall that it could help kick-start the country’s recovery from COVID-19.

Asean Today comments that the proposed land bridge is a “geopolitical play” on the part of Thailand, and could have differing effects depending on whether China is involved in its finance and construction.

“If built with the help of China, it could fit within the Belt and Road Initiative, linking to Chinese-backed railways and making Beijing less reliant on the Strait of Malacca,” it said in an editorial.

“If Thailand finds other partners or keeps most control of the project in-house, it could provide a counterpoint to China’s plans by increasing regional trade integration without the assistance of Beijing.”

Anonymous said...

Whether China's assistance is involved or not in the Kra Project, the main beneficiaries are Thailand, China, Japan and South Korea. Best is for China not getting involved in financing and construction. Lest there be accusations of cost issues like the rail link in Malaysia. China should just wait for it's completion to reap the benefits.

Will Singapore be involved in the project? LOL