
China Must Act Against G7 Aggression, Not Just Verbal Reply

Japan has ganged up with USA, UK, Canada, France, Germany and Italy to attack China with baseless accusations in order to pitch the Muslim World against China and the Hongkong Chinese against Chinese.

China has hit back with the usual toothless rhetorical warnings of telling her aggressors not to interfere with her domestic affairs and to respect her sovereignty and not to tell lies against China.

It is already long overdue for China to take concrete counter-actions to prevent, repel and stop the enemies attacks that have been going on for the last 200 years!

It is time China stand up with firm and resolute actions instead of mere rhetoric. The failure to take concrete counter offensive actions is the reason and the cause for the enemies to embolden themselves and gang up against China.

China's leaders are now seen by Japan and Western Powers as weak and incapable of dealing with aggressive attacks and intimidation.

For goodness sake, do something concrete and effective, President Xi Jinping!



  1. End it all. Reboot for another cycle of human existence, about twelve thousand years. The poor and bullied could be happy with nothing much to lose except their miserable suffering lives. The rich and mighty would regret losing their all - wealth, power, ego which they struggled so hard to accumulate and all gone in a flash.

    Ashes to ashes and dust to dust!

  2. Escape to paradise also no use after a nuclear war. Maybe no where to escape to, just miles of charcoal and melted rocks. Will they survive in this kind of scenario. Wealth and power become meaningless overnight. War stocks probably becomes worthless papers to wipe the backside.

    On another note, it looks like investors, all 35,000 of them, in Hyflux are going to get peanuts on the dollar. Poor chaps!

  3. Even a tiny puny Singapore, China leaders also scare to offend. How to become world super-power leader?


  4. Hi RB G'morning...

    Me think it's time for China to act. The Americans, Japan, Australia and rest of Europe dying for war why and that's includes my fucking ABC nephews and nephews. Xi Jinping should just do it....!
    Kindest Regards JC

  5. Hi JC, the Americans are all hot air when taking on China is concerned. They dare not even take on Iran or the North Koreans, let alone China or Russia.

    If they could, they would push their silly allies and cronies to do the fighting and say we are behind you.

  6. China must watch Japan closely. Japan will align with whoever is stronger, like in WW2 when they align with Germany and Italy. Japan still carry a big Chinese blood debt and now they are plotting with the USA. China must be very, very careful. They are sneaky and not that straight forward to deal with like Australia. The USA will probably push Japan hard, knowing the blood debt matter is there to be exploited. Remember the support the USA gave Japan over the dumping of radioactive water into the ocean? All these have been done on purpose.

  7. Your nephews have not been beaten on the streets because of their skin colour yet. They need to learn a painful lesson before they realise their forefathers are not white men.

    You take care too.


    China is a democracy by Lincoln's definition, says former Singaporean FM George Yeo. "My view of democracy goes back to the essence of democracy, to the Greek origin of what democracy is - which is the people as master. Abraham Lincoln talked about government of the people, by the people, for the people. By this definition, China is a democracy," Yeo says.

    In an article published in The Economist on 17 November 2020, Kishore Mahbubani wrote: “Paradoxically, a China-led order could turn out to be more ‘democratic’ because China does not seek to export its model, and it can live with a diverse, multipolar world.”

    "China is the world’s leading democracy. Though this claim enrages many Westerners, regardless of the metric employed, electively, popularly, procedurally, operationally, substantively, financially, and technologically, China is a thriving democracy and America is not." Godfree Roberts, October 14, 2019

  9. If war between the United States of America and China starts, it will be because of the Taiwan issue. If that happens, I wonder what position will Singapore take?

  10. Any side Singapore takes will still be it's posterior facing either one. What happens next, no need to wonder.

  11. Singapore - In The Event Of A War Between China And Western Powers

    In the event of a war between China and the Western Powers, Singapore is screwed. The leaders of Singapore screwed up the future of Singapore big time.

    The staunchly pro-Western position Singapore leaders, both past and present, have taken has inevitably pitched Singapore as one of China's vicious and dangerous enemies, like Japan, that need to be eliminated as early as possible in the beginning of the War

    Having been educated in the West, speaking and thinking in a Western language, being indoctrinated by Western culture, Western ideology and Western Propaganda, the Singapore leaders, from first generation to the 4 generation, are staunchly pro-Western, pro-UK and pto-USA, even pro-India. But definitely Anti-China. There is totally no doubt about this. It is as clear as the the clear blue sky on a cloudless day.

    In a war between China and the Western Powers, Singapore will be one of the first strategic targets of China to be destroyed completely. Not by nuclear bombs but by neutron bombs - killing only the living things but leaving all buildings intact.

    After that, pro-China Malaysian Forces will just march in and occupy Singapore.

    Malaysia, Indonesia, and ASEAN, will become part of the Eastern Coalition Forces fighting the Western Coalition Forces.

    Without doubt, the next war will be a nuclear war, a final war, so to speak.

    Whoever survived the war will have to live under very difficult conditions in a badly devastated Earth - without trees and plants, without animals, birds, fishes and insects, etc.

    However, microbes there will be. Viruses there will be. These and the radioactive materials, plus the poisoned sky, poisoned air, poisoned rivers, seas and oceans - all these will make life a real living nightmare worse than a sleeping nightmare.

    In a way, Singaporeans will be lucky - dying instantly without suffering. A blessing in disguise.

    In the final analysis, the screw-up of the Singapore leaders is not really a screw-up but a stupidity that will result as a blessing in disguise.

    So, cheer up, Singaporeans! And prepare to die happily, with no fear and no worries.


    PS: All the wealth accumulated and enmassed by the Millionaire Ministers and their Spouses will be gone too.

  12. Note: pto-USA means partial-territory-of USA.
