
This ex marine tells the truth about American intervention in Syria


This is a very informative video about the truth that no one wants to talk about, no one wants to know and only an American that is involved in the whole sordid affair could tell in in clear and concise matter that no one in Washington would dare to dispute except to listen in silent embarrassment.

This 7 minute video is worth viewing and I would like everyone to listen to what the ex marine has to say. This is as good a feature article for the day. I would not be posting anything else to distract what is being spoken in this video.

After this video you will get a clear idea of who the Americans really love, definitely not the Muslims, definitely not the Uyghurs.

Why do you think they want to fight a Zionist War for a Greater Israel when the whites hate the Jews? The bigger picture, the bigger agenda, to make sure that the Arab and Muslim countries would forever be destabilised and never be proper countries with people living a normal life. They hate the Muslims and Arabs more than anything else and destroying the Muslims and Arab countries is their key agenda.


Anonymous said...

The Americans are the most hostile and belligerent country in the world, looking out for a fight, inciting wars, threatening wars every day.

No doubt the world's number one terrorist nation.

And who are the dumb prostitutes that believed that they are peace loving people, the policemen of the world?

Anonymous said...

The fact is what the USA and Western MSM tells us is not the truth. This is all that we have to know.

In Europe, in Middle East, in Asia, the unspoken truth is the real truth. What is broadcasted loud and clear is fabricated truth.

Anonymous said...

The USA is involved in every place that is in turmoil. They used proxies to conduct destabilisation everywhere. In Europe they used NATO to confront Russia. In Asia they used India, Japan, Philippines and Australia to carry out their dirty agenda. In South America they used Colombia. In Africa, they used the same method in their playbook to divide and rule.

In fact all these were part of the mindset created since the days when the Whites tried to colonise the whole world. They indiscreetly created hidden time bombs for use when they want to destablise any region. Why create Israel in the Middle of an Islamic enclave? In Kashmir and Korean Peninsula they purposely left behind issues for conflict. If Vietnam had not fallen to the North, it will be like the Korean Peninsula, in perpetual war.

Anonymous said...

So, the truth is Al Qaeda is the creation of the CIA. So is ISIS as many suspected. These are methods used to prolong the stay of the USA in the Middle East.

The worst part is the USA is arming both sides, laughing all the way to the bank with weapon sales, while the locals fight against one another.

Would you believe when the Native Americans say - "If you see two fish fighting in a pool, look around and you will see a White man standing nearby". How aptly true is this Red Indian saying.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

here is the link

SSO said...

All western media cannot be trusted, period.

That includes proxy mass media headquartered in other countries but controlled, financed or operated by the western owners/financiers.

And many of their reporters and journalists are also working as operatives and spies for CIA and MI6, as well as Israel's spies networks.