
Covid19 - Why is vaccination imperative if it does not prevent infection?


As I see it, taking the vaccine is now a national imperative. Once the nation is well-vaccinated, we can get on the road to restoring what the pandemic has taken away from us.

Helping others will always involve personal risks and detriments. But we need to unite our efforts to save our country, our economy, and our future from the destructive effects of the pandemic.

To those who have volunteered to be vaccinated, I say thank you for your sacrifice and the risk you took, for sake of others and for loved ones.

In this pandemic which affects us all, there is a big picture to consider. In the big picture, so long as the nation is insufficiently vaccinated, our borders will never be fully opened, our economy will be hampered, and people’s lives and livelihoods will remain in limbo.

To those eligible for vaccination but are hesitant to take the vaccine, do consider joining the vaccination drive. In my humble opinion, time is not on our side. 

Jeannette Chong Aruldoss

The above is the concluding paragraph of an appeal by Jeannette Chong in a post in TRE.  Does anyone know what she is talking about? What is the real problem? I know, lawyers are very good in words, in arguments, but in science, technology and numbers?

The issue in her argument is that our lives are affected because the economy is affected and we need to get our lives back by reopening the economy. And why is vaccination imperative? It is to open the economy.

Then what does vaccination do? For one, vaccination does not stop one from getting infected. Two, vaccination does not prevent the spread of the virus. The best vaccination does is to lower the risk of the infection getting too serious or leading to death. What do these mean? Getting vaccination is a personal affair, about protecting oneself from being more sick or dying. Getting vaccinated or not does not increase or decrease the spread of  Covid19. 

The spread of the disease can be moderated by isolation, social distancing, wearing masks and not socialising when one is infected. It has little to do with vaccination!

So what is this hype about calling for compulsory vaccination or imperative vaccination if it is not going to have any direct effect on the spread of the disease or opening of the economy?

Go ahead and open the door, open the economy for all you want.  The people that did not get vaccinated would only be responsible to themselves and their actions would not lead to infecting others if they wear masks, maintain social distancing and isolate themselves when infected. Vaccination is only to protect themselves and lower the risk of hospitalisation and death if it did reach that stage. There is no need to cry and panic whether they are vaccinated or not.

In fact getting vaccination is taking a risk, a sacrifice, to allow the opening of the economy.  Can you believe this? Why would anyone want to take a risk for the sake of opening the economy? Is this too much to ask for? Asking people to take risk, make it compulsory some more, so that the economy can be open? OK, the compulsory call was not by Jeannette.  But I must give her credit for admitting that getting vaccinated is taking a risk. 

If getting vaccinated would prevent one from being infected, thus lowering the risk of spreading the disease, it would be more meaningful to make it compulsory, imperative. But it is not. It is now proven beyond any doubt that vaccination does not prevent one from being infected. This is unlike other vaccinations that we have known, eg, measles, polio, etc etc.

PS. From a commenter called Oxygen in TRE.

'The vaccines now in use seems ineffective of their claimed efficacy protection. Just look at the Jurong Port/KTV clusters where 3/4 of the infected are fully vaccinated, right?

This cluster proportion is higher than the population-wide averages (which include children) reveals the futility of vaccination outcome sought.

SO IT IS UNDERSTANDABLE THAT SOME DON’T WANT TO TAKE RISKS of the unknown when the known outcome is so dismally defeating of outcome.'


  1. Wonder whether all PAP MPs have got themselves vaccinated by now? One of them (TJ GRC) was quoted as saying she would consider getting vaccinated only after letting others take the shot first.

  2. It is so silly and ugly to divide the people based on use of vaccines and whether one is vaccinated or not.

    To make matters worse, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, both will still be infected. And it looks like more vaccinated people are being infected than the unvaccinated.

    What a joke. Show us the statistics on number of people infected, vaccinated/unvaccinated.

    The numbers of the Jurong Fishery Post case are saying more vaccinated people are infected.

  3. Would they disclose what vaccines they used?

  4. So vaccination does not prevent infection. If vaccination prevents infection, a fully vaccinated country can theoretically open it's doors to normality without fear of getting the virus from outside sources. It therefore should not fear infections brought in by people from elsewhere, where full vaccination has not been completed. That was the 'utopia' that every country rushing for vaccines had in mind and is now the biggest selling point.

    And that selling point and the arguments helped to sell the vaccine very well, so well that countries have been ordering lots and lots of vaccines to vaccinate their own citizens so they can open early and catch the worm. But they have to wait very long. So everyone started rushing for them. And to add panic to the pandemic, some countries are said to hoard excess vaccines, only to throw them away now on expiry. In retrospect, more harm had been created with vaccinated people thinking they are immune to infections, with the UK a clear example.

    Now the shoe has fallen off the foot, knowing that vaccination does not prevent infection, so the narrative has to be changed. Right now they are still undecided about how often the boosters are to be administered. Keep your fingers cross and hope it does not become a monthly affair.

  5. Is it true that more fully vaccinated people caught the infection than non vaccinated ones at he Fishery Port?

    I do not think they will reveal this information, which will make them look silly.

  6. If vaccination doesn't prevent infection, then the odds for widespread infection are increased tremendously if they drop all restrictions and re-open the economy, and relaxing air travel quarantine-free for incoming visitors to please the business people and the whining expatriates.

    There are reports of even fully vaccinated old persons dying from COVID, so the danger to vulnerable old people will also be increased tremendously when the PAP elites re-open the economy with the coronavirus right in our midst.


    "Until and unless vaccination is made compulsory, this group (unvaccinated seniors) will remain. Is it fair for the country to come to a standstill to cater to a stubborn minority?

    It's true that if everyone else is vaccinated, it does provide some herd immunity to people not vaccinated. But the risk of getting Covid-19, serious illness and possibly death, will always be there for older unvaccinated people.

    It might be better if these seniors stayed home, and for their family members who might pass the disease to them to either stay away or remain home with them to reduce the risk of infection." - ST's Salma Khalik, July 23

  7. The hype about a 83 year old dying of Covid19 is very overdone. At that age, any minor ailment could kill her. Maybe she died of old age.

    The Chinese has a saying, when you die is predestined. It has nothing to do with your health.

    Singapore is talking like it is the one deciding how the world should play this Covid game. When Singapore decides to open its leg wide wide again, with no curbs and restrictions on the virus, the rest of the world would also follow suit. Singapore would allow its vaccinated citizens to go visit all the countries in the world and these countries would just open their gates and say welcome.

    What if other countries say no go. Singaporeans would be banned or still have to spend 14 days under SHN in their countries?

    Singapore is a price taker, not a market maker. Singapore does not and cannot set the rules. The bigger countries would set the rules. Singapore can say what it wants, do what it wants. No one would do likewise unless it is to their advantage.

    I can only think of India and UK happily letting Singaporeans visit them and in return happily sending their people to Singapore on reciprocal terms, ie no restrictions.

    Die also dunno why.

  8. Using one solitary case of a 83 year old to frighten the seniors as if the seniors are that stupid.

  9. Now, with vaccinations not giving protection, the open leg wide wide thinking cannot work anymore, even if the whole Singapore population is 100% vaccinated. Those free spreaders from India and UK will do us in.

    So what is the next move?

  10. They needed one month to check through the safety data provided by Sinovac?

    Trying to reinvent the wheel from scratch?

  11. This is call 'pretend to fall down' lah!

  12. The world has reached the position of reality versus conjecture. The reality is that the virus will be here globally as permanent residents. Vaccine's efficacy and effectiveness against the virus is now turning into a matter of conjecture. Every day something new comes out, if not news about ineffectiveness of Chinese vaccines, it is about how good the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine are against new variants.

  13. “don't change horses mid-stream” - During the U.S. Civil War, Abraham Lincoln said that voters would be foolish to change leaders in the middle of such a turbulent time.

    During the global COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore changed its health minister in the midst of its coronavirus crisis.

  14. What is your chance of being infected after vaccinated or unvaccinated?

    Look at this data. 3/4 of those infected in the Jurong Port/KTV cluster have been vaccinated. For simplicity, use 1000 for the cluster. So out of 1,000, 750 were vaccinated and 250 unvaccinated. At this juncture, about 50% of the population is vaccinated and the other 50% unvaccinated. These make the number churning easier.

    Conclusion, for every 4 people infected, 3 are vaccinated and 1 not vaccinated. It means the chances of vaccinated people being infected is 3 times higher than those not vaccinated.

    How can this be? Dunno leh. The numbers said so. The numbers in this case did not lie. Tiok boh?

    Then why everyday cry father cry mother asking seniors to get vaccinated? Dunno leh.

  15. Last year, after the large-numbers dormitories infections, Singapore managed to achieve zero community infections as Singaporeans adhere religiously to preventive measures.

    But the elites were complacent in border controls, allowing many imported cases daily, especially from high-risk South Asia, which lead to the current despair situation. Now, the elites say zero-case CORVID is impossible to achieve and they will re-open the economy with us living dangerously with the virus.

    But zero-CORVID in community was achieved last year! So whose fault?

  16. "Amongst the cases is 1 senior above 70 years who is partially vaccinated,"

    and here is the annoying part... ..

    "..and is at risk of serious illness."

    Repeated ad nauseam.

  17. SINKINGAPORE: The recent return to Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) does not change the Government’s roadmap towards treating COVID-19 as endemic and living normally (happily and harmoniously) with the coronavirus, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said in Parliament on Monday (Jul 26). 

  18. How can living normally with the coronavirus? Only an idiot that can ever think of living normally with the coronavirus..

    The coronavirus will be happy to visit the homes of all the ministers to live with them and their families.

  19. As of 26 July 2021, 12 pm, there are 6 imported cases, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice (SHN) or isolated upon arrival in Singapore. 3 were detected upon arrival in Singapore, while 3 developed the illness during SHN or isolation.

    They now hide the numbers for the daily imported COVID-19 cases from high-risk India, and tell us to live normally with the coronavirus.

  20. Third, we should reward those who have been vaccinated and penalise those who have not been vaccinated without a valid reason. I there propose that we bar entry by unvaccinated persons to our markets, supermarkets, Hawker centres, restaurants, bars, concerts, weddings, sports events and places of religious worship. Fully vaccinated persons should be allowed entry to all such places. Tommy Koh

    Speaking like an idiot.

  21. If the cases were from China, they would put it on the front page, 3 Chinese detected upon arrival.

  22. This Tommy is very bright. He could earn a pingkat if he suggests all unvaccinated would be sent to the gas chambers.

    Keep blaming the unvaccinated and let all those from highly infectious countries to come in.

    Open your legs wide wide.

  23. The only thing that vaccinated people have is self-assured stupid reasoning that let their guards down.

    The only thing that a vaccinated country has is blinded over-confidence that dulls the leaders' brains into stupidity.

  24. Tommy Koh and Jeannette Chong Aruldoss are idiots who think that they are smart. People like them are motivated by their balls-carrying and opportunistic tendencies that make them very dangerous to the population at large.

    Blinded by their balls-carrying and opportunistic tendencies, they may become mass murderers like Hitler and Trump

  25. It is confirmed that lawyers are clueless about hard sciences, numbers and engineering stuff. Exceptions, engineers that became lawyers.

    The only numbers they know are the numbers in the bills they sent to you.

  26. Uncle - You write "Conclusion, for every 4 people infected, 3 are vaccinated and 1 not vaccinated. It means the chances of vaccinated people being infected is 3 times higher than those not vaccinated.

    Some one not vaccinated and work from home versus Chi Koh Pek go and raba raba and kiss kiss with Viet Bu don't have same level of risk. How to compare? O level we learn about random chance. This one not random one.

  27. Unvaccinated Sinkies cannot visit public places.

    Foreigners with vaccinated letters can.

    Rich people can dine in fine restaurants.

    Unvaccinated poor people cannot.

    What else is new?

  28. Good excuse to terminate all the seniors that refused to be vaccinated.
    Send them to the gas chambers.

    They are now so lost of ideas, dunno what to do, but want to be seen to be doing something.

    Just do what the Nazis did.

  29. They don't have old parents, we guess ..

  30. People who are not vaccinated cannot leave their homes.
    People who are not vaccinated cannot dine out.
    People who are not vaccinated cannot go to work.
    People who are not vaccinated cannot take public transport.
    People who are not vaccinated will not be treated in hospitals.
    People who are not vaccinated cannot go to schools/universities for classes.
    People who are not vaccinated cannot drive grabs.
    People who are not vaccinated cannot be food deliver boys.
    People who are not vaccinated cannot produce babies.
    People who are not vaccinated will not be eligible for subsidies.
    People who are not vaccinated cannot see their MPs.
    People who are not vaccinated will be caned in public.

  31. People who are vaccinated can become Nazi members and have special privileges.

  32. How ridiculous can things become with imbeciles in charge?

  33. Now they have outdone Lee Kuan Yew and put Lee Kuan Yew to shame with their tough decisions to force people to go for vaccination.

    Very deserving to be paid million dollar salaries.


  34. Robber CORVID: "Give me your money or their lives !"

    Victim ELITE: "Their lives !"

  35. People who are not vaccinated cannot vote.

  36. People who are not vaccinated cannot breathe.

  37. Witness the amazing India!

    After Little India, Sydney gets India Parade, Patel Street

    Reflective of the rising numbers of migrants coming from India, streets in Australia’s most populous city have been given Indian names to attract more of their ilk. The Blacktown City Council approved these names as the third-highest ancestry of the area is Indian.


    - Sydney’s Rouse Hill gets India Parade, Patel St and Uma St

    - Nearly one-third of recent overseas arrivals in Blacktown City from India: 2016 Census

    - Real estate developers chose names due to the high Indian population in the area, council approves

  38. Jeannette Chong Aruldoss could be suffering from the effects of the Pfizer vaccine that make her brain skewed.

    Or, she could have been coerced or bribed by the Covid19 vaccines manufacturers or the PAP.

  39. Austin in Singapore: US seeks no China fight but 'will not flinch'

    Defense secretary rebukes Beijing over South China Sea, Taiwan and Uyghurs

    On the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change -- both threats that transcend borders -- he advocated partnerships with the U.S. as a strategic imperative for the region.

    "Nobody can go it alone, at least not for very long," Austin said. "I am confident that through our collective efforts the Indo-Pacific will rise again to the challenge, and America will be right at your side, just as an old friend should."

    While in Singapore, Austin also met the city-state's Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen.

    The two sides have military engagements on several fronts: They renewed an agreement on U.S. use of facilities in Singapore in 2019, while Singapore also has arrangements with the U.S. to base its fighter pilots and equipment on American territory, including Guam.

    According to a statement from the Pentagon, Austin thanked Singapore for its logistical support to American military aircraft and vessels. The statement said this support is anchored on the shared belief that the U.S. presence in the region is vital for peace, prosperity and stability.

    Austin and Ng also emphasized strong U.S.-Singapore military training ties, demonstrated by recent joint exercises.

  40. After what is claimed and done, I think we need to look objectively at the super 'efficacy' claims issue. Was all the claims of 97% efficacy of some vaccines touted in relation to less complications if infected, or efficacy in preventing infections and thereby leading to the 'herd immunity' claims?

    If it is about less complications if infected, the herd immunity claim falls flat on it's face because even if a country reaches 100% vaccinated status, the virus will still spread despite the 'herd immunity' mantra.

  41. British Medical Journal already confirmed effectiveness of Pfizer and Chinese vaccines are the same. But Chinese vaccines are the safest according to NYT. Pfizer ranked 6 and Moderna ranked 7, even less safe than Astrazeneca that ranked 5.

    Go figure why the hyped about Pfizer so good and not willing to use Chinese vaccines.

    What they know about the adverse effects of Pfizer and Moderna, to be worse than Astrazeneca but not wanting to report about it is scary and irresponsible.


    Pfizer has been extremely aggressive in trying to protect the details of their international COVID19 vaccine agreements.

    Luckily, I've managed to get one.

  43. Virgo49 - You say Chinese vaccine are free. Sure or not? I read The China buggers charged one of our Philippines mayors US$38 for every jab.

  44. Chinese vaccines are sold to countries at very low prices. Some at friendship price, some free.

    Why Singapore's private clinics getting free Sinovac from the govt, some charged $10 per dose, some $25 per dose?

    Why Philippines mayor got charge US$38? Ask your govt.

  45. Maybe not friendship basis very expensive. Philippine not friendship material. One day this side, tomorrow the other side. Like India, help them also get hands bitten.

  46. Covid Vaccination: Creates Over-Confidence That Takes The Guards Off

    The UK has decided to allow people who have been fully vaccinated in the EU or US to enter England, Scotland and Wales freely without quarantine.

    The change will come into force at 04:00 hours on Monday.

    Currently, only people who received their jabs in the UK can avoid quarantine when arriving from amber list countries, except France.

    The UK government said the rule change would help to reunite family and friends whose loved ones live abroad.

    The rule change would make the coronaviruses very happy and also help the coronaviruses to reunite with their families and friends.

    What a brilliant idea!

    How to know who is fully jabbed and who is not? Use certificates that can be easily forged?

    And even those who have been vaccinated can still be infected and can spread the disease even faster and wider because they show only mild symptoms or no symptoms.

    Desperate times drive desperate people to adopt desperate measures that will ultimately make them even more desperate.

    SSO - 29 July 2021.
