
Justice For The People Of Singapore

The more Goh Chok Tong speaks ill of China, the more he loses whatever little respect that we still accord to him because of his mediocre and highly expensive services to Singapore. He is behaving as he has said before, Bo Tua Bo Suay.

If he is wise enough to know that his time is over the hill, he would do well to stop speaking badly about other people and other countries.

To do justics for the people of Singapore, the only bad things that we welcome Goh Chok Tong to tell all of us is how he had screwed up all of us with the escalating costs of living due to his policies - such as his introduction of the CPF fixed returns of 2.5% interest rate instead of the variable 8-10% previously promised by the Pioneer leaders, and his introduction of the COE, the ERP, the enhanced HDB Pricing, the get-rich-quick Ministerial salary and bonuses, the creation of lob-sided CECA in favour of India, the import of foreign trash disguised as foreign talents, etc. etc.

He has also to shoulder the responsibility and account to all Singaporeans all the ills that he has brought upon us, not just the self-praising stuffs he has projected in his two books: Tall Order and Standing Tall.

To do justice to us, he should write an antithesis called the "Tall Unfulfilled Promises", depicting all the unfulfilled promises he had made to us as the 2nd Prime Minister of Singapore, e.g. Swiss Standards of Living, More Good Years, Growing Old Graciously, Soccer 2000, etc.

Plus, of course, all the ills that have been caused by his love for India and everything Indian.

Only then will justice be done, not all but at least some.

Queen of Hearts.


  1. Alamak, Old Goose change the Sinkieland into Sindiapore, policies flipping prata here & there, also changing goal posts & complaining his minions salaries as peanuts and see no up to people as mediocre judging by their salaries, housing price promises to go up but later changes again, prefer to wear Moodi dresses in South Asia Fest etc.

  2. I could not recall the Chinese leaders talking to him or inviting him to China. This could be the reason why he has to look to India.

  3. The worst part is that instead of creating jobs for Singaporeans, he screwed up the MNCs and many of them moved out of Singapore to China and ASEAN countries, and he lost about 20-30 thousand jobs during his tenure as PM.

    Furthermore, he started the foreign talents shit and bring in many scrums from India to further deplete the Singapore job market for Singaporeans.

    And he installed aneh as President by no-contest walk-over. The aneh prata man sat there for 12 years. He increased the aneh prata man pay to 3.9 million dollars a year. Plus annual bonuses, prataman got $5 million a year for 12 years. Total at least 60 $million. Plus prataman had annual budget of $20 million to spend.

    Why he did that? So that he can give himself higher pay and bonuses. This fella was a great pretender. He pretend he was doing everything good for us, but actually what he had done was for himself. He pretended that he had increased the Ministers' for their good but actually he wanted to increase his own pay. Using all the Ministers and President and Senior Minister (LKY) as a shield and cover to advance his own agenda.

    Fxxking snake. No wonder he loves the snake pit of India so much.

    Actually, come to think of it now, from hindsight, he was a big time traitor to us, the commoners, the masses, his supporters and the public!

  4. Lau Goh the seat warmer should have kept his big mouth shut. He should just retire peacefully and happily, and fade away like Dr Goh Keng Swee, Dr Toh Chin Chye, S. Rajarathnam, Jeyakuma, E.W Barker, Wong Kan Seng, et el.

    Looks like he is very unhappy. Why is he so unhappy?

    Looks like he is bearing a grudge. Who is he bearing that grudge?

  5. I think he bears grudges with LHL. That's why when LHL now trying to say good things about China, he purposely says bad things about China, to screw up LHL's plan.

  6. Who respect him? Not me! Not Aung Juan Soon Chee! Hey, Ghost, where is the money remember?


    Tall Tales by Goh Chok Tong (Book 3)
    - The stories I told Singaporeans who trusted me blindly

  8. GCT is the biggest hypocrite in Singapore.

  9. He is also the father of a quitter and the husband of a peanut.

  10. Anyone know what happened to GCTs son, so far no news.

    1. If things suddenly turn silent, that means someone is working silently behind the scenes.

  11. “Owner rejected your race”: SGH nurse allegedly denied flat rental for being Indian

    Hundreds rallied behind Adeline, some expressing their sympathies and others sharing their own similar experiences in solidarity. One Twitter user pointed out, “For all the good things in Singapore, racism is still a huge problem.”


    1. Don't stroke the fire. You will get burnt.

      When the majority gets worked up to a frenzy, you fxxkers will be in big shits.

      For your own sake. Don't temper the majority fire. Once it burns, all Hell is going to break loose.

      You have not witnessed bloody and deadly riots before. I have. And believe me, you won't want to be in such a situation. So, stop stroking the fire. Now!

  12. Sinkies are not just daft but super abd stubbornly daft.

    There are so many people getting killed on the road every day. There are many people whose husband or sole bread winner dies everyday.

    Donate $1 million to everyone of them lah.
